Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-19


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I r ! s I • " : e t TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, HEX.. FRIDAY. MARCH 17, 1622. — One mile. Ninety-seventh day. Tijuana Jocfcey Clbb. Winter Meeting of 125 or morn days. Weather cloudy; temperature 85°. Presiding Steward.. Francis NePon. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:55 p. in. Chicago time 3:55 p. m.. *Indicates apprentice allowance. , _ __ — — ii 1 « 0/QQQ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Pttrs© 00. 3,year.olds DllOaVO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. "index Horses "AWtPPSt %~% % Str Fin Joekeya Owners Hqir. Odds fjrt 119938 CONICHON W C US 2 3 S 3- 2H P c Gross A Slemmon 360-ln0 00803 TO YON W I 66 2 I 4* 4" 3- 23 II Pator M Keefe 706-100 00906*MONTGOMY JR. w S 110 ti 5 11 V R 3-1 T Wilson P Leiner «M-100 G0tl84*SQUASH wn I 10S 1 1 2- 6* 4r 4= C Studer G Sidney "230-100 00804 SWHNSOX wu 10 115 8 9 9 9 7-1 5" R Carter S J Cornwell 700-100 M7ff£*MARK N FLUKE a 4 606 7 7 Tl fi" 51 6- J Htamer L Galbraith 1420-100 00885 RINKAYOUS w i: 115 ! fi P 51 6= 7» J Metcalf H Pigeon 3140-100 00301 GO ON w 7 115 ! 4 8;J 8J V 8" C Ralls E V Winters t4360-100 00087 "WOOLEN BONT WB fi 110 5 S 6! . 71 9 9 H Molters O Rogers t vMntuel field. Time. 24, 49=-,, 1-18. Track heavy. £2 mutuels paid, Coniclion. 1922.sh.00 straight, .00 place, .80 show; Toyori. 1922.sh.00 place, hB1.60 show; Montgomery Jr.. 2»M show. Eiinivalent booking odds— Coniclion. 350 to 100 straight. ISO to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Tovon. 200 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show: Montgomery Jr.. 40 to 100 show. Winner — P.. g, by Reformation — Janice Marian, by Rubicon trained by P. Dwyer; bred by Mr. Ceorae M. Yan Golden. Went to paat at 1:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second ami third driv-V ing. roNRIION. hard ridden from the start, gained ground steadily, took the lead with a rush when entering the stretch and won under restraint. TOYON made a game and fast finish and was easily second best. MONTtitlMKKV JR.. ifter racing SQUASH into defeat, tired when challenged by the winner. SQUASH showed speed for a half, then piit. Scratched— 00905 l-oeman. 115: B00S0 Nebraska Lad. 10S; 00885 Caamano, 115. - _ Overweight-— Woolen Bonnet, 2 pounds. l"J«fiCand* /l1 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3.y44r-o~ld-s ViHj«_Fjfc Tb and inward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third, 0. Index _ Horses AWtlPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Str*t MISS HORACE LI : ROIIw.su 5 IP, 3 I 8 P 2- 1. T Rae • K Davison 80IoOO 00803 HocKMAID w 666 5 | ] | | | 28 T Wilson L E Old 900-100 fl70S*RABY GIRL w ti His 4 2 P tl V 6« J Htamer G M Murphy 350-180 007K1 OSTENTATIOUS w 13 m 1 1 5- V 4 4"t P Hum B Wilson 112 -10O CiOSOl COBRITA wit 7 H! fi 7 7 7 fi V C Thison Ooeur dAIene Stable 900-100 00017 RLCI li: MEYERS w I las 7 6 4- 41?. r,- fi" 61 Futor W Jenkins 4H40-10O andS82S MANGO will:: 3 5 i- fi- 7 7 J M tcalf J S MaibeJi . . 