Second Race [2nd Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-24

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| 1 5 5 S 5 i 5 1 I 5 I . . j : , : l ; ! . . . 1 f ! 1 " i t [j I r r e n !e and ui 2 ld ■, se 1 lp n 1B on r i» BSSCOND RACE — 5 1-2 Pan lean a 3-year-oliN :in«i upwanl. l.-ilttilnu. Pcl . ID, 1S1€ — 1 :0.% ::-r» — 4 — ij .» FORT CHTTRCHILL, b. h. 5 115 By Honeywood— Tamiga, by Emperor of Norfolk. Trainer. F. D. McE.roy. Owner. R. Door. ."PC31 F.Gnds 8-4 1:13 fast 16 111 6 I 11 11 11" H Thomas 11 Arrot bead, Panamnn. Grayson 59515 F.Gnds 51 f 1 :*.» mud 8-5 111 1 1 3 31 Ill! Thomas 8 Rapid Day, Kirah, Johns Imma 59474 F.Gnds 8-4 l:15%arad 6 105 2 1 1 3l 5«! G W Carll S MvnMay. HhCost, J.S.Rrdon 58917 Jeffson 8-4 l:15%OOd S] 113 2 11 U fh a Wilson 8 Col. Taylor. Sikhim, Ablaze r-i876 Jeffson 2-1 1 IS1 -hvy 2 115 1 11 1" 1« C Lang 8 Mnrmite. Anticipate, M. Mailm 68837 Jeffson S-lllTmud 4-5 107 2 11 1* li J Butwell 6 Anticipate, Murray. Mannite HERALD, b. g, 7 109 By Coy Lad— Angerona. by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, J. M. Goode. 80286 ! id -■ ! !7 hvy 6 110 4 2 4 4- V C l ang 0 Kirah. Sandalwood. Philanderer S81S P.Gnda 3-4 lJ8%mnd 8 U0ft 3 4 6 7 8J H J Burke 8 Rntfazza, Uel.Atkiu, Ace ef Aces 58820 P.Gnda 8-4 1:18 hvy 16 112 1 11 11 7,u H .1 BwkelS Rustler, BeesWlac HekeaAtkki 59756 F.Gnds lm70y lMii-good 20 114 2 2 2 6 8» 8" H J Burke 10 Midnight Sun, Warsaw, Jerry 68614 P.Gada 3-4 l:I7%a nd 41 114 u 4 7 »1 B*| H J Burkell Burgovne, HelenAtkiu, B.sWing P.Gnda 8-41:14%taat 8 114 I 12 12 12 iris atcGraw 13 Oralecgei, Paria, Philanderer m Jeffson 3-4 1.14%good 12 K/9 7 7 8 8 8u S McGraw 8 A Alexder, Cormoran, A.ofAcee SIESTA, b. g. 6 107 By Out of Beach— Napping, by Peter Pa*. Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. R. Skinker.. »975 P.Gada 3-4 l:21%hsy 15 886 1 r. 1 n 11* L Coney 8 Jago, Pael Ceeaefly, 53167 Laurel 1 1-16 l:50%good 8 107 14 3 4 7» 7»* 1. Coney 11 KtUhe, f.Effare. Devildog 57873 laurel 3-4 1:16 fast 41 KS 3 5 6 7 6-j L, Coney J l. iinelly, WhoCares, Duirvmiin 67888 Laurel 1 l:42%faat 17-5 107 6 6 6 5 6« 6» L Coney 9 Pfltreck, Sunnv Hill, KlngGeorge 57419 K.deGe 1 1-18 l:48%taat 9-10 111 4 11 1 I* 1» L toney 8 H.HiMiIey, Nfdst i..e. Expatve 57358 H.deGce 3-4 1:15 slow 11 4 106 7 6 3 3* 1« A AlleD B Trantula, Old Mnuer. Pr. Myrtle r.640 Dshire i ! :4 "i3-,iiiud 7 K»9 4 17 7 8 8" C Lan H