3rd Race [3rd Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-19

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. 1 i , i i i t Onrl RAPP 5 1_% Fnrloiitrs. .t-year-«lds. CUIaiiag. April 16, 1921—4 CAPE PILLAR, ch. e 8 114 By Disguise— Make Good, by Luck and Charity. Trainer, R. A Smith. Owner, Sunnyland Stable. «m21 Bowie 3-4 l:15%mud 37-10 111 111* 1*1 L. Morris 8 MissEm.G. M.Crrrtis K.Brumel 81129 Bowie S-4 l:14%fast 1 1U 1 1 2» 3* L Morris 9 Avtspa. Miss Emma G.. Timbrel 59340 Jeff son 61 f l:66%fast 31 BJ8J 4 3 3 2* 8*1 L Morris 8 Colored Boy, By Cosh. Image 59192 Jeff son 6-8 l:01%fast 4 115 3 1 1 1* 11 L Morris 12 ByGosh, Honorable, MrracleMaa 58442 Bowie 3-4 l:14%.«low 46 114 4 S S 31 4* L Morris 8 AU Over, Meas*. Fits-lbbon i«296 Sartoga 61 f 1:07*, slow 18 US 4 2 4 6* 7»» A Johnsoall Carpenter, Tulwar, High Majda 54184 Sartoga 5i f 1 lOVimud 4 114 2 S 3 21 2* E Haynea S Restraiat, Swift Grass 5*021 Sartoga 61 f lrOHtfaat IS 113 6 | t 6* 6" C Kummsr 6 RoseBrigada. Oarpeatex, CydonU AVISPA, ch. f , 3 187 By Bnnnymede— Kapa Girl, by Solitaire H. Trainer, J. F. Richardson. Owner, W. F. Orm.bee. f.121 Ilfai 3-4 l:15%mud 9-10 1C8 8 4 4* 5 1 H Thomas 8 CapePinar. MisiEra r, . M.Curtla ! 61129 Bowie 3-4 1:14%fast 8-5 105 1 2 l1 1* C Lang 9 Mis-Em. G.. Cape Pillar. Timbrel 6M29 F.Gnds 3-4 l:12%fast 41 100 3 3 4 1 1* H Thomas 11 Gam Gurtoa, Lat.Loraine. Foy 60200 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :14%good Sl«*»3 32S13*G Brenmg 9 Birdie G.. Juna, rorest Qoeea 585*1 Pimlico S-4 l:16%mud 4 111 9 11 11 13 12" L McAtea 12 QuickRun. T. Vengeance. D Maid 58505 Pimlico 3 4 l:15*tgood 3-4/ 110 6 4 8 21 Sl C Turner 14 JewellV.D., C»m*cita, MTdBella 68222 Empire 5 f l:07%fast 8 116 S S S 8* 3* C Robson 13 Knot Grass, Kirtle. Clinchfleld 68176 Empire Ab 3-4 l:12%fast S 114 7 4 6 6 »« C Robson 14 Neae Dive, Nightfcoat, Sweepy 58062 Empire Ab 3-4 l:l"*fast 13-6 104 6 8 7 9« »• L McAtea 12 8weepy, Griaelda, Knot Grass , 57930 Jamaica 3-4 l:14good 7-K 116 2 1 1 1* 1» C Turner 8 Del. Vardea, Ex.-cmiua, aJSlmaa I 57860 Jamaica 61 f l:07%fast 8-6 1U S S3 I1! 1* C Turner 8 M. White, KcaToaa, Proavemada 1 6744U Jamaica 61 f l:08%fnat T 148 13 13 13 13 U11 C Turner 12 Bwrepr. Oar Dear, ruse* ilea Belmt 6if MC l.-fitikxaat 8 148.4 848*4*18 BulrmaalS AttaGal, LuekyGtrt. fl MiSfnali •6688 Sartoga 3-4 1:13 fast 31 187 I 8 4 41 3 t C Turner 8 Xalwar, Bill. CltaUom » I — yRTTT.TATTT EAT, b. », 3 115 By Pennant— Surg-low II., by Sundridge. Trainer, X. Smith. Owner, M. Smith. 61098 Bowie 6J f l:10%mud 17 108 3 S « 54 L Coney 6 brainstorm, Elemental, AH Fair •0535 F.Gnds 8-4 l:15%slow 8-5 108 1 1 2 2* 24 M Garner 6 M.Blo-sra, K.Gras Mir.Cooper •0456 F.Gnda 1-4 l:I2%fast 9-5 110 1 11 2* 34 C Lang 8 Pscptout, Sweepy. T.Fr.cisan •0188 F.Gnda 8-4 l:13M fast 12 U31 2 1 1 14 2" J Butwell 11 Omnipotent, M.BIosm, St.Miiee 69G58 F.Gnds 8-4 l:13%fast 4 113 8 8 • 8* 8J C Ponco 6 Cup Rock. O. Majors. DdyWoll 69C96 F.Gnda 3-4 l:14Vsfast 10 111 4 2 1 41 64 C Lang 7 WirZonr, ElmerK . Hii "t B94S4 F.Gnds Si I 1:07 fast 18-5 115 1 I 1 1» 51 L Coney 11 imlient. Borate Song, I y Hull 59373 F.Gnds 61 t l:07%fast 3 10« 8 I 1 1* 11 L Coner 9 V»lr*tr, SLMaurl.-e. K =.fH*t 69294 Jeffson 51 t l:07%fast 15-20 110 1 11 Ill* L Con-v 7 **.:*»d. Hononihle. Stsmp 89234 Jefraon 61 f 1:07 fast 2 109 8 1 8 2* ll L Coney 12 *.