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1 I • . I ? , ; 3 ,s k R of f i e BOWIE FORM CHART BOWIE. MD.. SATURDAY. APRIL 8. 1922. -Pjriace George Park 1 Battel. Seventh day. Southern Mary Uf ad Agricultural Association. Spring Meeting of 12 day-. Weather clear: temperature 60. Stewards ll P. Coakliag. •!. B. Caaspbell aad G. Brawa. "Jr! Judges. Jeocskb A. Murphy. Edward Tribe. .1 ll. Anderson. W. oivi 11 and Baker Water*. Starter. George Miller. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2::to o. m. Chicago tisae 1 :3o p, m.i. *Iadicates appreatice allowance. ft| | OCT FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April 4, 1921— 48 Jfc— 2— 114. Purse ,221.66. 2-year-olds. OXXO 4 Allowance!,. Net. value to winner 21.66: econd. 00: third. 00. lnd- Horses AWtPPSt , L- :7 sir Fin,vs Qwaars Eqair. Odds gtr* t 01107 BETTKR LUCK v.- ll". :. 4 r 5 I 1 . i Kuauner Oriaaaa Stnbi.- 4.ft- l»n t 01096 FORSHALA w 110 4 2 r 1] 8» |. Morns 11 P Whilnev BOVIM OlltORORK w IM 2 :: 8 3] :: P Keogh .1 1. Holland ion-inn 01120 THE Ml "I.ESKIX F. WHlll I 1 P 1 at T Bioa R i Grown i;oi;.-ioo 61121 DICK8 DUGHTER w km :: fi :.- M :.4 A Oaatner CA Anplegata 1808VMO 61096 BUODUGIE w IW | :, | .; i, • Lang J Arthur KaO-M0 Time. 23-,. 4S-A. Track last. S2 aratnela paid. Fetter Lark, 8M.O0 straight, m.oo alarr. 82.08 show. Parahala, $:i 70 plaea, .20 show : Bark tg iq ■ban*. Eiiuivalent looking mid- Belter Link. 4:;0 to 100 straight. KM to 100 place. 88 BB 100 show; Forshala, 85 to Iihi place, lo to loo snow: Bark. •"• to 100 show. Winner B. C, by North Star 111. Oral . by Ath-ling trained bv A. Simon-: bred bv Mi. Edward R. Bradley. hi to post al 2*30. At jiost J minutes. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second and third driv-; ing. BETTRB i.irK was forced i . rue wide all the aray, but eaaaa fas, s/hea straightened out iu the stretch aad aa wed Hie leaders after a mild drive la win easing up. KORSHaI. V set a rapid pace under steady rcstratet. bat tired srhea farted la ■ drive and Jnat lasted long enough i.. withstand RORKS challenge. The latter raced rtaaaely, hut appeared to tire after miking ■ game race threagh the stretch. Tin: MFLE8K INNER, ,.fi fcirwaraly, nared gronad aa the tarns and had aa mishaps. DUKs DaLuH-i KB appears of the improving s,PI t dwelt at the start, but rtaaed a gap ganoij. s. rati bed 01 ir.7 Cresta, 1 10. Oici -weights Tile Miil.-.kiniier. 1 pound. __ . ..-.——_■ . _ . , ._ . , , , ,. a r»"g "j QO SECOND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlones. Nov. 29. 1917—119—4—112. Piu ze S1.221.C0. ulluO 4 -olds and upwaid. Clainiiug. Net value to winner 21.06; se.oond. 00; third, *-££: Horse- A Wt IISl , . 7 Str Fill Jockeys nvaiiers Ei|iiiv Odds Strt to 1 1 *i."» WHALEBONE WB « KW .ill V 5. 