Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-15


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1 TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 13. 1922. One mil., rorty-secoad day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 125 or more days. Weather windy: temperature 85 . Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. V. CoBrotk and Leon Wins. Starter. Harry Mai v. Racing Secretary. Leon Wine. Raring starts at 1:93 p. m. Chicago time : :." ." p. m.. Iadicatea apneeutiee allowance. CTrnjer 20 FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Kay 20. 19P.C— 59— 4— 1C7. Purse S500. 3-ycar-olds and tJ O" «J? O 4-9 upward. Claiming. Net value to wiaaar 50: second, S100: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , ]j % Str Fin Ji k - OwUera KHiiv. Odds Strt 59979 r.H"T"h. OWKX vstiflil 5 2 "l1 1- P- 1« W Uarsun W GarKau 100-180 59501 * LOBELIA v. s 110 f 2 :: q 2- 9* C Studer II D Cates 290-100 9S7*TOM CARO wa 9 HI 3 1 23 1] r- :.-: H Long P A Smodidge I 88 188 59997* ROSELLIS wb 8 1M I • 6« 8*1 8*J 4» C Ralls Tbonapeon at Berry IS89-M8 .-•04.S5 LADS FAUST w 6 IU 2 S 51 :.-: 5] B1 B Taylor G Coouoy 1188-MI 59999*BILLT JOE w 10 107 7 i •» C V $• B Parke W L Bcbaefer 768-10N 59499*MIKE DIXON a B 112 17 7 7 7 7 1, Hall P Dw .r 2280-168 Tirr.3. 89%, 502j. 1:03;,. Track good. . 2 mutuela paid. Robert L Owen. 96.90 atraight, ?•:,- place. 00 show; Lobelia, .08 phice, S3. 20 show; Tom Caro, .98 akoa Bquivaleat boohlag edda— Robert I.. Owen, 190 te 100 atraight, 99 te 198 pine. 89 to 989 aha a. Lobelia, 50 to 100 place, 90 te Pm ibew; Tom Caro, liio te 100 si„,w. Winner — Ch. a. by Blues — Leaaeu GW, by Uadatone trained by W Gargaa; bred by Air. Beajamu A. Joaei t Weal to post at 1:57. At post 5 minutes. Start goad and slew. Woa easily; e 1 and third drir- lag. ROBERT I.. OWEN art tke pace from ■ 1 after the start aad, taking a long lead oa tke last turn. Increased his advantage la tke stretch te win aa Ms rider please.!. LOBELIA was prominent from the atart, but tired in the bud aixteeatk and bad to be bard ridden to save second puce. TOM CARO stood a hard drive gaaaely and 9aished fi-:. ROSELLI8 made op ground. P.ILLY joe showed aaad speed to tk ■ last eigkth. H iti bed- -58481 Our Leader, 117. ETQECQrT SECOND RACE— 5-8 MUe. Hay 20. 1920—59—4—107. Parao. 8899. 8-year-ekls aad «J»t?»JC _d upward. Cinir jag. Bet valaa to winner 59; second. 5130: third. 0. — Index Horses AWtPPSt . _ -. Str Fin Joel Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 59999 V I . : . wb 7 112 3 1 I* 1 i IJ A TTomey Padgett * Daugbc rty 309-100 59083*ASI JESSIE w 6 103 I 7 :• :. 21 21 T Wilson F W Cooper i MVige 50387GOLDIR ROSE w 5 no E .". 8 8 XI "■- C Studer !l Jainea 140-ion ." r :-85 MAL TIIXJH*N WSB 15 112 2 2 2 2» 4 1 it Pat M if .Morrison DQO-lOO 59S99*STILETTO wstt 6 110 I 9 7- 7 ": :■" II B Bwer ■ W Atkinson B ]M 59491*E. HARRIGAN w 6 118 8 3 ■■ ■■ 6] 6*2 P Hurn W !.■ da H98»MQ .".OMiCs CHARMANT WB I 107 G 6 I I 63 8 7 A Jacobs A Noyea M0-16Q 59991 LITTLE JAKE v. a 12 117 7 I P" 43 71 8 W Gargan I: II Level Time, 29%, 501.,. 1:91%. Track good. Rl mutuebt paid. View, .00 atraight, .90 place, .80 shun; Ask Jessie, 4.98 place. 