««,u u. Fred Kluaey, QrlawMa I91T6 Jefrson 3-4 l:14*fast 18 1081 6 1 3 81 4* H King 7 M .itTiCry, Modesty. O.McMeefeli LEGHORN, ch. f, 3 104 By Celt— Tuscan Bed, by William Bufui. Trainer, W. J. Daly. Owner, W. Dngan. €1053 Havana I 1 1 1 fflTt/Mt 20 107 4 9 71 7" G Corey 9 Rebuke, Lady Astor, Quesada 61008 Havana 1 l:39%good 7 87 1 4 6* 64 J Pevlc 7 B.Barton, TlieKollCall, ElnorS. ♦5C935 Havana lm50y l:43%good 5 105 3 3 4* 4* G Fields 6 Lady Astor, Quesada, Lighter •OMO Havana 3-4 l:12%faat 8 109 3 6 6 6 64 A Pickens 6 CherryTree, Rebuke, Lit. H. Sheep •0713 Havana 51 f l:06*4fast 21 107 6 4 3 8l 3i T Nolan 8 CherryTree, ColCliile, C.Eneante •0197 Havana, 8-4 l:13%faat 21 U3 3 3 8 6» 3* B Kenndy 5 C.Encanto, Cher.Tree, notcMsoa 80065 Havana 3-4 l:12%fast 3 111 6 • 4 81! 1» G Fields 0 Cher.Tree, Lady Astor. C.Euciinto 69739 Havana 8-4 l:H%fast 7 96 1 8 4» 84 H ra.lhan 6 Aiken, Ararat, Hlaa Mufflaa 59666 Havana SI t 1:06 fast 4 81 8 4 4 4»* 14 H Callhan 6 Ararat, Mellora, Laat One KISS fTFiKA G.. ch. f, 3 99 By Malamont— Bessie Latimer, by Lord Esterling. . Trainer, £. W. Moore. Owner, E. W, Moore. 451221 Bowie 3-4 l:15Vsmud 6 95 2 2 2* 24 A Frieshon S CapePillar, M. Curtis, K.Brummel 61129 Bowie 3-4 l:14Vfefast 13 1021 5 4 8* 2* W Bogski 9 Avispa, Cape Tillar, Timbrel 61098 Bowie 51 f l:10%mud 83 102 4 6 41 44 W Bogski 6 Brainstorm, Elemental, All Fair 60898 Mobile Ab 5-8 58*4tast 6-5 102 3 3 U 14 W Bogski 9 ByElyn, MubelA., MidtStories , •0774 Mobile Ab 6-8 1:00 good 5 102 10 9 8 7* 74 W BogskilO M.Maxim, M.LcVta, EdPeess i 68565 Plmlico 3-4 1:15 mud 12f 37 4 7 8 Hi 10l» A Gantnerl2 Bersaglicre, Fly.Cloud, Fgibbon i 583S1 Laurel 8-4 1:15 fast 155 115 S 7 7 8 8" J Mooncy 8 Prudish, Finery, Marylnd Bellf I S8284 Laurel Si f l:07*4fast 292 103 6 T • 51 r J C Lang 10 AlexIL, Good TUrx-n, Ultimate i 66717 Windsor 6-8 1:00 fast 121 104 6 6 6 6 6" D Barnes 6 S. Thoughts. Diaderaa, H.Bcircn , 66636 Windsor 6-8 lr00*4fast 143f 113 8 7 M 18 IS** B Barnes 12 Marbie, BUlrlu.nn, IVjBvknei 66476 FtErie 6-8 l:Ul-fast 85f 308 8 12 12 12 12*4 J Gneisenl2 I »rc. Forestall. Boraoety Humpt i yAttTrr. CTJTBTIS, ch. f, 3 101 By McGee — Butch Barbara, by Flying Dutchman. Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, C. Buxton. 61221 Bowie 3-4 l:15%mud 79 101 3 3 3» J A Gantner S CapePillar, MissEm.G., K.Bruml I 61129 Bowie 3-4 l:14Vifast «7 103 • « 6l 64 A Gantner 9 Avispa, MissEm.G., Cape Pillar t 60459 F.Gnds lm70y l:45%fast 6 107 4 7 6 7 81 811 M Buxton 9 D. Sinker, MacleMan, H.Kemble » •0341 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13«-ifaat 12 104 3 4 6 7» 74 A Gantnerll Birdie G., Bernice K., Galeta •0121 F.Gnds 3-i 1:16 alow 18-5 104 2 7 7 71 7" A Gantner 9 F.Ball, BlkP.ctty, JphineWdel ] 69S7? F.Gnds 3-4 l:13%fast 41 113 8 8 8 «» 4 M Buxtoa 10 Petie, Knot Grass, Fred Kinuej I 69596 F.Gnds 3-4 l:14%fast 8 107 1 i T H A Gaiitner 7 WarZone, ElmerK , High Coat 69234 Jeffson 51 f 1:07 fast 8 10s 8 « W Jft» :0" A Gardner 12 BrilntRay, Ashland. 8"dKlane.$ I 59053 Jeffson 61 f 1:08 good 6 106 6 • * 6* 64 A Ganiaer 9 WolfaCry, g.£.nliry, BaKBal I 67729 Kworth 61 f l:06%fast 4-5 HO 8 1 1 11 1* A Gantner « Cr.