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J ] * . . TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 1. 1922.— One mile. Lighty-third day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 1l5 or more days. Weather clear: temperature It*. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards. J. W. Coflroth and Leon Wing. Starter. Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:55 p. m. •Indicates apprentice allowance. sQOwlkl Zt FIRrVr KACE— 5 1-2 FurlonSs. June 28. 1916— 1:05%— 3— 115. Purse 00. 3-year- Vmsj-IL: ohls and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0, Index Horses AWtPPSt *L % % gtr Fin Jockeys Owners Kqulv. Odds 8tr*t m.V! 5 ROCKBRIDGE WS 5 113 11 7 «,- 6 4 lu u Mcliwen Mulhalt and Head tMsaMsS 0O543,,BLLTE VAN wn 7 108 12 « - i t| V Z" .1 Hunra»r F Marniet 290-1*1 SYNCOPATION w 0 111 7 12 W S 0; M E l-utor C Howell -- HO-J00 OOMd .MAC JOHNSON v a 4 115 4 E I1 V I* •* N Bredin Raymond Stable, 1::20-100 i 60381 *CILS. PAXXKLLws 11 108 10 :: 51 5* G . 5«3C Rails Roller Bros 22"»-*KW .0380* IMIRIN w 4 107 2 2 7" 7 7, *• IT B Bwor C 1 Crlppen 249-1M §§S4S UI.IVK I. v n 9 112 I 4 3 " 3 71 R Carter A P Chenowith G00-1D0 Bi032*PONZA RAY w :; 93 1 1 t" 4** s. Si, lt i,0rig .r Odell 1 flO.SM DIXIE MASON w. 4. 110 J 8 9- 9" "PS 9*1 B; Donahue Patt.-rson and Matlock K160-100 BltlwVON LADY w 9 107 r, :» win- pi- m P r«r«n "• Howland 35100-100 » fi0O.Vtr.lAY .MAC w .. 3.", ;i M II- II- 11- 11- D Hum C B Daniels . . OOIOO COMPTROLLER s7in SU U 12 12 1- H Moltera Curtis Bros 141G0-100 iMutuol held. Time. 24,. 45",. 1:03... 1:10. Tra. k fast. IS muiuels i ai i. Rockbridge. s.on straight, 0.80 place. Mi-*! "Mwr; Blwi Van. .40 place, 12.80 show: Syncopation. .10 show. K-juiv.iliMil l ooking mills — Rockbridge. 1*00 to loo straight. 4 to If* place. 111 to 100 show: r.lno Van. 7o to Kk» place, M to loo show; Syncopation. 7o to loo show Winner -R. g, by Hnnbridgt — Bewitched, by Frankfort trained by .1. Plant; bred by Zcnnida Stork 1iirni. Went to post :l 1 :.-,*. ,t ]«ist 2 miniitrs. Start good ami slow. V. on driving: -end ami tbird 1 li -same. BOCKBBIDGB was attttaa far Ian I ajaalli m. thaa loaad ■ clear coarse ami. finishing fast. Jaul pot up in linn- to win. RLLE VAN showed much speed threegBMl and made a game finish. SYNCOPATION dwelt at the .start, but improved his position gradually and linished fastest of all on the H side. MAC JOHNSON set a good pact- and hung on gamely to lilt end. LHAS. CAN NELL and VOOIU.N finished close up. Overweighto— DUre 1.. l pound; Aon Lady. 1. £Zfl~and PC BEC0M11 RACE— 5 1-2 rur.oigs. June 28. 1916— 1:0.V ,—.**— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-Dvll.ltJ olib and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: -.ccond. 00: third. 0. "index HecMSa AWtPPSt % jjj j Str Fin Joeiccys Owners JEqulv. Odds Strt «i80*i "RNETTK w • MB 4 t II 1* V V* J Hanmer W C Carrineton 540-190 l0; 4."» MISSOULA w :. Ill r, I 8 C". .".» 2l~ E Fator W B lfuntr Wl-ino «0.M« Airi-lC JACK n I li:: I i tk 9 ::. :• B MeEwen W P Cunningham 249-100 fiOIJIT- .MISS CLARK wttMll :: 3l. 21 S« 4* AI Fator O C.raham B00-KO «02»9 NBeeaO DAXiE w 10 111 11 11 !l. Sv fi1 H C Gross AV T Overly tt-GO-100 00497 VERA WOOD wa I 110 ! 