Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-06


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1D22. Oriental Park 1 Bite. Sixty-tifth day. Gwbn- Americnu Jockey and Auto club Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather clear; temperature 80 . Stewards. .1. Hachmeistor. . II. Lniisdalo ;iik1 B. Rurko. Judges, C. Cwwlliei and Edward Jasper. Starter. James Milton. Racing IihmIbIj Martin Nathanson. Racing starts ;t 2:39 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentlieses following the distance of each race indicate late, track record, use of liorse and weight carried. •Indi-utes- apprentice allowance. AAAQ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—0—102. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds and i 0"vrSJO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S550: jeeond, S100: third. 0. "index Horsey ~~ WtPPSFvT % % BtrFLI JoekeVs" OwnorsT Q~~~H 0 P S 50828 HAMAN w :, 11:; 7 . 3»» lh Is 1* A Pickena It Coons ~ 111 2-3 1~ 5! !2fi WRECK.LESS wb :: 88 S 4 l" 2" V 2-". F Wilson T t Broslin 21 t 3 1 1-2 I 59808+XORMA J. wsb 4 US 9 3 l1 3 8» SlJ Maiben J Hendriei; t; s s :; 8-i I 5f»736 DRAPERY wsB i 112 11 I ■- c3 A- ~ V .1 Smith .1 C Mayes 10 10 10 4 2 5.9923 MARY ERB w 4 10r l I m 77- :., 1: KcfuTdyF Hart 4 A 4 8-.", 4-S 59826 HAXX BURKE ws 7 110 :; 7 .V 3* G» 6 G Stone B Smith 12 IS 12 :. 21 5S980 COL. LILLARD v. ". 1M 1 8 9"ic Gi 7" II ClmenWM Cardenas S3 B 20 s 1 -.9703 CANTEEN GIRL »■ 4 MC 1 5 J- iJ Sl S1 D Prible M O Viau 12 12 12 G 21 50617 BRIZZ nllltll 1 7" JJM3 IJ I Fletcher 1. F Sherman M ]- 12 :. 21 MM1 DANDY VAX wan S IM I N M1 Q I 10 G Fields F R Doyle I I I :: S-G S9763tKLY « ..-.: ,, m r, n 11 11 n n .1 Carroll 11 Miller 31 M M 12 c tMutuel field. Time, 23j. 47 V5. I:12v3. Track fast. mutuels paid. Hainan. .30 straight, 32,89 place, .50 show: W reckless, §3.10 place. ..00 show: Norma I., field1. .00 show. Equivalent booking odd-— Ilaman. 112 to 199 straight. 40 to in: place, 2.". to 100 show; Wreckless. H lo MM place. 43 to loo show; Norma ... field. 120 to 100 show. Winner- 15. f. by llorron- Selina Lou. by Kiikerran trained liy E. L. Fitzgerald: lircd by Messrs. Talbot Bros.. Went to pe ; at 2:23. At Boat 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. IIAMAN wa saved to the Stretch tarn, where he moved op 00 the outside and easily racing into the lead won easing up. WRECKLESS raced in closest pursuit and drew away from NORMA J. at the eighth post. NORMA .1. ran well and finished gamely, but tiring. DRAPERY and MARY EBB fiuished fast. Scratched— 5MM Mr. Krufr. 112. ftflfkii ,4 SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. rJan. £4. 1917—1:05—5—102. Purse S700. 3-year-O WO 2: olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 0C; third. 0. "index liorscs AWTlPSt , "_■ •", Str Fin Jockeys Owners ~Q II C P S~~ .■»!87fi*ofTb sixxer WB 5 1 !:i_.;~:, 4:1 4- 2- F. .! ChTlitK-rsS kUodow I Ts -5 8-5 3-5 i-z 599*t:*COL CHILE w :: .-4 I 2 1" l 1* 2* B Scheflel I. Foster 4 4 1 fi-:, :;-:, 5B7«€I*ED GARRISON w 8 MS .". 1 :;i ::« 3 5 D Prible Egypt Stable G G 2 4-5 5M43S* KORAN w 7 !"■■ 1 :; 2* 2* I1 4; W Fool Maryland Stable 3-5 8-5 3-5 3-5 1-S .798I0-APPROVAL a/a 7 115 I 1 3 S E 3 .1 Malbcn W P McCaffrey 1 t: 4 7-;. ::-5 Time, 23. 47 4, lt%. 1:0G. Track lar.t. nnitr.els paid, old Sinner. 