-st. Boy, Msrsriale, Kie.Whttt 57430 Wdblne 8-4 l:lS%fast 1-6 lt» 8 1111 14 A Gantner 7 Deltainmr, Al»erida, War Bell»J EXCUSE ME, b. c, 3 109 By Meridian— Horizon, by Hastings. Trainer, R. F. Carman. Owner, B. F. Carman, Jr.. 61251 Bowie 6 f l:20%fast 6 98 1 2 3» 44 C Lang G War Note, Snper, St. Donard 61175 Bowie 61 f l:22%good 14 105 1 1 11 1» C Lang G Hullabaloo, JnMorrill. Troubler r 68745 Bowie 61 f 1:23 mud 5f 110 1 3 4 2l 34 L McAtee 12 Dick Deadeye, Finality, Citaion i 6869D Bowie 7-8 1:30 slop 13 108 4 6 5 6 41 4* E Taylor 8 G.Foster, WessieB., F.Virginia 68549 Bowie 7-8 l:28%hvy 84 HI 7 6 6 6 41 74 E Taylor 10 Hephaistos, Plueky, Tangerine 68627 Pimllco 3-4 l:lfWihvy 21 95 1 1 2 24 3* B Marielli 5 Simplicity, Duncecap, Moco 68E81 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 8 113 1 1 2 8" V* J Butwell 12 QuickRun, T. Vengeance, D.Maid * 58470 Pimlico 61 f 1:12 hvy 8 115 8 6 6 14 P E Ambrsell Delhi Maid, Thriller, Awntng 58353 Laurel 8-4 l:15andfast 2« 109 3 8 3 41 611 J Butwell 6 Moco. Ultimata Simplicity FLY BALL, b. g, 8 115 By Garry Herrmann — Joaniiina, by Voter. Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. B. Sklnker. 61214 Bowie 7-8 1:28 fast 18 102 3 1 1» 34 L Coney 5 Yashmak, Dick Deadeye. Plucky r 61145 Bowie 61 f l:21%fa8t 10 104 3 2 3" 7» C Lang 8 Hnilabaloo, Sweepy, FannieBean J 61098 Bowie »1 f l:10%mud 11 104 6 2 62 64 C Lan 6 Brainstorm, Elemental. All Fair r •0233 F.Gnds 7-8 l:26%fast 16-5 108 3 2 4 4 41 64 C Ponce 8 Sweepy, CoioicSong, BlackBetty P •Mil F.Gnda 3-4 1:16 slow 13-10 U0 8 4 a 21 1»* A Wilson 9 Bl. Betty, JphineWdel, Del.Md il 59475 F.Gnds 3-4 l:15Xtnud 6 1C8 9 8 8 « 8:» A Wll/.ot 9 T.HareJr., C.McMkin, Mode»tj 1 59414 F.Gnds H f 107 fast 10 108 7 8 I 4J 3" A W; «ton 11 Penitent. Comic Sung Opotent * 67526 Latonia 3-4 l.rWtfimt 7-5 1*7 8 1 1 l1 1» B Pari.* 12 BikBetiy. Wawlll, FleidlAri » 663t» iUi.i.-ga 8-4 1.13fast 12 116 8 4 4 Si 4» V Keogb 7 De»dio.a. rkFurot. Oheaterbr4 * 66214 tiailoga Elfl:05Sfast 12 103 8 8 4 41 4" J aTaWW 13 Whinkaway, ivCioui. K.Graao 6G047 rtartoga. 5* VSVfadt X IX Loot rtder. M Wm*Hm 12 Oil Han. Btibeart. Pecaus 66385 Aqduct E-8 1 .0 yislow 80 lcS 6 2 8s 2» J ZuIler 9 MorTich, Vnaenla, Firm FrlosJ i LAST EFFOBT, b. f. 3 116 By Ultimus— Dorval, by Darebin. Trainer. D. B. McDaniel. Owner, B. J. Brown. 61280 H.dcGce 51 f l:09%hvy 27 103 6 6 5* S4 C Lang 7 LckyHour, Caretaker. Brainstm 1 61251 Bowie 6J f l:20%fast 24 92 6 6 « 610 J Wallace 6 War Note, Super, St. Donard 61189 Bowie 51 f 1 :07%f ast 16-5 104 6 4 41 62 C Lang 10 GraceMayers, Plueky, Bountiful J •0006 F.Gnds 3-4 l:la%hvy 13-10 104 6 3 8 11 1* A Wilson 8 G.Foster, BcruiceK., DeluiMald 1 ■0259 F.Gnds 3-4 l:14- igood 4% 110 6 11 1* 14 A Wilson 9 FredKinney, Bios. House, Image 8 •0081 F.Gnda 3-4 l:20Vshvy Ao 101 4 2 2 2» 2» C Lang 7 May Blossom, Foy, Consort ES9S9 Jefrson 61 f 1:12 hvy 95 7 8 3 2* 24 C Lang 11 Simplicity, For.Queen, Del.Matd , ! 68833 Jeffson 51 f 1:09 fast 4 110 « IIP P C Lang 9 Pluribelle, K.Brummel, Spinning 1 65466 Aqduct 6-8 l:00%fast 8 112 6 8 U1 U" F Weiner 13 Zennotta, Glenbells, Bountiful QUESADA, ch. c, 3 114 By Delhi — Mistress Quickly, by Nasturtium. Trainer, F. Bra v. Owner, T. Monahan. 61280 H-deGce at 1 1 :09*-,hvy 05 108 3 4 44 54 W Kelsay 7 LuekyHour, Caretaker, L.Effcrt t 61053 Havana 1 1-8 l:54Vf,fast 7 110 2 1 ln" 34 C Robson 9 Rebuke, IidyAstor, CherryTree 60935 Havana ImoOy 1 :43%good 7 107 2 1 1» 24 W Kelsay 6 Lady Astor, Lighter. Leghorn 60853 Havana 1 l::5S*ifast 8 98 3 2 4* 411 A McLhlin .r EleanorS., JgePryor, PlusUltra 60810 Havana 8-4 l:12%fast 2J 110 4 4 5J 64 W Kelsay 6 CherryTree. Rebuke, Lit.B. Sheep p 60464 Havana 5J f l:09*islow 21 108 3 1 1« P W Kelsay 8 Fcastle, T.RollCall, Stonewall 60402 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 6 105 6 4 3» 3=2 A McLhlin 5 C.dAmour, Cltimata, L.B. Sheep 1 60065 Havana 3-4 1:12%fast 6 110 4 9 9 84 W Kelsay 9 Leghorn, CherryTree, LadyAstor 59983 Havana 3 4 l:13%fast 6 10813 1 1» 1" W Kelsay 7 Fincastle, Ultimata, Randel BEVERLY BELLE, b. f, 3 89 By Uncle— Ivabel, by Ogden. UA 1 Trainer, L. Garth. Owner, C. J. Quinn. 