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LATEST TEAINDTG GALLOPS 906 906JAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICANEW NEW YORK N Y April 29 Todays training gallops at Jamaica included the fol ¬ lowing Weather clear track fast Half Mile Mile904Chief 904Chief Flynn 52 904Lally 56 568S9Dicks 8S9Dicks Iaughtcr52 901Morvich 49 49905Drummond 905Drummond SOfe S72Mr X 53 53883Eager 883Eager Eyes SOVs Occidcnta 474s 474s904Ludy 904Ludy Monmoutli51 Monmoutli51FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 904Cloncannon 103 903Margt WhiteliOS 905Daydue 100 905Miriam Cooperl0lM Cooperl0lM902Frank 902Frank Watersl08 lK3Whisk 100 100903Keziah 903Keziah 107 107Three Three Quarters Mile Mile903Aler 903Aler II 111 890Lent 122 122904Bill 904Bill Block 123 900Moco 110 110904John 904John Dundeel23 902Nightboat 115 SevenEighths Mile Mile904Xose 904Xose Dive 133 903Tufter 120 120One One Mile Mile903Quecn 903Quecn Blondel53 SftVHephaistos 142 905Armistice 145 903Sammy Kcllyl44V3 905Horologe 142 142LEXINGTOX LEXINGTOX LEXINGTOXLEXINGTON LEXINGTON Ky April 29 Todays training gallops here included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Banter 37 37S21Corto Rusticator 47 S21Corto 37 37Great Shamrock Great Luck 3S 3S8C7Grecnland Sea Pa tog 8C7Grecnland 33 33Old Tokiheme 41 41Old Old Top 37 37Probable 623Toney Sue 37 37Probable Probable 37 37Half Half Mile MileBoosaBoo BoosaBoo 54 May Buddy 54 548j9Etwd 8j9Etwd Princess52 84SOmnipotent f 2 2741Jouett 741Jouett 53 85SP of Umbria 51 51792Juan 792Juan Fredrick 52 725Quince Garden 55 5573SJim 73SJim Daisy GO GOFiveEighths FiveEighths Milo 3Col Taylor 105 857EImer 1C 1OG 1OGAssumpticn Assumpticn 103 710LJcwcllyn 104 104841Coui 841Coui McMkiul00 C35Mom 111 Three Quarters Milo 844Ashland 120 COOIsosceles 123 7S9Bcrmont 11S 805J S Rcardonl17 731Billy Star 121 S2SMarvin May 1 1S 735Brookiolt 117 72SMegan 123 725British Maid 119 632Napoo 121 121iaoli iaoli 452Pif Jr 121 73111 E Coleinanl17 700Aphie Dear 147 814Pictor 153 153737Blue 737Blue Deep 14S 85SPcsiry C 149 149737EastesiJe 737EastesiJe 147 fiS5Royal Palm 147 39Joseph Wdell49 HVirpo 14S 14SMiss Miss Thorpe 152 741Yoshiml 147 HAVRE DE GRACE GRACEHAVRE HAVRE DE GRACE Md April 23 To ¬ days training gallops here included the fol ¬ lowingWeather lowing Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Mile Mile900Ailliro 900Ailliro 3S 902Hiokory 40 40904Bcsthoff 904Bcsthoff 35 902Lady LUlian 38 38Bucado Bucado 38 901Lnckr B 41 41900Bes 900Bes Leishton 33 Soviet 3S 8S9Happy 3S8S9Happy Buxtoii M 901Star Voter 3S 3SHalf Half Mile 897Buddugic 50 832Lady Luxury 53 004Benevolent SS9Little Ammic 51 51Tall 900Blue Ribbon Tall Timber 4S 902Buxom 903TickIirfi 50 903Chnsscnr 53 OCOThe Mnleskinner53 903DorainKO 9WWcssie B 904Exterminator 53 SOlWireless 04 04FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile901Ambler 901Ambler 104 901 John P Jones 107 107900Cork 900Cork Kim 104 9UO Kewpic K 1 05 05902Fanuie 902Fanuie BeanlC3 90iKiKht Raider 112 112ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile901Bon 901Bon Hommel17 9 1 Sir Tack 124 124903Bullct 903Bullct 120 005SsKimore 1 15 158S7Joseph 8S7Joseph Brant 119 757Sunroso 120 1209aiKs 9aiKs Champonl3 905Tu Decision 22 22901Miss 1M73901Prunes 901Miss Fontaine 120 7 STlieo 1M73 901Prunes 121 003Thimble 117A 901Baby Grand 145 904Serapl 809Infidol II 150 90lSptrlene 9010pperinm 1 905Starly Star Jester 140 700UUiuiata 904St Maurice 147