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i I I TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1822.— One mile. Sixty-first day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 125 or more days. Weather clear; temperature 85". Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and Loon Wing. Starter, Barry Merrtaeey. Racing Secretary, Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:55 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinker-. Figures in Bare B theses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horsp and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. CtftftZ£k FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 23. 191C— 1:05— 3— 113. Purse 00. 3-yesr-3/~F 3F old.,. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner S350: second. 00; third, 350. I ndex""~llo7ses A WJPPJgtJj rJ~?T~St"r"FiTi Jockeys Owners Fquiv." Odds Strt 59999 INDIAN PRINCE wsit 112 1 1 ;,.. t1 f. 1- w Gorgon L 5 Sawyer 298-M8 59934 TO.M CRAVEN w 112 1 10 -, :.-h V 2« R Mar* ton T Morris 2S0-10O 58395 CANDOROSA W 110 3 2 :;-. 2« :;-. 3* .1 Majestic A Jones 1320-lOu 59#4S*BITTERN W IM 3 I 8* 7:- 7* P II Bnlndin A .Merle BOO-100 59989 ANGELA w 110 I G 1 li 4- 5 R Carter Hollywood Stable UtO-100 5972! VERAS CHOICE W IN 4 4 1* v 83 81 C Ducrgan W Maltbv +S00-100 53719 CHIPPENDALE W 11". ." G 8* M .: 7- K Fator S Warinir t 59729 JAY MAC W 112 10 9 10 3| i - B» ■ Xoble C TJ Daniels 9690-100 .",!:S59 CIRCUS wu 115 y :; 2» 8 G] !»; 11 B BTwer W Walker Its 198 59709 KIMONO w 113 1 7 !■ M M M I Marttnei .McDowell Bros 910-10D tMutuel Field. Time. 24. 4S~i. l:02 i. 1:09. Track ?ood. S2 mutuels paid. Indian Prince. .20 straight. J3.40 place. !3.!0 show: Tom Craven. .40 place. .S3. 20 show; CanderoBa, .69 show. Equivalent booking odds — Indian Prince. 250 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; Tom Craven, 70 to 100 place. CO to 100 show: Canderosa, 199 to 100 show. Winner — B. g. by Prince Ahmed — Oiffonis. by ChUCtanaada trained by L. O. Sawyer: bred by Mr. J. K. L. Ross. Went to post at 1:54. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. INDIAN PRINCE began fast and saved ground on the tret, h turn, moved up swiftly when called on and forging to the front won under restraint. TOM CRAVKN began slowly, but worked hit way up steadily and when seemingly the winner tired in the last sixteenth. CANDEROSA was a forwnrd contender from the start and ran well for a first time out in I long time. BITTFItN began slowly and made up ground. Scratched 39999 Dewy Field. 112: 59792 Country. 1FJ. Overweights — Kimono. :, pounds. ££4 /r jrij SECOND RACE— 5-8 Kile. May 20. 1920—53—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-oids~"and %and9Jij JL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S350; second, 00: third, 0. "index Horses AWtPPgtjjj _• "t Str Fin Jockeys Owners" F.piiv. " Odds Strt 59991 ORLEANS GIRL wsB 5 IM M 5 3 2- 2*5 l1 C Studer II T Palmer LW-lOo 59834 MrMlRPilY WBB 11 109 1 1 1- 1J lj 2". B Park- M Morrison 800-190 59333 LITTLE JAKE wb 12 111 3 2 t1 3» 3 3*1 B McEwen E M Level 349-100 59285»* MERRY LASS WB 7 119 S G G: .•; 6s 4 E Xoble H E Buchanan 7o0-lr o 59999s *MTEK FRKXIN w 10 M9 H 10 9 73 7s! 6» .1 Thomas W H Moore 44989-198 C9933*J. D. SUGG w 9 M3 C 7 5» 1;-. •;. 