58455 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 22 105 9 7 7 6"* 3" B Marieli 9 Tangerine, Simplicity, Colande e 67930 Jamaica, 3-4 l:14good 7 110 1 3 4 6 «17 L McAtee 9 Avispa, Dolly Vardeu, Execution D 56588 Sartoga 3-4 1:13 f*st 5 104 4 4 6 6« 6» J Callahan 9 Tulwar, Avispa, Evil 56666 Sar" toga 3-4 IdPJfcfMt 31 106 4 6 6 PI P|J Ca!lahanl2 EagerEyes, Dgbnur, DoTeaTOaal » 56285 Sartoga 6i f 1:10 hvy 7 102 6 « 6 •* 64 J Callahan 8 Duncecap, Evil. Clansman 65S37 Empire 6ifl:07%faat 13-5 102 1 8 S 2 If J Callahan 9 FiftyFifty, Lady Delhi, Duncecaj 1 DITEESITY, br. f, 3 103 By The Finn— Disparity, by Singleton. Trainer, W. S. Gibson. Owner, F. J. Eearns. 60916 Havana 1 1:43a.s1ow 3 91 6 5 34 3s A McLhlinlO Blondel. Win or Quit, Ava R. 60875 Havana 1 l:39%fast 21 96 7 6 44 P D Prible 8 Reliability, Randel, King B. •0812 Havana ll:40%fast 31 95744 2 2«2iD Prible 8 Reliability, Article X., Randel . * •0684 Havana 1 1:41 fast 3 90777«3131A McLhlin 7 Money, Wedgwood, Koran •0643 Havana 1 l:41*4fast 1 97 6422216D Prible 6 Stonewall, Article X., Randel •0048 Havana 1 l:4C«fefast 8-6 108 4 6 6 6 6* 2* J Maiben 6 WboCanTell, Stonewall, NavUco 0 SOUTH BREEZE, b. c, 3 116 By Burtonsville — Bracing Breeze, by Filigrane. Trainer, J. II. Black. Owner, J. M. Black. 61107 Tijuana 3-4 1:14%fast 29 107 4 4 21 44 T Rae 7 Polly Wale, Lit.Less, Capt.Clovei r 61000 Tijuana 1 l:41faat 3-2 108 2 3 2- 2» T Rae 5 Capt. Clover, Thriller, Ind.Princ e •0782 Tijuana 5ifl:08%fast 12 106 8 7 7 41 21 T Rae 8 Clarkson, Aryanna, Just Right •0706 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:5S*fast 16 116 4 6 6 6 4» 44 J Htarcer 9 W.Prince, Pclamatn, C. Clove ii 60618 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:49«4f ast 8 103 4 6 6 4 31 34 J Hunmer 9 C. Clover, N.McKiny, W.Princ* e •0499 Tijuana 1 1:48 mud 14 108 7 6 « 7 7" T Rae 7 C. Clover, Wed. Prince, D.Tubbt * •0302 Tijuana lm70y 1:48 fast 7 114 2 8 4 4 6 6" T Rae 5 Wed.Prince, In. Prince, Pol. Walt e 69044 Tijuana 6-8 1:03 fast 17-10 U5 2 2 6 21 1» J Htamer 11 Ev.Stories, BtlDream, T.Crri " 68889 Tijuana S-8 1:03 fast S9f HO 8 4 2 2» 2« T Rae 12 Incogce, TheCigte, Llt.Florenct * TROUBLES, b. g, 3 112 By Marathon — Pesky, by Broomstick. Trainer, J. Musante. Owner, F. Musante. 61305 H.deGce 3-4 HHandgood 129 100J15 13 13 IP* H Thomas 13 UltraGold, Sidereal, Brt IJ?hti ;s 61221 Bowie 3-4 l:15%mud 63 109 4 7 7 715 B Rice 8 CapePillar, MissEm.G., M.Curth is C1175 Bowie 61fl:22%good 80 105 6 4 31 4» M Schwtz 6 ExcuseMe., Hullabaloo, J. Morrii: !1 ES455 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 23 107 3 2 6 810 811 A Gantner 9 Tangerine, Simplicity, Coland 1° E?202 Laurel 61 f l:08%fast 40 110 1 10 8 8* 8« C Lang 12 Clansman, Moco, Brilliant Raj 7 68123 laurel 3-4 l:14%faat 43 U0 2 1111 44 C Lang 7 Moco, Grace Mayers, Miles S. 679:!6 Laurel 3-4 l:15%fast 14 117 8 • 4 6» 94 L Penman 9 G. Mayers, Brill. Ray, Clansmai 1 67533 Wdbine 51 f 1:07 fast It 112 i 2 2 24 3* J McTagt 9 Affectation, Paddle, El Jesmar S7467 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%faat 87 101 8 8 7 8 712 J Dreyer 8 Corenzio, PushPin, Affectatioi »■ 67281 Thcliffe 61 f l:08%faat 20 107 4« J McTagt 7 Alva, Marsdale, Crestwood Boy 67187 Th cliff e 61 f 1:08 fast 33 103 «• W Andson 8 Devonite, Dor.Buckner, PushPii * 66615 Dshire 61 f l:06%fast 63 108 7 7 5 4* «» H Gregory 9 Fifty Fifty, Photoplay, Aloft JUSTINA E., ch. f. 2 83 By Palo Alto— Mistlebloom, by Borgia. Trainer, J. H. Stotler. Owner, E. P. Summerfield. 