2» 1 A Gaiitner T F. Crist Z26-1O0 6I12H PRETENDRR sr * ktt Tin nm Q tj 2" O Walls G Maybern Su7o-UmJ GOolOIEKDitIHDlXI w ,1s1l 4 8| i- :M ju H Thomas A Solomon 4S.",-li»0 0OY0O*lCISa lAlXFT.1. w E MO SI t| 1* li 4- W Cotrski P. H -McCrosson T5355-100 58750 CMCUTfl LASSIE is 6 105 3 3 l3 8J 4i 5» J Kov.-an L Williams 600-100 00460* ENCR1N1TE w i K I S 7* 4 71 . J "Wallace F Farrar 8GO-100 s 60922-CAPERS W 7 10.". 12 2 2h 61 .J 71 R Rice C. Sanders 11550-MO i 8H87*ZAINfeR vrs 4 MDIS I 41 ■* 8 H E T Moore J A Www t 1 60*27 "LITTLE MAUDIEWB G Mi H 9 M» ■*§ 8*1 if A Frieshon J Arthur 1160-100 i *;1I?H DAIRYMAN wk 7 110. 1 7 fi1 9 10 M" D Stirling- C W High 9V".-M0 = 8*5*1* ROY C. tmllN I fi 9-n- li- 11s F Mtnrphy n bMhMoi I , 010»**MOSE w i 7 107 13 1" U H* 12 F IVil.lik L Sporlini; EM-Mt I S8tST*J. E HKRN W 4 Ml t IS 12* 12" 13 13 R Flyim M Hactett 1 tMhiiiiI field. Time. 25 -,. 49S. 1:1C"0. 1M%. Track fast. K mutuels paid. Tfaalf tWI . straight. .00 place, .30 show; Pretender, $"5.IK place, 0. Ill 1 show: lVrigoiirdine. ?I30 show. Equivalent lllisatai odds— Whalebone. 828 to 100 str.-i ijrlit . l."i* to KM place, 0 to 100 show: Pretender, t 11.-.0 to 1H place, 4 I5 to 100 show: Perigourdine, 115 to KM show. I Winner-Wk. g, bv Allana-Dali — Marcotini. l.y Marco trained by T. E. Crist; bred by Mr. .7. ■Watson Webb. I •-nt to post at 3:09. At Mat I minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third dii in:. W HAEKHONE bean slowly, but gl adually improved his position and. racing into the lead in the sixteenth. w..n going awav. PBJS Ti:.NlH:i: waa snaffled ba k after the start and forced to race extremely wide all the way, bnl Balabed tamely and outstayed PRRlGOHRDINE at the end. PEKI- COFEDINE raced forwardly through. ait and fanned dose up. MISS PARXELL tired after racing Into tl,e lead. I NCEES LASSIE M t the pice 1.1 -iellj and tiled. S. latched— 41128 Tile Decision. 113; 55210 H. C. lias, h, 10S: 00739 Perhaps. 10S; 5!S6S4Courteous. 112. Overweights Ernies Lassie, 2 pimnds; Zaim r. I-..; Dairyman. 2%; Roy C., 3. ti ~1 CEO THIND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. April 2. 1917—1:07—3—110. Pnrse S1.221.C6. 3-year- xH. JLCjiy olUs. Eiiliec. Allowances. Met value to winner I921.CC; second, 00; third. 00. 1 "lnaei li,,; ~ AWtllSt 4 , :!, Sir fin Jockey* Owners _ ETjiiiv. Odd- Slrt ttiii GRACE MATERS wins 2 :: 2,~:r"l 1 W~ Libert EW?Moore " umi-Mo ] .".«71!I PLUCKY wi: 112 S 2 2. 81 i;1 2 D Stirling C .•■milh: on Jfi9T.-100 , 58031 l:iUlinI, WB 110 C r. 1 1 ll 2* "• L Coney .1 R Stftlker HVji-MO , 60I1K l YASHMAK w B 111 7 10 8- 7 fi* 4 L Morris 11 I Whitney 141-luO i M .t«i I AST EFFORT wtW 8 I 7 41 4 a t" Uing R J Brown 325-168 «J14» JKWELI, V. I. w 104 1 4 4* ti1 S* VI J H"ii|nl C C Smith:;on t ; •l|4t*FAT INIE BEAN w 112 S I 10 81 71 7- H Thomas B Hardin,™ 865-MO 6MCS sai i.i.v; ALONG waMlll I !» 