26560-100 Time. 24!i, 49V5. 1:17%. Track heavy. 32 mutuels paid. Horace Leivh, . Ml straiglit, .00 place, .80 show; Cookmaid. 00 idace, .40 s-:..w: Batty Girl. 82.90 show. i:.|iilv.ileiit booking odds— Horace I.enh, 80 to 100 straiglit. 80 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show Cook-- maid. 130 to 100 place. 70 to KM show: Baby Girl. 30 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Mdlci — Sadie May, by Cesarion trained by C. E. Davison; bred bv Messrs Oorham Pro .. Went to post at 2:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won ridden out: second find third driving. HORACE I.ERlH followed the pacemaker closely until straightened out for home, where he wore In 1 down to win with speed in reserve. COOKMAID showed .1 good order of speed In setting the Charts continued on eighth pagO- TIJUANA FORM CHART— CONTINUED FROM THIRP PAGE. GIRL flowed .,"• but .ould not ,.;, uinn.r. 1„M .... tr-.n.Hy. BABY p:„.. and after l-im: passed by •aaitfan « — — - • 111; t;os»tt Bcka, 99B. , 4«niCa"~I"ACl_MiTc~ May 20. lc"2C-59_4_107: JJ"*"!]* *nd OU"i60 upward. Clain.ing. Bot wOaa te winaar »MI; ■■aial. 8Mt; t9»i. 8J9B. Owners Kgulv. Odds Sir t "TnTe iTTFs?; AAVStJ4_%_%_StrFln Jockeys — WPUKBLO w7T7Tl2 1 1 V f f F C Studer F P. I: « S aMJ | i I KB-IS !ui«ax MAIDw. i 149 2 : . t c 5 J «•».. 7 Wltoaa M99-g OUK,i nwnwasa 244, . l:042-,. Track heavy. _ S~ mu-uels paid. PwUa, S0.20 straight, S.YSU s4a*«, 8A.49 show: Cicely Kay. 8S9.29 Pla.e. |TM 1 .J.iilenTiioddsPucb.o. M to 100 Mbjkt. « N MB ,,,, 70 «o .00 show: Cicely Kay. IStiO 1.. 1 «i fin-.-. -J.Hi t" KHt how: Duly Kashi..n. 40 t.. iO0 show. I". R. bred by Mr. |.,,n S ,,1 Clifford tiatead bf Winner bv RocUt-ll -Ortrta, by Jnrta; -CI. It. We" oUl and nWw. W« dmniB: se,.,„.| and llur.l tie |. t 2:45 At Mat 1 minute. Start I a«a« PITBBLO r,, .n all tba -urn- and. racin* forward., stead a terrtle *£****?*£ LmI well in the piiug and, after m-mhik the pace trom tac sarnristasly the xtrMea ICKI.V KAY raced I in:,! L, Ike cud. DULY rA81HO.N was pro-teeal 1 . r . on with fi-V . only te ftec w.j rigbt .1 fr.,n. the start, but tired in the teal eighth. VKXYirr ed a big gap :.. a teat tlnfetK . S.-r.tele.l 6US84Ask J , WO; 4B94M Alajali. MB; B075C V jkc Judge. 113: WOO.. Meteor, at,, o.jo. Teuny QUI i7. .. AAana»iD~FOVMCTT2cB~ 1 Mile and 70 YardsT_ Feb. 1. 1920— l:43,a— 6—122 . *m|IJM. O O " i5 1 3-ycar-oid. and upward. Claiming. Net vain- to winner S350: second. S100: third. S50. • " St r Fin Jockeys Owners Ki|iiiv. Odd* Strt t ■In |,.x Baraea A Wt PPSt Vt ],2 "4 — . ■■ ■ 1=1 !- J Hui-m.-r G Wml-r 189-M» Sgg CAPT EV NS v. :. 11.. 1 31 ,«»««!,* RC,rNTO atlM 7 "• i: 5- 4" 9 9 C Bills I" Mancolas .oO-loo 1 ! 11 I 1! 1PKK W7 1M 2 atli 9 2 " 2"f Studer F R Irwin MJ-tM SSS MMDSTI JIS ilTl 9 « H W Davis W A Wrt«W WIJ-MJ IM4tt*-TOM OWRN8 ws4NI S 7 - 8* 7 7- 6 T «VUaaa L A Blaisingame M4B-M4 — MHftTTT1— *** i:5 11o :; 1 ! 