0.40 abow; ; tdie Rose, .40 show. Equivaleat bookiag odds- View, ::M» to 100 traight, 190 lo 190 puce, 99 to 100 show; Ask J« 1130 to 100 place, -P-O to 100 show; Goldie Ro e, 120 te 10 show. Winner — B. g, by McGe — Parkview, by Hamburg trained by W. It. Padgett; bred by Mr. CI tr W. Moon ». Went to poet at 2 22. At post 2 minutes. S*:ir* Straggling and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. VIEW took the lead at once and. raeiag MARSHAL TILGHMAN iato defeat, easily held his advaatage after entering Ibe atretch nader a good ride. ASK JESSIE Baished gamely and eaaUy out stayed OOLDIE ROSE. The latter saved grouad wlien entering the atretch and Baished fast. MARSHAL TILGHMAN akowed early speed, but failed to stay. STILETTO, away lowly, !"-t ground when turnius for borne, then Buisbed Ith a rush. EVALYN HARRIGAN and LITT1.F. JAKE tired. Scratched — 58197 Coffee .ohtl. Pl7. THIRD RACE— 5-3 Kile. May 20, 1S20— 59— 4— 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 50CrQ 2 oOO 3 apward. Claiming. Hot value to winner SS50: second. 00: third. 0. " Index Hor n AWtPPSt .4 % % Str Fin Jockeys Owaers Eqniv. Odda gtr*t 59095* LIMERICK w 8 112 3 S » 3 * la H Molten T Polk 8M-M0 59384*STANLEY H. w 12 112 -L 1 1- !. 2, P Hurn ; !•" Hurn 190-100 59440 CANDE* REY wall! E 8 • - I :. : L Hall ii Raanauaaefl BM8-10S 59591 JACK LED! waa 4 Mi 16 I 7 5 I P Martinez Blackwell Crtppen 340-100 50426 3* ELLA WALDO w 4 107 7 3 P ■" . •■ VI B Parke J K-rn 250-100 59945 VIVA v. 10 llfl 12 24 6 6" II Saladin Polo Stable 900-100 ..: .•;:? NEBRASKA LAD w 1 M0 1 :• S-i 7 7! it Carter Pinnegar 9 Lee 6260-100 57853* HOPE PRINCESS w 1103 7 I* 8 8 T Wll on L Abel Z949-M4 Time, 98%, 69%, 1:93%. Track good. mat nets paid. Limerick, S.20 I light, .00 pi ce, .00 bow; Stanley II .5 1 0 place, .29 . ■■■•. : .■■•. ;■■ jr. 0.00 xhow. Srinivab nl l ookinc • Id Lim rick. Sin to 100 straight 390 to 100 place, 150 to 100 H., 140 •• 100 place, P.ii lo 100 sit iw; ey, I3U to 100 Winner Ch. g, by Meelick Predilerta, bj in Chip traiaed bj r. Pott; N d bj Br Samuel Wariagl. v.. an lo 1 at 2:47 i post •■ minnte Start .•••• ad -•..-.. W 1 d Iving; ecoud aad tkbd tke tame. LIMERII K, after raeiag In forward contention, respomted to a call oa tke last tura and. tinish ii!%r with 1 rusk, •-•■! np t-p win in the las stride. STANLEY II. t a fast pre and. keeping tke lead mely, onlj succumbed right .• t the end. I VNDEG1 EY ran u good race from 1 slow beginning. JA u !.;:! l ..s outpaced in the early running, but saved grouad oa all tarn- snd Bnisbed fast ;uid Kainiux. 1 VA showed early se ed. Dverweights- Candegrey, 2! pounds. BTOCIQO FOURTH RACE— I l-llXOei. June 24. 101G— 1 :45— 3—110. Purse 3500. H-year-olds ?JtiOi/ and apward. Claiming. Hat value to -.v;iir;e.- 50: second. 5100: third. 0. ■ ■ Hon j AWtPPSl • str 1 in Joekeyii Owa» Equiv. Odds Strt 59309s *F AIL w 6 110 2 4 1? 1 1 ! I1 P Caron J S MeDaaul 180-100 .:.". 27 -• !.; : ;. u. :»!!■■; :: 2 13 ,; _; 2« C Studer Rasaetl Pros; 59504*HICKORYNUT w S U0 1 3 •". !- I-LP J1 P Hurn G F Hurn 1940-100 59487 9 FOND HOPE wsb 5 HO E i 2* • 2-1 :.- I1 A Jacobs H T Palmer 760-100 59560 SIPPARA ws 7 112 5 S J* .". .! "• 5" B Parke J Ma 70-108 ~.!..j7 I.V INNOCENCE a II 1 1 r, 7 6 6* 6« 6* 6« 6« C Gross A J Christie 59499*ZODIAC w.st: 11 112 I 7 7 7 7 7 7 W Dean J Mays Time. 25. 49%, 1:19%, 1:43. 1:49%. Track good. mutuela raid, resale Nail. .00 atraight, .99 place. .98 abow; Dehra, -80 place, .29 show; Hickory not, .80 show. Equivaleat bookiag odds — Fannie Sail, 180 te 100 straight, 90 to 100 place. 