5:7.30 straight, -00 place: Col Chile, 34220 places no show arataets sold. Ivpiivalent booking odds -Old Sinner. SB5 to 100 straight, UK to 1K place: Col Chile. 110 to 100 place. Winner — It. g, by Yon 1romp — La Sinaloa. by Km|»eror of NoifolU trained by It. Rites; bred by Mr. Edward Cebriaa. Went to liosi at 2:50. .t p.ist 1 nsiante. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. OLD SlNNF.lt moved up fa-t on the out ide of I be leaders after entering the liemestntch and wearing COL CHILE down ia the stretch wen drawing clear. COL HILL set a fast pace to the last eighth aad tired. KD GARRISON ran well and oatgaased KORAN. The latter Bared ground an all the nuns, but tired finally. f*fhfMand?Z THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jr.n 8, 1020—1:11—6—102. Derby Ward Handicap. Purse ■JVyOO 00. 3-;/car-old.:. Net vak-c to winner S701: second, 25; third, 5. Tiidcx Horses ~~AWtlg8t"j4~j£ "1 StTlTii" -lockey- Tu.ncrs 1 II C P S " BSftSLEOHORN w 111 8 5 i.1 p* 3*4 1» G Fields Y Dngan :; 1 :: 3-5 3-6 BIMtS*CHBRRY TREE w 118 I s 7- SJ 5J 2 L Penman H F Whitney 1 2 2 4-5 2-5 59809 LADY ASTOR a M :• 2 9 8" 4 3J B Scheffel W P KnebeUcainpS •". G 2 1 B98MSCUBA ENCANTO a Ml 1 3 1- IJ I P" A Pickena K C Criffith U •; li 21 8-5 r 9BRS3FTNCASTLE wa M7 7 1 3 :: 2" •" B KenndyA W Hamel G «; •; 2J 8-G StvZtRERUKE wa MS ■" I I 71 7 G5 A McLhlhaGoldapple Stb t:; 4 4 3-5 4-5 «."»!»! 12 1 lfstre wb M3 I 7 ." 2» 9* 71 J Maiben R L Baker •" •" ", | 1 aw3HU QUKSADA WB IM S 1 5* I 9 s W Kelvajr GoMapnle Stb •:; t 1 8-5 4-5 IdMMSCAIMITO w M 3 G 4* ." 8= 8 D Prible F U Weir 12 U 12 o 22 fCoapled in betting; ie separate place or show betting. Ti:ac. 22. 461.,. 1:12%. Track fait. |S Biatads paid. Leghorn, 37.80 straight. 33.39 place. 33.00 show; Cherry Tree. S3. 00 place. .19 show: Lady Astor, 33.89 shew. Bqaivsrk-nt booking odds- Leghorn, 290 to 199 straight, 7.". to 199 place, 59 lo 199 show; Cherry Tree. 89 to 199 place, 55 to 199 show: Lady Astor, 99 to 199 show. Winner— Ch. f. hy Celt — Tuacaa Red, by William Ruins trained by W. J. Daly; bred by Mr. Cuy T. Oraysonl. Went to post at :;:lii. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. LEGHORN began slowly, bin gained steadily 1 ud. finishing fast, got an to win in the last stride. CHEBRY TREE also made up gronad and, finishing with ■ rush, would have won in another stride. LADY ASTOR closed a big gap and ran a capital race, CUBA ENCANTO set a last pace to the last eighth and tired. FINCASTLE ran well. Scratched— ,-!IKo:t-Little Black Sheep, 102: 59983 dtiaio, 119. /JAAjO FOURTH I? ACE— 1 Mile. rM.-.rch 23. 1913— 1:33/,— 5— 105? Purse S700. 3-ycar-old3 vJ"7JfOvJ» and upward. Claimine. Net value to winner S550: second, 00; third. 0. *lna « Horses A wt f.".s;~"~ j~~:?~strFii"i JoikTys owiu is O H C v s~ 9w9~tl TIM. J. M KLX w 7 111 - 1 2- 2* f1; ■-■ 1" W Mor*8eyO Warwick ~ h I 2 9-5 .■.»9J.VM;ky ENNIS w 8 MS G 2 4- 4- :: J J 2 .1 ChalmersL K Crist 1 G I g 6-5 534H«*SUBZ wn 4 Ml 7 0 8* 8 4- 4* S* J Maiben s McNeill ! 2 8-5 7-W1-3 «:»021 Tii:sTL!;ri. M w3 12 0 G t* Is iJ 1« 4J H Callahnl-. Alexander 2J 3J 3J ;-:.::-:. ." 9fK.-» MARAUDER wilN 1 7 8 J 5* :• :.- :■■■ .1 Smith A G Robertson 12 12 12 G 23 59wS9 AZTEC wt: 7 IM :: t G£ S5 B B G« F Wilson 11 Pield M M M 1 2 C39JIS*LISZT w 1 pit x k 7 7J ". k 7 -: 7- B Scheffel C ll NeUI G N R :: 8-5 r.0«»i: WILLIE WOODS w 5 1H I :: ::: 3 7i 8s BJ G Stone K Detbarrio t G :. L 1 994331 SCAR FLANK ws G 195 «• 6 I I I S ; Fields .7 Kindle 38 L«i 80 8 4 Time. 25. 