Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-03


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i , , I I I ■ | 1 * 1 : 5 I | * I t ; I . . . ■ B a I . 9 . t J " I i, " n t T B ii ; - I 1 il I. * * , |J " I t • by .,. up ! = - * t 0 0 M 0 hi ki "0 HJ ; to o •. - I. il t HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. THURSDAY. MARCH 2. 13f2.— Orteatpl Park 1 rnib. Lighty-sixth day. Cuba-Ann -rican Jockey and Aulo Club. Wlhter Meeting «.f 107 days. Weather clear: temperature 80. Stewards. J. Hachmeister, C. II. Lin.-.daie aad B, Bajrke. Jmlges. C. Cornehlseu and Edward Jasper. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary. Alartin Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. £S£bbT» u £K TIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 21. 1916—34,-2—113. Purse 00. 2-ycar-oIds. xJ"Otcx7 Maidens. Cuban-bred. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi -i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H Q P 8 50663 BABE ALICE w 109 5 1 1** 1 1 l1 W Kelsay P Steinhart 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-S 1-: I 00488" BROWN SHASTA w 112 C :: 2* P 2- A Pickens El Alorro Stable 2 2 2* 1-3 1-8 60488 A1ATAHAMRP.E w 112 .". 1 ::- ?? :: J A!.iib»n P. inv. 10 10 10 3 3-2 60488 DONNA BELLA WB 109 2 G G G 4. .1 Chalmers.! Lopez i G 1 2 1 00488 DON" IELVDO w MS 4 2 5* ** WJ Q Fields Carvallo Bros G 6 fi 2 t 60488 SIBONEY w 112 1 I 4* 41 G F Hunt C H Smith 10 10 10 3 i 1 Time, 24. 36*/. Track fast. mutues paid. Babe Alice. .60 Straight, .20 place. .30 show: Brown Shasta. .20 place. .40 show-. Uatahaatbre, .10 *haw Eouiv.ilent booking odds — Babe Alice. 80 to 100 Straight 10 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Brown Shasta. 10 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show: Alatahimbre. 155 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. f. by Solomon— Lyndora. by Hasttaga trained by W. Irown; bred by Air. Frank Stein -; hart. Went to peat at 2:33. At post 2 minutes. Start goo l and slow. Wen easily; second and third driv- hag. RARE ALICE set a fast pace from the start and easily hell RROWN SHASTA safe all the Way. The fattter raced in closest and game pursuit and was on the outside of the winner for the entire race. MATAHAMBRB showed speed, but was tiring at the end. DONNA BELLA finished well in the niiddle of the track. Scratched 00488»B;araaa Electric, 120. £Z.fh£ZA~and SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920— 1:11— 6— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds aad OUOtcX upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtFlSf~Vj * Str Fin Jockeys Ownprs O H C P 8 60347 SHV1L.L1AN WSB 9 11". 8 S P 2i 2- 3 AV Aor"seyP J .Smith 3i 31 .J 7-5 7-10 0O54«nVRECKLESS v. u 3 101 li 9 6" P 3i 2" E Penman T J Breslin 3 3 3 6-5 3-6 00399 FAIR LASSIE WB 4 107 2 5 l1 1 l1 3*J F Hunt D Hamraopd 3 3-3 6-5 3-5 60375 INCINERATOR w 5 110 G X SI 4*1 * » 41 G Fields F Wrhspen 8 8 8 3 8-6 60375-FRANK BURKE w 7 115 3 7 7 G- t 5" G Stone C R Smith I 4 4 8-5 4-5 60480 MTHOLICK WB 7 11". 5 fi -V 5 G 8J A Piokens A B Davidson 10 10 10 4 2 60489 BRIZZ w r. 9 115 9 1 10 91 71 7 I Fletcher L F Sherman 20 20 20 8 4 60434 STEPSON w G 115 7 2 $ ll 10 P A Tryon N L Snelson 10 10 10 4 2 0053.S*-.KAAAIAX w 1 112 4 lo 91 8" 9J 9-1. J ChalmersAV At Schwartz 10 10 10 4 2 6051 1 INVINCIBLE w 5 115 1 1 41 71 S110 W Kelsay E A Burke 3 3 3 6-5 3-5 fSent out in entries as Hainan -, Time. 24. 48*i. liU%, Track fast. S2 mutuels paid, Sevillinn. 1.40 straight, .00 place, .40 show: Wreekless. .50 place, .00 show: Fair Tanatrr. SL40 show. Eijuivalent booking odds--SevilIian. 170 to 100 straigl.t. 130 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Wreckless". 75 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Fair Lassie. 