67519 H.dcGce 6J f l:0835fast 24 108 2 6 7 71 915 J Heupel 10 Mad Nell, Selota. South Breeze ! 65643 KingE. Ab 5-S 59*ifast 31-10 113 2J C Jackson 7 Razon, Rubula, Little Less 64762 B.Bonts 5-8 1:01 fast 27 99 8 6 4 41 41* J Rowan 8 L.Loraine, LyRochter, Ashlam ■1 64661 Dorval 6-8 l:09*fchvy 15 109 4 4 I f 6" J Rowan 7 Lady Rochester, Loveliest, Lins ia 64616 Dorval 6-8 l:05%hvy 6 116 2 1 1 8l 64 R Romelll 7 War Relief, Dare, Rack Em V fP 64554 Dorval 6-8 l:02%fast 11-5 104 2 4 4 4» 4* H Gregory 8 WarRelief, Loveliest, B.Vamp 63197 Havana 1-2 491/sfast 2 98 3 4 l1 1» F Wilson 7 BitfrBiting, LottaG., Coscorroi ■ 63111 Havana 1-2 49 fast 1 108 2 2 11 14 F Wilson 0 Navisco, Flaxy Mae, Hyeres 62908 Havaan SI f 42%faat 6-5 104 6 8 8* 34 R L caster 8 Coscorron, Hyeres, Bitter Bltini AFRICAN ROSE, br. f, 3 M 107 By Transvaal— Harpist IL, by Contract, Trainer, L. Merryman. Owner, L. Merryman, First start. BBJXLIANT HAT, b. g, 8 115 By Pennant— Sung-low II., by Sundridge. t Trainer, X. Smith. Owner, M. Smith. 81098 Bowie 51 t l:10%mud 17 108 3 6 « 64 L Coney 6 Brainstorm. Elemental. All Fair ! •0635 F.Gnda 8-4 l:15%slow 8-5 108 1 1 2 2» 2* M Garner 6 M.Blosm, K.Grnss, Mir.Cooper 5 80458 F.Gnds 8-4 l-.12%fa.st 9-5 110 1 11 2* 31 C Lang 8 Pscptout, Sweepy. T.F*MfMU I 80188 F.Gnda 8-4 l:13fast 12 U31 2 1 1 14 2» J Butwoll Jl Omnipotent, M.Blosm, St.Miiee 9 MM F.Gnda 8-4 l:13%fast 4 113 8 I I I1 I1! C Ponco 6 0*9 Mack, B. Majors. DlyWoli 1 S8C96 F.Gnda 34 l:14V*fast 10 111 4 8 8 41 64 C Lang TWirlMt, ElmerK. Ilij.-! i«"t I 684S4 F.Gnds 51 f 1:07 faat 18115 1 1 1 in 5| L Coney U ivnllrnt. Comic Song, fii Rat 59073 F.Gnda B f 1.07%fast 8 108 8 1 1 1* U L Conar 9 .! estatCr. St.Ma:irl -e. h ■•...»• 69294 Jeffson 51 f l:07*fust 15-20 110 1 11 Ill L Con-v 7 »« ;*»d. MonoraMr. Slump 89234 Jefraon 88 I 1:07 fast 2 109 8 1 3 2» l1! L Coney 12 *«nu ul. ired Ktuoey. OlfwMt 5 89176 Jeffson 3-4 l:14ftfast 18 10816 1 8 81 4* II King 7 vt. triCry, Modesty. O.McMeefclx liQHORN, ch. f, S 104 By Celt— Tuscan Bed, by William Eufui. j Trainer, W. J. Daly. Owner, W. Dugan. 81052 Havana 1 1-8 LMVandfast 20 107 4 9 71 71? G Corey 9 Rebuke, Lady Astor, Qnesada . 81008 Havana 1 l:39%good 7 87 1 4 62 64 J Pevlc 7 B.Barton, TlieRollCall, ■■■■■■ 5 CC935 Havana lm50y l:43%good 5 105 3 3 4* 4» G Fields 6 Lady Astor, Quesada. Lighter - 80M0 Havana 3-4 l:12%fast 41 109 3 5 8 6 5T1 A Pickens 6 CherryTree, Rebuke, Lit. B. Sheep , 80713 Havana 51 f l:06%fast 21 107 6 4 3 S1 3i T Nolan 8 ClierryTree, ColCiiile, C.Encantc , 80197 Havana 8-4 l:13%fast 21 113 8 3 3 8» 3* B Kenndy 5 C.Encanto, Cher.Ttee, nutchlson -t 8006." Havana 3-4 l:12%fast 3 111 6 8 4 84 1» G F.eids 9 Cbor.Trce, lady Astor. C.En.untc . 