4* W | •"• 6- W Ol«aa -I Arvm • SSS lu;in - I 111 1 I I ? :: - :- R Cj-rt. r W Sinis M9-199 ii»iVTii:i.N « 6 ios i 8 7« 3 I I I -i lb. .mas JWllw naa-jai Miitmd field Time. 25,. 50,. 1.1756. !.-«■%. 1:51. Track heavy. S2 muVuels p:,,.|. Capt. Kvans. |3.«a Straight, .S3 20 place. 9andM show: ArgMto, MIO place. IZ.M l r,"ZL™ZV Bnuaa. Ill te 100 stramht. II hi lOO place. H la KM. show: A,«,-uto. l-tt t.. ititi ..I....- " Ml to IV -how . i. w. Barpar, •"•• te 111 ahaw. v,nmr-! u. » Msaaii. tteiia nhjaattea ay aate trained by g. I. Waater; bred by Mr. Barney w-nV... post at 310 At past 1 minute Start gaad and slow. V.-u easily: s, ml and third driv in- CUT EVAN8 was reaerved until ronadlag the lust turn, where he rushed into a cinniiimliiiK lead i ABGENTO rtosaa traaartl st.Md.ly .,,..1 was a Casl toiai secoad. . W. HAR-M-.K canter. ap and v,ou i. a after soRerte. fraai laterfereace while r idiag he hr»t turn, |rtttaaj. i the Im.-Imi.,, and 1 LARIA1 -bowed spatd lor liiree Moved int.. the had. but tired tin-.Hy. MODUTTR made up llWd gUaPS.V"".- *, «»7!sf,;i. Hill. HO: RHI OaHBe C. Jr.. 109: BMOTReatM, MR; aRIM MIm RTella, MR, trreeweishta- I aria;. 1 pa—d. ___ _ aQdSorra RACE-l 1-8 Mile,. March 27, 1BR1— 1:5R— B— 11T. Purae .8J70O. 3-ycar-olds OUcFM 4 and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner S490: second. 40: third. 0. 15m — Horsea AWtPP8t A Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt t ifillHDVOItKiST w 7 111 7 7 7 T~7 V 1"" 5 B 5 "u ! -r G Al.xau.lt:. 99-MI I f.llKBKlCHARLKY P.OY wB 4 109 5 5 1 •■ « i» 4-L ! » C Thpson A L HrigK-s •SS*iK»BY ALWBN w 5 103 4 2 V i; 1| V n C Ralls C B Ilrwin vl-« -U • liO»86*BOB BAKKK wa I M 2 4 ::■ 2 3- 3 4, M Fator Irby lXlO-UH. 1 60751 FRANKLIN wb I LW U I 4l 4a 2i « 5-i J Hun mfer C K Groves UJ0-10U I I I : ! , • | I | , r ■ i I I 1 , I II J e d e 1 fi07 07*W*. MONTGOMERY w 9 Ml 4 I *■ 31 Is 61. 61 C Studer 9 R Irwin RRRRR**R01RTRKBR w 5 103 1 1 5J 5- l l 7 7 T Wilson Q W Atkinson 1330-100 ttoupled in betting as C. 15. and F. R. Irwin entry. Time. 25«i, 51%. 1:17, l:45"i. 1:59. Track heavy. mutucls paid. Yorkist. tt-S atrahyht, S2.I0 place, S2 40 show: Charley Roy. S3.00 pla e. RX.4R show; C. H. and F. R. Irwin enlrv. S2.S0 -.how. Equivalent booking odds-Yorkist. GO to 100 straighi. 20 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: Charley Boy. 50 to 100 place, 30 to 100 ahaw; C. R. and F R. Irwin eiilry. 40 to loo show. Winner — R. g. by YarkaMre Lad Lady Kilmarnoek. hj Kilmarnock trained by A. Alexandra: bred by Mr. Charles H. Wilkinson. Went to po-t at 3:32. At post I minutes. Start good and -low. Won driving: second and third the same. YORKIST, as u-ual. was | distant follower for the first three-quarters, then moved up after passing the three -eighths po-t and. saving ground on the inside, stood a hard drive and wore the leader-down to win in the last twenty yards. CHARLEY BOY