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7th RAPF i5 Iilcs 4yearoliIs and upward Claimins April BIT OF GREEN b f 4 110 110Trainer By Cunard Santa Anna EC by Martagon Trainer W Hurley Owner E E Bradley C0433 FGnds ImTOy l45fast 41 105 5 4 5 3 4J It E Barnes 12 KinssBelle Slio Devil Ecution C0231 EcutionC0231 FGnda 34 l13fast 8 104 10 89 S 6 E Barnes 11 Murphy Machiavelli Rolo 59i57T Rolo59i57T FGnds 34 114 fast 12 10S 11 11 6i 5 = E Barnes 12 Bengali Jago Miss Raakin 5H33 Raakin5H33 FGnds 34 l13V sow 25 10SJ 4 4 6 5 K E Barnes 11 Rolo Sandalwood Fleer 5K93 Fleer5K93 Jeffson 34 113 fast 23 108 S 8 8 8 S = E Barnes 8 CotheRst FPullet T Nephew 59215 Jeffson 61 f lKfast 100 108 6 6 6 6 E Barnes 7 Elmer 1C Valor Col Taylor 52478 FGnds 34 l13fast 7 106 3 8 9 10 10 L McAtee 11 Day Lilly Rancocas Rolo 52093 Jefson 34 116 slow 8 113 4 5 4 3 21 L Lyke 10 SeaCourt Hlrincess LLeven LLevenPICTOE PICTOE b g G 110 By Picton White Veil by The White Knieht Trainer KniehtTrainer G V Barnes Owner C W Clark b 60316 FGnds ImTOy l43Vifast 7 108 C 5 4 4 4 = 4 M Garner 6 Valor Baigneur Tib dHonnenr GOCS3 dHonnenrGOCS3 FGnds 1 14 205hvy 21 101 1 1 1 1 11 33 H Thomas 4 Gmand GGables Kgs CtIo 60015 PGnds 1 1S 201hvy 85 110 2 1 1 1 21 3s M Garner 6 Gourmd G Gables K sChamnm 5D318 sChamnm5D318 FGnds ImTOy l52imud 3 106 3 1 1 1 1 1 E Scobie 5 Mormon Elder Romeo Kirah 5841 FGnds 34118 hvy 6 110 9 10 9 11 11 = M Garner 11 Sagamore MMoore Hid Jewel 52837 FGnds 1 l38fast 10 115 8 9 7 6 6 6 S Wida 12 LuckyB Yung Ciiing St Allam CblaTenaB2234 62725 PGnds 1144 hvy 95 110 2 2 2 2 4 4 N Barrett 4 TipWitchet TMaid CblaTena B2234 FGnds Un70y l5Chvy 45 113 1 1 1 1 1 = 1 S Wlda 5 Hadrian Romeo Tantalui TONY BEAU ch g 4 110 By Tony Bonero Glonwalts by Guarantee GuaranteeTrainer Trainer S T Barter Owner S T Baxter 61054 MoliuercG0979 Havana 1 116 l49slop 3 105 2 3 4i 21 B Kenndy 7 Approval Haman Moliuerc G0979 MolineroG0874 Havana 1 l4Cmud 35 107 4 1 1 = l D Prible 5 FitzBoodle Tliulirate Molinero G0874 Havana 1 116 l46iiast 5 104 3 4 3 = 21 D Prible 7 Approval Molinero The Pirate 60S33 Pirate60S33 Havana ImSOy l42 fast 5 101 G 6 6 7 51 E 3 J Chalmers S Ramkin Petrarch Tlie Pirate 60596 StanleyS0492 Havana Im30y l50hvy 65 103 4 3 3 4 1 Il B Scheffel 4 Osgood Golden Chance Stanley S0492 Havana 34 l14slop 1 107 G 6 6 4 2h B Kenndy 7 SngVale FCsul GullouBerry 10351 Havana ImSOy l42jfast 31 109 3 4 3 2 21 2 = 1 B Kenndy 7 FosterEmbry Koran TheEnqrer 40097 Havana 1 116 l49islow S5 106 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 