120 to 100 show. Winner — R. g, by Isidor -Adriutha. by ClilVord trained by C. Alole; bred by Air. John Sanford. Went to post at 3:02. At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SEVILLIAN began slowly, but i;ui.kly closed up on the outside aud. finishing fast and gamely. Just got up to win in the last strid". WRECNLESS closed a gap and. finishing with a rush, would have won in another stride. FAIR LASSIE sot a good pace and tired, but finished resolutely. INCINERATOR raced well. FRANK BURKI linished fast. Scratched OOIQg« aactoal, 110; .v.«U3-Dottas Beat, 115. and£fm/and *? T-iIIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 3, 1320—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and f79"XJmi upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt H V-. * Str Fin Jockeys Own-rs B H R P 8 604 02 FIRST CONSUL WB -",110 1 3 21 21 2» 1~A Pickens C .Middleton 1 6-5 6-5 2-5 1-5 00S94*OLD SINNER ■ E 111 4 1 1- I«| V 2 R McADeyS Aliodow I G 5 I 4-5 OOr.98llCTCiriSON mi!.; too | | 0*4| 4* 3»J L Pe.iinan X L Baker I 21 2J 4-51-3 50712 * Ml 3R* MONT w : 4 108 2 ."• ; G Gal 1!1AV Pool Montfort Jones G G 6 2 ft 60r.I2 -SPCDS Mil 99 g I 5 I* 3 ■■ D Rrible 1 :gypt Stable ZJ 1 4 6-5 1-2 57730 POLAR CUB wu 5 108 :t 2 P 5? I S T Lur:is F Delbarrio 20 20 20 8 i Time. 23. 43,f.. 1:H. Track fast. niutii. Is paid, First Con ul. 00 straight, .00 place, .30 show; Old Siuuer, .70 place, .50 show; Huloiiison. .80 show. Equivalent booking adds— Pint "U-ul. ISO to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; Old Sinner, 83 to 10 place, 25 «• 100 show; Hutchison; 40 to 100 show. Winner — R. g, by Zeus — Sans Geae, by Back Sand trained by C. Middleton; bred by Messrs. White and Garaetl . Went •• peal at 3:20. At peat 1 asiaate. Start iM».r aad slow. Waa easily; second and third driving. FIRST CONSUL, after raeftag in mvirest pursuit, won the paeeaaaker dowa and. t»assing him, drew away into a laag lead iii the last slxteeath Bad won ■ • ■ a canter: OLD SINNER took the lead at o»ee and set a teal pace for fiv eighths, tie n tired suddenly-. HUTCHISON begaa slowly, but dosed a gap ami finfaaVed with a raah. BEKMONT al-o aaWhed will. SPODS showed speed to the last eighth. gq = ■ - - — I =====-===t====t:. j 1 I , .,,■;,„ pBj R.fh£Z i"* W B»TH RACE— 1 Kile. Xarch 2:«. 191*1— l:ri3"-— r»— 105. Pnrso 00. 3-year-olds. DvUXU Claiming. Net value to winner .«;."b0; seeawd, C0: tliird, 0. indel Tior." TrviSiTvir yy" Owners O H OPS" 6O603*1 STONEWALL wb 105 4 3 Vi I1 1* 1*. li L Penman W F Knebelkainp3 3i 3J 6-5 3-5 00»102*ARTICLE X. w i"o :: y E»| ::» .. :: U .1 ChalmersO L Foster 6 7 7 21 6-5 « h 08*RANDEI. v.nlOS I I G i. fats •". A Yerrat J T Alueller 7 7 7 2J 6V6 0Oand4J PORGE AHEAD W 110 1 1 3* 1* .". 41 I3 AV Ivelsay K D AVeir 5 5 5 2 1, 00O1X DIVERSITY WB 97 I I 4- ft] 21 21 ..- D PrJMe V .1 Kearns 1 1 1 2-6 1-5 OBand12* FICTILE w 110 .". 2 V - fi G I A Pickens T Doyle 4 44 4i 3-2*1-10 Time. 21, 4tJJ, 1:16%, 1:41%. Tri-.ck 1a.st. miiiiK-ls paid, Stoaewall, 0.80 straight, .30 place, .7o show. Article X. 1.70 place, .40 show : R audel. .00 show. Bqairaleal haeklag adda Btoaewafl, 1 lo to 100 straight. 165 la lfM ptera. 135 to 100 show; Article N. HG to 100 place, 320 to KK show; Rand.l, SO to 100 show. Winner- Rr. ■, by Jim Oaflney— Oipy Love, by Cesarion trained by W. B. Finuegan; bred by Mr. V. V. Thrives. Went lo jx.t at 3:52. At post .", minute. Start go ul ,;nd alow for all but DIVERSITY. Won easily; seeead and third driving. STONBWALL raei- ! lata aa easj" lead while rounding the first turn and, aet-I ting ■ goad pare faa the reasataalce of the race, waa easing up. ARTICLE X. ran well, but had to-b » ridden hard to outstay RANDLL. The latter doaed a gap Bad finished fast. DIVERSITY left the post Hat too:.. I aad closed a trig gap in the early running, but tired in the last eighth. FORGE AHEAD ran woii. FICTILE "iiiit early. flAAdd riFTTI PACE— 1 Mile and M Yirdr-. March 6. 191*t-l:41— 5— 117. Turso 00. U yO-dtTt 4-ycar-cIds ami upwaid. Cl.