Bargeyaa, Louise Wynne, Uuen 55365 Hainton t 1-S 1:55 fast U lie o 2 2 6 8 5" A Ckftvet 8 JmerK.. MoruioiiKlder. Au.illal IDtarraalltled. PAUL CONNELLY, tr. g, 7 114 By Ballol — Lampover. by Lamplighter. Trainer, C. Phillips. Owner, XL Twyman. r.Giids 3-4 i-l.hvy 4i 112 J 4 4 32 2" Lang « Siesta. Jaaje, Has 68MB P.Gnda 3-4 1 :17-ihvy 12 111 7 7 5 Cb 4" It J Burkell 1roin.Tom, L.Luxury. M.Moore .,•717 F.Gnds 3-4 l:lS%fevry 7 111 6 10 7 71 6»1 C Lang 12 Anticipate, Heleu Atkin, E.taba 14 F.Gnds 3-4 l:17%mod 15 113 11 s 6 6| 8*4 C Lena 11 Baiaejae. BdeaAtkle, B.BWiaaj retTsoa 1 1-18 l:5T.%hvy 11-6 109 2 12 4 «* 6" C Lang 8 Little Ed. Thirteen, masonry 169 Jeffson 2-4 1:19 mud 9-5 118 4 2 2 4| 31 A Richer** 9 M.Moore. F. Boost. r. Gold Mam FLANT00N. b. f, 4 108 By Hoaoyw.od — Jeanne dArc, by Ben Btrnwv W. M. Cain. Owner. W. M. Cain. 1 141 P.G nda 3 I l:15%fast ti Hal 1 2 2 8| 11 M Garner 12 P*geardiae, CVhfield, Ir. lender 58191 Churchl 3-4 l:12%faat 15 KHi 5 6 4 84 8" K Wtimr 10 Col. Taylor. Port Light. AiuaiuU Kworth .": f lO0%alop 5 107 8 ill* iu" K Pollard 8 Bassga, Chew, War Tank Thcliffe 6| f l:-7 good 21 98 4S A Gantner 8 lua Kay, Murphy. Maisalta Dshlre 8-4 l:13%faat u l« 7 2 8 4* H*t A UantnerlO M.theTfaae, Cat. Matt. Hereafter 1. Wl leor . I I2%faat 10 9i: 4 2 2 2" 1 J Rowan 11 Kan. a. Husti :i On, Itoist.-rer . 2» F Erie 4 I 14 fast if. h* I I I P !" ■ Foilar-I 11 Antilles. Vic Mun.ia. TrantuU LADY ROCHESTER, b. f, 3 92 By Dick Finnoll— Bellona, by Beau Ormonde. iTral-ier, H. Neusteter. Owaer, K, Neusteter. • is 3-4 l:22%hvy 7 103 ! 5 4 E| 6** C Iabc ft Lit. Patsy. H.K.-inl.le, H Huston 822 P.Gnda 3-4 l:18%hi 12 95 2 6 0- I G Brenlas 8 Delhi Maid. Qaleta, Oat Beisy 8696 P.Gnda 61 t 148%mad 8 95 6 4 6 C« 6*1 G BrenlngU BirdieG., PaalMlcea, IrnlhlMatd 9 "■• v P.Gnda 61 t lU8%hT* 4| loii 6 2 2 34 P A Wilson 12 Petie. LitUe Paray, Pb an ilia 1 P.Gnda 3-4 1:16 mud 7 95 4 3 3 3a 4»j G BrenlnglO Mic.Mre. Ihilaudr, MibsRanklD . P.Gnda 61 t l:88%faat 20 18818 ll 11 1- IS*1 N Barret; IS Paste, Slanslr Baaaen, Dare ARCHIVE, b. g, 4 M 107 By Hi* Majesty— Guair, by Ormo. Trainer, A, G. LUkely. Owner. W. Daniel. I 2 j PG a la 1 1 :■.:.%• n 108 ■: ." 