Latest Work-Outs at New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-15

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■ . • I i ! I I i ■ LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 816 FAIR GROUNDS. NEW OBLKAXB, La., .hinuary 14. -T.,da train-i ing tallopa acta included the Mleiriag: Weather clear; track l a~t Three -Eighths Mile. M3-By Qaafe K so- til. l Tup 7 710-Better Lack .37 Patroteaa 37.-. 801-Cariiae 8 H T. Haleakiaaer48 H:iinii.ini. ::7--, 787-Weatwood ...,W% 812-Kewpie s t$% B87-Wat N»le H Half Mile. 188-Aaia ." o 1T1T Waa Tra/lan ..48% Mg-Braaa Taeka ..51% MS-Mark Weal r.1 7i 9-DeIhi M. id ...".L, M8-Nlghtboal B8% 812-DarraBoar 48% B08-8heka 58% SIM! Fly Ball 49 Five-Eighths Mile. 807 -Bit of ;reen.1:03 887-Boj l:04Tr, 088 Dalatj lis .i:ir. BlO-Tharoa I :"7 884-Orace Ma]reral4S% sin-Tit or Tat ..!:T. 814 Ian Frank .1:04. 818 ram Hare -Ir.l:n3 814-Marie Maxim. l :03::-, 791 -T. IfcTaggartll MS-Hjata Cirl .14% Sin War Spirit . 1 :0." S13 li lor 1:0a Three-Quarters Mile, MIBribe.l Voter. .1:17 887-M. I r-stwooil.l :18 Sll-Cap R.i. k ...1:1S% Bag-ktargie 1:18% 812-Bagcr Kyes .1:18 812-May ffraia- 1-1 71i 7*»3-i;aliit l:lil-r. sKi-Sweepy 1:18% olg-Otager 1:18% Bta-Staaalo Bteoa.l:l?% One Mile. - - Uhtaad .1:48% 812-P. G. King .1:45% siiHHall.ii Mark .1:48% BlO-Veto 1 : 18 811-Coaaorl 1:51 Bll-Who Carea ..1:45 886-Deraaite ....1:43% 888-Walaal Hall. 1:47 siiiroii Boy 1:48 B13-W.H.Baekner 1:48% ml". .lurk Sc.. ...1:48% Walnut Ball galloaed an aasj aiile. Kewpie B. ran well. P. a. Kins seems in gon.i coadition. Ballot Mark was not exteaded. Giager did his work i in good style. Cap Bock •• .a! hav worked faster a he seeajs in One condition. Grace Uayera baa p. ..ui way of going. Jock Scot i~ aeariag iii1- best I.i form. Sweepy ran well for blm. Who Carea v. as aever better. Traaalate bad aa easy gallop. Tom Bare Jr. aad Pictot raa oa erea terms. Dart-j m. .in allowed iii- speed. Miss Jemima looks aad acta ; go..:!.

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Local Identifier: drf1922011501_8_2
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