99 to loo show; Dehra, 130 to 109 place, 98 te 190 abow; HI Is rynnt, l4o to 190 ihow. Winner — Br. in. bv Leonid — Bessie Reaabert. by Duagarvea traiaed by F. Samples; bred by Mr. W. C. Nail. Weal to post at 3:19. At poet 1 minute. Start gead .and alow. Won easily: second and third driv-lag. FANXIE NAIL raced to the front quickly and. sprendeagling her opponents throughout, won in a canter. DEHRA raced gamely and Bnished fast. HICKORYXLT made up grouad and easily outstayed the thin:: POND HOPE The bitter showed much speed and. after followiag in closest but unavailing pursuit of the winner, t.-u back midway of -.i. ■ tretch. ed — 59425 Easter Jim, 112; 50040 Lazy Hen. 117. tvCandECOiffe nrTH EACE— 5 1-8 Furlaaga. June 23, 1916— l:C5Vf,— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-O -• CP «L? * J? oldo and upward. Claiming. Kct value to wir.ner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 -■ • i Sto Fin Jockeys Owners Bqulv. Odds strt 59 : :: 8 *fTi rSABIO W 12 U0 2 2 : "~1 11 1 • !i C P.wcr J Kern 1 2lTiTp 5997S**HAPPY vi.kv wstt 7 110 1 1 1 9» 2] 8*1 W Organ .1 G Arvin 220-100 59135*T. BKENRIDGB wit 6 10.. s 7 4- 43 4* V C Sluder Morris Stable 770-100 99998 PLANTAGENET w 1" 107 7 S 5» ,■ 5»1 4 P Hurn J W Shockley lSlO-lOo 59143 BALAROBA wsit 6 112 i 6 6* V K3 5i O Atwell H T Palmer 4:.fi0-!o.| 59409 *DUC DB OISE B 4 116 3 1 -; • !• Park.- V. E McGregor 128-140 59549*OLD HESTEAD was 7 IM 6 8 B I 7- 7-C Garrett /. Parn-tt S80-M0 59447*HUG .:i: a 7 p.". 14 T- V B I B Donahue H Rasmussen 15860-100 Tiir.e. 94%, %, 1:03. 1:10-4. Track good. S2 mntnela paid. El Sabio, 6.20 ttraigkt, .90 place. .99 show: Happy valley, .99 place. .24 show: Tee Breckenridge, .80 show. Equivaleat bookiag odds— El BaMo, 1219 to 198 atraight, 3H0 to 100 place. 180 to 100 show; Happy Valley, so to 190 place, go to 100 abow; Tee Pi ekearidge, 99 to 199 show. Winner — Br, K. ky Sorcerer — Sebwaibe, by Bala trained by J. Kern; bred by Mr. Harney Schreiber. Went to post at .;:..!. At peal 1 minute, start gead and slow. Won dririag; aecoad and third the same. BL BABIO raced forwardly from the atari aad, taking a small lead, stood a bard drive and won because best ridden. HAPPY VALLEY set the early pace and was best, but his rider was of no assistance to him in the Baal drive. TEO BRECKENRIDGE came around the leaders when entering the stretek aad BaihrtM il East and gaiaiag. PLANTAGENET did his best. DLC HE GUISE, after forcing a good early pace, tired badly in the final eighth. •TE,Jh-| SIXTH EACE— S-4 3£ilc. Dec. 20, 1910— l:ll2i— 3— 110. Purse 00 3-year-olds and 0 £jrO«J -IL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third, 0. Index Hnr.es AWtPPSt % _■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odda Strt 59149*MAY MAUL8BY w 7 10a 7 :; I* 1*| P 1 A Jacobs J M Cooper 888-188 .- :hm;: NASBPTAH wSIH I 1 6] # 2421 W Oargan 8 He.sseltine M88-M0 59599 s SHORT STOP was 7 116 1 H S S 5 :il C Studer H D Cates 1286-100 59429 LADY IX BLCK waa 5 lit I 7 7 lh •;- 4 P Martinez C 13 Irwin HO-MO r. :,:; — AVADOUR II. wu 6 Mf . I :. :■ C- 5" B Parke C Irby BB-MO S9491 CHOW WU4 111 3 2 .::;- gj 6* H Saladin W Ormes 1248-160 59691* WAR BMOKB WB 6 115 I 4 21- 2; 7- 7 B Taylor DlwajhajeB and Crippen 858 8M 594B9 KENWARD m I H8 5 •"• 41. 