7 10i m S1. Gi ■ Donahue A Aluleahy t tO#44*BRLDGVrVE ws 3 94 8 . :, :, i- 7" H R Rwcr V TTBrH— :,00-Ik r.ftlOS NEBRASKA LAD W 4 114 1 10 11- M 101 8. P Alartinez PJOMBaa and Lee lZtSO-M «i0153 Ah WICK wJli:: 5 5 7] 71 77 !i- K Taylor A Al Gray 20CO-100 •MSt*K18S KRUG ws 11 106 10 12 12 11- ll- 10" K Petzgold L R Knifong + «0380 MURIELS PET * fl 112 ?. G 4- 4- 0?. 11*1 " R carter V A Wright sno-ion i0.r 46*HEf.F:N HAVES wa C 107 7 4 C, 12 12 12 P Caron J Agoa G140-1WI tMutuel held. Time, M%, 49%. 1:023.. l:093/5. Track fast. mutuels paid. Teraette, S12.80 straipht. SG.OO place. S4.40 shov.-: Alissnula. .00 place. Sa.60 show; Apple Jact. s.3.H show. Frjuiv.ilent bookinp odd — Ternette. 5-10 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show; Missoula. 250 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show: Apple Jack. 50 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. m. by Barnsdale — Tern, by Black Deau trained bv V.*. C. Carrington; bred by 5Ir. Elias Watktaah Went to post at 2:20. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. TFRNKTTK bcaaa fast and. taking ■ small lead, finally raced MISS CLARK into defeat and won going away. MISSOFRA began slowly, but improved her position and linished with a iiish. APPLE JACK raced close up from the start and finished ganedy. MISS CLARK, after showing much speed to i the List eighth, tired in the final sixteenth. NF.OSUO DALE and VERA WOOD closed big gaps. Overweights— ltridgette. 1 pound: Nebraska Lad. 2; Muriels Pet, 1; Helen Uayes. 1. ftift~i fi THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— l:ll"i— 3— 110. Purse 90. 3-year-olds d VfV-l-* and upward. Claiming. Net valuft to-winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Indci Horses AWtPPSt % 5 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners B iuiv. Odds HtrM. MS71 •PEJJStTAGENET w 10 112~ 1 1 1 1 2 5 3 Hunmcr .1 W Shockley ltoO-100 , OttM MANNCHEN wa S 112 4 r. V 2lA 11 U Al Fator J A Parson 700-100 , ;010«-.ICEV FLY w S 112 5 2 ;i. .". P V R Carter J J Sharkey tSO-100 I «0«07 UALFERTY ws 8 117 2 5 5l 52 41 f* C Gross H AValters +000-100 I «0:i84*OLD HSTEAD wa* 7 112 0 I S 8= C*. »; C Ralls 7. Barnett 112S0-1«0 I B04073 *C,OLDIE ROSE W •". 110 li 7 M ! 71 « P Caron H James 2H0-100 ■ MSM*BMWA WEL.LER w :, 105 7 4 4i «J B" " H Molters ! Clixman 11110-10" | !06l».J I.ILLV JOE WB10 112 8 10 10 V- •» V H B Bwer W L Sehaefer 2G40-100 I.05S4 COL. MCRPIIY wsB 5 117 3 !l V. 10 10 ; "■ ■ Taylor J G Arvin 1020-100 00300 BIG S.MOKE w M 117 10 s G- G1 X; 10 P Martinez F R Irwin v .Coupled in betting as H. Walters mid I". R. Irwin entry. Time, 24, 49, l:15y3. Track fast. niutuejs paid. Plantagenet. 0.00 straight. 4.80 place. .20 show: Mauncheii. 3 00 place, .10 show; July Fly, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Plantagenet. 1400 to 100 straight. 010 to 100 place. 160 to 100 show; Mann-ehen. 550 to 100 place. 220 to 100 show: July Fly. 50 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Ogden — Mamie Worth, by St. Oeorge trained by .1. W. Shockley; bred by Mr. John 1 E. Madden. Went t post at 2:52. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the * same. TLANTAOENET took the lead at once and. racing head and head with MANNCHEN for the entire distance, saved ground next 1o the rail and proved gamest in the fnp.1 drive. JIANNCHEN raced in 1 closest pursuit, but tired after heading the winner briefly. JULY FLY showed speed and loomed up menacingly when seventy yards out. only to tire at the end. RAFFEUTY finished fast and made up ground. Seiatched— 0O49H Ijpfcai. W7j 00002 Stiletto. 