1;- .1 Honmer .T Rekert 500-lou 69933** ELLA WALDO w 4 113 S 3 2 II 4* Is T Murray .1 Kern 1939-198 ."9793 PERFECT DAY wb S 113 4 11 H 11 10- 8s! E Taylor P Gligman 2798-WO 59918 1 llCt", ME ws 7 11J _ t VtiW »J 9* I. Hall I" Rasmussen 12189 398 P97J9»YOU BET W 5 393 7 S 81 Sill 19" A Jacobs 11 Lott 7 59951*LJTTLE ONE W8B 5 Ml .", 8 7- SJ sill F Milcy W J Cunningham t tMutuel field. Unto, 24, 49, l:02!i. Track good. .S2 mutuels paid. Orleans Girl, 39.00 straight. 34-49 place, 32.80 show; McMarphy, .20 place. .10 show; Little lake, 33.40 shew. Equivalent becking odd — Orleans Girl, 299 to KM straight. 1_o to 199 place, 93 to 199 shew; M -Murphy. 310 to 100 place. 170 to 100 -how: Little Jake, 70 C 190 show. Winner— Br. m. by .lack Atkia— Lady InstaBator, by Installator trained by C. M.inley; bred by Mr. Thomas Shaw. Went to posl at2:21. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second .and third the same. ORLEANS GIRL raced within striking distance ,,1" the leader and. Challenging him midway of tic stretch, were him down quickly aad won coins away. McMarphy showed Brack speed j„ pnecasaking aad hung on tenaciously after being passed. LITTLE JAKE raced forwurdly and finished well, kli.a WALDO tired after showing early speed. Scratched— 59859 Dorothy, no. Overweights— Little one. 3 pounds. THIRD RACE— 5-3 Mile. May £0. 13S0— 53— 1— 107. Purse S500. S-year-olda and 6tflfSZ*s 2yjzji4id upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. S100: thirrLJO Index Horaea A~Wt PPSt % Vj % Str Fin jockeys Owners Kmujv. Odds strt 599993 1 fi NGLEADER w 8 113 1 1 2* 3» 21 1? T Wilson 7 Rinehart 230-100 59773*ROSA ATK1N wa 4 MG 5 I ::" U 1- 2 i E Noble C E Baker SM-lcu 59834 : CLEAR LAKE w 8 112 ! - ! :, V V E Taylor J W Tate li"i-ion E9949*JOSIE GORMAN w I Ma 3 3 1 ." 1- 4- J Hnnmer T J Ehvard 34O-M0 B9998 CAAMANO wa 7 !9S I G i. G* GJ ." ■ W Organ L Kntfong t3M9-388 59332 CLASSY CURL w M HI G 7 7; 7 7* 8» M Woods More Lake Stable 1jB39 MM BALANCE BOOK w a 110 8 "• V Is GJ J* B Far on Bineryville Stable t 44292 REN TERRA w 7 11 7 8 s s s s D Frogtte J II Ripple t tMntnel field. Time. 24-.,. 49;,, l:02»i,. Track good. 32 mutuels paid. Ringleader, 99.99 straight, 33.80 place. 32.40 show: Bona Atkin, S9.99 place. 32.99 Ihow; Clear Lake. 32.49 shew. Equivalent booking odds— Bingleader, 230 to 199 straight 99 to loo place, -jo to 198 show: Ro,a Atkin. L3» to 100 place. 49 to 199 show; Clear Lake. 20 to 100 sbOW. Winner— Ch. g. by Harrigan— Beatrice Sonle, by Pec;, oDay trained by i". Rinehart; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to posl at 2:44. At peat 8 ssinutes. Start good and slow. Won handily:; second and third driving. BINGLEADER. away fast, was saved dose np until turning for boaae, then came fast when railed OB and taking a slight lead maintained it to the end. ROSA ATKIN, after racing CLEAB LAKE Into defeat, took a char lead when an eighth out. but was no match for the winner when challenged. CLFAIt LAKE shewed the most speed and made a resolute finish. JOSIE GOKMAN ran well. Scratched-— 59992 Lobelia, 110; 5985U:Voorin, los: 59751 Stanley IL. 117; 599S7 Tom Cnro, 109. Overweights— Classy Curl. 3 pound-; Balance Book, 2, rmffcsfhEr* FOURTH RACE— 1 1-S Wiles. fjureh 27. 1921— 1:58—0—117. Purse 00. 3-year-V-Piy-yBCh olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner ?350; second. 00; thjrd, 939% t ,;.". Horses AXYFpivsir1! /a A Str rin jockeys Owners I ;,"| n i vTTtdda Str"t 59992 *PINECREST w I in", ll cTTT f1 V; B Noble W Former MO-MO 59855 GEORGE C. Jit. wa I 193 1 7 7J :;, Z* :i E Pator L Crown 2899-198 59959 I*ETLAR wa 9 113 9 2 3 "- t". 