6 7 •• -■• M Gamer ft Trantala, Moee, Lady Luxury IP faat 8 113 1 2 1 2:i -* If Gamer 12 Briatow, Blossom Usage, ttargle ;, 7 [.Grids 3-41:16 hvy 15 M2| 4 4 4 4 1 * It Scott 8 Bctalnda, Back Bay. N. Shore 80U P.Gnda 8-4 l:134f,hvy 1S-5 115 5 3 3 32 4; B Lyka 10 Bertha S., Brifltew, MiracU-Man 68818 P.Gnda 3-4 1:20 hvy 8 MS I 4 5 2l 2S T-: Fo,.l 11 Bon. Blue. QayLee, Prin.sDevil 59888 P.Gnda 11:88 fust 40 10615 6 5 6 6 B" R Scott 0 Wapiti, Runquoi. Runzaf F.Gnds lm70y l:47%K od 7 llz 8 4 3 3 31 Z" M Gainer 12 M.Ruppd, Hermdeu, G. Autumn i . P.Gnda 3-4 l:14%feat 11-5 117 1 IIP 2» M Garner 12 Plata, G. Autumn, Pan.BlobHom 59805 Jeff son 3-4 1 :l.i56faat 13-5 112 3 I i 88 C Ponce 11, StraijjhtShot, Magikou TAilP. b. c. 3 98 By Ortcondale — Post Mark, by Star Sbooi. Trainer, A. G. 7oo .man. Ownsjr, J. Marino. ; P.Gnda I l:22%hvj 112 6 - - - :*l Thomas 8 Ut.Patsy, B.KemUc, ILBaxtoa • p.G nds I l:18%hvy H 101 : ! i 4 I » Wilson ft Delhi Maid, Qaleta, Our Belay 59753 P.Gnda " I l:07%good 8 97 7 6 5 45 5»1 J Meritneell DelhiMald, P.KIaaey, Per.Qaa , F.Gnda I 1 faat 16 H8 l * 2 8*| 8* J L Mney 10 Petie, Knot Crass, l-red Kinney I Jeffson 5i f l:07%faust 12 IW 4 :; 441 J l aTaey 7 Briiiitltay. Ashland, Daaerakla 59268 Jeff* son 3-4 l:14%faat 88 W8 4 2 :: 2 1JA WBsoa 8 atedesty, Oaas.MeMeekia, t.Ru.k S8184 Jefraon I l:41%faat 8 M8 I I 4 41 CM A Wilson 8 K.BriiiniiiH. B.BIock, Briar.liff 8989 Jef Peon 51 f 1*12 key 15 m:; » 5 e tl 5" a Roach 11 Biaaplicity, LastaTrtYort, P. ju-en GLOOM, ch. m. 5 105 B, Biar:, — Royul Ltdy. by Royal Flush III. Trainer, T. A. Scott. Owner. M. Gabriel. 58615 Jeffson ..-". l:1 : l 113 ■-•■ F smith 7 Bpek.Queen, B.Saadera, Be-Hasa 5V982 Mnve Ab 5-8 l*04%slop 6 ill PI C oMahy ■ Prett] Babj . SnlHSilk, Gold.l.-d 7787 Kempton 3-4 1:21 slop 7 115 B1! P Ballmaa 7 St. Just, Norfolk Belle, Splitsilk :• I Kempton 5-8 1.-08 hvy S US i- "OMahy 8 Coomb-, Toay, Poraoea 57627 Kempton 5| f l:12%hvy 7-1 116 Fell. N Foden 9 Col. Marpby, Wiiipi.oorwill. Jill 576 9 Ml Royal l l f 1:13 hvy :9-]i 112 P P Bullman 8 Waac. Lillian 6., olive Jauin WIRELESS, ch. g, 4 M 102 By Uncle — Round the World, by Laokford. Trainer, H. Randolph. Owner, Farnum and Fizer. 50166 P.Gnda 2- l:14%fael ■ 113 • 7 9 P P G Babin 12 Briatew, ArchiTe, Itiossom House 9382 Jeffson 8-4 l*14%faat -0 118 . 4 4 3- 2J G 11 Honorable, Boy C, harsigui "j 18 Jeffson Sj f 1:11 hvy £0 109 4 6 6 61 67 Q Bat, in 8 Sweepy, Eluier K., Birdie G. iS177 P:mpire Ab 3-4 UOifast 30 112 4 6 6 6 «10 G Batdn 8 Monastery, aTatTtew, McKenna 77701 Jamaica 6| f l-8S%taat CO 118 5 6 7 7 7!,J Copley 7 A. Hamilton, Monastery, Si.Man 8MB8 P.Gada i t l:07Vifast IE US I 5 8 61 6«1 J Conley 10 Be Sure, Vulcanize. Stoto CAPFRS, br. m, 7 69 By The Commoner — Lady Eastman, by Masetto. Traiaer, T. Cullen. Owner. G. Sanders. 