110. : ££fk£i-i r7 FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 39. 1916—1:11*—3—110. Purse 00. 4-year-olds 5 VvOl. • and upward. Claimin,?. Net value to winner S350; second. 09: third. 0. Index H6rses_ AWTrVst %~%~»4~SttFln jockeys Owners Equiv". Odds Strt I MS99* FRANK WILSON waa 7107-"." :. i- !. 21 V J Hnnmer L Twhitehill 180-100 | ;0574*.NO WONDER w 7 112 8 :! 2 2 H HI C Ralis H T Palmer 500-100 «;035tri;ADLING w 5 117 9 I 6i G 6i 3s R Carter R Al Hollenbeek GOO-MO * 00607 MYRTLE A. wsn 9 115 7 4 Al 41 41 A D Hum C B Irwin 400-1O0 M4WaRKD MAM wb 8 U4 2 1 3i 51 51 5i E Taylor R WJrito 1120-10" NM CHICK BKLEY wsb 7 114 3 8 8" S* 8-1 G- C Thpson S J Kelley 2100-10 •WS4*CR*IR AFSTER wb 7 112 1 7 1*17* 7- 7- H B Bwcr J Kern 1o260-100 I «0»71- SHENANDOAH w 5 109 I 9 9 9 9 V V Caron H D Cates t ; 00134" STANLEY H. w 12 112 41 1- I1 V 9 p Hum G K Hum 1150-100 I T.Mutur-1 field. Time. 24V5, 49M.. l:154,i. Track fast. |S niiitieds paid. Frank Wilson. .00 straight. .80 place. .00 show: No Wonder. .20 place, .80 . show: Gadting, .00 show. Enuivaleut booking odd.— Frank Wilson. 180 io 100 straight. 10 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; No . Wonder. 160 to jtOO place, -10 to 100 Bfaow; iadling. 50 to 100 show. . Winner -Ch. g. by It. an atcher— Loretla Gale, by Magian trained by L. T. Whiteliill; bred by Mesars. Bewakai and Bradley. Weal to paal "it 3:17. At post 4 minutes, start good ami slow. Wen easily: second and third ilriv-i iiir PRANK WILSON raced under hard restraint for the first half, then moved up into a threatening position on the outside and. overtaking the loader after entering the sti-tch. easily held NO WONDEIi ■ H.ife the real of tin- way. NO WONDER followed the early pacemaker closely ami took he le.l fat the B stretch, baa tired finally. GADUNG finished fas! after making up much ground. AIYUTLE A. ran a I fairly good race. STANLEY H. «tuit after leading t- the stretch. Serai.. ted ,:0571 Peggy Martin. 115: 00353 KoseHis, 110: 00571" Ringleader. 117. . djdh£*-d Q FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24, 1916—1:15—3—110. Derby Trial Pnrso. Purse 9 0"0 -l. O 00. 3-year-old-. Allowance:;. Net value to winner 80; second. ; third. 0. . "lady j ,- Horace AWtlPSt % g % Str Fin Jocheya llwpers Wqnlv. OddsStPt t «0*JS19 CPf*. CLOVER w 120 :; 1 U l1 1" ll 1*J 4 Metcatt R E Loiretl ":-o too J ;04; f :-,. McKINNBT ninx I 2 .i 31 Q t| V C Cross North oi Rowe UB040S " «io 33 s-ocTii i;ri:ev,i-; who MS I i V 5i t1 V :: J Hanmer J M Bia-u X"«»-ieo I «i01!«5» IVBODG rillNE wal !20 5 :; I I ;,4: 1- 1 i; Taylor G H Abbott Mb-IM i»57J TOAi CRAVEN w MB I ■ 6: GJ f l| V D Hum C B Irwin I140-l«0 i, S0472 PROCLAMATION MM I S s3 S- K~ 8* Sf E Donahue |-; a i;ibler l"-o-l..i " C0K1J POLLV WALE w MB ■ 5 2 2: :;i :. 7 c Thjson San Diego Stable ;:oo-loo n «.o:.7« F.ITTLE KI.RENCE w 1I7 4 « 7- 7; 7- 7- S,; P Caron R E I.ovoll t T •MM*D ■••TOR TUBUS W 94 7 7 9 9 9 9 I C Ralls Neil A Bartholomew UOIjKO B ■fCoupled in betting as R. B. Laeell cnfr.v. Time, 25. 491;i. 1:U%. l:43-0. IM%. track fast. S2 inolueN paid, R. E. Lovell entr.i. .00 sJiaight. .40 place. .10 show; Nan McKinney, 0.20 ii pl.i". .00 show; South Rnez-. S3. 