49. 1:15, 1:43%. Track fast. 33 muuieis paid. Tfanothy J. llogan. 322.80 straight, 310.79 place, 34.49 shew; Key Bania, .89 place, SILO show: Bnea, ?l..".0 show. L iuivalent booking adds— Timothy J. Hogun, 1910 to 199 straight, l3-" t«p 199 place, 120 to loo show: Rey Bnais, 399 to 199 plaee, 119 lo 199 slow: Rues, lt. to 199 show. Winner- B. g, by Filigram — Martha Agnew, by Carl c. trained by G. Warwick; bred by Mrs. T. r. Agnea 1. Went to po.i a! 3:43. At posl 2 miantcs. Star! good and slow for all bat 9JUES Won driving: second and third the same. TIMOTHY .1. HOGAN foil,, wed THI8TLEBLOOM eloselj rm the start and. passing him in the stretch, outstayed i:.:v ENNIS in a game finish. RKY KNIsl/inisiied fast and would have won in another stride. RUEZ reared np at the start and was Mw JfT"/1*- Bnea closed a big gap and finished with a rash. THRTTLEBLOOM tired after settidg iysSi Al*i/i to the stretch. MARAUDER finished fast. I III Overweight ThMlehloom, 1 pound; Timothy .1. Hogan, 1. it? i4££~F7 r FIPTH RACE— 1 l-iJ Tjlik FbT"37T»T8— Ttlli VV3— 0" accmiiTRunni ng~H AVANA li lJlrO 6 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND TOWER CLAIMING HAJUJIC»AP. ?2.500 Added. 3-year- Bads and upward. Net value to winner 52,S20jae*or.d, 00; third, 5250. 1 ~ A I I I S i :- Str Fi ndex Horses J t_ .. 11 Jfeys Nrnera Q H C V 8 59978 *SE aTpRINCE wb G 197 5 7 7 7 7~~~:7 Is BfTWbte II E Swan G G G 1 l~ SS4M7 RIVERSIDE WB 8 HI 4 2 l»l 1*1 l«l 1* Jirl•, Hunt ft D Stable 2i :: I 8-5 3-5 ." «•«;»• l.ncts A. wb 5 MG 1 ! v :,- |h V JT: B Scheffel OMeara Broa 4 1 81 7-5 7-M 39R29ZTHE LEOPARD wu 5 M4 T •■ ■■- JJ 3" 2iri B KenndyJ, Lowe 1 :. C L 1 59798 ZS WEEP CLEAN w G IM 3 3 V 4 y:X a- W Kclsay Goldappte Stable 4 :, G 2 1 599 I ROSEATE wb 4 M . G V •:- / T1 S1 !I BrydgcaLindaay Stable 18 12 12 : 2] SMISATTA BOY II. w 5 113 G I 2 -»y? GJ 7 !. Penman M Goldblatt o 4. 4 7-."» 7-10 Time. 23«;., 43. 1:19%, 1:39. Ir4»%. Track fast. S2 aintnels paid. Sea Prince, .:;o strjtrght, 35.99 place, S3. 10 show: Riverside. ,939 place, 33.99 show; Louis A . .stl.LO show. / Eir.ivalent bookiag adds— Sea Prince, j/", to 199 straight. 159 to loo place, ." to 199 show; Riverside. 130 to 100 place, so to loo show; Louis /.. ; .» t„ 100 show. Winner- I a. a, by Sea King — Dancftess, by Ogden trained by F. J. Hak; bred by Mr. John E. Went to posl at 4:12. At post W miiiu;.. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third dtrriag. s;;. PRINCE begaa Klowlyaad was far back to the stretch turn, from where he moved np rapidly an! easily racing into the lend in the last eighth to win easing up. RIVERSIDE set a fast pace, but tired and had to be ridden /.ard to OVtfihisfa LOLLS A. The latter finished fast in the middle of the track. ATTA BOY II. was sire when going to the post. THE LBQPARD ran well. Diet weights — The Leonard, 3 peaBds; Roseate. 2, BYVliQ fclXTH RACE— kj*iJaJirfe7 TTZ~To, 1920-1 :r0vT— G— 105. Pure S700 3-year-olds ■JliOWO and upward. Ctaiming. Net value to winner ?5.r 0: second. 