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| . _ SIDELIGHTS IN PLAYFELLOW CASE NKW YORK. N. Y.. March 19.— Playfellow, the horse of litigation, noble blood, elastic performance and debateahle habits, has been well entered in the limpire City slakes, which close tomorrow. He appears in them as nominated by ihe Hanco as Stable. There is an interesting sidelight on the now famous suit ahont the sllKl.OOO horses stake entries. The Rancocas folks eniered him in a lew-early fixtures. After the decision in favor of Rancocas. which ,s sure to go to the court of appeals, further nominations of the horse for the 1922 stakes were made at the renuesi ef At lorn y Cochrane, representing Mr. Johnson of the Quincy Stable. This is all right and prefer, of course, hut is one of the interesting cinnmsiances of the litigation. The engagements of a race horse affects his value and at the Quincy Slabh- lawyers suggestion was adapted and acted umhi by the p resent i oss,essor or Playfellow. a. a