Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-02

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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 907 NEW YORK N Y May 1 Sundays training gallops over the New York courses included the following followingBELMOXT BELMOXT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear tarck fast ThreeEighths Kile Cape Clear 39 Martingale 35 Golden Uule 3P 72SMad Hatter 38 38Pennon 597Hish Speed 30 Pennon 35 35Wiley 747KaiSans 38 Wiley 39 C93Colnmn 47 Six Pence 54 54749Dominiqne 749Dominiqne 53 902Tribune 51 51899Gcm 899Gcm 49 897Trne Flier 5i 5iJolly Jolly Sailor 51 723Toil 48 48Mad Mad Lover 51 763Volcanic 43 43C79On C79On Watch 49 49FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile742Knobbie 742Knobbie 100 075Little Chief 100 100709Krewer 709Krewer 100 100Three Three Quarters Mile Mile893Bighcart 893Bighcart 116 C20Lucky Antoinel15 Antoinel1572SBoxvood 72SBoxvood 120 CiSLord Brightonl153 Brightonl153GlS1illy GlS1illy Watts 114 755Mollie I5nrnesl18 I5nrnesl18f92Ed f92Ed Allan Pocl15 C70The AImonerl16 AImonerl167G4Ira 7G4Ira Wilson 123 749Tnundclap 114 763Devastaton 144 675Kinsdom 147 147KaiSang KaiSang and Mad Hatter galloped easily together On Watch looks and acts good Toil and Column both showed fine speed Little Chief seems fit and ready Knobbie and Krewer did an excellent work on even terms Lord Brighton was under restraint Thunderclap and Billy Watts worked well in company Devastation galloped an easy mile The Rancocas Stable has a remarkable collection of good horses in splendid racing condition conditionJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThroeEighths Mile MileS91Ace S91Ace of Aces 40 905Diiamesdale 35 901Allie Ochs 39 903Valentia 35 Biff William 51 905Irish BrigadieriC FiveEighths Kilo SOoBright LightBl05 89SHughie 103 S9SEdvurd Gray 103 ThreeQuarters Mile MileCOlElected COlElected II 116 903Siren Maid 118 903Kainbov Boy 114 899St Allan 11755 11755SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 903Jyntee 128 905Trajanns 130 903Frigate 145 900Morrich 140 140Dimmesdale Dimmesdale showed a fine flight of speed Edward Gray and Hughie raced on even terms Rainbow Boy worked fast Elected H seems in good condition Jyntee was under restraint all the way Frigate had an easy mile gallop gallopBALTIMORE BALTIMORE Md May 1 Sunday train ¬ ing gallops at Pimlico incluued the following followingPIMLICO PIMLICO PIMLICOWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile8S2Black 8S2Black Betty 39 893Mcuse 33 33903Forest 903Forest Major 38 S9VMax Gold 38 38Fitzsimmons Fitzsimmons 35 905ltosie H 33 33901Lunetla 901Lunetla 30 905Sister Flo 38 S99Caretaker 50 904Catapult 903Carmaudale 49 003Kajah FiveEighths Kile KileAll All Over 103 750Kay Jay 897Jigstep 101 101Three Three Quarters Mile MileSSSBill SSSBill McCloy 115 755Flying Scout 904Cpet Sweeperl17 729Sea Mint 892Flying Cloud 121 899The Wag 904Adamant 147 744Hea 7C4Antalles 14G 592Mainmast 7GlChamplain I4o7s 904Oil Man 744Capt Alcock Ir51 904lted Brand 754Crank 154 901Homeo 601Double Cross 144 893The Lamb Mile and a Quarter 894Free State 215 LEXINGTON Ky May 1 Sunday train ¬ ing gallops here included the following followingLEXIICGTOK LEXIICGTOK LEXIICGTOKWeather Weather clear track fastr fastrThreeEighths ThreeEighths Mile Briand 30 30Grander Ix rd Granite Grander 3S 3SFirst Little Uotha First Ward 37 37849Fedora Miss Jane 849Fedora 37 374GlHope Miss Edna 4GlHope 35 35632Jas 7481roclamation 632Jas B Brown 35 Kookery Jean Mahan 30 