1- :: ; 1, Hall i! Raatnuanen 4lwi-ioo 59983 MUNTAIN GIRL wbs*M8 7 1 " 2* 2J ".- !- .1 Hunmcr W Sliafer too-irxi 5P959*DEHItA wa 9 193 2 ill 1" 7 Sl 61 C Ralls Baasetl Hros lWiO-WJ 59983 *WEINLAND wt 7 112 .", 3 G» •■ GJ c1 i:- F Caron G Nenl 39B9-M9 59882aBABY CAL ws 9 IM I I 6* •"•; ■ ■ V 7 T Wilson Strito £ Valentino 290-MO 50988 = * WISE JUDGE w 4 MS 8 8 M : ■ GJ 8s 8s! C Studer Tarn o Sim titer Stable 29o-io 5981 4* BILLY STUART wsB 11 IM 6 i l! 71 8 8s 9s B Parke it T Palmer 1489-MQ 59128 BABY SISTER wa II !"* 3 I" ■•• 8" M I" M V. Cn-.- C Dickersou 39B9-SM Time, 251/,, 39%, 1:18%, l.*44Vs, 1:57%. Track good. S2 mutuels paid, Plaecrest, 314.89 straight, 1.29 place, .99 show; Gunge C. Jr., 2.00 place. 5.00 show; Petlar, 3.29 show. Equivalent booking oddn Pinecrest. 949 to 199 straight. 190 to 199 place, 239 to 199 show; George C. Jr., 1590 to 199 place, 959 t" 199 show: Petlar, 500 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Little Dutch- Eland, by Marline trained by O. L. Pabnqnist; bred by Mr. It. Wa 1 field I. Went to post at 3:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second anil third the same. PINECREST took the bad wiU a rush and, keeping it under hard riding, held GEORGE C. JR. safe in the final drive. GEORGE C lit. made a gallant finish and was going fast at the end. PETLAR ran well and finished "lose up. although tiring. MOUNTAIN GIRL showed much early speed, but fell back beaten in the last sixteenth. Scratched 59793 Dalwood, 119. Overweights— Wetatand, - pounds. 4«ls/| FIFTH RACE— 1 i-3 Mile. March 27. 1921—1:52—5—117. Purse 00. 3-year-olds Vjt.i/tiJtf-i and upward. Claiminc. Net value to winner S490: second. 40; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % St? Fin Jockeys Owners Eguiv. Odds Strt 59952 •ROISTERER w 5 M4 2 2 13~~11 13 M 1" E Noble G W Atkinson 9C9-M9 59889* YORKIST w 7 114 G 3 3* 2* 2 2* -" J Honmer G Alexandra 79-M9 59798*GRACE w "i IM 1 1 V F I1 ;: 3* C Studer Shafer and Conway 339-198 59990 REGRESO wan 8 112 :: 4 2* 3*3 4 4:: P Martinez C B Irwin 900-100 59990 JAKE SCHAS WS 7 113 I 8 .V ."• 61 •",- 6* « Cross H W Barnes 2150-100 59952 LOUIS LACHMD wn 8 383 S 5 ti 6 C 0 G A Jacobs L Galbraith and560-10*t Time, 25. 432i, 1:18%, 1:41%, 1:55%. Track good. aratueki paid. Roisterer. 5.20 straight, .40 place. .40 show; Yorkist. .20 plate, .60 siio-.v: Grace, 32. 89 show. Equivalent booking odds— Roisterer, f,i0 t, 199 straight. 120 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Yorkist, 00 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: trace. 49 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Fiheihert — Bozanna, by Rack Sand trained by G. W. Atkinson; bred in France by Mr. August Belmont. Went to post at 3:3s. At post 1 minute. Siart good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BOISTERER set a good pace and holding sway throughout stood a hard drive gamely, but barely lasted to win. YORKIST raced dose up from the start, but caine a trifle wide when entering the stretch, then finished resolutely .and would have won In the next stride. GRACE was in close quarters repeatedly and when clear came fast and easily outstayed RLGRKSO. Overweights — Roisterer. 