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LEXINGTON ENTRIES AN D PAST PERFORMANCES FOR MONDAY MAY 1 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Racing starts at 213 p in Chicago time 313 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner sj Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Illinkcrs IllinkcrsFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 8 1917 111 G 115 115Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 59679 Petie Ill 11375 3 99X725 55737 = liDr Carmen 115 112 10 115720 115720C0847 115720C0847 C0847 = Grayson 110 113 7 115X715 60940 bAssmnption 112112 C 115 715 57373 = Icon 105 113 4 108 715 59281 Svcct Liberty 103 112 5 100X715 100X715C041C C041C Archie Alexander 103 112 C 112X710 112X71050r 50r Oralccgo 112 114 4 113X710 113X710CO CO Mlapid Stride 110 110113 113 5115X710 5115X710ClOii 5115X710dOii dOii lermont 101 113 4 10S710 55360 Napoo 09 113 4 110X710 60483 = bCol Taylor 117 111 C 110X710 110X710C0532 110X710C0532 C0532 Greenland 115 113 4 113X705 60177 = bLouis A 110 111 5 122X705 60487 Smart Alex M 3 102 700 60093 = Ilazel W 102115 4103X700 58353 Grace Minard 105 115 4 10SX700 57394 Dixie ODay M 3 02 700 700Second Second Race 12 Mile Mile1urse 1urse 1300 2yearolds 2yearoldsMaiden Maiden Colts and Geldings Special Weights WeightsTrack Track record April 25 1921 17 2 114J Larchmont 115 Sen Combs 115 fShsmrock 115 Patrician 115 First Ward 115 fZapatos 115 60414 = Kverliart 115 715 50775 Deluive 115X715 61442 Luciedus 115 705 60870 Froth 103 50 115 700 60230 May Buddy 115 700 61442 Certain 115 700 700Mojave Mojave 115 Charles Whitney 115 Jakie Hay 115 Lord Granite 115 Mr Lee 115 Hey de Ada 115 fMontfoit Jones entry entryThird Third Eace 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 1300 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 11 1911 137 0 10S 10SC1036 C1036 bStonewall 112141 100x725 57564 bWm Oldt 107X720 107X72060939s 60939s Alverida 94X715 60506 Image 101X715 61440 = bEvelyn White 102 l43m 103X710 60317 Josephine Wiedel 103 145 101 710 58332 l Dad 111X710 58336 MUlly Star 112 l45m 104 703 57771 Megan M 109 142 104X7CO 58332 llinkle M 101 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile MileWinchester Winchester Purse PursePurse Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May S 1917 111 C 115 53400 = JIM DAISY 107112 4 108 750 Ind Horse Wt Roc 58292 = Lady Madcap 107 111 11151424s 51424s Minto II 609G4 Furbelow Ill 112 112CC233 CC233 Commander McMee McMeekin kin 110 113 113602S8 3 104X735 602S8 bAsliland 103 115 3 95X730 61437 bWar Prize 109 l13f 6 103 730 60706 = bProclamation SI 110 115 11554SSG 3 95 730 54SSG Isosceles M 3 95 725 5SE63 Marine Corps 100 110 110Fifth 4 108 725 Fifth Race 1 Kile Mt Sterling Purse PursePurse Purse 1300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record May 11 1911 137 5 103 534C2 Yoshimi 107 140 3 98X750 5S3G9 bllclgian Queen 105 137 5 98X745 C0287 Mysterious Girl 105 137 5 108X715 60431s Brotherly Love 110 138 5 103X740 61437 Ginger 100 137 C 115X740 60591 bGourraand 112 139 G 100X735 57308 Sir Thomas KeanllO 138 4 100X730 Sixth Race 12 Mile MilePurse Purse 1300 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record April 25 1921 47 2 114 J 5D840 5840 01d Top 104 725 60587 3587 Marjorie Wood 109 58h 101X720 61442 Dearie 109 50h 109X715 61433 Belle Amie M 109 710 Ailsie Vernor 103 01134 Betty Mae M101 50 104705 59553 BoogaBoo SI 105 705 60587 Prince of Umbria UmbriaSI SI HO 52 h 112 705 61438 Kennmare SI 105 700 61438 Miss Britian M 99 700 700Miss Miss Leighton 104 Ten Sixty 106 Kockery 107 Hughes Graham 107 Raymond W 107 Tokihime 107 Poppye HI Anna Tod 109 Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1300 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record April 25 1921 142 3 103 60433 bBit of Green 4 110X725 110X725G0316 G0316 Pictor 112 l49h C 110X720 61054 = Tony Beau 104 140 4 110X715 110X7155S331 5S331 Uncle Velo 107 140 4 110X715 60132 Walnut Hall 100 145 8 110X715 50321 bBubbling Louder 112 147 7 115 715 60507 Richelieu 103 147 5 110X715 57531 bVirgo 112 147 5 110X710 55168 bEyes of Youth 105 147 5 110X710 00593 = bThe Wit 102140 5110X710 5110X71060920s 60920s Marse John 90 145 C 110X710 61439 bLlnk Boy 107 148 5 110X710 61439 bMerchaut 111146 S 115X705 53364 Countess 98 I47s 4 110 705 705G0349 G0349 bllemlock 105148 S 110700 110700GHCO GHCO bBlack Watch II IISI SI 109149 5 115 700 61439 = Pirate McGee 109 147 5 110X700 58293 bMiss Prosperity 105 148 4 110X750