Lexington Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-30


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LEXINGTON FORM CHART LEXINGTON KY SATURDAY APRIL 29 1922 One mile First day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 10 day Weather cloar temperature 55 ° Stewards Charles F Price S C Nuckols Jr Andrew G Leonard and C W Ilay Placing Judges W II Shelley N U McClelland and J S Wallace Starter A B Dade Racing Secretary V H Shelley i Chicago time 2lo p m Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile May 8 1917 11114 6 115 William Barnes Memorial Purse Purse 1500 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net valus to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 Index Horses AWtlPSt 14 Is StrFin Jockeys Eouiv O lds Strt 60533 CENTIMETER WB 4 112 43 2l 2l 2s 1J A Wilson G L Blackford lvA100 58397SSEWELL lvA10058397SSEWELL COMBS wn 7 110 22 I1 I1 1J 21 E Noble Gallaher Bros 13S5100 13S510057863SURP flSo100C0502 57863SURP RIDER w 3 1021 87 7 52 3J 3 E Scobie Montfort Jones flSo100 C0502 TAB DHNEUR WB 6 111 5 6 6J 72 6s 42 J D Mney G Drumheller 1920100 58403 BEN VALET w 4 106 6 4 4l 51 52 R Harr on J Masterson 2450100 58397 5790100G10G1 WAR PRIZE WB 6 108 3 5 52 6J 71 6 C Dishmon F Peyton 5790100 G10G1 398010059844SGINGER BULLET PROOF WB 5 111 7 8 8l ° Sls 815 Tnk T Murray Shafer Conway 3980100 59844SGINGER w 6 114 1 1 31 4 41 810 E Pool W E Applegate t 59801 PICKWICK WB 8 108 9 9 9 9 9 9 N J Brnes C W Chappell 6725100 jCoupled 6725100jCoupled in betting as W E Applegate and Moiitfort Jones entry Time 23 43 114 Track pood 2 mutuels paid Centimeter 400 straight 320 place 220 show Sewell Combs 1050 place 390 show W E Applegate and Montfort Jones entry 250 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Centimeter 100 to 100 straight CO to 100 place 10 to 100 show Sewell Combs showWinner 425 to 100 place 95 to 100 show W E Applegate and Montfort Jones entry 25 to 100 show Winner B c by Meelick Kegea by Margrave trained by It X Vestal bred by Mr George L Blackford BlackfordWent Went to post at 214 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CENTIMETER began well and showing much speed raced ia closest pursuit to the last eighth then passed SEWELL COMBS after a mild drive and won going away SEWELL COMBS set a good pace gamely but began tiring near the end SURF RIDER began slowly and had to race wide but came rapidly in the stretch TABLEAU DHONNEUR ran a good race GINGER and BEN VALET showed speed but were done after reaching the stretch turn turnScratched Scratched 57400 Buddie Kean 106 106Overweights Overweights Sewell Combs 2 pounds Surf Rider 1 SECOND RACE 12 Milo April 25 1921 47 2 114 Purse 1300 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 16 4 StrFin Jockeys Emiiv Odds Strt AV1SACK w 115 21 1 1 J 1 D Connelly II H Hewitt 205100 FIGHTING 205100FIGHTING COOK w 115 U 7 El 2 2 II E Jones C T Worthington 1S05100 163100FULL 115 7 4 2 3J 31 L McDott Hickey Bros 163100 1605100BELPHRIZONIA FULL SPOON w 115 10 6 3 4 41 E Scobie Montfort Jones 1605100 BELPHRIZONIA 2005100KENNMARE w 115 9 8 6i 54 5 J D Mney J H Smith 2005100 KENNMARE w 115 4 5 7i 7l C F Smith T J Pendergaat 5775100 5775100VALOISE f2260100C0580 VALOISE w 115 5 10 8l 81 71 J Robbins G Watts f2260100 C0580 DARDANELLA w 115 6 3 4 6 8 S McGraw J M Goode 3265100 3265100BELLE BELLE AMIE w 115 3 12 9J 91 S E Pool E Cebrian 1695100 1695100VELMA VELMA M w 115 S 11 11ilO1 10 = W W Tlor I E Clark t BESS L w 115 12 9 12 111 11 M Garner C Wiedemann 2270100 2270100MISS MISS BRITAIN w 115 1 2 10 = 12 12 F Paul A B Lowe t fMutuel