was best, but was hloeke,! in the stretch when attempting to get tbrouch on the inside, but finished wearing the winner down and would have won in another stride. BOBBY ALLEN showed good -peed in pacemaking and hung on gamely to the end after being passed. FRANKLIN loomed up menacingly aft-r turning for home, but tired when put to a drive. Scratched— 607s." -i;nth. 10S. AAQ96 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds 0"«-7i5lO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPTSt~% % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 00H00*BKKS WINO w .". 107 .". 1 4- 3; 41 1| I*| T Wilson A K Smith M9-M4 RRRSB**BL OVKR HKKLSwa I ill 2 I l» 9* M 9 PH MaMan Dtehsu stable tZRVRR «0889*NKLL1K KARPKRw 3 9., 1 1 7; 7»k ;»« i-;. :r P Hum Tain a" Shantcr Stable IBJ -M9 RRRRR*I AIMTY LADY w I 104 I 7 ."."■ 9 V U 4i W Davis C B Irwin 9IM MR fi0X42*DON JORM w 7 111 9 :. W 4, V 2"k T3 C Studer C ■ Groves and39-M9 00865*tOri:LK VAN waS Mi 6 I li l-i li 41 V J Hunmcr G II Abbott BMP «i0009-»MANNlKlN 11 WB and Ml S 9 9 8s S8 71 7i W Miller H A I ott 007."iX«YIC W 4 109 3 6 6» 6i! «• 81- X1- C Ralls Tlioin|.son .V Merry 700-tiN RRRRR*WAU H. PKAMCR m I RR 7 s H I 9 :i I H H Bwcr H Kasmusseu MM RR t-Mutuel field. Time. 25,,. 50 /s. l:172i. 1:45. 1:52%. Track heavy. inuluels paid. Bee- Wing. S11.00 straight. S5.20 place. S3. i0 show; Head Over Heels, 837239 place. .OO show: Nellie Harper. R2JN show. Equivalent booking odds — Bees Wing. 4N0 to 100 straight. Ml to 100 place. .SO to 100 show; Head Over HeeH. 700 te 100 straight. 300 te 100 show: Neliie Harper. 40 to 100 show. Winner— Blk. m. by l.uckhoin — Natalie D.. by Ben Strome trained by A. K. Smith: bred by Mr. J. W. Bell. Went to post at 3:5s. At po-t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third drh -ing. BKKS WINO, fnrv.ardly placed from the start, moved up fast after entering the stretch and. forging to the front when an eighth out. drew out decisively and area with ease. IIKAD OVKR HEELS ran a game race and was a prominent emtender throughout. NELLIE HARPER closed a biu gap in a fast finish. DAINTY LADY" ran well. DOURU VAN showed high speed in paceiaakiug. but quit after going three-quarter-. Scratched— 6080ft-Poar her. 100: 60S23 Thriller. 03: 60889 Peerless One. 100. | /dfkQO SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— l:05/i— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-ycar-0"e_yahi le_y olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStHi /fc % Str Fin Jockeys " Owners Equiv. Odds Strt RRiRR* HAMILTON A. w T 112 1 1 ZJ 2-i 11 S« T -vvTlsiiii H T Palmer HP-MI RRRR1 Miss MKKIJK w 1 lo:. 3 l 9 3" :;3 2- C Ralls /. ■ McGrapar ERR RR tlM8»»LJTTLR less wan 3 RR I ! I] 1] 9 9 .1 Haaaasf L T Wldtealll 949-lM ;0890*NEC, w 7 RR I E 9 ".3 -r.-i P Hum J A Parson :X.i-10i G*7I7*8AMPLE WB 3 97 I •; fi 6 0 5-i C Studer San Diasu Stable RW-RR RRRRSFIX RCE DSEN w 3 RR 2 1 4-.. H li f J Majestic Trowbridge and Officer fiOO-100 Time, 24. 50. 