69739 Havana 8-4 l:H%fast 7 86 1 6 6 4k 14 H -a.Vhan 6 Aiken, Ararat, idles Muffins 68666 Havana 61 f 1:08 faat 4 81 8 4 4 4»* 34 H Call nan 6 Ararat. Mcltura, Last Oae MISS rmf A G., ch. f, 3 99 By Malamont— Bessie Latimer, by Lord Esterling. . Trainer, E. W. Moore. Owner, E. W. Moore. I 61221 Bowie 3-4 l:15mud 6 95 2 2 2s 24 A Frieshon S CapePillar. M.Curtis, K.Brnmmel 81129 Bowie 3-4 l:14Vfefast 13 1021 5 4 3* 2* W Bogski 9 AviBpa, Cape Pillar, Timbrel 61098 Bowie 51 f l:10%mud 83 102 4 6 41 44 W Bogski 6 Brainstorm. Elemental, All Fair 60898 Mobile Ab 5-8 58%fast 6-6 102 3 8 U 14 W Bogski 9 ByElyn, MabelA., MidtStories J 80774 MobUe Ab 5-8 1:00 good 5 102 10 9 8 7* 74 W BogskilO M.Maxim, M.LeVta, EdPeess J 68585 Plmlico 3-4 1:15 mad 12f 97 4 7 8 111 10" A Gantnerl2 Bersagliere, Fly.Cloud, Fgibbon [ 68351 Laurel 8-4 1:15 faat 1561156 7 7 8 8 • J Mooncy 8 Prudish, Finery, Marylnd Bellf J 68284 Laurel 61 f l:07%fast 292 103 6 T 6 61 64 C Lang 10 AlexH., Good T.ms, Ultimate • 66717 Windsor 5-8 1:00 faat 121 104 6 6 6 6 6l* B Barui 6 S. Thoughts. Diaderaa, n.Beircn I 66636 Windsor 6-8 100%fast 143f 113 8 7 10 11 IS" B Barnes 12 Marble, BUlylU-nn, IVjBvknei J 66475 Tt.Eri» 6-8 l.uvtifast 25f 109 8 12 12 12 W* J Gneiset!l2 I arc. Forestall. BWatWO Mnmpi • lffAWTTT. CURTIS, ch. I, S 101 By McGee— Butch Barbara, by Flying Dutchman. Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner, C. Buxton. 61221 Bowie 3-4 l:15%mud 79 101 3 2 3» 34 A Gantner S CapePillar. MissEm.G., K.Bruml 61129 Bowie 3-4 l:14Vifast 67 103 4 6 6 64 A Gantner 9 Avispa, MissEm.G., Cape Pillar 604:9 F.Gnds lm70y l:45%faat 6 107 4 7 6 7 81 811 M Buxton 9 D. Sinker, MaeleMan, H.Kemble • 60341 F.Gnda 3-4 l:13 -sfast 12 104 3 4 6 7k 74 A Gantnerll Birdie G., Bernice K., Galeta 60121 F.Gnda 3-1 1:16 slow 18-5 104 2 7 7 71 7" A Gantner 9 F.Ball, BlkPetty, JphineWdel 69579 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13%fast 41 118 8 8 8 6l 41 M Buxtoa 10 Petie, Knot Grass Fred Kinuej - 69596 F.Gnds 3-4 LHftfast 8 107 1 6 7 ■ 64 A Gantner 7 WarZone, ElmerK , High Coat I 69234 Jeffson 51 f 1:07 faat 8 106 8 S 10 10* :0»* A Gannerl2 RrilntRny, Ashland, fdKlnnej S 69053 Jeffson 61 f 1:08 good 6 106 6 6 * 6* 64 A Gantner 9 WolfsCry, S.c-plM-y. B»KJHaL 67729 K" worth 61 f l:06%fast 4-6 HO 8 1 1 ■ 1* A Gantner « Cr»-«t. Boy, Marsdjle, K»e.Wh!» 67430 Wdblne 8-4 l:13%faat 1-6 106 8 111* 14 A Gantner 7 Delhinmr, Alterida. War BellJ , EXCUSE ME, b. c, 3 109 By Meridian— Horizon, by Hastings. Trainer. B. F. Carman. Owner, B. F. Carman, Jr.. 61251 Bowie 61 f l:20%fast 6 98 1 2 3s 44 C Lans 6 War Note, Super. St. Donard I 61175 Bowie 6 f l:22%good 14 105 1 1 11 1» C Lang 6 Hullabaloo, JnMorrill. Troubler 68745 Bowie 61 f 1:23 mud 5f 110 1 3 4 2l 34 L McAtee 12 Dick Deadeye, Finality, Citaion I 68690 Bowie 7-8 1:30 slop 13 108 4 6 5 6 41 4« E Taylor 8 G.Foster, WessieB., F.Virginia I 68649 Bowie 7-8 l:28%hvy 84 Ul 7 6 6 6 41 74 E Taylor 10 Hephaistos, Plucky, Tangerine ■ 68627 Pimllco 3-4 l:15%hvy 21 95 1 1 2 24 3« B Marielli 5 Simplicity, Duncecap, Moeo 68E81 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 2 113 2 1 2 Ik 7" J Butwell 12 QuickRun, T. Vengeance, D.Maid ] 68470 Pimlico 61 f 1:12 hvy 8 115 8 6 6 44 3* E Ambrsell Delhi Maid, Thriller. Awnlnf 6S353 Laurel S-4 l:15%faat 28 109 8 3 2 41 611 J Butwell 0 Moco. Ultimata Simplicity | FLY BALL, b. g, 8 115 By Garry Herrmann — Joaninna, by Voter. | Trainer. W. A. Burttschell. Owner, J. B. SUnker. 61214 Bowie 7-8 1:28 fast 18 102 3 1 Ik 34 L Coney 5 Yashmak. Dick Deadeye. Plucky | 61145 Bowie 64 f l:21%fast 10 104 3 2 3* 7* C Lang 8 Hullabaloo, Sweepy, FannieBean , 61098 Bowie 51 f l:10%mud 11 104 6 2 62 64 C Lan 6 Brainstorm. Elemental. All Fair | 60233 F.Gnds 7-8 l:2C%fast 16-5 108 3 3 4 4 41 64 C Ponce 8 Sweepy, ComicSong, BlacUBetty . 