field Time 24 48 Track good 2 mutuels paid Avisack 010 straight 400 place 200 show Fighting Cook 840 place 500 show Put and Take 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Avisack 205 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Fighting Cook 320 to lOu place 195 to 100 show Put and Take 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Jack Atkin Avis by Ballot trained by J L Smith bred by Mr H H Hewitt Went to post at 244 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing AVISACK began fast and under hard riding set a fast pace and easily held FIGHTING COOK safe through the stretch The latter moved up steadily from a slow beginning and made a fast and game finish PUT AND TAKE was well up throughout but tired fast near the end FULL SPOON ran a good race and had to be ridden wide on the turns BELPUUIZONIA was prominent for most of the race and finished well wellScratched Scratched Fernandez 115 Ethel Clayton 115 Nylorac 115 Ailsie Vcrnor 115 Jean Mahan 115 Probable 115 fA A QQk THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles May 10 1916 150 t 114 Purse 1300 3yoarolds G JLTtO Jy and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 es AWtPPSt 16 StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 583GO CHACOLET WB 4 110 10 5 1 1 1 1 1 M Garner Hal Price Headley G1035AVA R WB 5 107 4 10 71 71 6 31 2 ° k B Kenndy J O G II Keene G0508PIRATE McGEE w 5 107 1 9 S5 S 71 6 J Owens Cunniffe Phillips G0027 BOB BAKER ws C 112 9 6 62 6ll 5 51 4 E Barnes A L Austin G0537 MERCHANT wn 8 115 12 4 51 4k 3i 21 5 J D Mney J McPhcrson 59804 YOUNG ADAM WB 6 112 11 12 10 D 9 = 7 6 D Connelly T F Devereaux FAUXCOL w 9 107 8 3 41 Z 4 72 B Scheffel Yilliams Broa Charta continued on ulgrutli page LEXIYGTOIV FOIOI CHAUT COXT1XUKD IUOM SECOND PAGE 11300100G08G1LINK GQ4Zr OLLIE WOOD w 5 112 3 1 V 51 Si S Sl E Pool AY D Millard 11300100 G08G1LINK BOY wn E 107 2 2 2 21 2 9 S1 H E Jones J Randolph f C0580 KIVK WATCH II w 5 112 7 11 11 10l 10 10 10 K Andson W Woodard 90G1CO 90G1CO605C 605C JTARIE RPFOLD w 7 107 5 7 12 12 12 11 = II4 N J Brnes C W Chappell CG10100 54897 CONAN w 9 107 C 8 9i 11 11s 12 12 G Breninx J A Bolin t IMutael field Time 24 47 112 140 154 Track good nmtuels paid Cuacotet 2C70 straight 1400 place 9CO show Ava K 1420 place 1040 show Iirate McGce 870 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Chacolct 1233 to 100 straight C45 to 100 place 3SO to 100 show Ava K CIO to 100 place 4L 0 to 100 show Pirate McGec 333 to 100 show showWinner Winner II f by St Amunt Martial Note by Carbine trained by W Buford bred in England by Lord IloseberyWent Ilosebery Went to post 319 At post 1 minute Start irood and slow Won easily second and third driving CHACOLKT showing fine speed set n fast paco held sway for the entire race and won as nor rider piea ed AVA 1 moved np steadily after going a half mile and outstayed IIKATK McCKK The latter was knocked about in a slow beginning but closed a sap and finished fast 15OII IJAKKK ran well HUUCHANT quit badly in the stretch FAUXCOL ran a good threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched X t Wadsworths Last 115 037J British Liner 110 3004 Plato 112 C0033lond 312 rtt t l Ituliblins Louder 112 r793I0Malle7 llJ llJOverweights Overweights Chacolet 3 rounds FOURTH RACE 34 Mile May 8 1917 111 C 115 Raceland Purse 13CO Added 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Net value to winner 1000 second 220 third 120 Index Horses AWtPPSt U V 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owaera Kqmv Odrts Strt 60535 MAY BLOSSOM wn 102 tt G 4 1 U A Wilson C