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SEA PRINCE AND LEGHORN |j i % Carry Off Feature Attractions of I Havanas Sunday Program. . — * Old Sinner and Tacola Continue on Their Winning Way — An- ■ other Fine Attendance. ■ * ITAVAXA. Cuba. February B. — Another crowd of pacerd hu If tog proportions was fWMl at Oriental Part todi.y. Ii was an iilt-al day for outdoor spur!-. c Hie weather beiag like » .hint- day up aorta. Maaj prominent people from hoth the State* mid the island arere aaaaag theee who graced the rlBbhoa»c and kal conies-. The Havana BhuUll Light and PrwM Handicap. h dash « f a mil*- and a sixteenth, ta which 82.508 Waa a.idd. and the Derby Ward Handicap, a three-ejaartera of a aiile aaah, were the principal attrac lions provided by eecretarj Mariin Xathaaaea. The aiaai interest was naturally eeatered in the raaaiag of these stakes. In tun fir-l mentioned Riverside started out like I a wini.iT. siimvi-d the M early *pt*i Bad, draw- ins awaj iiilo mi eaay I. ad in the flnrt Haatter, waa I rated in front until making the turn into tho homo- I ■tretch, were Sea Prime came with ■ rush and peeeed him. The latter ran ■ sparkling race. He I was away slowly and badly outrun in the early ■tBgfl, but gained ground rapidly in the Mretch. I Overtaking the paceaaaher la the final eighth he . diew a way to win by a safe margin. Riverside tired badly at the end and just outlasted Iwmis A. The I latter ran well and fiaisbed fnsi after I slow be- 1 ginning. The Party Ward HaeaUcap faraaahed aa exeitlag ■ contest and incidentally one of the eteeeet Haiahei [ of the meeting. W. DagBB sent the winner ta the J Baal in his small but speedy filly Lughara. Tne * winner, rhMea by Fields. Juki managed to got I:. .me I in peal of Harry Payae Whitneys Cherry Tree. A aaae separated the pair as they flashed by the * .indg. s. Leghera waa up well all the way. while l-heiljr Tree and Lady Aster, which finished third I laat.ii by a head for second place, eatne fiom a Ion: | way* hack. Cherry Tree was la treat la aaother stride past the finishing line. The pace wa« t*#t • from the stari. the Cuban -bred eall Cuba Baeaats j taking the lead anil showing Ihe way to the last eighth. The quarter waa run la 22 4.-,. the half ta M ... and the three-, |uarters in 1 : 1 L* -. . . Old Sinner, which hus been one if the most ecu- j fiisteiit horses ra !■ here this winter, scored hi j sixth victory of the meeting when lie heal Col Chile by a half length m the second race. The Grand Natlaaal Hand-ap. af SPUNK added, j at a mile and an eighth, the first of the more v:il liable stakes for the all aged division, is to be the .. xi -take fixture decided, and will be run Sunday, February 12. This race attracted fifty nine noini-nations, embracing the heal handicap horses in le nl training. Amoag Sundays visit. aa were Dr. and Mrs. William .!oiies. New York City; Vleter M. Cotter. Boston. Mas-.: L. R. Meyers, Saannah and El-wood Keuney. New York. Frank B. Bowes of Chicago, vice - pre-.jd. lit of the Illinois Central Railroad, will anhe Taeaday with a party of friends for a brief visit