00; third, 0. I ml i-x 1 1 arses AW tPPSt j - " ,_Sr_In Jockeys Owners O II Q I~ S~ B§M 1 * FOR ; K A 1 1 FA L Jrl 93 i 1 8 J 8* :, 4» l* B Scheffel F D Weir C I 5 ~i 1 I i."i98»8 1 FIRST CONSUL WB G II I 7 i 4 i- IJ I* !l W Kelsay J J McCafferty 8-5 8-5 8-6 3-51-4 «9023*GOLDEN FLINT wu I 104 l 6 5s GJ 3J 3J il !l Bryd:;, sFrook.yn Stable r ." G 2 1 B98ll*BIBBLEB gtrs 5 103 3 7; 77 7s 6* 4"» .T Maiben -I J Daly 10 P in 4 2 BSJtlSi* BACCHANALIAN w ! -7 8 I iJ ll Is li " • I Frible .1 De Estrampes 2| U SJ 1 1-2 1 39J989 IGALLOU -BERRY W 4 lot « 3 "!l H V 9* i- F Hunt Indiana Stable 2 . :: I i-.7 :;-3 o!»023 TOM GOOSE v./i 7 131 4 2 23 " 8 7* 7*1 .1 ChaltneraJ A Durkin 16 15 IS G :: 99922*WIXALL W 4 39 G 7 X S S 8 S J Pevic C Middleton 10 10 10 4 2 Time, 24 /s. 48. 1:13=5. l:40,i. Track fast. S2 mtituels paid. Forge Aiiead. 4.40 straight. .$:,.:, place, 33.99 show; First Consul. .40 place. 33.99 snow; Goldea Flint, 34.99 show. Equivalent booking adds Forge Ahead. 929 to 199 straight. 17." to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; First •Ulill. 70 to 1H place. 59 » M9 show: Ooiiien Flint. KM to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g. by Vulcain — Mixed Color, by Hastings trained by F. I. Weir; bred by Mr. Edward F Simmsl. Went to post at 4:42. At post ! minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. FORGE AH FAD was fractious at the post and was shuffled back when going to the first turn, but closed a gap and came with a rush in the last eighth to win in the last stride. FIRST CONSUL ran a poor race and finished fast ia the middle of the track. OOLDFN FLINT ran well and finished close up. GALLOU-BRRRY anil in the last quarter. BACCHANALIAN quit after setting a good pace to th last eighth. Overweights— Bibbler, 1 pound. £iffi.€k SEVENTH RACE— 1 Hilc and 50 Yard?,. March 6. 1313—1:41—5—117. Purse ~CT ]JP? PiF 4-year-olds ."nd upward. Claiming. Net value to -j:r.r.-T 50: second, 00; third. S53. Index 88or*eil AWtTPSt , _■ ■■. Str Fill Jo keys Owners Q H C F S 99943TACOLA w 7 112 ! ;: :;»:- !• 4 vtrT-Tv .MorscyO i: Potta 8 81 81 7-6 7-M B3J9124 »• SHOOT AWAY W 5 198 2 2 IJ F -! F 2* .1 Maiben S McNeill 6 ti K | 1 59*10* FOSTER EMBRY wb 6 1*2 1 I 6 .■ V 3*1 3 J CbaltneYsR B Allen 2 •_ I 4-." :-; S4MS9 *SMART MONEY w 1 891 3 G •• G ■• ! !; i! Scbetfel G Holmes 6 7 7 2i 1 59939aOSGOOD W 9 lot G G J 6 C IJ v- D Prible 15 B Rice | ;; 31 7-37.10 r.3878 THE PIRATE W9 5 114 5 1 PI 3" P* 6 3 G Fields Rosodale Stable 3 3 2J 1 1-2 Time. 24. 43, 1:12, lS1., IA2*5. Track fast. mtituels paid, Taenia, 313.59 straight. .90 place, S4..70 show: Shoot Away. .90 plaee, $.7.30 show: Foster Fmbry. . SO show. L.piival.mt booking odils— Tacola. .".7.7 to 199 Straight, 20.", to 199 place. P_T. to 100 show; Shoot Away. BM t.j 1 0 place, 113 to 100 show: Foster Fmbry. 99 to 100 show. Winner — ChV. h, by Transvaal — Frla Lee, by Hindoo trained by F. Rector; bred by Mr. S. K. Nichols I. Went to post al 5:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily; second and third driving. TACOLA followed that leaders to the steel, ii turn, where he was taken to the outside and closed up with a lush when Called on to win easing up. SHOOT AWAY set a fast pace and outstayed FOSTER EMBRY at the end. The latter ran a good race and finished gamely. THE PIRATE quit and was eased up.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922020601/drf1922020601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922020601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800