Fellowes 275100 275100N 60487 EVELYN N WHITE ws 102 11 7 GJ 2 2 II K Jonea C T Worthington 11510100 11510100LORAINK 00129 LOTTIE LORAINK w 102 t 3 I U 211 C DLshmon C T Worthington + 54480 BRILLIANT iNT STAR w 105 1 4 5 G Si 4 K Barnes Idle Hour Farm Stable 530100 530100w C8294 GLYN w 105 5 2 2 2 5 51 E Scobia Gallaher Bros 145100 145100V 58102 MARTHA V FALLON w 107 2 21 1 S 4l G 6 O Willis C W Moore Jr 503100 503100tCoupled tCoupled in betting as C T Worthington entry entryTime Time 224 471 114 Track good 2 nmtuels paid May Blossom 7 0 straight 54SO place 100 show C T Worthiugton entry 790 place 800 show showKciuivalent Kciuivalent bookinz odds May Blossom 27 to 100 straight 140 to 100 place 145 to 100 show C T Worthinston entry 295 to 100 place oX to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Ultimus May lleuipstead by Tatron trained by T J Harmon bred by Messrs Ueadley Millet MilletWent Went to pout at 348 At post 1 minute Start Rood and slow AVon driving second and third the same MAY BLOSSOM began slowly but raced around the others when fully extended and taking the lead in the stretch wou drawing clear soon after the start but finished with a rush into a game second LOTTIE LOUAINE set in extremely fast pace and was tiring at tlie end BRILLIANT STAU closed a MS Bap GLYN and MARTHA FALLON showed speed but quit badly in the last eighth eighthScratched Scratched r8335 Gentility 117 117Overweights Overweights Brilliant Star 3 pounds H A A t FIFTH RACE 1 11G Miles April 25 1921 142 3 103 Sixth Running BEN ALI OJL OJLST ST lrJL HANDICAP S3000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 3230 second 350 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Ji iStrFin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Str t 60591 UNITED VERDE w 4 112 S S 5 u 4 2J l k M Garner C W Clark 16a100 58015 ADVOCATE w 4 108 2 2 1J I1 1 = 11 2i D Connelly H H Hewitt 3J3100 3J3100583X1 583X1 ROULEAU w 3 112 7 4 34 2J 3 Si 3l E Tool Montfort Jones 4M100 4M1005H375 5H375 WOODTRAP wn S 108 1 I i 2J 2i 45 4 J D Mney Fair Acre Farm 2005100 05913SNDS OF PURE WB 9 100 4 7 7 G 5i = 5 S JIcGriw J il Goode G30100 58212 BET MOSIE w 3 105 5 G G 7 7 C Ca E Barnes E R Bradley 12G3100 58100 KIXBURN WB 5 110 G 5 4 4 = C 7 7 K Noble Gallaher Bros 2DSO100 Time 22i 46 = 113 139 145 Track good 2 nmtuels paid Vnited Verde 5SO straight 310 place 40 show Advocate 410 place 330 sliow Rouleau 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tnited Verde 1C to 100 straight 55 to 100 place liO to 100 show Advo ¬ cate 105 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Itouleau 05 to 100 show Winner P c by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree by Yankee trained by G V Barnes bred by Mr T M Murphy MurphyWent Went to post at 422 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same UNITED VERDE bumped into BET MOSIE at the start and was away slowly but saving ground on Ihe turns finished fast and gamely and outstayed ADVOCATE through the last sixteenth ADVO ¬ CATE showed the most speed and set a fast puce but tired slightly near the end ROULEAU raced prominently and finished gamely WOODTRAP was speedy but tired BET MOSIE had scant chance after being bumped at the start startScratched Scratched 60591 Blarney Stone 102 102Overweights Overweights Bet Mosie 1 pound Woodtrap 1 Advocate 5 Kinburu 3 IXTH RACE 12 Mile April 25 1921 47 2 114 2 Pnrso 1300 2yearolds Allowances Kst value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 AWtPPSt vi StrFm Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 03i2MT ROSE 116 9 C 4 = 3J I1 M Garner A L Austin 