B Kenndy 6 Mary Jane Baker Bianca SiboU SiboUUNCLE UNCLE NavarreTrainer VELO b g 4 110 By Uncle Velocity by Henry of Navarre Trainer W Perkins Owner K C Moore Moore3S331 Ruby5S1C3 3S331 Lexton 34 l15 = 3mud H 104 S 8 G G C = E Barnes S Talisman Columbia Tcnn Ruby 5S1C3 Churchl 34 l12 l12sfast = sfast 20 107 3 9 9 71 Sl E Barnes 10 MtTirae BBolt BofKliztown G7T2S BofKliztownG7T2S Latonia 1139 fast 14 100 1 3 3 3 4J 4J H Gregory 8 Runzaf Wapiti Miss Petite 57425 Latonia 34 l16 hvy o 104 8 988 = Cl II Gregory 9 Reg Pardon Dimples Sea Court 57208 Latonia 34 l15mud 19 103 6 77 51 5 H Gregory 8 Ace High Miss Petite Runzaf 57200 Latonia 34 l12fast 0 100 11 11 11 71 7s II Gregoryl2 Abadane Redmon GloriaFrance 57070 Tbaron5fiSJ3 Latonia 34 113 fast 195 102 11 85 31 21 II Gregoryll JSReardon RisingRock Tbaron Bettina5CS19 5fiSJ3 Latonia 1 l39fast 8 107 3 2 2 2 3 4 E Pool G Ben Valet Bunga Buck Bettina 5CS19 Latonia 34 l13islow 11 109 4 6 B 4 4 E Pool 10 WhStar Guvnor JSReardon WALNUT HALL b e 8 110 110Trainer By Sunflower II Waterweed by Watercress Trainer H E Crist Owner T E Crist CristG0432 G0432 FGiids 1 11G l46 fcfast 41 105 2 2 2 2 2GC371 1 551 A Wilson S DarkHill DaintyLass TlIMaxirn GC371 FGnds 1 316 l39fast 5 103 5 2 2 2 4 5 1 A Wilson 10 WadsLast Scrgoman HliGear 0289 FGnds 1 11G l52hT 2 114 1 1 1 1 1C0192 1 21 C Lang 0 Natural Romeo Little Ed Edh C0192 FGnds Im70y 143 fast 7 113 G 5 4 2 26C124 h 22 L Morris 9 Jniuiuina Murray llellolardner 6C124 FGnds 1 116 l4Sslow 41 109 2 5 4 5 4 5 G Brening 9 BryShann HPardncr DLillj 60042 FGnda 1 11C l52hvy 7 113 1 1 1 1 I1 1 C Lang 7 1JU Wheel TheWH HSIiannoc HSIiannocES939 ES939 Jeffson 1 l41fast 8 110 2 3 2 2 SI 4J A Gantner 9 Grayson Tantalus Jiajiaua JiajiauaBUBBLING BUBBLING SiddarthaTrainer IOUDEE b g 7 115 By Cunard Arthesia by Siddartha Trainer K L Rogers Owner Masterson fc Rojcrs 60921 Kwrth 1 18 l54fast 1110 10S S 5 7 C G1 6s E Haywrd n IukeRff TRrcvo Solid Rock 60612 Latonia 1 14 20 jfast 135 10S 9 7 C 6l G v HeinchlO LadyMtjoy Ginand ChfKrAvn 60534 Latonla 1 14 203fast 21 111 7 7 6 7 41 4TJ W Heinch S JCStone BourbonGrcun Wave 45967 Devre 1 116 l4Sgood 125 114 6 6 6 4 2 I1 J McCoy 6 Kentucky Boy Blaisu Wenonah 49300 Devre 1116154 mud 1 112 3 6 4 4 4l Z E Barnes 7 Veteran George Duncan 1oilu 1oilu4PS21 4PS21 Devre 1 116 l6fast 5 110 7 7 7 5 51 5 = 1 E Fator 8 Lazy Lou Nello Yorke Hush 49719 Windsor 1 14 206 fcfast 2310 111 9 6 3 2 21 1 J Heupel 11 liiddee Thanksgiving CapCify 49437 FtErie 1 316 lCSvifast 75 10S 4 4 4 2 1J I3 G Walla J CapCity ilandfull