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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 22. 1922. Oriental Park tl mile. One hundred and third day. Cuba-American Jockey aud Auto Club. Winter Meeting of KIT days. Weather clear: temperature 80". Stewards. J. Hachmeisier. . H. Lansdale and E. llitrke. Judges. C. Cornehlsen and Edward Jasper. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary. Martin Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m. Indicates apprentice allowance. ftflQQIl FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917—1:05—5—102. Purse 00. 4-year-UvUv" olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. "index Horses AWtPPSt M Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0~~H C P S " 60931 -JESSICA F. WB« BB ..10 K t* A 1- G Fields M Damienberg io~" 7 7 3 K-5 60951 BACCHANALIAN w 4 102 S J f l 4 B* t| T Burns .1 De Kstrampes li 6 ii 2?" 6-5 60892STARKAD1:R wb 6 112 !» :i V 1»| 1« »* C RobsonP Mock :: :: . ::. 7-. 7-10 60X54*VH1PPOORW1LL WB 7 1M 7 9 ! - 9j M 4 J Maiben Brickyard Stable 10 10 10 4 2 BB14B SPGARMINT w ". KM 2 1 P :. .".- SB p Hunt Indiana Stable 10 10 7 2l. 6-5 BWM1 PITT8BCRG w i 10s K I in •] !»| V G Corey R Stralendorff :: ::. Z M 7-10 60597 PAROL w T. 110 :: :, p. Id in J| ; stone S T Baxter 20 BJ Jf | 4 60932 ARCHIVE w B 4 108 I S 7r « Ti| B* earner W Daniel :. :•.. ::. 7-5 7-10 BBBtlDOCTOB D. w 10 110 10 7 t; i :: ■ V !» W Kels.iy O Derossett _■ :: ::" t;-:, ::-5 60008 TWO LYES WB 4 V, I 4 t 7" ! "M0 W Pool C B Mvatt S 10 10 4 2 Time. 25. 494s. 103. 1:0925. Track heavy. mutucls paid, Jessica F.. *P..40 straight. 1.50 place. *s.9d show: Bacchanalian. 4 00 place. S7.:iO show; Starkader. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds -Jessica F.. S70 to 100 straight. 475 to KM place. 345 to KKJ show- Bacchanalian. UlMt to KMl place. 265 to KM show: Starkader. 120 to HID show. Winner It. in. by Malamont Marcha way. by Peep oDay trained by V. O. Julian: bred bv Mr. G. E. Faaqnier. Went 1.1 post at 2:32. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. JESSICA F. began slowly and was outrun to the stretch turn, but clo.ed up from there with a rush and, taking the Lad. was going away at the 1 nd. BACCHANALIAN ra. ed well and bnished gamelv. STAKKADEU raced into a long lead, but tired badly in the las- eighth. WH1PPOORWI1.I. closed a big gap. 1HX TOE II. was eased up when beaten. PITTSBIIit; quit Scratched -60976 Iokey I!.. 108; 60912 10T Overweights -Jessie.-, 1. j pounds: Bacchanalian. 2; Starkader. 4; Whippoorwill, 3: Suearmiut 1: •* Parol. 2; Archive, 3; Doctor D., 2. rAOQ1 SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917— 1:05 .,—5— 102. Purse 00. 4-year- Dviftrl oldr, and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. m HE PBES AWtPP8Fi4"~vr~%rstrF»n Jockeys Ownere 0 H C P 8 jj r Mt*SJUOGB BDROW WB 4 105 1 2 35 3»k 2»* 1* G Fields R L Baker I WH „ iOSfS • "-• DISCUSSION v 6 lOfi :". 