6C121 F.Gnda 3-4 1:16 slow 13-10 HO • 4 • 21 l»k A Wilson 9 Bl. Betty, JphineWdel, Del.Md | 6947a F.Gnds 3-4 l:15Xmud 6 1C8 9 I 9 • 8* A Wiltot 9 T.HareJr., c.MrJTkin, Modestj | 694U F.Gnds 61 f 107 fast 10 1087 8 6 41 3" A VT;!»ti« Jl Penitent. Comic Song Opotent ; 67526 Latonla 3-4 1.13%f*at 7-5 107 8 1 1 ll 1» B Parli* 12 BikBetiy. *1uca«U#. FlesdlAri j 6C3oi iUivfa 8-4 t.UVfast 12 116 8 4 4 81 4» V Keogb 7 Desdiocg. rkFiirat. Cheaterbrk 66214 Us**;oga El f l.-iiVaal 12 103 8 8 4 41 4« J stoafW 15 Whinkaway, Iegieoa. K.Grii; 66047 rtar oga. 58 V9Vfa*t 20 lo« Loot rtd*r. I Kol.er 12 Oil Man, BUbeart. Pega«aa 66385 Aqduct E-8 1 .0 ilslow K lit 2 9s 2» J Zo«dler B WorTlch. Vy-iaenia, Firm Frio* i LAST EFFOBT, b. f, 3 116 By Ultimus— Dorval, by Daretin. Trainer. D. B. McDaniel. Owner, B. J. Brown. 61280 H.deGce 51 f l:09hvy 27 103 6 6 5* 34 C Lang 7 LckyHour, Caretaker, Brainstm 61251 Bowie 61 f l:20%fast 24 92 5 6 6 610 J Wallace t War Note, Super, St. Donard , 61189 Bowie 51 f 1 :07%f ast 16-5 104 6 4 41 6* C Lang 10 GraceMayers, Plucky, Bountiful ■ 80506 F.Gnds 3-4 I 861811 J 13-10 104 6 3 3 U 1» A Wilson 8 G.Foster, BeruiLeK., DelhiMaid 60259 F.Gnds 3-4 l:14*6good 41 110 6 11 la 14 A Wilson 9 FredKinney, Bios. House, Image , 60081 F.Gnds 3-4 l:20Vi.hvy 9-10 101 4 2 2 2» 2* C Lang 7 May Blossom, Foy, Consort ES9X9 Jefrson 61 f 1:12 hvy 6 95 7 8 3 2k 24 C Lang 11 Simplicity, For. Queen, Del.Mald 68833 Jeffson 51 f 1:09 fast 4 110 6 1 1 1» 1* C Lang 9 Pluribelle, K.Brummel, Spinning . 66466 Aqduct 6-8 1:00%fast 8 H2 6 8 U1 II1* F Weiner 13 Zennotta, Glenbells, Bountiful QUESADA, ch. c, 3 114 By Delhi — Mistress Quickly, by Nasturtium. Trainer, F. Bray. Owner, T. Monahan. 61280 H.deGce 55 f l:09hvy 65 108 3 4 44 54 W Kelsay 7 LuckyHour. Caretaker, L.Effcrt 6105? Havana 1 1-8 l:54V-.fast 7 110 2 1 1"" 34 C Robson 9 Rebuke, LadyAstor, CnerryTree 60935 Havana lm50y 1 :4:fjood 7 107 2 1 Ik ISW Kelsay 6 Lady Astor. Lighter. Leghorn 60853 Havana 1 l::5S*ifast 8 98 3 2 44 41 A McLhlin I EleanorS.. JgePryoi, PlusUltra 60810 Havana 8-4 1:1 2% fast 21 110 4 4 52 64 W Kelsay 6 ClierryTree. Rebuke. Lit. B. Sheep 60464 Havana 51 f l:09*is!ow 21 108 3 1 1* 1» W Kelsay 8 Fca-,Lle, T.RollCall. Stonewall 60402 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 6 105 6 4 3l 34 A McLhlin 5 C.dAmour, Ultimata, L.B. Sheep 60065 Havana 3-4 1:12%fast 6 U0 4 9 9 84 W Kelsay 9 Leghorn. Cherry Tree. LadyAstor £9983 Havana 3 4 l:13%fast 6 10813 1 l2 1" W Kelsay 7 Fincastle, Ultimata, Randel BEVERLY BELLE, b. f, 3 99 By Uncle— Ivabel, by Ogden. UA Trainer, L. Garth. Owner. C. J. Q,uinn. 68455 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 22 105 9 7 7 6»* otT B Marield 9 Tangerine, Simplicity, Colande 67930 Jamaica 3-4 l:14,good 7 110 1 3 4 6l 8" L McAtee 9 Avispa, Dolly Vardeu, Execution 6658S Sartoga 3-4 1:13 faat 5 104 4 4 6 62 S» J Callahan 9 Tulwar, Avispa, E il 66566 Sar* toga 3-4 l:T3%fast 31 106 4 6 6 84 74 J Ca!lahanl2 EagerEyes, Dghnur, DoreSTOMt 66285 Sartoga 61 f 1:10 hvy 7 102 6 6 6 6* 64 J Callahan 8 Duncecap, E*il. Clansman 65S37 Empire 51 f 1:07 Vast 13-5 102 1 2 2 2» U J Callahan 9 FiftyFifty, LadyDeliii, Duncecai DIVERSITY, It. f, 3 103 By The Finn— Disparity, by Singleton. Trainer, W. S. Gibson. Owner, F. J. Kearns. 60916 Havana 1 l:43feslow 3 91 6 5 34 3* A McLhlinlO Blondel. Win or Quit, Ava R. 60875 Havana 1 l:39%fast 21 95 7 6 44 3* D Prible 8 Reliability, Randel, King B. 60812 Havana 1 l:40%fast 31 96 7 4 4 2 2* £1 D Prible 8 Reliability, Article X., Randel . 