Solid Rock By Celt Network by Eon BaumgartncrCOC07 Trainer J McKcon Owner W A Baumgartncr COC07 FGnds 1 116 l49 ihvy 15 101 2 5 5 5 5 5 F Wciner 5 RStone WynncwM IVstSwnlii IVstSwnliiy GtGili6M y mis 1 18 20jhvy S5 112 4 3 2 1 1 1 J D Mney 7 Pickwick IounsAdam GtGili 6M Orenoofl P Gmla 1 316 204 mud 7 112 2 1 1 1 1 1 J D Mney 7 Y Adnin Gourmand J Orenoo JCStom6M1 fl r son 118151 fast 8 10G 7 5 6 6 41 5 3 R Holway 7 Wad B Last OuUigh JCStom 6M1 dAruieiEDO Kfi son 1 116 l497tslow 8 107 4 1 1 1 1 1 11 R Holway 12 JoeJoe Ballybell iCone dAruiei EDO JOvertotBS035 Jtffson 118156 fast 3 106 7 6 4 3 2 li R Holwajll MagicJi Boahoenix JOvertot BS035 HoyK9SO Jeffson Im70y 148 slow 20 1061 444 4 4 43J R Holway 9 Copyrisht Jerry Link Hoy K9SO Jeffson Im70y l54hvy 7 108 6 G 7 7 4 63 R Ilolway 8 CrlniKaniblcr LittleEd IronBoj VIEGO HindooTrainer br g 5 110 By Astronomer Sutte by Hindoo Trainer J M Goode Owner E C Walker WalkerC7531 C7531 latonia 1 316 201fast 7 111 456 9 9 91 I E Barnos 9 Iastreau BritLiner Gipsy Lad 57390 Latonia 1 18 l3Gslow 215 109 1 2 1 2 1 4J E Barnes 10 Pit Nonskid Ales Jr 67163 Nonskld6t Latonla 1 11C l47sfast 1110 10S 1 5 4 5 21 2i B Parke 7 Candle Light Melvin Nonskld 6t U45 Latonla 1 316 200 fast 710 113 1 2 2 2 1 2 B Parke 10 Kingfisher Alex Jr Melvin f 7M Latonia 1 316 203slow 115 110 4 3 33 2 2 2J E Pool 6 UighGear WFlower CpiflCItj ittGO ColFair 5S 102ifast 121 2 Cavangh 3 Grace Minard Majsville K Vi2 Latonla 1 18 l52 ifast 6 112 1 2 22 2 24 in L Lyke 12 Young Adam Guy Poilu 6J 93 Latonla 1 14 207fast 6 109 1 3 2 1 I1 Itl E Fool 12 British Liner Pit Jfisa Nell 61174 Latonla 1 116 l47fast 225 109 2 5 6 5 31 3 E Pool 9 Byrne Ioilu Mazoln tlllHouxllflprl tlllHouxllflprlEYES EYES BellarmineTrainer OF YOUTH b m 5 110 By Uncle Ave Karie by Bellarmine Hcadley551GS Trainer W M Buford Owner Hal Price Hcadley 551GS Latonia 34 l12fast GO 108 2 43 41 G H King 11 Mcliora Green Grass Cozette 6T113 Latonia 1 11G l47Yast 35 103 5 4 2 4 31 42i J Francis S Exborlcr Colonel Lit Uolph Uolph5t02S 5t02S Latonia 1 11G l45t fast 34 102 4 2 4 9 10 = 10 F Porrettoll Jim Daisy Exhortcr High Gear 54918 Latonia 34 l13fast 66 105 5 33 4 1 3i F Porrettol2 SwtLibty MaryFonso BigSou 54GS7 Latonia 1 116 147 fast 37 108 4 3 4 7 9 9 ° H King 12 Aph Wickford Korbly 64289 Churchl 34 l12fast 38 10710 9 9 91 9 1 H King 11 MabelG Cozette UritishMaid 64218 Churchl 78 l2Gfast 13 109 S 6 12 14 15 15 H King 15 AAlexder GdSwell TNephw B399 Lexton 34 l17shvy 5 109 5 3 3 21 11 II King 10 CobaltLass Betsinda WFlower THE MirthfulTrainer