9 V s- .1 Rowan R I Miller :.77o -ion | «0.,;;: MIRIAM COOPER w 111 :. 1 ."-• v : ■ 9K T Biea Shea Stable x.770-1110 BLUE RIBBON WB ion I 7 01 M lo 10 A Cantner W E Martin 2025-luO fCoapled in Iwlting as . C. Smithsoii entry. Time. 234i. 48i. 1:01. InW**. Trnr.k fast. , mutuels paid, Qtsea M.iy.r-. CttjOO BtraidK, jll.tlO place, *C,.:lt» daw; 0. . Smithson entry. $ ;.." , jdaie 5f,.2tl »aaw; l.ouiitilnl. |11. SO show. j i:.iniv:,h at hoekiac ndita fmrr Mayers. ur.O to 100 straight. 47.0 la 100 place, 245 to 100 show: , I ». Smith-. .a enti.v. L"J."» to ltKI plat e. ll.U to 1K» show: Bc-tllil iful. -1i*l» to MM HtT. I Wiaawr- B. f, iy Malamoiit I.!:,. l:towii J.elle, l.y Cnnard trained by E. W. Moon-; bred by Mr. A. | iili.VIl. Went to p..sf :.f 3:."0. At post 4 minutes. Start rood ami -dow. Won handily: second and third dritta*. GBACB MATKMS, away well, followed the leader rliarly from the start and. raetag into ;he , lead in the stretch, won lioldiug it "ainei.i . Il.KKY appeared sore when «oiii" to the post, but raced forwardly all the way and totalled fat. P.OlN llll I. ill bed Into the lead and set a fast early pace. but uas tiiii.f; fast in the rloaiag tride-. YASHMAK befan slowly, but clo-ed a Mg trap and waa ROiBg i i-t. I af all at the end while in close quarters. EAST EKFOKT dosed a gap and tired. KANN1E liKAN HI poorly. UYerweifht*- Miriam Cooper. 1 pound. ■r*"l "1 till FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 24. 1917—1:12-. -1-122. Canitol Handicap. Purse OA A«l!" S1.S21.GC. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 21. 6C; second, 00; third, S100. i Index Horaei AWtllSt ]4 J_- % Sir Fin ioeteya tinners E.miv. o.ids Strt ♦.1131 WElXnNDRR w 4 Mt 4 1 l1 -3 1 1" C~Luc li l-.Miller n;:,-l00 1 601 of TRANSLATE wk U 104 1 :s t; »; C :"J A Gastner II Marshall M3a-Mi !:,!» MER4 l"l:V wii 4 110 :. 4 2" | 2- I*| H Thomas Vulcain Stable G25-M* 6|MtBRAINSTORM wa 3 112 I C 4 4- ri 41 L Morris II P Whitney Z30-MI 00622 t»TCK DEADETE w3 M 2 "• .",- 61 Si •"."• J Chaltnera F T Miner IMS-Mt •11S1*K. OF T. HllEH WI 4 111 I 1 V "- ■: I W ib -it W V Casey HI Ml Time. £35. 40". 1:13%. Track fart. 52 niutuel; paid. Welllinder. So. 30 |S.flg piaee, .70 slmw: Translate. 8.00 place. .70 IBOW] -Mei.iny. ttM show. I Badlllliai b....!iin« odds — Welllinder. ltr to 100 straight. SO to KM jdace. 35 to 100 show; Translate. MS t . UK phn e. 1.",.", to 100 show: Mercury. CS to 100 sliow. Winner eh. gt by Bioomsiick — Wonder, by Disguise trained by J. T. Mooney; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney I . Weat to poal at 4:29. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. W I/I.I.Ki N DEE. showing excellent speed, raced MEIMTKY into defeat in the early running and toak a clear bad. but tired in t lit- stretch an I .lust lasted to win. TRAN8L ATE began slowly, but closed a cap and. finishing with a rush on the oulside. would have won in another stride. MERCURY was mil. I: , in forrlag the early pace and. taking a brief lead, tired linally. BRAINSTORM raced gamely and had no mishaps. 