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FOALS AT WHITNEY FARM Thirteen Royally Bred Youngsters at Kentucky Establishment — Latest Breeding News. LEXINGTON. Ky.. March is —At Harry Payne Whitneys Kentucky farm there are thirteen foals. c«f which Serea are colts and six ate fillie-s, the most intcte-si ing "tie of them probably being the bay • olt by Ieter Fan from the great ra e man- Tanvi. by Meddler. The others are: A chestnut eolt. by Peter Pan--bile Hoar, by Hamburg: rbestnnl filly, by Thunder-e-r — Waif, by Greenback: bay colt, by Peter Pan-Miss Hamburg, ly Hamburg: bay filly, by Pe-ter Pan Afternoon, bv Prim e Palatine: bay filly, by Ie-n-aaat — Truly Bars, by Broomstick: bay filly, by Chicle— Wendy, by Peter Pan; bay filly, by Chicle-— Pantale-tte. by Broomstick; chestnut colt, by Pennant — Enchanting, by Yictiix; ehestnnl colt, by Peter Pan — Matinee, by Broomstick: bay cedt. by Pe-ter Pan-Qne-eca. by Broomstick; bay colt, by Ieter Pan — Florence, by MacDonald IL. anel chest nut filly, by Thunderer— Purling, by Peter Pan. Both of the twins by Pennant — Rumpus died. Kumptts, Wendy. Pantalette. Enchanting and Matinee go to Chicles court this season: Idle Hour anel Qbeeck go to PaPM Pan; Waif, Miss Hamburg and Tanya to Thunderer: Afternoon and Truly Bural to leiinant and Florence and Purling to All Cold. J. W. "Bub" May. who is training the five horses belonging to Col. H. M. Howard of Dayton and Irbiiua. Ohio, a newcomer to the tanks of the owners, left last night for Ualtimore, the horses being now at Bowie. On the same train went F. J. Stevens, who will take a siring of horses to Canada for the forthcoming season. C. B. Reed of Houstonville, who trained The Picket anel other good raiers, is among the visitors here. W. B. Miller stated last night that Golden Guinea is not to enter the stud until next year, that he-is to be in the bands of A. J. .loyner at Belmont Park and that if he comes to hand sufficiently to suit .loyner he may be raced a few limes in the East this year. Edward Ccbrian today wired from San Francisco that ho has derided to have American Ace trained again anel that he will not go into the stud until next year. The latest foals at Major August Belmonts Nursery Stuel are a bay filly, by Fair Play — Blue Grass, by Edward F. Simms Prince Ialatine, from Hour-glasv. which is the- dams second foal. The other is also a bay filly, by Fair Play— Rock of Gold, by Rock Sanel. from Golden Yiew. C. W. Hay of Frankfort, one of the stewarels of the Kentucky Jockey Club, has booked three mares to Col. E. R. Bradleys Idle Hour stallions. Emma Star goes la Black Toney. while Elizabeth M. and Miss i.ula haaaj both go to Helmet. B. L. Davis of Midway has hooked his mare Lady Clara to Phil T. Chinns Flittergold anel W. S. Payne of Mapleton Stuel has .-nt his mare Sis Lee. by Oddfellow, to the same horse. Col. J. C. Barrett of Midway has hooked his mare Anna Hastings, by Hastings, to Torehbearer. Fred Foster has liookeel his mare High Stakes, by Fair Play, to Fscoba. She is a sister to the dam e f Hourless sad is now in foal to William A. Sheas Te-a Caddy. J. B. Respess of Highland Stock Farm. Erlanger. Ky.. is here on the same mission. Edwin C. Griffith of Baltimore is the owner of a fine bay colt whiih arrived this morning at Short .rass Stud. It is by Jim G.if fney — Virginia L. The mate goes to Wildair. At Slmri ejrass Stint also Emil Herz mare Florence L., by Celt, has a chestnut filly by Glen-e-n int. The mare goes back to Clenc-airn. Mrs. Fayette Johnson has hooked her mare Treeless, by Ogden. to Short Grass.