Forty per Cent. of Favorites: Such Was the Average of Speculative Racing Choices in 1921 as Against Forty-One per Cent. the Year Before, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-06


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|j I ■ ■ c FORTY PER CENT. OF FAV0RITES SUCH WAS THE AVERAGE OF SPECULATIVE RACING CHOICES IN 1921 AS AGAINST FORTY-ONE PER CENT THE YEAR BEFORE Here n Daily Racing Forms annual exhibit of the way the horses run. aoconling to the speculation about them, in all the race - of all the courses in he United States. Canada. Mexico and Cuba duriag the season of 1921. The averages of the p;ist tyvo years were about the same. One per cent, fewer of speculative choices won in 1921. and for both seasons ver? .sfinip two points below the a.erage for ten seasons. Here are the figures, which explain themselves, but hardly the work which it took to compile them: I I I I I . I 1 ■ [ J * I * I | • j j j j "• an -c k r. »% 1 Track M3t. 5 Z-. ■ -: | ?? 2 i. Iimlico MS » :« 4."» 74 .35 Woodbine Iark M -i!i M :"". •"•! Saratoga 1S1 77 l-P- •".! .19 Behaoal iark ...isn lno ti :m .."»•; Chnr.-litll Downs 1M7 so «J ;i:. .:r7 l«.urel 182 »»7 Hit 7C. :t7 rLataaia 4U 1« l" l.i .: » Devonshire Park "s H Is 47 :tl Aqoedacl ISO 77 Bg "il i:i Windsor »S X IS M .»• Havre de Grace -10 94 M SJ 4.-» Kealrwarth Park 9S St s ■"•» .-•:! Kmpire litv 174 7« T - 4» 44 laauiica 174 s;, n s ah Lextagtaa 119 41 31 14 .Ml | Hamilton M M -9 K M j j Bowie 1945 H M7 7s 41; Fort Brie 9s 4.". is :;.". 4« ! j Blue Bonnets . 9S 40 J3 :i". .41 I | oiinaught Park M 44 Jl :« .4:.] Tlioincliffe Park 10L 37 L2 43 .34. i Dorval Park 9S 37 S.i M Ml Havana KM -till l.O -_7i» ,M I I New Orlns Pair Ql ml-1287 .".7 HIS .43 | I JefTeraaa Park :»« 171 79 14* .43 I Duffcrin Part 9S 34 28 M .85 1 I Tljuaaa 99t; 888 212 37s .41 Mount Boyal Park 9S 4s 13 37 49 j Tlmonitim 88 IS M 7 .. 1 Delorimier Park 9S 88 22 28 .49 I Maisonneuve Part 88 44 19 88 .48 1 j Marlboro 33 L.i »; 4 .71 Kempton Park 98 3*i LO AJ .37 King Edward Park 9S «2 -4 82 .43 Haseratewa iMd.i 88 m i" il -!8 Beaa -43 188 B8 88 .4 •Belmont Park Terminal Fnited Hums! 11 .". 1 4 .HO Plue Crass Pair ilycxing ton. Ky. J» 18 B 14 M j Chagrin Kails Cleveland. Ohio 92 41 21 30 .45 j Graad totals and lier- centage ti.SOS 2.842 1.499 2.888 .41 | •No betting un one race. tTwa dead heats. i 1 | j j ! j I | i I I | I I 1 I j I 1 j j j | i ~ t K 1 S ii _ "• Track .1921 1. j * • 3 f s ~ . tPimlico M8 72 82 83 43 Vfoodbiae Park 9s 4s 21 28 49 *8araioca Ml » 9 44 ts .43 Belmont Park 1s45 77 .".1 58 .43 Churchill Downs 210 »; i 88 91 .33 •Laurel 182 81 88 84 3s ■L.ttotna 434 17:. W 17.". .40 Devonshire Park 98 33 19 4i» .34 Aqueduct 1st; 7s 92 •"••. .42 Windsor 98 B8 19 49 .31 Havre de Ora e l»il Mi 37 •.". .37 Keallwarth Park 98 88 2ii 42 .31 •Baaaira city is« tto 4s 47 .4s j.lamaica 1S« 88 82 4S . 1C Lexington 112 4i 22 44 .41 Hamilton US 88 22 N .37 Howie 161 39 88 «7 .37 Fort Brie »s 85 22 11 M Blue Bonnets 88 3s 14 48 M Connaught Park 9S 3s 21 3H .39 1 baraciiffe Park 98 41 18 3s .42 iDorral Park 98 34 20 44 33 Havana 711 302 139 230 .42 New Orleans 1 Fair Cdsl232 184 88 s9 .43 iefferaaa Park 231 88 37 91 M Duffcrin Part 98 33 2d 39 .34 Tiimina 9t 3 337 182 888 .88 Mount Royal Park 98 33 23 40 M rniiioiiium 33 28 11 4 .37 Delorimier Park 98 39 19 40 .40 Maisouneuve Iark 98 40 17 33 .47 .Marlboro 34 28 8 « .39 Kempton Park 91 88 23 33 .3o King Ldward Park 98 37 22 39 .38 Hagersiown Md.l 33 18 12 7 .40 Beaa 173 73 34 00 ,42 •Belmont Park Terminal -Fnited Haste 10 « I 0 .88 Blue Crass Kair Lexington. Ky.l 88 M I 14 44 ChagTia Falls Cleveland, Ohio 8 I 1 4 .37 Graad totals and per- eentage 6.283 2.327 1.393 2.363 .40 •No betting on one race. fOne dead heat.

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