1»I iv DEADEVIO ran well. KNIGHT Of THE IIEATMEll |itit badly near the end. £and~i "I Call FIiTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mile;. Nov. 25, 1915 — 1:43— 4— 11G. Prince George Handicap. Ol J-«.jJL ,521.66 Aude.d. 3-year-olds and upwaid. Net value to winner S1.3C1.GG; second, 00; third, 00: fourth, 00. " Iadex Horses A WtPPSt ; . - Sir Fin -lot-keys Owners Enuiv. Odds Strt 6I100l:i.N;A BI CK w 4 1M 2 1 2 F 1- 1". 1-1 C Eani; H Dattner 1M-M0 01 146 H.C.NK TTA W 5 Mi t I Z:V f 9 2-1 H Thomas Winfrey Stable 400-lnn , 01100 BYGONE DAYS wr. 4 10". 1 .", 1 #• -t-1 1" ."- T I.rooUe C .1 Erockmiller 28.-.-100 01146 SI. IPPERY ELM W 9 1M 4 2 1 2I :;- M 4 I, Morris Sunnyland Stable 320-108 01146 KINGS CHAMENws I 110 I 1 I S .". ". 5 T Rico P i Mdgnl 5705-100 Time, 24=r . 52 %, 1:17. 1:42, 1:49. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bunga Buck, . SO straight, .30 place. .30 show; Lunetta, .50 place, .70 •how: Bjgaat Days. .10 show. i:i|iiivalent boidiing Mld — Eunga P.uck. 190 to 100 straight. 65 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Lunetta. 75 to 100 place. 3.", to 100 show: P.ygone Days. 55 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. c, by Vnlcain — Mary Orr, by Orimar trained by .1. II. Deavenport; bred by Mr. Edward F. Simm-l. Went to post at 5:02. At post S minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BUNGA BUCK carried his high weight well and. taking the lead under slight restraint, set a moderate pate and. responding gamely when challenged in the stretch, won going away. LI" X ETTA, prominent li.roughout. made a threatening rush in the stretch, but could not overhaul the winner. I5Y-UONE DAY.S dwell at the start and. moving up fast in the first quarter, saved ground on all the turns, but the two leader- held him safe. SLIPPERS ELM set the early pace, but tired and quit badly in the last quarter. KLNG8 CHAMPION was always outpaced. Scratched --tOllODWar Mote, 104: ill!H Welltinder, 98. Overweights — Eygone Days, 1 pound. CnQ9 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1819— 1:45%— 4— 107. Purse ,221.60. P J. Jl «. ™ +U 3-year-olds a..d upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 21. GO; second, 00; third, 00. "index Horses AWtllSt % jj Sir Fin Jockeys Owners ~ E«|tiiv. bids Strt 01130 » •! ~kTbIBTHDAY wk 5~ll5 2 2 l-aTiTFj:: jr jii g i,anK Winfrey Stable 155-100 C1M1**B0MEO wk ii 11.1 4 C .".- M :t" ::- Q H Thomas F Garrett 78S-M «11S2ETTAHE ws 7 114 7 I 32 2* d f V C Kurnmer J E Cahill C75-10O 01101 • .l.U,ilINA wn 4 113 X 5 6- G« 6" .".» 