88258 P.Gnda 3-4 I 15 seed 86 .»J 9 n 7 7- 7:3 J Merlmee 9 Betsinda. Tltaaia, North Shore 1 s p.Gnda 3-4 l:17%bTj» 20 88 6 8 2 8* 3- J alertmee 11 iron Boy. Crest, Iidy Mildred 59433 P.Gnda 3-4 1:14%faat 68 MM 8 10 9 92 H-i G BresJastlS Oraltam, Paria, PMIaaderet 59193 JefTaoa 3-4 Fllfast M 104 3 5 9 10 1017 J SeeUar. 11 Ace of Aces, Bengore. Sandy H. 66814 Jeffaoa 81 f l-88%faat 15 112 3 4 2 4i 4!i S BnllmanlU Carttna s., Beaa, Oa Hajrh 53553 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14%fast 7-5 107 1 11 1=1 li B Mariellil3 Ermitana, Pat. Mack, L.lrinceaa 58588 Tijuana. 6-8 1:02 faat 8-5 10s 6 6 8 61 9-*j B ItuuleUIlS S. Beach, B aad Stara, **/Vam 53477 Tijuana 3-4 l:14* 8-8 M I 11 1:1 1* B MarielI114 Cobalt, Teak Laaale, BliaaBat "3433 Tijuana 6-8 1 :01%faat 23-10 9o 6 6 and 6-4 6«i P Pol.-ur 7 Perch. ElSablo. Suiilliig Ma««ta SEA BOARD, b. k. 4 108 By Deutschland — Polistena, by Polymelua. Trainer, T. F. Bornman. Owner, E. Kelley. 7 P.Gnda 3-4 1:13 fast IS 3!0 7 s 6 9* 91* M Garner 11 Wlaaeceaae, PMsiag Tom, Rolo " 13 Jeffson 5i!l: fasi :;0 MB - 4 8 P SP1 H Gregory 13 MldatBea, BiagaU, Philanderer 5SC51 JefTaoa t-4 l:15%faat 12 107 I 6 8 10* 88*1 H Gregory 12 Promisiu-.- Tom. Flypaper. Leys 58550 MapleH. 61 f 1 :0S fast Si 11" 3 1 1 1* I* L Grey ft SweepUell., NonuaJ., TomGoose 58493 MapleH. 6-8 1 :07?shvy 11 112 7 6 5 5s 5» R Holway 7 SweepFpII., Ladyleae, DoetorD. 58412 MaphH 51 f l-lS%a80W 3-2 lr* 2 11 1* 1* Q Mangan 7 Dor. Carliu. BkaDaiB, VaiuChl. k OLD DAVE, b. g. 4 M 107 By Everett — Lulu Perkins, by St. Leonards II. Trainer, B. Davis. Owner, A. M. Walle. 88013 F Gnds 3-4 l:18%hvy 40 1"6 1» I 7 12 12** S I. owe 12 CobtLass. Betsinda, Sacajawea 59820 P.Gnda 8-4 1*18 hvy :•» 106 8 11 13 U IS** M Schwtz 12 Rustler. BeesWing. HeleuAtkio ".9344 Jeffson 1 3-16 201%faat 50 106 6 4 7 7 7 71 F Smith 7 Sol. Rock, Corydon, John. Overton SIS Jeffson 3-4 l:l."