00 show. Baarraleat I king adds— K. E. Lovell "iitry. 330 t« 100 straight. 120 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; ; Nan M.-Kinncy. 410 to 100 place. 250 to loo show: Souih ISroezo, 80 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Ocncral Rober.s — Bavaria, by Ravafataaj liained by C. E. flroves; bred by Air. George M- v.mi Gaedeai. Wont to P" st at 3:11. At |Mist 1 minuti. Stait good ami slow. Waa easily: second ami third driving - CAPT. I.oVKK at aaec aaaaaaed a small lead and. setting a avail aajce, was railed on at aha head I of the stretch and won as his rider pleased. NAN HcKINNKY showed surprising speed and raced well 1 ihr..iighout. SOUTH BRJCBEB Mwaaail op menacingly whea an eighth out. but tired finally. WEDDING IIMNCE can do better and had no mishap;. POLLY WALE ran well for three-quarters, then dropped il back. Overweights- squill Breeaa, 3 pounds: PreeUuaatfea, 2: Doctor Tahha. 1. f*ffii f« SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. J, 1920— 1:43A— 6— 122. Purse 00. J"*5 M-*2 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. I. Index" "Horses A Wt PPSCyjTVi ~Str""Fin Jockeys Owners~ Bq~ni"v7bdrt¥s"trTt * OOiOt* MADRONO w 5 112 G 4 4= P !■ 0* 1* C RaUa E Barafett SPtB * 00400 GDON R BERTS w a I 112 s 5 X V 2 Q V .1 H-jnm.r P L Short llo-UH ViKWi T. BRENBIDGE wi; « 110 3 G l1 1| 1 1 3 H Alolters Alorris Stable :;2SO-100 BOMS .MARY PULLER wSIN 4 :; ."■- 5 5- I- 4 M Fator A Lund vfitn-loo «007. PLOW STEEL v :: 97 E Z 7! Gv 41 :. :.- p Hum C B Irwin 1810-100 , 00446 MIKE DALY W8I | 110 9 7 V ~ G G1 if C Cross Murphy and- Cloninter SOfVKO |J " 80 j*7Ss NEBRASKA waa S 114 7 9 S- V S:; s- 7- E Ta lor C. H Abbott 1220-100 «0r»::0*lXI.A w 9 lit 2 X 9 0 9-*1 a* S4 AV Davis J S AIcDaniel I t BM€5*CLp.VER JUKI A w 5 112 1 I 2" 4l 7; 7" 9- h B B"wer E Orr lGlO-loo 00408* WISE JUDGE W 4 108 10 lo 10 10 10 10 in P Caron Tarn . Shanter Stable 700-100 vMutie.l field. Time. 25, 49, 1:153.. 1:43", . 1:00%. Track fast. 52 luiitu.-ls paid. Madrono. S15.C0 straight. .00 place, .00 show; Gordon Roberts, .20 place. • .80 sho» : i.o Breckearidge, S17.20 show. Bqarraleal bOOkfac edda— Madrono. 680 to 100 straight. 150 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Gordon Bshetto. 00 to 100 place. !0 to 100 show; Tea Ureckenridge. 700 ti 100 show. Winner— Ch. g. by The Manager— Faneywood, by Prince of Monaco trained by R. Barnett; bred by Air. John H. Rosseter. Bent to i c,t ;.t 1:07. At post 1 minute. Start good anil slow for all but WISE JUDGE. Won driving: second and third the sawe. MADRONO saved ground next to the rail and. finding au opening on the last turn, eaaae r.i-t through tie- stretch and outstayed GORDON ROBERTS in a gam.- finish. Tin- latter .,. raced on the outside moM of the way. thereby losiug much ground and probably was best. TEO BRLCK BNBB96K ---t a fa-t pace, but was tirias through the lin.-.l eighth. PLOW STEEL tired after racing up ! ! into a contending position. MARY FILLER ran well. WISE JUDGE was practically left at the post. Bcrattlii il 00178 Ban Hill. 105; 0O54!» Mlatress Roily. 115. = fZfiandfb SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Fob. 1, 1920— 1:43V;,— 0—122. Purse 00. UvfOU 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. "Index . Horses AWtPPSt.j % ?j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str - * t I 0O4I3 it:.ill wt! G 117 5 1 31 ::! 