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WIN For Steady Profits Spring Summer Pall Pallaud aud Vintcr Take Full Advantage of ofthe the Laws of Average AverageThese These Lavs Make Millions for the Insurance Companies Every Year YearOPERATE OPERATE THE SCIENTIFIC GAINWAY SAFETY SYSTEM SYSTEMSafety Safety Is Its Middle ZSame ZSameWIN WIN JUST AS I AM WINNING WINNINGThe The wideawake ovcrrcaclytolcarn fel ¬ lows the getthere type will not overlook this proposition Its an allyeai winner an everyyear winner You can check it up yourself and make sure before starting Can be played at or away from the tracks All wagers can be placed at noon Xo need to know the results of races until the next day dayPositively Positively not a doublingup place or show system but one that gives you re ¬ markable odds All bets made TO WI only Operate on any scale you please de ¬ pending1 upon your capital capitalThis This stoploss System is exactly what the sensible businesslike players have al ¬ ways wanted You cannot make a million in a week but you can depend upon a satisfactory income incomeWrite Write at once or wire your name and ad ¬ dress You will receive some of the most in ¬ teresting turf data ever published also Table of liesults showing profits made bv the GAIXWAY SAFETY SYSTEM oil every track for a full year Get this sensa ¬ tional information about real systematic op ¬ eration It may save you great loss for it points the definite road to success shows how you can WT WITHOUT AYOR11Y Postcards not answered answeredFRANK FRANK B RIDLEY 159 N State St Room I II I Chicago ill