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FOURTH MARYLAND MEASURE Latest One Prohibits All Racing — Revenue Loss Halting Hall Bill. BALTIMORE, Md.. Marea 22. Prohibition of all horse racial in the state for the purpose of prizes. rwararaa or stakes, except at county fairs, is tli-aim ef the bill introduced in tin- senate by Senator Parrati of Calvert county. Resides wiping out racing, the bill prohibits all gambling at I salty fair races and limits such races at county fnira to five days. Violation of the provisions of the measure would be punishable by a fine of not less than S.500 and ,iot mere than ,000. or by imprisonment for not Btore than two yeata, or both fine and imprison-Baeal in the discretion of the court. Senator Parians bill is the fourth one on the subject of racing which has been introduced in the senate during this session of the legislature. The others are senator Byrnes anti-race track gambling bill and bills further regulating racing by seaatars Netrhi and Prick. Senator Parnms bill is the only one de-igned to eliminate racini; for rewards entirely. lie- bill would repeal all legislation now in force •ogH-diug racing and would make unlawful "to nice horses for any purpose, prize, reward or stake on Bay race track or race course in the state of Maryland." Ii i- further stilted in the bill that the provision of I he bill shall Bad apply to "bona fide county agriculture fairs, provided that it shall be unlawful for any person to bet. wager, gamble in any man aer or by any mean-. r to make or sell a book ■ r peal on the result of any such races at such fairs and. provided further, that it shall be unlawful to hold such races for more than five days in each year at any such county fair." Senate proponents of the Hall bill to abolish stale regulation of race track betting have spread the word that they were ready to reach an ygr-cmeiit lo postpone operation of Hie measure until June 30. 192:., in return for assurance of its passage with such an amendment. Those who ale know 11 to be definitely again-t the bill denied any know edge of any Bach agreement, but it is aaaerstaed that it was made with those members of the senate who did not vole against tin- uionsui-o, but who al-o did not want to rate for any bill that would so dimiui-ti state revenue within the next two years lhat Governor Kitehles propraaa would be eadaapered. Proponents of the measure claimed that with auiceiieni on any SBieudetcal postponing operation • the bm until June 3o. 1923. they had recelted enough sapper! to get a favorable report from the senate finance This com in i 1 1 ee . Iiowevcr. hits not yer acted. If June 30. 1923. is the date agieed on and tile bill should be passed Bateaaad in that way. the racing commission would have authority 10 grant aH racing dates for 1923 in the spring and early summer. This Weald result in practically the same revenue for the state as !»■ present budget contemplates. The revenue would end after that. It ■BMOatl lo about 00,000 annually.