Uncle Jerry Half MUo MUoS5SBrotherly S5SBrotherly Love49 724Louis A 51 51Bnbb Bnbb Louder 51 Lady Inez 49 49Beach Beach Beauty 51 73GMarine Corps 50 50Eliz Eliz Jewell 50 4 DOSIr of Umbria50 Umbria50Ethel Ethel Clayton 49 Sister Josella 49 49Irene Irene Walton 49 Shower of Gold49 Gold49John John P narris51 739Uncle Yelo 49 49845Kit 845Kit Williams 48 Wormwood 50 507SOLord 7SOLord Allen 45 45FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileSClArrow SClArrow Point 105 701Ed Garrison 1064 842Bertba S 101 SCOLively 105 105738Bracdalbane 738Bracdalbane 105 73GMabel G 101 101748Bit 748Bit o Black 104 550 Old McKennal05 McKennal05CftiBank CftiBank Brown 103 807Plato 104 104GOOBone GOOBone Dry 107 107Thre Thre Quarters Mile Mile73SBcttina 73SBcttina 110 8G5Marse John 113 113592B 592B from Hotncl156 7ClPuzzle 114 114G2GBo G2GBo Good 115J4 741Rportsman 115 115734Clintonville 734Clintonville 115 737Stonewall 115 115740Doyle 740Doyle 116 739Tulalip 114 f f737Darjeeling 737Darjeeling 116 706Tony Sue l15Vi l15Vi624Eicelsis 624Eicelsis 114 702The Ally 117 117CISGent CISGent Jouett 115 723Topmast 115 115OOGGrecnland OOGGrecnland 115 C31Volcanora 11G 5S2Lord Friin 117 117SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile741Radio 741Radio 128 128One One Mile Mile715Dernicre 715Dernicre Sou 141 821Kaider 142 142C20Fancy C20Fancy Free 144 737Startle 141 141858Gourmand 858Gourmand 143 734Settle 143 143585IIarry 585IIarry B 143 850Tulsa 143 143John John IIoshorl41 82CWalnut Hall 147 14790f 90f JoHCtt 141 713 Washington 141 141C32Nurture C32Nurture 141 830AVapiti l41a l41a733Opulent 733Opulent 142 142Mile Mile and an Eighth Eighth851Warsaw 851Warsaw 15744 15744Kilo Kilo and a Quarter T 421Sun God 210 908 908NEW NEW YORK N Y May 1 Monday work ¬ outs over the local courses included the fol ¬ lowing lowingIJELMONT IJELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile739Favo 739Favo r 37 Spreadcagle 41 41Scribble Scribble 35 35Half Half Mile 7 0Akmisti 50 899Sconrpemnn 40 40673Belski 673Belski 50 SoiunanRlia 53 COOBrocklesby Saddle King 52 728Dr of tlie Vley48 722St Patrick 49 49723Dunboyne 723Dunboyne 49 C94 William A 48 483S2Irish 3S2Irish Sea 53 53FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 7 ° SBlack nascal 101 751Galantman 59 59G93Banksia G93Banksia 1C9 C74Master Hand 101 73 Canyon 104 Passamine 101 101902Careful 902Careful 104 Wampus 102 C19David IIaruml02 Throe Quarters Mile Milealite alite 122 Mount Hope 122 122732Last 732Last Straw 120M 719Pirate Gold 113 113COCLetterman COCLetterman 114 721Tarn 110 110Ono Ono Mile 700Kklcvinston 144 907Mad Hatter 141 141907KaiSans 907KaiSans 141 753Tangerine 144 144Mile Mile and an Eighth EighthC77Oceanic C77Oceanic 139 139Scribble Scribble showed good speed William A was not extended Dream of the Valley seems fresh and good Galantman showed his fine speed Black Rascal ran fast the first part of his work Lettcrman ran well Pirate Gold works like a good horse Kal Sang did his work in steady fashion Mad Hatter was under restraint all the way JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEJchths Milo f03BilIy Gibson 35 008Keziah S03Jug 37 Normal 4 Half Mile MilefiOys Air Rubble fiOys 905Jules Garson 53 203Brother Pat 51 903Lindly 53 OOGChief Flynn 51 903Mawrcoton 47 47901Duster 901Duster 50 902TingaLins 59 59FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile007AlIie 007AlIie Ochs 103 005Monastery 107 900lUIl Block 103M 905Marg Torettal03 005Catli Marronel02 905Park Hill 102 903John Dundee 1C3 905 War Mask 107 