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OPENING DAYS NEW YORK RACING Tli*- aregraM for the spring meeting ol the Daited Hunts Raefag Aaaeetattaa, to be held Tuesday. May 2. thus opening the lacing aeaaaaj in the Baal -,u. appioM-il at a meeting of the tnited Hunts board of directors held last Wednesday. Tin- events I carded ate tw steeple* -bases for hunters, one over 1 the brvat raarac at two anil on*--half miles, the other over timber at tkraa and one-half miles: an 1 open steeplechase at two miles and three flat race a, twn at three-quarters and one at a mile. A iiiim-|M r of the various liunt clubs in New Jersey, Connecticut. Pennsylvania and Maryland are taking an I active interest in making the uuntci?- ateapteekaaea s a â– jpaaaa,