5 1- V C Thpyon C Aail 50-1" 0 0 j 00576 RECRESO w 8 121 1 :: 4i V. 5" 4v 2 P Martinez. C B Irwin G10-100 M OOtAa ROLEN w 6 111 « I 0* W l1 al ■■" J Huvmer A Brent M0 M 0 0B570*NONSUIT w 4 104 2 1 1 1 V% 2" • C Ralls V. E AlcGregor 1740-1M hi ■BM1*PEERLE8S ONE waa 7 M 1 5 B | V P li1 51 M Fator S Rolk 17H0-KKI ki «041 SWEET APPLE w .". 108 7 7 7 7 7 7 ■ C Gross J i:ekert 1120-100 "0 00.151 MISS DUNBAR w 4 95 .: 2 21 lil ::l V 7 J Thomas W H Aloore 5190-100 HJ Time. tfK, 49?5. 1:1*%. 1:42%. l:47»i. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Gath. .00 siraight. S2.00 place. S2.20 siiow: Regreso. .00 place. . SO show; ; Rouen. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Gaffe. 50 to 100 straight. 30 to Hh place, 10 to loo show: Regreso 150 to o 100 place. 4:i to 100 show: Rouen. 30 to 100 --how. Winner---It. g. hjr Tracery — PliiliMia. by St. BfeapM traimd by N. S. Vail; bred in England by Air. •. John Saafard. Went to aaat at 1:30. At post 1 miniit". Stan goo.! aad slow. Waa ".-isily; Itraail ami third diiv-ing. - GATH. close up from the start, raced into the lead on lip l.-i; ten and won as his rider pleased. I. RECRESO "allied his heart* burden gamely and aetlnivhed ROLEN for second place. The latter moved il up menacingly after rounding the turn, bul tired when put to a drive. NONSC1T made the pace fast t for tbree-quai ters, then dropped back beaten. MISS 1H NRAR ffiiit. Overweights — Sweet Apple. ■ pounds. i » . a3araaQa « EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916—1:11—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olda D"Da I .«- and upward. Claiming. Net vattm to winner 60; 3oeond, 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtTPSt % Vz ;i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00413 TRUSTY WB 1 113 3 2 1» 2 2j 1- P Carol E Getchcll 310-100 i0.ri79 DON JOSE wsn 7 112 • I T 1 1 21 J IftOrmer C fl Grovea 500-100 «0579*DANC1NG GIRL w*M 9 •"• 33 3j Ja ". c Ocoaa .1 Eckert 1010-100 iC0413JOHN JR. wu9 1:l 1 4 4 I1 4 1, C ThpSOtl V Alaunale 260-100 611570 TEE Al ILLS w 7 M4 1 1 P V V C» It R Bwer C Kelly 290-100 00443 •PINECflEST W 1 106 2 6 g- 7J 7: 61 ll Molters W Fontier nHl 5885J RETDO a» 8 MB 5 7 X- Rl 8- 71 10 Dcmahu" J Ilurabrei h j CoiS7*NASHOTAII w 3 MS fi 9 9 9 9 sJ C Ralls S ireseltiue 60575 DAINTY LADY WB C 111 7 8 V M 6- I P fetartlaea C B Irwin 2220-100 tMutuel lield. Time. 21:,. 4R"r . 1:14",. Track fast. mutnel- pail. Trusty, .20 straight, .60 place, .20 show; Don Jose, place. ,20 show; 11, lining Girl, .80 show. Lnnivaleni bookiag adds — Triisiy. 310 to 100 straight. 180 to loo place, 00 to 100 show; Don Jose, 210 to ion pl-ie- . no to t" shew; Darning Girt, 100 b H" shew! Winner B. g. by Brakes li U lajwl. by boyaUat trained by F. Sharkey; bred by Air. Harry Payne Whitney. * I * S*MhBJ Went i" pos! at 1:50. At posl :. atiautes. Start good and -low. Won handily; second and third driving. TBI OTTt ael the early pace and, after bing passed, was saved to the list eighth, then pushed, into the had and won go:rg away. DON JOSE raced Into a clear lead on tin- List turn, but gave wax readily when challenged. DANCING GIRL raced and flnished gamely. JOHN JR. ran a good race under hi; high weight. USE BILLS wa* alwaja outpaced. Scratched May Ifaabhy, 101; 00002 Perch, 102; BMI3,Cavaleado«r II. , 112. . i — -— — ■ — " i ■