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VETERAN TRAINER* SMALLPOX VICTIM BxLTl.MOBB. Md . April 8 —The death of John H. McDonald, well know n and popular trainer, was reported from the Quarantine Hospital in this city !ast evening The late Mr. McDonald was taken down with smallpox while at Havre de Grace a week ago and transferred to Baltimore Little .ope was held out for his recovery. Mr McDonald wis »IL ycais old. was born in Bay City. Mich , and was identified with racing for tin major portion of his life. The dec eased h iivived by his widow, who is at present at Havre de Grace Funeral ai raugeuients have not been completed. but a brother, a resident of Michigan, is on his way East to take charge of the body, which will be shipind West. Mr. McDonald enjoyed a wide circle of friends and during the last winter at New Orleans raced a small stable of his own, headed by the mare Galiot. Lust fall he took over the horses of Walter J. Salmon during the latter part of the Laurel meeting and later transferred tnem to T. J. Heale.v