ThreeQuarters Mile MileButtons Buttons 114 905Lucky Buttonl17 Buttonl17906Frank 906Frank Watcrsl25 OOttNose Dive 117 903Glcnbella 113 113One One Mile MileSOSHephaistos SOSHephaistos 143 903Saramy Kelly 143 907Irish Brigadrl44 903Wynnewood 148 903Sca Cove 143 143Mawrcoron Mawrcoron showed brilliant speed Duster ran fast Park Hill ran TV ell from the bar ¬ rier Catherine Marrone has a good way of going Glenbells was not fully extended Lucky Button could have worked much faster Buttons seems fresh and good Irish Brigadier ran easily Sammy Kelly showed improvement Hephaistos is ready for a good BALTIMORE Md May 1 Monday train ¬ ing gallops at Pimlico were as follows Weather clear track fast i i3fLico ThreeEighths Mile 904Comic Song g 33 SOSPillory 904Grey Bard I 39 899Uacqnette 907Jisstep 38 903Top Notch 902Lion dOr 37 901Vitainin 903Manna 41 41Half Half Mile 75T Billy Kelly 53 Maryland 52 52904Fair 904Fair Virginia 51 8S2Pctite Dame 52 52907Gem 907Gem 51 904Snare 50 50903Irish 903Irish Pat 49 908Star Jester 50 50S99Ly S99Ly Baltimore 49 S99S and Pretty 52 52FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileGOOFifty GOOFifty Fifty 102 Setting Sun 101 101003Iidutledge 003Iidutledge 104 Zorro 104 104Three Three Quarters Mile MileAlice Alice 120 003Mock Orange 116 116905Bravo 905Bravo 117 903Macdnff 116 11690SBenevolent 90SBenevolent 117 90Uomulus 1115 1115902Cooncan 902Cooncan 118 905IJeprisal 120 120901French 901French Furze 115 903Sailing B 117 117901Kentish 901Kentish Boy 117 S 5 Wraith 119 119903Mercutio 903Mercutio 119 119One One Mile Mile893Briganna 893Briganna 146 907Max Gold 148 148891Bountiful 891Bountiful 148 890May Roberts 143 143737Bullseyc 737Bullseyc 150 904Ptoral Swainl51 Swainl51S09Bribea S09Bribea Voter 151 903Spanish Maizel4o Maizel4o903llondage 903llondage 151 737Tlic Post 148 148893Ciean 893Ciean Gone 140 905IYicks 151 151900Fairway 900Fairway 143 753The Trout 154 154726Houdini 726Houdini 153 002Zenotta 145 145005Midnight 005Midnight Sun 143 LEXINGTON Ky May 1 Monday work outs here included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Milo 713Bright Leaf 37 Lavinla 36 365ClBusy 5ClBusy American 35 90GMom 38 38Certain Certain 3 90GMarvin May 35 35740Casey 740Casey 35 723Peace Pal 35 3570SDeadlock 70SDeadlock SVs PrestolKht 35 801Itoscoe Goose 35 907Fedora 37 730Ring Hose 30 30590High 590High Cloud 35 835Twopair 30 3073SJoha 73SJoha Finn 37 Victoire 33 33Half Half Mile Mile701Angon 701Angon 51 829Leslie 49 49572Auntic 572Auntic May 48 Metric 49 49B B of Blue Rge49 73SMarimba 45 45Dream Dream Maker 43 90GProbable 50 50739Dad 739Dad 50 S54Plain Bill 51 51725Georgette 725Georgette 53 854Philandcrer 54 54Golden Golden Apple 48 Pluto 4S 4SC99Hold C99Hold Me 48 f Sal Ton 50 50COOJou COOJou Jou 4SVs S30Stylish Miss 48 48Lonicera Lonicera 50 50FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile741Bit 741Bit of White 102 857Plantoon 103 619Kitty Maud 100 850Rapid Day 10214 10214ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile733C 733C dAmour 118 72SMis3 Muffins 115 525Day of Peace 117 093Old Chap 110 110589Glengarry 589Glengarry 110 85aTody 114 114C1G C1G Jack Wiggins 115 710Tuscola 113 113SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile741Fair 741Fair Gain 131 843Wickfcrd 129 129One One Mile 357Jackstraw 145 849May Bodine 143 143903Llewcllyn 903Llewcllyn 144 719Tulanu 140 727 Legal 142

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Local Identifier: drf1922050201_2_8
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