«Bfast 30 KH 11 11 10 10» 10» R Rice 12 Plato. Golden Autumn, Archive 5al".2 Jeffson 1 1 •42yr.KOod 25 105 5 3 5 7 11 11" R Rice 11 Damons, Domingo, Flypaper ;9091 Jeffson 3-4 l:15%fast 30 107 11 12 12 12 12" R McDott 12 Promising Tom, Flypaper, Loye LOCARNO, b. o. 4 105 By Sain— Hermoso, by OddfeUow. Trainer, G. Molesworth. Owner, G. J. Long. 88887 P Gnds 8-4 l*13%faat 1" 881 4 1" 8 6h 7*1 A Gantnerll Grayson. MayBodine. MarseJohn 60231 F Gnds 3-4 lJ3%fast 12 107 5 4 6 41 4- A Gantnerll Murphy. Machiavelli, Rolo 6o"S8 F Gnds 3-4 l:17,hvy : 0 102 8 6 5 65 518 W Lancet 11 Iron Boy. Cre-t, Capers 58875 F Gnds 3-4 l*21%hTy 50 103 6 6 6 6 6" W Lanc-t 6 Siesta. Jago. Paul Connelly 58281 Lexton 3-4 1:14 fast 31 103 6 4 4 4l 3J E Scobie 8 Lively, Gipsy Queen. Sure 58065 Churchl 3-4 102%faat 87 1"2 10 12 11 11s 11 7 G Fields 14 Hon. Man. B.otEliztn, Murray 57881 Latonia 8-4 115-whvy 15 107 8 4 7 3* 95 B Parke 11 GipsyQun, Richelieu. Serv.riag 51,614 D: shire 3-4 10S%faat 13-5 110 3 3 3 1» U H J Burkel2 EdnaD.. EastdPcesa, Dora W. 54139 Churchl 7-8 l:28%hvy 26 114 13 12 10 10 10 10« J Groth 10 Advocate. Wil. Tree, Humphrey CREST, b. g, 4 M 102 By Out of Reach — Pierrette, by Ben Brush. Trainer, R. G. Denny. Owner, G. 0. Denny. MStSPGBda T I 1 lPaaood fl 111 5 5 3 71 ll1* C Turner 13 PlaBiU, Sim. Simon. Nutcracker 61 88 F Gnds 8-4 l:17%hvy 25 100 1 11 21 2- H Thomas 11 Iron Boy, CaiH-rs. L-idy Mildred 59818 F Gnds 3-4 1:20 hvy 12 110 ." I 3 71 912 C Lang 11 Bon. Blue, Archive. Granny Lee 59717 F Gnd» 3-4 1 TGhw 60 106 9 5 12 12 121* H Thomasl2 Anticipate, Helen Atkin, Ettabe 59573 FGnda lm70y l:47:tgood 20 107 6 3 4 10 11* U** A Gantner 12 M.Rappold, Hermoden, Arclilve 5543 FGnda 3-4 l:14%rast 20 112 6 8 6 5» 5» L Coney 11 R. Lee, Archive, Straight Boot 59 "3r Jeffson 3-4 l:14%faat 20 118 1 8 10 10» 10* H King 11 Honorable. Wireless, Roy C. ■;8W» Empire Ah 3-4 1:12 eood 50 111 4 8 8 7* 7* T Stirling BS W Pennnt. Asterisk. T. -a Ling BLUE STAR, ch. g, 5 M 109 By Star Shoot— Lou Blue, by Ogden. Trainer, H. Schlessinger. Owner. P. Barry. 5R874 Jeffson 51 f l:ll%hvy 888 11- 10 10 10 10 10" E DeMayol2 Malvolio. S.LightHL. Diocletian 52833 F Gnds 3-4 l:13%faat 100 105 11 11 12 12 12° FJ Moore 13 General, Philanderer, Moroni 523 1 F Gnds 3-4 l:15Wsfast 40 117 13 13 13 13 13" J Rodgezl3 Niobe, Hopover, Mountain Dew 46144 Jefson 51 f l:0S**gcod 100 110 13 12 88 138 13" J Howard 14 War Club. Satana. Repeater 4CU87 Jefson Dn70y l:47%fast 100 106 12 13 14 14 14 13" H EricksnU Rib. Challenger. Foreclosure 45979 Jefson 3-4 1:16 good GO 106 9 11 11 ll1 11" S Boyle 13 T.Archer, Peccant, H. Weapon 45804 F Gnds 3-4 1:14 fast 60 111 U 13 12 12 12" J Zoeller 12 On High. Dinty Moore, Bareaka

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