WIT cb g 5 110 By Ormondale Witfull by Mirthful Trainer E L Eogers Owner E L Eosers EosersG593 G593 FGnds 1 11G l522 hvy 8 110 G 7 G 4 44 2J L Coney 10 Mor Elder Ettahe Natural 60432 FGnds 1 116 l46fast 7 112 S 8 8 S 6 = 4J E Pool 8 DarkUill DaintyLass MMaxim C0371 FGnds 1 16 l59fast 6 106 7 9 9 8 8 71 A GantnerlO WadsLast Scrgeman HliGear 60124 FGnds 1 116 l4 slow 135 109 7 7 5 4 4l 4 A Wilson 9 BryShann HPardner DLillj 60042 FGnds 1 116 l52 ihvy 75 112 6 6 5 4 31 3s A Wilson 7 WalnutU B Wheel ISShannon 6SS46 FGnds 1 116 l53iuvy 115 112 2 6 6 3 34 24 A Wilson 9 Wiiukeair BalnceWlieel Damaj B9755 FGnds 1 116 l477sgood 125 112 4 6 J1 1i A Wilson 8 DayLilly MarscJohn TOfIeial 69598 FGnda 1 116 l47 = sfast 31 110 7 8 8 7 5l 61 A Wilson 9 High Gear Tan Son Eternity S9342 Jeffson 1 116 14G fast 20 110 5 6 6 6 6 N Barrett 0 Wynnewood Tody Master Jacb MAESE JOHN br g 6 110 By Fayette Martha Lee by Marta Santa SantaTrainer Trainer W M Cain Owner Cain Sanford SanfordC0920 C0920 Mobile ImTOy l4Sfast 11C 111 2 4 S 3 R Rice C OldFaithful Exhortor Cacambo CacamboC0880 CacamboC0880 C0880 Mobile ImTOy l49fist 4 108 2 3 31 4i G Mangan 7 GMayers FinRooster 1iuilico 1iuilico6U458 6U458 FGnds Im70y 141 fast 15 105 334 4 41 6 J Owena 6 Balffneur Tody High Gear 60367 FGnds 34 l13 ifast 6 114 8 775 341 M Garner 11 Grayson May Bodinc BhieJenn 69755 FGnds 1116 l477jgood 30 105 1 I 4 I 4 E Scoble 8 TheWlt DayLilly TrustOfflrtai 69455 FGnds 34 114 slow 20 106 6 7 7 7l 6 E Scobie 8 UJewel GrndSwell Sagaoort SagaoortLINK LINK WillonyxTrainer BOY b g 5 110 By Junior Bobolink by Willonyx Trainer J Randolph Owner J Randolph 61439 Lexton 1 18 154 fast 14f 107 2 2 94 1J H E Jonesl2 Chacolet AvaR PirateMcGee 60861 Mobile ImTOy l51fast 21 114 4 4 41 4 T Wayt 8 Cockroach Uoreb She Devil DevilCOS17 COS17 Mobile Im70y l5Ghvy 6 107 1 2 2 3 31 4 T Wayt 7 Grayson FinanRooster Phelan 60779 Mobile ImTOy l53good 31 114 211 1 lz 1 W Hinphy 7 LorMoss TColnBawn LaKross LaKross607G7 607G7 Momile 1 l52 = slow 95 115 8 5 3 2 2 4 i J D MneylO Bond Ix rena Moss She Devil Devil602G3 602G3 FGnds Im70y l47 mud 8 1C4 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Wilson 9 ServiceStar Mechanic KsUelU 60141 FGnda 31 l13fast 20 110 4 5 7 71 7 A Wilson 12 Pgourdinc Cchfield Pretender PretenderE9SOO E9SOO FGnds 34 l17hvy 20 108 8 6 9 11 11 F Cltiletti tl The Decision J EO Rolo RoloMERCHANT MERCHANT OgdenTrainer ch g 8 115 By Star Shoot Danceress by Ogden Trainer J McPberson Owner J McPberson McPbersonG1439 G1439 Lexton 1 18 154 fast 65 115 4 3 2J l J