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LEXINGTON I LEXINGTON I I start my season at this track OCCASION ALS only My track man has been on the job past sir weeks acd has sent me THREE for the first week and I look for a banner season I do not publish a sheet with numerous selections where you have to play them all to get a win ¬ ner One only I send you A LIVE ONE Past twenty years my ad has appeared in this paper No man living can play five or six each day and win That man will end up broke Con ¬ fine yourself to one bet and you will end up winner on a flat bet And as to handicapping races I bar no one See future ads for results Terms TermsTHREE THREE OCCASIONALS FIVE DOLLARS DOLLARSA A GREAT PROPOSITION I often get an extra wire which I dont use If jou will agree to send me the winnings of a TWO DOLLAR bet to win I will send yon these Should I send you a loser deduct two dollars out of the next winner and send me the balance If this looks good to you send name and address inclosing ONE DOLLAR to insure telegrams Horses sent on this service are on file with this paper and you all get the same sameEXJOCKEY EXJOCKEY MARSHALL MARSHALLInitials Initials E J 413 Standard Trust Savings Bank Bids Chicago 111