untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-19


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TUESDAYS SPECIAL: | Olympus, .00-, Won I Filed with Racing Form and other reputable papers. 3 Read what I said in my last ad in Sundays Form: 3 Believe I know a sure winner barring accidents Tuesday, April IS. Tills I gj is a specially prepared proposition and my connections expect a alee long I j§ price. Goes rain or shine. YOU CANT AFFORD TO MISS IT. | 3 Following is an exact list of the last seven horses filed and sent to hundreds | of my followers: H Olympus .... $ 4.00- Won 1 Lucky Hour . . $ 2.80- Won 1 Jean F $ 5.40- Won 1 Jock Scot | 4.00- 2nd I Attorney Muir . $ 3.40- Won 8 Lucky Girl . . . 5.30- Won f War Note $ 4.00- Won I NEVER SENT MORE THAN ONE HORSE. Have never sent out a horse I didnt file with the Racing Form. In business at I same address for eighteen months. I HAVE NEVER DONE BUSINESS UNDER ANY NAME BUT J. F. BALDWIN | I absolutely play every horse sent out for many hundreds and I pay large hm E I for my information. Do you want more convincing proof of my reliability? SJ How long are you going to be misled by irresponsible people? : • How long are you going to waste your valuable time, shatter your nerves and lose | your money? yj Why not join hands with a man of affairs, a man whose word is his bond, a man | that can furnish the very highest business and banking references? I invite you to Ii call and see me. p I invite you to look up my record in the business world. My credit is good with | everyone, whether they are connected with the mercantile lines or with racing. 3 NEW TERMS — Send immediately the price of six ten-word messages from New H York and agrea to wire promptly the winnings of a 0.00 straight play after ycu col- | lect. No second telegram sent to anyone that does not remit for winners. If you I cannot comply with my terms, go elsewhere. Absolutely no further wires will be sent It to anyone in arrears for winners. In sending your subscription be sure to send your correct business or residence Vi I address. C company. Positively no telegrams sent collect nor any telegrams sent in care of telegraph You know who you are doing business with and I must know who I am doing brir-i- % ness with. Have neither the time nor the inclination to do business with fakers, welches e or irresponsible people. Business men_need have no fear that I will peddle their names, B as I regard all communications with strictest confidence. [ I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE. J. F. " LUCKY" BALDWIN 1303 LEXINGTON AVENUE : : NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. i TKLICPIIOXK LLXOX V. X 1 O or OUJS. £ CHICAGO 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS EVEHYWHEBE STILL WINNING BIG! "ADVISED PLAYS" WON 38 The "CHICAGO HANDICAPPER" is the talk of the country; are you WINNING? If not. then vou ara NOT getting the -CHICAGO HANDICAPPER." YESTERDAYS -ADVISED PLAY Pastoral Swain . ..20- Won We cannot advise vou too strongly TODAYS "ADVISED PLAYS" THEY ARE MONEY GETTERS. For sale at newsstands everywhere: sent D7 mail and received first n.aLl in rr.om-ng day of races. FOR TWO WEEKS. Remit to CHICAGO PUBLISHING CO., 333 S. Dearborn St. :: Ch-cijo. 111. JACK FIELD "THE MAN THAT CAN MAKE YOU WIN." I GIVE ONLY ONE HORSE A DAY. PRICE . 0 FREE SPECIAL TODAY This comes from the same SOURCE that put over TRUE FIELR ..5.30- WON This wa3 my Big Special other day. I EXPECT 10-1 TODAY on my SPECIAL, as very few know anything of this •LONG SHOT." so dont let 51 stra you from CLEANING UP on this GOOD THING. RUSH to news dealer and get JACK FIELD SPECIAL. Mailed to yon or telegraphed to you week. JACK FIELD 20 West Jackson Street :: Chicago, 111. Made Good Again/ 32 OUT OF 43 ! ! April 15. KINO JOHN, 235 100 WON, LUCKY HOIll. 40 100 WON. KKMKMI.ER, Specials wired us direct from track. We d nt sit in an office Rups-iiij; cm. Whore t-Nt eu ym get Genuine Informal ion ? Two X Specials each Saturday for . Next 2 ro April 23. Oaaraatee 00c UU8T WIN. or next two FlIKi:. Wet kly past 17 years, same people Ket above service, al o buy BEPORTKand. Those beatiag BUM steadily, get ii. formation. A .opy will CCMViaca you skeptics-. Only 35c all news stands Hailed s-.il. plain enve!j;e. 3 weeks . WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL: Bring-Mor..lay-GoLet-Pit-IIe THE TURF REPORTER OLDEST PUBLICATION IK EXISTENCE 22 W. Qxncy St. E_tab. 1304 CHICAGO, ILL. DIRECT FROM TRACK Saturday, April 22, two Specials. fluarantee n W1NNEK, cr following tuo ll:i:i:. Mail your for them NOW. New issue THOBOUGHBRJED today, any News XL. 11. 1, He. Vou need it, to help beat them. Todays Beat: Hurry -Eastern-Sow-Kit-Pay. Pay THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bid*. E-rtab. 1907. CHICAGO. ELL. 8 WINNERS Out of 14 Starters on Our FREE FORM SPECIALS Yau not only get a FREE SPECIAL every day, but the best line on the LIVE ONES at all leadine tracks. TRUE FLIER ..5.30-32 WON Pastoral Swain ..20- WON were two nice ones reported in our latest book. Get New Book on Sale Today 35c at AN Newsstands Contains code for Froe Specials, g-ojd all next week. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: October-AprIe-77-33-12 61. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE ROOTI 403. 22 W. QUINCY ST., CHICAGO. ILL. / Dare You ! to cend for complete details about an ab;olutey dependable safety-ii.-; t n.elhod cf v.inn.r.g. Hakes racing pay you an assured income year after year. Entirely dxffenat from any other play. You can operate on tracks or in kaatteeka, No coed to know the results until next morning. Has nothing to do with the "M»h in:iex horse," or any similar method. Start with small capital and gradually increase. Let me* explain just how I operate — HOW I WIN. Examine the whole proposition carefully before pb.cing one dollar. Write at once. Postals not answered. FRANK B.RIDLEY 153 N. STATE ST., ROOM 1111 CHICAGO. ILL. WAKE UP! Spring is here, so is racing. Now is the time to gather some money. Dont sleep while the opportune time is here. I am at the track every second day watching things in general, keeping ia touch with the people who know. Thats why I say wake up and follow me. SATURDAY, APRIL 22 I will have sonitliing real good. This will come from the same people with whom I had big success last year. The name of the horse will be given to me over the long distance telephone early Saturday •n.. ruing, after a final wcrk-out and when general conditions tire noted. Promise to send me, after you a»!i the profits of a ten dollar straight play, by telegraph and I will Include you. Send coirect name and address at once. No postal cards recognized. No callers. H. SMALL 102 W. 104th Street :: NEW YORK CITY. N. T. FREE BOOK ON RACING THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM has just published a book containing valuable data and information which will provs interesting to race players. Our systsm is winning continuously at all tracks. The price is within your reach; a small payment down, balance from winnings. Write for copy of our GUARANTEE: also profits obtained with small capital for past two years. Our FREE BOOK may help you to recuperate some of your losses. Addresa THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. Franklin St. :: :: Baltimore, Md. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT s: CHICAGO, TT.T

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922041901/drf1922041901_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1922041901_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800