6i s | R Carter D Dennisson 3988-148 Timo. 25. 50. 1:19%. Track good. .•s2 mutuela paid. May Mautaby, .49 atraigkt, 94.99 place. .60 show; Nashotah. 020 bJbjb*, .ot ihow; Short Btep, 98 a] aw. ajqnivnleat boakhag odda— May Maulaby, 229 to 199 atraight, 100 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Nashotah. 414 to 198 place, 208 to 198 abow; Short Stop. 140 to 100 show. Winner — Ch, m. by Stalwart — Kisberdule, by Jim Core trained by J. Cooper; bred by Mr. Paul LnastBg. Went to post at 4:01. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. MAY MACLSBY took a quick lead. race« her opponents into early defeat and. drawiug away after rounding the far turn, won eased up. NASHOTAH ran a good race, but was tirins in the last fifty yard-, and kad to be ridden hard to save second place. SHORT STOP whs outpaced during the early run-1 aing, but aaved mack grouad by a close stretch turn and. Bauahlag with a great rush, would have been aecoad la another stride. LADY IN BLACK was hard ridden and made up some ground. CHOW went well Pa- a half, then fell back. WAB SMOKE ran out badly while ou the far turn. rinattklid 54191 Czardom, 10*_. Overweights — Naahotah, 1 pound. Remainder of Chart Continued on Seventh Page. TIJUANA FORM CHART CONTINUED FROM THIRD PAGE. KriTkreTlO SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June £3. 1916— 1:05— 3— 113. Purse S500. 3 -year • OeJOe-Fal olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner S350: second. 00: third, 0, ~fmW Horsos AWtPPSt H j "1 Str Fin Jockeys Owaert F.ouiv. Odds Strt f.-»«MH«rTVl MILTON A wTl20 1 2 P l* 17 1»* O Atwell II T Palm. T 1S0-KK» 5tS71*LJTT. POINTBB w 4 102 s I 37 M 24 3*1 C Studer W Maltby S*"!22 5!.»0r»-.I P.i:L PPLK W 4 104 7 5 4 4- 3- 37 A Jacobs Nea! «■ Bartholomew OOo-lftO .59041- ■■JfdlN JR. wBtttJ :: 1 E* B*H 4 E Taylor V Maanate 5f E+6*CLBAR THB WAY W B Ml E 6 6* 5J |] 5- P Hurn Stni»!t ft Williams 2-60- 01, 5f47l"PPKH1.» *aS MB I 4 M 3, 8*1 6- B Parke C Irby 100101 BB€4S *COJL. MURPHY w 5 108 6 8 8 7-1 7= 7-* W Organ J G Arvin 59531 BLACK TOP w 4 l- 8 2 7 71 8 8 8 « Gross L S Fountain .lbO-100 Time, 243i. 49«i, 1:03*4. 1:09%. Track good. muttiels paid. Hamilton A.. 1.00 straight. 1922.sh.8O place. .60 show; Little Pointer. $..10 place. $.1.80 show: Mable Rule. .60 show. ■ .. ., F.iuivalent hooking odds— Hamilton A.. 480 to 100 straight. 240 to 100 place. loO to 100 show; T Little Painter 220 to PHI place. 90 to 100 show: Mabel Rule. 130 to 100 show. Winner— Br. g. by ToiWinglon— Hollyhusli. by Yankee traiu-d by C. Manley: bred by Messrs. Stone Went to i ost al 4:2* At post B minutes. Start good and sl..w far all but Col,. MDBPHY. Won driviug- aeraad and third the same. HAMILTON A. sprinted to the front at onee and. being hard ridden lliiou-h the str. nil held LITTLK POINTER safe la a same liuMi. LITTLE POINTER was always a forward contender and finished fast and resolutely. MABEL Rl LE ran well and finished fast. JOHN JB was in trouble oa the fax turn, then was taken to tne outside and finished fast and close up. PUEBLO showed speed, but failed to stay. COL. *fft7fcPHY propped at the start.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922011501/drf1922011501_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1922011501_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800