D Mney 12 Chacolet AvaR PiratoMcGee PiratoMcGee6C537 6C537 FGnds 1 116 l4Sslow G 1071 1 C 6 G 2i 1 E Pool 8 May ISodinc Attorney Murray Murray6W90 6W90 FGnds Im70y l49yshvy 41 110 3 7 4 3 31 Ink p Cltiletti 8 Serbian Flnzey Little Ed Ed6S913 6S913 Jeffson 1 18 l57slow 2 111 325 6 4l 4 F Cltiletti 5 JCStone Sentimental Lazylxra 68791 Jeffson 1 316 202Mfast 1110 109 5 G 6 4 31 1 L McDott C PMcGce LLgfellow RichardV 68700 Jeff son 1 115 150 fast 4 1141010 9 7 4 5 = J F Smith 11 Walnut Hall LEnJolcur Jerrj 68237 Lexton 1 18 l52fast 2910 110 3 3 4 2 I1 21 D Conn My 8 OFaithful N Yorke BritLlner BritLlnerSislSB SislSB Churchl 1 116 l45 fast 34 111 2 7 7 6 71 V4 D Cnnellyl2 Diana High Gear Sea Prlnc COUI TESS cb f 4 110 110Trainer By Olambala Eeticella by Heywood Trainer W S Bruce Owner W S Bruce 6SSC4 Lexton 1 11G l47slow 53 98 4 2 2 1 I 11 I4 L McDott 10 Bond Marse John Penwell Penwell6VDtjl 6VDtjl Latonla 1 116 l52hhvy 11 100 2 2 3 5 G G A Wilson 8 Allivan Amauda Lovcllnee LovcllneeE7439 E7439 Latonla 1 11C l52 ihvy 22 101 1 2 2 2 31 451 B Scheffel 11 BlarneyStone SeaCourt Rama Rama673U5 673U5 Latonia 34 llf llfihvy = ihvy 21 W 7 788 911 F Porrettol2 RpidStride MabelG ObiaTenL 670C1 BGrass 34 lirmud S310 109 I2 Roehtn 5 Tonylteau PMrtin TOBawL 66913 BGrass 34 l16mud 21 109 31 F Paul 6 Fair Florin Maysville Crutcbet CrutcbetE3287 E3287 Mobile Ab 61 f 131 hvy 2i 106 1 111 14 F Smith 7 CBarkley MarGray JEKert JEKert5J27B 5J27B MolllA Ah 5ifl31 hvy SO lul i C 41 4 N Colllnn B Sli Devil O J m n Dabtndfl DabtndflHEMLOCK HEMLOCK b g 8 110 By Jim Gaffney Onadere by Ornament OrnamentTrainsr Trainsr F M Kirkwood Owner F M Kirk wood woodG0840 G0840 Mobile ImTOy laOfast 15 107 3 7 71 S4 A Arvin 10 legacy CaptBurns 0dF ithful ithfulC07T9 C07T9 Mobile ImTOy lr 37iKOod 5 107 7 6 7 7 7 710 W Bogski 7 LkBoy IxirMoss TColinUawn TColinUawntOTSTi tOTSTi Mexico 1 133 fast 45 104 G 1 1 1 I1 21 W Bogski 6 Kebo Deckmate Warlike WarlikeCOrG2 COrG2 Mexico 1 l47fast 135 108 6 1 1 1 I2 2 E T Moore 7 TLogan Kallipolis Warlike WarlikearG arG Mexico 7S l31 l31jfast fast 135 104 1 2 2 2 2s 22 W Bogski 5 SearpialL On High Warlil Warlike 60453 Mexico 1 l44fast 8 110 222 3 3 31 E T Moore 5 Wodan Montillo On High HighBLACK HighBLACK BLACK WATCH II b g 5 M 115 By Mscdcnald II Black Venus by Kantaka KantakaTrainer Trainer W Woodard Owner W Woodard G1439 Lexton 118134 fast 91 11211 10 10 10 = s R AmVsonl2 Chacolot AvaR PirateMcGc GOCSG FGnds 1 116 l52 l52shvy = shvy 20 111 3 4 4s J D Mney S John Arbor She Devil Xonleck 60427 FGnds ImTOy 140 