-iimag. Net valuo to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. 1ileV~lIoises AWti"fSt"i4 g 8 Str Fiii Jockeys Owners O H O P 8~ 6 B*70** •PBTRA RCli WB 4 4» 1 4* 412 2] 1~« D Priblc E E Alajor 7-5 7-5 6-5 1-2 1-4 00105 » RAM KIN" WB 4 Ml I 5 ll l1! ll 21 2 L Penman II Alexander 2J 3 3 1 2-5 05i;;.;rayss!an was Mi :: 2 2*1 21 ::- ::i ::- p Hunt c and D stable 6 7 7 2 6-5 60009 IME PIRATE wr. 5 111 4 1 ::« ■.- 4 41 R G Fields Ko.sedale Stable 4 44 41 7-5 7-W 60570 ROSEATE WB I H E I 5 .". .V- 5= 0 It laydgesA C Niehaus 10 10 10 3 3-2 60465 MARCELLA BOY w 4 101 3 1 G G G G G B Scheffel W"illiams Bros 3 3i 3i 65 1-2 Sent out in entries as Cratian. Time. 23.. 61%, 1:16%. 1:40, 1:43%. Track fast. inutiiels paM, Petrarch. .70 straight, .00 place. .50 show; Ramkin, .30 place, .40 show; Grayssian. .20 shew. E niiv.ilent booking odds— Petran h. 135 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Kamkin 05 to 100 place. 20 to inn show: GrayssiaM, Ho to IOO show. Winner— P.. e, by Sain or Free La:;t e— ■ Mytikue, by Falsetto traiued by E. K. Alajor; bred by Mr. G Barge J. Long. Went to posl at 4:ls. At post 1 miniii". Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. PBTRAW H began -lowly and was outiuu for the tirst half, but moved up rapidly after rounding the far turn ami raced iulo a long lead in the last ijuarter. RAMKIN was rushed to the front on the hrst turn and set a fast pace, but tired when the winner caught him. GRAYSSIAN rau in decidedly bn- proved lona and easily outtayd lili: PIRATE. The latter lost ground in the streteu. — ■ . ■ ■ .J— J fkfrtfandi *h SIXTlr RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6, 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. WVP *«U 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 60; second, 00; tliird, 0. I""lU.f"x Hfl-taeB AWtPPSt U V, % Strain Jockeys Owners O H c"p ~ 0Oj690*»TARASCON wa $ 112 ! 2 2 3» 31 11 1=4 C RobsonAI O Viau 8 8 8 3 8-5 60540 BLONDEL wo I 110 1 7 S G1 PP%H G Fields Maryland Stable S 2 2J 1 lw; 60565 RIGODON am 3 99 2 1 ll ll iu 21 3i A McLhlinE L Daly 6* 6 6 24 6-1. 0tt59S:*COSCQRBON ws 3 9-1 I 3 M 51 l" 41. 4 J B Scheffel M V Daly 3 3 3 6-5 3r". 60206 li. M. STEVENS WB fi 110 S ! 9-" 7- 7- 6" 5* J ChalmersG K Allen 4 4 4 8-6 4-5 «0»4«*»DATUSA w 3 95 SGI |* p* -uk vi D prjble C and D Stable 5 5 5 2 1 80J896 NIC, w 3 99 9 I B 9" »t 71 7- L Penman R L Baker 3 3 3 6r*i 3r5 60B07 "GUARDSMAN w 7 10-" 7 8 P 4»ic G 81 8-4 H BrydgesII A Cotton 20 20 20 8 4 60896* LIGHT FTASTIC w:i 4 1051 G 5 7"k s 81 9" 9« J ATaiben Al E Thompson 20 20 20 8 4 64G«2*HURN WO 4 108 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 AV Pool P L Putnam 25 25 25 10 5 Time. 25. 40. 1:16. l:423/5. 1:46. Track fast. mntnels paid. Taraecoa, 5.50 straight. .80 place. .10 show; Blondel. .70 place, .30 show; BlgodOQ, .70 show. Eqoivaleat booking add*— Taraacan, 675 to 100 straight, 240 to 100 place. 105 to 100 show; Blondel 135 lo 100 place, 65 to 100 show: Rigpdon, 285 to 100 show. AVinmr — Ch. h. by Magellan— Tortiue II. , by Tarquiu trained by R. I. Carter; bred in France bv Mr. W. Hart ». We.it to post at 4:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- bag. TARASCON waa saved eb.se up to the stretch turn, then came on fust and. rating into .1 good lead won easing uo. BLONDEL began slowly, but closed a big gap steadily and made ;i fast finish. RIOOBON set I t-ood pace to the stretch, but tired in the final drive. COSCORRON ran fairly well. HARRY M STEVENS was shuffled back on ;he tirst turn and closed a big gip in the last half Scratched— OtMOlBaby Faust, 100; 00510 Miss Hope. S3. Overweight--— Datusa, 1 poi:ml-; Nig. 5; Light Fantastic, 2".

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922030301/drf1922030301_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922030301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800