4 -1 -1 3] -" -I Mnibon s McNeill -1 I 8 MM s OOOlfi ELAZHAWAY wu 10 ins i 1 I 1* 1- I* B Kenn.lyS T Baxter • 7 U I ■■"• ,, MMS**BLACK BABT w 4 182 7 ■"■ ••- ■ - 4; 4-1 D Prible K 6 Major El -1 3| 1 60K.V»»Cl"REC.CY ]■• T IM I 7 •". 4V V B»| W Pool L Foster Q 21 1 1-2 = .0910 Li .l. HOOTS EMS ! 1 4 I" 8* .: .1 Pevic D M Suare/. fi I 12 1 M «0491 Io.M GOOSE wn 7 110 •; fi 7 7 7 7 V KeBsay J A Durkin 1" 12 1- •"• -: f Time. 24. 48=. t:8t%, 1:092;,. Track heavy. -. U mntiicN paid. Judge Rndiow. B*.83 straight. : .".. UO ph.-c. S3.S0 show: Discussion. ,. 20 place. .90 _ show: Blnxeaway, S7.S0 siiow. * Bfl !■!■■! I king odds-Judge Endrow. 3!: to 100 straight. 1C.0 to 10O place. M to Mt show: Pis- 6 ussion. loo to Mt pfcicr. 97. to itx» show: MiKiwiy, MS to loo thaw. Winner — Ch. g. by Dick Finnell — Bellona. I.y Mm Ormonde trained by A. Thomas; bred by Mr. 6 Thomas li:iTl I. 6 Went to post .it 2:58. At post i minute. Start good :ind slow. Won driving: second and third the 6 tiHit. .IIDOE RCRROW saved ground when entering the homestretch on the inside and. coming faBt i through Hie last twentv vards. wi.n in the last stride. DISCISSION was forced wide by the lender on 0 the turn, bin made a fast tinish. RLA/.EAWAY iet a fa t pace to the last eighth and tired gmt- • lenly. LILLY BOOfV was cut off at the half-mile Beat. JlDOK HI DHOW and RLAZEAWAY pulled fi in. lame. * Scratched— 00v.2War Map. 112. 6 Overweights- Discussion. : pounds: Tom Goose. 2. — ■ f*fkQCa* THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles Feb. 3. 1918— 1:44 5— 3— 32. Purse 00. 3-year-olds s 0"t/C? and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. 70 Index Horses AWtPPSt *4 % % Str Fin Jockcya Owners O H C P S~" MIMSBA PIRATE w ; 110 i 1 !"• V 1" 1- Is A Tryon .1 8 Tyree 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-* 1-18 * MOM LITTLE DEAR W 4 107 1 7 v-"_ Ej 4 3» -•■ B KenndyA G Robertson E 5 I M 7-10 . WMS*CARAWAT ws 6 105 7 !» «". 6t on !• ** O Fields .1 Kindle 4 4 4 fi-". 2-3 INM pANUV VAN w 5 llo 4 I P B« 2- l | 4 T Burns F R Doyle 33 20 20 S 4 ■ 1.0111 I.F.K.NKACK wb 5 110 I I 4* 3* V* 41 .".8 J McBride W B Cross ::o M M 12 I * HOHI4 sdi ; wbIIM I I * ■ • s 3 V J MaJkca P J Graham I 6 G 2 1 •M7S NAVAJO ws 4 ]n7 I I 7" V I* Jl 71 F. AtksonA Mitchell 10 10 10 4 2 1 f.0".»l WHITR C-ROWXwsn 10 112 I 4 ".- 7s c- J* Jt » C Robsor.ll .1 Kennedy 20 20 20 8 4 " 10911 RKD1.AND w 10 110 1 :. - 41 71 I 0 F Hunt G Holmes M 10 10 4 2 I Time. 25. 49. 1:16. 1:44. l:512i. Track heavy. _ |S miititi Is iiaid. Sea Iirate, . H straight, :!.lMI place, .70 show; Little Dear, .60 place. .00 show: arawav. |B.OI riMar. d Fiinivalent booking odd— Sea Pirate. 50 to 100 straight. N to 100 place. 37. to 100 show: Little Dear. . SO to 100 place. IS to 100 show: Caraway. 40 to 100 show. f, Winner- IS. h. I.y Sea Kiug-Toots, by Top tlaliant trained by F. C. Frisbie; bred by Mr. Henry € , Went to post at 3:23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but SOL OILSF.Y. Won | easily; iwaai and third driving. SEA PIRATE set a good pace from the start and. racing into a long g lead on the l.ackstielch, was under restraint at the end. but pulled up sore. LITTLE PEAK began | • lowlv, but dosed a big gap anil finished fast and gamely. CARAWAY was in a jam at the start and ■laa made mm inucli i:roiiiid. DANDY VAN and LEENKACK showed speed, but |iiit in the stretih drive. Scratched tiOtir.L L- l.alafre. 