27W1CO 27W1COEASTER EASTER BELLS 110 7 3 2J 2i 2l D Connelly H H Hewitt 135100 135100DOXGES DOXGES w 110 11 113 3s T Murray W Perkins 1745100 1745100CERTAIN CERTAIN 11211 4 3 45 41 W W Tlor Hal Price Heidley 4030100 50587 PRINCE 1C llfi 411 G 6l 5 J Zoeller Marshall Bros 95100 00587 JIASCOTTE 113 8 5 5 51 6i S McGraw J M Goode 7UG5100 7UG5100GUEST GUEST OF IINOR 110 G S S1 71 7 F Smith Fair Acre Farm 119TO100 119TO100DAN DAN E OSULLIVN 110 3 10 10 = 8 = 8 E Pool Montfort Jones t393100 t393100C0580DEARIE C0580DEARIE 113 2 2 9J 9i 9 B Kenndy W Woodard 3070100 307010059G76MISS 59G76MISS MINERVA 115 3 7 7JIO 10 E Scobie Montfort Jones t tLUCIDUS LUCIDUS w 110 10 9 11 11 11 J D Mney J H Smith 9G45100 Coupled in betting as Moutfort Jones entry entryTime Time 24 48 Track good 2 mutucls paid Mr Rose 5780 straight 1600 place 940 show Easter Bells 300 place 330 show Donges 790 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Mt Rose 2790 lo 100 straight 725 to 100 place 370 to 100 show Easter Bells 95 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Donges 295 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Buckshot Perricr by F W Barr trained by A L Austin bred by Mr A S Williams WilliamsWent Went to post at 453 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing MT ROSE moved up with a rush under hard riding and taking the lead in the lust sixteenth won eoiiig away EASTER BELLS had to be hard ridden in the stretch but ran well and will improve DONGES set a fast pace and finished gamely but tiring PRINCE K began slowly and closed a big gap MISS MINERVA was far back all the way Scratched Post Haste 110 Overweights Certain 2 po ft I f I SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles April 25 1321 142 3 103 Purse 1300 3ysar OJLrfi tO olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AwtlPStU Strin Jockeys Owners Kmilv Odds Strt 005833REP WB 4 113 9 G I1 1 2 J Zoellcr Marshall Bros 1 60533 ESCARPOLETTE w 5 10S 2 3 2 2 = 3 J H Burke T F Dcvereaux 8103 HONOLULU BOY w 7 115 5 4 9s 71 G1 4J 4 R Harrton J Masteraon S2G1CO 58135 PARIS 1LID w 6 109 3 2 5 5U 7J 5l 5 F Wilson S K Nichols S3010 60880 SPLMLICO w 4 US 6 9 10 10 10 8l 6 = J D Mney M Kelly 11001CO 11001COC0593 C0593 MORN ELDER WB 6 108 S 5 Gl 6i 4 1 7s J Owens R JIcGarvey 249510J 249510J58103GUARANTEED 58103GUARANTEED w 5 103 10 7 4i 4 y Ci 8 B Scheffel W F Knebelkamp 965100 5 837 THE SWIMMER w 5 113 4 10 8J SU 8 91 9 = D Connelly J H Stamper 2515WO 2515WOJ058CSNORDECK J058CSNORDECK w 5 113 7 8 7i 9 ti 10 10 N J Brnes C W Chappell 2855100 2855100Time Time 23 47 113 140 147 Track good 2 mutuels paid American Boy 9 SO straight 050 place 4SO show Rep 990 place 630 show Escarpolette 1670 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds American Boy 390 to 100 straight 225 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Rep 15 to 100 place 215 to 100 show Escarpolette 735 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Superman Adelinette by Melton trained by W Perkins bred by Mr Henrv T Oinard OinardWent Went to post at 534 At port 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third thu same AMERICAN BOY raced under restraint to the stretch then rushed into the lead to win drawing cltiir REP set a good pace and made a game finish ESCARPOLETTE raced prominently all tliu wav HONOLULU BOY raced well PIMLICO was far back all the way PARIS MAID finished well

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922043001/drf1922043001_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1922043001_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800