43 L Morris T II Wilson KlO-lno Slltt*TfMBREL w3 97 I i V t* P 41 5" E Martz J V Richardson 44S6-MW 58748AI I8TRAL wb 7 104 fi 8 S 8 71 7B ti- R Rice A Swinke lland05-ll;O 01 101 HOBEY BAKER wii 5 llf. 1 1 2i 2s 4 •» 7- M Schwtz J T Szelatowski 285-MO 0114 1 LUSMORE w 4 IT! 5 7 7: 7s H S I J MeCabe J Arthos HIM 11 Time, 242i, 50-3. VJ*%, 1:43 %, 1:48 Vs. Track fast. S2 mutuels paid. Our Birthday, .10 straight. .3 place, .70 show; Borneo, .50 place, .60 shou • liitala . :?.!. 70 show. K.pihaho! booking add*— Our Birthday, 155 to 100 straight. C5 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Borneo. 175 to loo place, 80 to MM show: Ettaae, S5 to loo show. Winner -IS. h, by Johlen Maxim— Autoloc, by Lettaaa trained by 1. C. Winfrey; bred by Mr. A. V. Thomas. Went to post at 5:3i. At iost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. OIB lilETHDAY raced into the lead qalrkly and. setting a good pace, held sway throughout, but .is tiiins, slightly at the finish. ROMEO gradually improved hta position and was going fastest of all la the cle-iag ttridea. ElTAHi: made a game ntah at the eiglith post, but tired in the linal drive. JOAQUINA had nishaps. IHII.lV BAKER ipiit after going three-quarters. Berateaod -6H2» Crass Tree. Si7. Overweights - Tiinbrcl. 2 pounds. aT*"l 1QO SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-4 MUer. Nov. 30. 1515-2 : 10/and— 4— 102. Pan* andjn.M. Jp M. JL « « 4-ycur-olds and upward. Claimins. Net value to winner 21. GC; second, 00; third, S_100. IinTex Horses AWtllSt ■ % Sir Kin Jockeys Owners K.|iiiv. Odds Strt 6 1 MS* ATTOKT Ml SIR w IM 1 2 U 1* 1» 1* 1* C Laaa G C ".Milton 70-100 .1103 * JOHN ARBOR wit 4 lux 4 2 4- 21 21 2 2J II Thomas J Tijrue 44..-10O 0M33*l.liY KATE w 4 Ml | 1 |l » JJ ;;i A Frie:;hon P .1 Mil. Rand-10O 61 I6.:l.l TI !.E ED W I Ml I I ■" 4 4- 4-" E Martz 1 Peter:;. n 1L1I0-1O1 61163 JACK REEVES w I 11:: :: 4 S* 4 ".• r.1* V .1 Ifcajpel G W L Willanl U2S-1N 01178 PATTERN w 4 Ml I E 1" I fi 1; | 1, Qresory .1 J Troxler l-n -in" Time. 27. 64. l:22f.. 1:48, 2:14. Track fast. S2 mutirls jiaid. Attorney Muir, .10 straighl, .70 place. .30 show; John Arbor, .fi0 plaic, . so -how: I.acy Kate. .10 show. Eiuivabnt I.. ..king add* Atlorn y Muir. 70 to 100 straight. 35 to 100 place. 15 to 100 show; John Arlwir. HO to 100 place. 4n to 100 sliow: Kuey Kate. 55 to MM show. Winn. 1 •— 15 r. g, by Stalwart — San Andr, s, |. QaaekttaM trained by O. C. Milton; bred by Mr. John 1 II. Xeetl. Went to po-t at 6:0S. At poat 2 minutes. Start good and slow Won easily, second and third driving. ATTORNEY MUIR look the lead at his riders b-i-ure and easily won all the way. JOHN ARBOR raced in cl.-est puisuii nearly all the way. but could never latproYe Ms position. 1,1CY KATE raced I no. !.v .111.I waa weakly rill. I. 11. LITTLE ED had no mishaps. JACK RESYES was sliutlled back on Ihe ■ List loin. S.I at. led 01 102 K. bo, 10.S.