110: OOS74 Waipaet, 107; MSM Ketreat, lO.i. «»vei -weiglil- White Crown, 2 pounds. PAQQQ FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6, 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. WxJ J£ 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, j 0. "lLdels Homes AWtPPSt A jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 5 P S I tfiK*RAMAN w E no i t t v- 4,; :; r w Pool ii Coons " :; :: i 1-2 ■Mil IIAZKI. W. w I le7 I " H l* l4 T L" B K-nndyS T Baxter 2 2 2 4-7. 2-6 J i.OXWC W TCRNBOW wu 7 Ml 1 1 I I I B» VI J Maiben S McNeill 1 1 1 1-3 1-0 NUH jNV OCONNRLX. «4M I 0 ::- VI 3* 41 4* T Bums F Delbarrto 10 10 10 4 2 ,0793 MARY .1. BAKER W 4 its 1 S ..* V ."."- S .". I Prible E E Major 3 :: :: 1 1-2 •MM* JACOBEAN alW E •". 2" 2l-2« 21 A Yerrat M D Ball g C i; 2 1 ! Time. 243;,. 48,rJ. 1:1s3,, 1:42. l:46Vi. Track heavy. |3 nmlnils ]iaid. Hainan. 1.00 straight, .f7...".0 place. S3.M siiow ; Hazel ., .90 place. .00 show: Walter Tun. I ...w. to sIi.av. Fiinivalent I I.iag odds— Haniai. 47.0 to 100 straight. 177. to 10O place. 40 to KM show: Hazel W., 14.*. lo loll place, 7.0 to lOO show: Walter Tiirnbow. 20 to 100 show. j Winner — It. g. by Horron — Selina Lou. by Kilkerran trained by E. L. Fitzgerald; bred by Messrs. , T.ill.ot Brat i Weni to |iot at 3:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily : second and Ibird driv- inir. HAMAN was knocked about on the stretch turn and had lo come wide, but finished fast and passed HAZEL W. in Hie la*l ciIil ii to win going away. The latter showed the most early speed, but tired ha.lly Beat the end. WALTER TIKNl.OW was a bad last to the stretch turn, where lie came through on tiie insii.- an. I linishe.l with a useless rush. JOHNNY OCONNEI.L ran Well. JACOBEAN ipiit after , racing in etoaesl pur uit to the last eighth. Overweights — Haze! W., 1 pound: Walter Tiirnbow. 1. , HQi f PIITH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Teh. 3. 1918 — 1:445— 3— 92. Purse 00. 4-year-olds , 1 mf*y%J*: and iipwRrd. Claiming-. Not value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0 I udex "Horses A W t PPSt~%" _ i~%~s"tr~Fiii Jockeys Owners 0~H C P S «0».r»7*.i. . stone VIM i i pi ::■ ** 3* [i d Prible K L Bakar 4-7, 1 1 1-3 1-8 • i«91«-WIN OR QUIT w 4 M7 :» 4 2- Ih 6* 7M- 2" T Bums O 15 Potts 2] -1 Ll 7-M1-2 .0894 DRAPERY «ra 7, HO :. .". 2 2" 21 V ::l J Smith .1 C Mayes 23 20 23 S 4 i,934*C.CARDSMAN w 7 107 :: " Ill 1» 1" #» J Pevic H A Cotton 17, 17. 1". I V. ■MM1 MARY ERB WB 4 99 IM 1- 71 7; 7".V W Pool 1 Hart 3 C. C 2 1 MM3 ►GEORGE JAMES M 4 104 s IM I" 4 4 6-1 P watta T.righouse Stable I f. I 2 1 ■MM BOXGER a n 10 110 2 2 9 .1 S* 3* 7" E Josiah R Dolz 15 1", 1" 6 3 00X54 TIM. J. HOC.AN W 7 110 4 ti I* 10 3* It1 S2 Q Stone C Warwick 20 ::0 33 1- • j 00854 LITTLE GINK wu ! 