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a — MORVICH WORKS WELL AGAIN Star Colt Shows His Speed to Invited Guests and Makes a Fine Impression. NBW YORK. N. V.. March 22. Benjamin Block, owner of Morvich. two-year-old champion of 1021. invited a select party of racing notables and friends to J. tunica today to watch his champion in 11 uorkout. W. P. Riggs. secretary of the Maryland lackey Club, and Col. Matl Winn, manager of the Kentucky Jockey Club, were among those present The colt, full of life and iu condition, pranced proudly from his stable wlt.-ti trainer Fred Burh-w gave the word .and galloped a half mile in Slfh, Ike qaartef in £3. He then contiuued to the threc-uuarter mile mark eased up in 12" Morvich is rounding perfectly aad rapidly into good racing form and his speed is remarkable for Bach early season work. Whether the Kentucky Derby or the Preakness stake- will attract hiin as Btartei remains in do.iht Owner Block has given no definite wold as yet regarding the plans of his campaigu. As both the Preakuess and the Derby will be run ■May 13 the colt cannot start in Isith big races. Financially the two races are now on a par as a result of the recent action of Hie Maryland officials in raising the added money to the Preakness from •S 10.000 to |SB,woa Because of its history and eon sequent prestige, however, the Derby holds out an nhieii Bttrarttaa for baraeaata. it ataraya will i*-the big feather in the turf cap „f the Amcreun harae ae/aer, trahatf and rider