1 pound. fdjfhEr ET SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-ycar-olds. t5_* L7«7-»i7-9 Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i _• % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 88777 - •TORSIDA wn J98 3 1 Ti F 2-J 1" C Studer J C Holmes 190-100 59887 *N AN McKINNEY WB 102 f. G 21 V 1- 2* A Jacobs Xorth and Rowe 700-lfxi 88887 THRILLER w m G C ** 4r; V 3" .1 hunmcr J M Black 130-100 59989 LITTLE FLORXCE W 117 1 2 6 5* GJ 4»i E Noble Dr Lovell fi00-PH 59857 OLYAIPIAD wb 114 4 I : 3j 31 5» C Duggan G H Abbott 1210-100 59857 HERMOSA NEGRA w 80 2 3 GJ 6 i i A Arvin J S McDaniel i:il60-l0 Time. 24. 49%. 1:15%. Track good. fc; mutuels paid. Torsida. . .SO straight, .tK place, .40 show; Nan McKinney, .80 place, .60 showT Thriller, .L0 show. Equivalent booking odds— Torsida. 190 to 100 straight, SO to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Nan McKinney. 140 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Thriller. 10 to 100 show. Winner — B. f. by The Finn — Recession, by Woolsthorpe trained by J. C. Holmes; bred by Mr. John K. Madden. Went to post at 4:05. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. TORSIDA showed the most early speed and was passed by NAN McKINNKY on the last turn, but came fast under hard riding and outfinished her. NAM McKINNEY forced a fast pace, then raced into a dear lend after entering the stretch, but tired right at the end. THRILLER did his best. LITTLE FLORENCE made up ground. Overweights — Nan McKinney. 2 pounds; Hermosa Negra, 1. C?%tZ£i SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Purse 00~ 3-year-oTda kP Vi" vf «3 *3 and upward. Claiming;. Not value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. "fnTex Horses AWtPPSt U T "i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 07630 L TTx~u"obuE ws 7 120 4 4 21; 2l 2il P Martinez C B Irwin t~150-100 68884 »THIRTY SEVEN s 9 lot H :, 31 3*1 1 2* J Hunmer J A Parson 210-ino 898S9*H. BURGOYNE WB 7 104 7 :» !»» 8:; 7: M Fator W Younkman 808-198 5S883 HONST GEORGE b 6 112 11 lh lii 3* 4» E Taylor W Sims 1320-100 50604 •CAFETERIA wu 6 11:5 8 1 S» 3] 41 F t» E Xoble J McDaniel !»00-100 50715 J FLY FLY w 8 113 5 2 4! 4" oh 6J XV Gargan J J Sharkey 10260-100 S971S*MISTAKE wn J 112 38 I 7- 6J 6i 7» P Caron W J OUrlen 900-100 99884* *SBA BEACH wb 9 112 and 7 5-i 71 8i S R Parke J Wilson 25GO-100 68888* RAFFBRTY ws 8 112 S 6 S| 910 9= 9l= C Studer H Walters f B888I FARI.V-MORX sb 11 114 2 10 10 10 10 10 D Hum F R Irwin f ■Jloupled In betting as Irwin Hros. and H. Walters entry. Time, 24, 48%, 1:15. Track good. Charts continued on elarhth pace. TIJUANA FORM CHART VMMT1HUBU FROM THIRIJ PAGE. |S nuitiit-N aaM, Irwiu Bk.s. and H. Walters eatry, 15-01 straight, 0 place, S2.40 show; Thirty s-icri. tS.44 place, . so -how: Harry Bnrgoyae. ; show. Bqaivaleat booking awia- Irwia Bra* .v H. Walters entry. ISO to loo ■traicht. 40 t- 1 K place. SB t 100 show; Thirty Seven. 70 to UHl place. 40 to 100 show: Harry Bargoyae, 70 to IM show. Winner — -R.c. hy TaaaVngtoa Sfisa Oertel, by Haadsel trainea by C. B. Irwia: bred by Meows stene ,v Backer. Weal to post at 4:.T5. At past 1 minute. Start pond and slow for all bat BARLYMORN. Wen ariviac; ssran aad third the s;nn BOX DODOE forced HONEST GEORGE at top speed, dispoaiac ol inn while ranndlng the last tara, was rhalleaaed by THIRTY SEVEN Midway of the stretch, but finished ganwly under lard ridin;: and aatstayed the l;.ttir ia the last strides. THIRTY skvkN. after la-im: dose ui . showed in front momentarily when aa eighth oat and fonghl it oal with the winner to the end. HARRY BUKOOYNE rloatd 1 bic Ka|. ia .; fast finish HOXEKT GEORGE set 1 fi-t I bat hud wMWHanover*! Tnpai. ill: MCOI flaaadfrs. Itt7. Orerwefajhto— Mistahe. :: panads.