1:02%. 1:09%. Track heavy. •3 miitucN paid. Hamilton A.. .20 straight. pm 4R pla-e, .40 show; Miss Meeli.k. I3R.4R PPMe, ».-. mi ahaw; little i-c-ss. P3.4R show. Kquiiabnt boaktag adds— Hamilton A.. 110 to 100 -traight. 70 to 100 place. 20 lo 100 show; Mi-s Mceli.-k. !30 te MR ptece, MR ta KM show: Litth I.,-s. 30 to 100 show. Winner— Br. %, by Toddiugton — Hollybush. by Yankee trained by C. Mauley; bred by Messrs. Stone «t Raeker. Went te post at 4:22. At post 1 minute. Start, good and slow. Won ridden out: second and third driving. HAMILTON . f cite wad the leader cl sely until elteriiiK the stretch, where be moved to the front and gamely withstood the menacing challenge of MISS UBRL1CK lender vigorous riding. The l,n ter .-l-sed up with ;t rush and would have won in another stride. LITTLE LESS showed good speed and did his best. RBG raced disappointingly. Scratched — RMRCHarty Burgoyne. Ill: RRXR Herder. 120; 007.S7 Thirty Seven. 107; aRRB*B a Blight, 110. Overweights — Little I.ess. a pounds. i — a?af|Q°A EIGHTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and OVtJO" upward. Claiming. Nc: value to wtaaar S350: second, 00: thy-l, 0. "Index Horses AWtPP3M4 % -"StrTln Jockeys Owners jgRTS S tr* t Mr7l7**RUBBER 11. w 7 112 1 1 1»- V l| I1 T Wilson H T Palmer MO-MI RRM7**C. THK WAY waSMR 5 " 31 V V 2-i P Hum Smith and Williams 499-MI MJRRR**HARRY D. wa S 113 I fi H B« "- :: J Hunmcr H Walters HP-MO 60837 •LOBELIA w I 107 2 2 5i VI H 1- C Stud-r H D Catea 3MP-RR RRRS7*BRMTTANA * 7 110 1 3 ! • 9 tH 9 11 Long J Kern IIIRI III t;0761LIMKRKK w I 110 7 1 I I I 0b H Moltcrs T Polk 1439-MI |RR|R*ML SABIO m 13 112 ; 7 7* 7i 7h 71 M Fator .1 Kern t 60761 APROPOS w I RR :, I 2; 2i 5- 8 C Thpson J S Maiben , 3510-100 I Collided in betting as J. Kern entry. Time. 24*3. 49%, 1:03=3. Track heavy. P mutuels paid. Rubber II.. .20 straight. |3L3R place. S2.MI show; Clear the Way. .20 place. . ",0 show: Harry D.. S2.40 show. Kquivalent Ixx.king odds— Rabbet II . 14R to 100 straight. M to 100 place. M to 100 show: Clear the Way. 110 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show: Harry I . 20 to MR show. Winner— Br. g. by Yankei — Caoutchouc, by Calore itraiucd by C. Man ley; bred by Messrs. F. R. and T. Hitchcock. Went to post at 4:15. At post 1 minute. Start paai and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. RUBBRR II. Im-:i n i;ist. sbsared the m. .st speed and. withstanding all challenge*, held CLEAR THE WAY safe in the dosing drive. The latter raced forwardly and gamely throughout and was press - ing the winner hard at the end. HARRY D. slowly improved his position and did his best. APROPOS showed speed, then quit badly. Scratclic,i-- oor.H!ich:.:-n ant. 100: »075i Black Top. 113: 00822 Rpratby, 10*»: RMR3 View. 117. Overweights — Limerick. 1 pouud.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922031901/drf1922031901_3_3
Local Identifier: drf1922031901_3_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800