60684 Havana 1 1:41 fast 3 90777 6 3l31A McLhlin 7 Money, Wedgwood, Koran 80643 Havana 1 l:41*6fust 1 97 642 2 21 6 D Prible 6 Stonewall, Article X., Randel 80048 Havana 1 l:40*.fast 8-6 108 4 6 6 6 5* 21 J Malben 6 WhoCanTell, Stonewall, Navlaco SOUTH BBEEZE, b. e, 8 116 By Burtonsville — Bracing Breeze, by Filigrane. Trainer, J. H. Black. Owner, J. M. Black. 61107 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14%f ast 29 107 4 4 21 44 T Rae 7 PollyWale. Lit. Less, Capt.Clover 61000 Tijuana 1 l:41%fast 3-2 108 2 3 2- 23 T Rae 5 Capt.Clover, Thriller, Ind. Prince 60782 Tijuana 61fl:0S%fast 12 106 8 7 7 41 21 T Rae 8 Cl.irkson, Aryanna, Just Right 80706 Tijuana 1 1-8 l:5S%fast 16 116 4 6 6 6 4* 44 J Htaraer 9 W.Prinee, Pclamatn, C. Clover 60618 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:49%fast 8 103 4 6 6 4 S1 3*1 J Hunmer 9 C. Clover, N.McKiny, W.Prinee 60499 Tijuana 1 1:48 mud 14 108 7 6 6 6 7 7" T Rae 7 C. Clover, Wed. Prince, D.Tabb* 80302 Tijuana lmTtty 1:48 fast 7 114 2 8 4 4 6 6" T Rae 5 Wed. Prince, In. Prince, Pol. Wale 69044 Tijuana 6-8 1:03 fast 17-10 115 2 2 8 2l 1» J Htamer 11 Ev.Stories, BtlDream, T.Crvn 68889 Tijuana 6-8 1:03 fast S9f HO 8 4 2 2» 2« T Rae 12 Incogce, TheCigte, Lit.Florenc* TROUBLER, b. g, 3 112 By Marathon — Pesky, by Broomstick. Trainer, J. Musante. Owner, F. Musante. 61305 H.deGce 3-4 llgood 128 100113 13 13 13" H Thomas 13 FltraGold, Sidereal. Br*t Lights 61221 Bowie 3-4 l:15Vsmud 63 109 4 7 7 715 R Rice 8 CapePillar, MissEm.G., M.Curtis C1175 Bowie 61fl:22%good 80 105 6 4 3» 4» M Schwtz 6 BxcuseMe., Hullabaloo, J.Morrill ES455 Pimlico 3-4 l:16%mud 1"7 3 2 6 8" 811 A Gantner 9 Tangerine, Simplicity, Colando EF202 Laurel 61 f l:08%fast 40 110 1 10 8 8* 8« C Lang 12 Clansman, Moco, Brilliant Ray 68123 laurel 3-4 l:14%fast 43 U0 2 1111 4«1 C Lang 7 Moco, Grace Mayers, Miles S. 67936 Laurel 3-4 l:15*fefast 14 U7 8 6 4 6k 94 L Penman 9 G.Mayers, Brill. Ray, ClanBmai 67533 Wdbine 61 f 1:07 fast 16 U2 6 2 2 24 3* J McTagt 9 Affectation, Paddle, El Jesmar 67467 Wdbine 3-4 113%faat 87 101 8 6 7 6 712 J Dreyer 8 Corenzio, PushPin, Affectation 67281 Thcliffe 5 f l:08Vsfast 20 107 4» J McTagt 7 Alva, Marsdale, Crestwood Boy 67187 Th cliff e 61 f 1:08 fast 33 103 4 » W Andson 8 Devonite, Dor.Buckner, PushPi* 66615 D shire 61 f l:06%fast 63 108 7 7 6 4* 4» H Gregory 9 Fifty Fifty, Photoplay, Aloft JUSTINA E., ch. f. 2 93 By Palo Alto— Mistlebloom, by Borgia. Trair.er, J. H. Stotler. Owner. E. P. Summerfield. 67519 H.deGce 61 f l:0S35fast 24 108 2 6 7 71 915 J Heupel 10 Mad Nell. Selota. South Breeze 6f-643 KirgK. Ab 6-8 59 ifast 31-10 113 2* C Jackson 7 Razon, Rubula, Little Lees 64762 B.Bonts 5-8 1:01 fast 27 99 8 8 4 41 41* J Rowan 8 L.Loraine, LyRochter, Ashland 646C1 Dorval 6-8 1:09«thvy 15 109 4 4 6 6»* 6»3 J Rowan 7 Lady Rochester. Loveliest. Lina 64616 Dorval 6-8 1 :0f 2ihvy 6 115 2 1 1 81 64 R Romelll 7 War Relief, Dare, Rack "Em Up 64554 Dorval 6-8 148*ajCaat 11-5 104 2 4 4 4* 4* H Gregory 8 WarRelief, Loveliest, B.Vamp 63197 Havana 1-2 49!ifast 2 98 3 4 ll 1» F Wilson 7 BitfrBtting, LottaG., Coscorroa 63111 Havana 1-2 49 fast 1 108 2 2 8J 14 9 Wilson 0 Navisco, Flaxy Mae, Hyeres 62908 Havaan 21 f 4J-„fast 6-5 104 6 8 3* 34 R L caster 8 Coscorron, Hyeres, Bitter Biting AFRICAN ROSE. br. f, 3 M 107 By Transvaal— Harpist IL, by Contract. Trainer, L. Merry man. Owner, L. Merryman. First first start. start.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922041901/drf1922041901_3_5
Local Identifier: drf1922041901_3_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800