fast 4 116 9 S S 3 32 21 J Butwell 10 Mechanic Pattern BlondUnddy C011G BlondUnddyC011G FGnds 1 116 l4Ssfast 20 112 5 6 7 8 8 811 L Morris 9 Solid Rock Cockroach CKvents CKvents6953S 6953S FGnds 1 18 200 hvy 40 112 6 6 6 7 B 5 L Morris 7 Richelieu Pickwick TngAdam EE397 TngAdamEE397 FGnds 1 116 143 fast 20 109 7 6 6 5 5 5s L Morris 8 Encrinite Pickwick Great Gnll 69212 Jeffson 1 18 l55fast 10 110 6 B 6 5 61 5 1 L Morris 7 Lavaga Toreador Montague 68493 MauleH 34 l21nvy 6 101 5 7 7 7 7 P Long 12 Bermont Louis Adalr Doyle 68360 Lexton 34 116 slow 43 115 7 7 10 10l 10 R Harton 11 Kimpalong La Foudre FrankT FrankTES293 ES293 Lexton 1 14 205fast 85 112 10 10 10 8l 7 E Barnes 10 Flypaper Marie Rappold Plato PlatoPIEATE PIEATE McGEE cb g 5 110 By McGee Precocious by Pirate of Penzance PenzanceTraiser Traiser G Phillips Owner J Cunniffe CunniffeG1439 G1439 Lcxton 1 1S 154 fast 13 107 9 7 61 5 ° i J Owens 12 Chacolet Ava R Bob Baker 60508 FGnds 1 116 l50hvy 3 106 1 6 G 4 4 4 C Lang 8 Romeo Ettaho Mormon Elder 60420 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 21 109 9 7 7 8 4 2 t c Ponce 11 Tioilus La Kross Mark West 60236 FGnds 1 116 l4Stfast 32 106 3 M Garner G Huoncc Phelan Paula V 69G3S FGnda 1 18 l54fast 85 114 7 7 5 4 4 3 G W Carll 7 LorMoss JOverton Sparkling Sparkling6SG34 6SG34 FGnds 1 116 l4Gfast 7 111 9 8 8 7 4 3 ° G W Croll 9 Darnsiy HloPardner YgAdam YgAdam694S8 694S8 FGnds 1 116 l48fast 5 112 9 9 9 4 31 G W Carll 9 Verity Zone dArmee Lively LivelyDSS24 DSS24 Jeffson 1 316 200fast 7 112 8 8 8 7 E 4 G W Carll 9 AttorMuir LucyKate PGKInt 69218 Jeffson 1 116 l47fast 75 107 3 5 6 6 41 4 1 A Wilson 11 BarryShnn Solllock ErnestA ErnestA6S859 6S859 Jeffson 1 14 215hvy 5 104 3 1 3 3 S1 411 M Harson 0 LyLcfellow JuArbor Corydoj CorydojMISS MISS PEOSPEEITY br f 4 110 By Jim Gaffney Clazonette by Peter Quince QuinceTrainer Trainer W Grater Owner W Grater GraterES293 ES293 Lexton 1 14 205fast 53f 101 8 9 9 9 11 = F Smith 11 Kimpalong La Fondre FrankF 68237 Lexton 1 18 l52fast 31 104 8 7 S 8 8 81 J Kederis 8 Oldraithful Merchant Nlorke 67337 Latonla 1 116 l51V hy 52 1071 945 6 6l 7lt F Paul 11 Honolulu Boy Nordeck Ttilsa 67233 Latonla 1 116 l474 l474good good 20 104 9 9 9 S 81 8 F Smith 11 PcgjryC FrankF Lackawanna 67093 BGrass 34 l177smud 1310 110 11 F Paul 5 Peasant Byrne New Model ModelI1 66973 BGrasa 1 141 fast 3 109 I1 F Paul 4 Zuleika Byng Grey Eagle 66876 BGrass 1 145 mud 110 110EC65S 1 F Paul 5 AfterXight GreyEagle McAdoo EC65S ColFair 1 18 l61fast 101 3 G Fields 4 Travesty AfterNight ilissPatty