112 M 3 •". .v|; 3* 3*1 3* C Rob"son.I A Melherson 20 23 33 X 4 l;0830JR10.IPHANT w C 110 7 7 V ! 10 10 10 AY Kelsay O Derossett 8 S S 3 S.-.7 t Time, 25, 50. l:163/5, 1:44. 1:5225. Track heavy. , .«2 mutuels paid. J. C. Stone. .S straighi. .M place. .70 show: Win or Quit. .00 place. .20 , show: Draperv. .S10.2O show. i Eipiivalent booking odds— J. C. Stone. 90 to 100 straight, 40 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Win or , Quit. 7.0 to UK place. 00 to 100 show; Drapery. 410 to 100 show. , Winner— Ch. g. by Peep oOay — Prairie Belle, by Mazagan trained by A. Thomas; bred by Mr. , Oeorge H. Clay. Went to post at 4:13. At aasl 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. .1. C. STONE moved up rapidly when straightened out on the backstretoh and, coining fast through the sU-etch. got up to win in the last stride. WIN OR QITT was repeatedly forced to be taken up and much knocked about and finished with I lielated rush. DRAPERY ran well, but tired after racing into the lead. GUARDSMAN set a good pace to the stretch and gave way. MARY ERB Was away last and. closing a big gap. tinished cIom- apt. 0B0BOH JAMES ran well. ££ 3*11 Ch OCT SIXTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918 — 1:441-, — 3 — 92. Purse 00. 4-year-olds OvP«_j5 0 and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. index Horses AWTpPSt Vt % %~Str"~Fin Jockeys Owners 0~H C P S M|R:!4::*1:ALFoI"B w 4 107 it i. 7-1 t.: :;•:•• T 1 Prible H .1 Sheldon 4 4 4 s-f, 4-3 ;0895"IOLLY C. WW ■. 331 S | :; Ji pk 9 I; Kenndy.I H Shreve 10 10 10 4 2 B4M7 BAY WOOD w I Ml 1 :. I» 1- ll 2* 31 A Pickens J Y Pangle 1 1 4-7. 1-3 1-C | •MM OSGOOD w « Hi ■ 4 3H ".n 6" .- 4 M Garner l: B Rice 7, 7. :, l | .087,4 -TARASCOX w n fi 112 4 . 4 4" .". .".- :,* G Fields M O Yiau 3 « 3 Ll •-". ■MM COUNT BORIS wsii 7 107 7 7 I 7"k 73 4j at y l ool Indiana Stable 6 3 fi 3] 3-8 MMSBIERMAN aras 3 133 2 1 "1 s s" s 7 G Cony AY J Daly S 8 S 3 3-3 ,0773 DR SHAVER w m 7 110 :; 2 2« 2 4i 71 I J Maiben S McNeill 4 .", 5 2 1 Time. 25. 49. 1:16. 1:43. 1:49V Track heavy. mutuels paid. Ralfoni. Sl7 !»o suaii:lii. jtM place. .70 show; Dolly C, 5.10 place, .71 ■aaw; Bajaaaa, BJS.M show. Einivalciit booking ...Ids— P.a Hour. 795 to 100 straighi. 215 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Dolly C, 07.5 10 100 place. MB to 100 show: F.nywood, 25 to 100 show. Winner -Ch. g. by Rallot— Eda Riley, by Cayuga trained by P.. J. Sheldon; bred by Mr. A. V. Thonia-. Went tn post at 4:39. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same i.ALIOIl! moved aa steadily alter rounding the far turn and swerved over to the inside after getting on e.pial terms willi DOLLY C. at the sixteenth post, but tinished gamely and won drawing 1 lear. DOLLY C. came through fast on the laaMe 0:1 the stretch turn and raced into the lead, but tiled. HAYWOOD Mt a good pace to the stretch, but .put in the last eighth. OSCOOD tinished fast. DR. SHAFER showed speed, but |Uit. Overweight Dolly .. 5 pounds.