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LEXINGTON FORM CHART LEXINGTON KT MONDAY MAT 1 1922 One mile Second day Kentucky Jockey Club Sprins Meeting of 10 days Weather clear tempearture 65 ° Stewards Charles F Price S C Nuckols Jr Andrew G Leonard and C W Hay Placing Judges W H Shelley N H McClelland and J S Wallace Starter A B Dade Racing Secretary W IL Shelley Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 315 p m Indicates apprentice allowance tf2fl flCT li FIRST RACE 34 Mile May 8 1917 111 G 115 Purse 1300 3yearoldj t JLTCft A and upward Claiming Net value to winnsr 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enuiv Odds Strt Mney G Drumheller 1985100 19851006041G 6041G ARCH ALEXER w G 112 17 91 8l 4 2 J Owens J Randolph 185100 60177 JLOUIS A WB 5 122 5 8 8l 71 51 3 B Kenndy OMeara Bros 975100 60483 = COL TAYLOR B 6 110 U 3 3 1J 11 4 E Roehm W Baumgartner 1330100 55737 2DR CARMEN wsn 10 115 72 51 4 3 5l T Murray W Perkins 260100 55366 NAPOO wsn 4 110 9 5 l k 2s 6s G H E Jones Williams Bros 23S5100 23S5100G09933 t2215100G0910 G09933 HAZEL W w 4 109 410 U 11 81 71 M Garner S T Baxter t2215100 G0910 ASSUMPTION w G 115 G 9 71 91 91 8 D Connelly J T Buckley 3090100 309010059281SWEET 59281SWEET LIBERTY w 5 103 2 1 2 31 71 91 B Scheffel G Knebelkamp 2165100 216510061054BERMONT 61054BERMONT WB 4 108 8 11 10 10s 10 10s E Scobie Montfort Jones 1560100 156010057394DIXIE 57394DIXIE ODAY w 3 100110 4 41 5 11 11 L McDott L Wedderstrand t tMutuel field Time 3 48 114 Tradt fast 2 mutaels paid Grayson 4170 straight 1060 place 1000 show Archie Alexander 380 place 350 show Louis A 720 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Grayson 1985 to 100 straight 730 to 100 place 400 to 100 show Archie Alexander 90 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Louis A 200 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Sir John Johnson Melee by Yankee trained by D F Cannon bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 214 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same GRAYSON well up from the start saved much ground on the stretch turn and finishing fast and gamely outstayed ARCHIE ALEXANDER in the final drive ARCHIE ALEXANDER was forced back soon after the start and was far back until reaching the last quarter where he came with a rush LOUIS A also closed a gap and finished fast COL TAYLOR raced into a clear lead but tired DR CARMEN showed speed but retired in the hist eighth SWEET LIBERTY quit badly NAPOO set a fast early pace paceScratched Scratched 59079 Petic 99 57373 = Icon 10S 59915 Oraleggo 113 00577 Rapid Stride 115 00532 Greenland 113 G04S7 Smart Alei 102 58358 Grace Minard 108 108Overweights Overweights Hazel W 1 pound Dixie ODay 35 SECOND RACE 12 MUo April 25 1S21 47 2 lH2 Purse 1300 2yearolds Maidens Special Weights Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt SHAMROCK w 115 5 2 in l s 1 1 E Pool Montfort Jones 11400100 11400100FIRST FIRST WARD w 115 1 1 4 3l 21 F Smith T J Pendergast 705100 705100PATRICIAN PATRICIAN w 113 7 3 2 2l 3l J Howard T C McDowell 2070100 C0414 2070100C0414 = EVERHART w 115 S G 31 4l 43 D Connelly J M Goode 390100 LORD 390100LORD GRANITE w 113 6 5 6 51 5 H LunsId J H Louchheim G350100 G350100SEN SEN COMBS w 113 12 4 71 7i GU F Wilson R L A Baker 2380100 2380100G0870 G0870 FROTH w 115 47 51 C 7 ° B Kenndy C E Lenahan 15730100 15730100JAKIE 18300100ZAPATOS JAKIE HAY w 115 9 S 8l 81 8 J Kedcris E C Walker 18300100 ZAPATOS w 113 2 10 10J S 92 E Scobie Montfort Jones t 61142 LUCIDUS w 115 311 9U10 10 J D Mney J H Smith 8115100 8115100CHARLES CHARLES WHITY w 115 10 9 11 U U G Dishmon C T Worthington t MOJAVE w 115 11 Lost rider J 1 Garner J N Camden SO100 tMutuel SO100tMutuel field JCoupled in betting as Montfort Jones entry entryTime Time 4 48 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Montfort Tones entry 3000 straight 1030 place 7SO show First Ward 1330 place 9CO show Patrician 1500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Montfort Jones entry 1400 to 100 straight 415 to 100 place 290 to 100 show First Ward 565 to 100 place 380 to 100 show Patrician 050 to 10Q show showWinner Winner Blk c by Rock View Tuscan Red by William Rufus trained by K Speace bred by Mr Cary T Grayson GraysonWent Went to po t at 249 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving SHAMROCK began fast and clear of interference and setting a fast pace outstayed FIRST WARD and won going away The latter also was away well and saving much ground on the last turn made a game finish PATRICIAN raced in closest pursuit for threeeightlis and tired when ridden hard EVERHART ran a good race SEN COMBS showed an early Hash of speed MOJAVE lost his rider at the start startScratched Scratched Larchmont 115 C9778JDelusive 115 60230 May Buddy 115 01442 Certain 115 Mr Iee 115 Rey de Ada 115 61453 THIRD RACE 1 Mile May 11 1911 137 5 108 Purse 1300 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 linler Horses AWt AWtPPSt Vi tt vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 57771 MEGAN w 101 G 4 6 = t 61 4s 1 1 H Gray Kolm Theisen 3120100 3120100GODS GODS 3 ALVERIDA w 951 S 5 2 Z 3h 4l 23 J Owens C Heise 3400100 3400100G G 1030 STONE WALL WB 110 5 7 3l 21 2 2 3 = D Connelly W F Knebelkamp GlO100 GlO100575G4 575G4 WM OLDT w 107 2 1 I1 11 1 31 4s T Murray G F Baker 390100 390100G11402EVELYN G11402EVELYN WHITE w 103 3 3 8 8 71 6 5 C Dishmon C T Worthington 150100 15010058326BILLY 58326BILLY STAR w 104 7 G 41 51 5 = G4 E Scobie Montfort Jones 330100 330100G0317 G0317 JPHINE WIEDEL w 101 1 2 71 71 8 7 7 J Kederis M J Lowenstein 8430100 8430100C050G C050G IMAGE w 101 4 8 51 5 61 8 S F Wilson Treacy AValker 7590100 7590100Time Time 23 47 114 140 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Megan 7010 straight 2150 place 890 show Alverida 2300 place 1090 show Stonewall 520 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Megan 3420 to 100 straight 975 to 100 place 315 to 100 show Alverida 1345 to 100 place 445 to 100 show Stonewall 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Blk f by Hessian Met Mexican by The Mexican trained by R C Frakes bred by Mr W C Goodloe GoodloeWent Went to post at 319 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MEGAN began somewhat slowly but coming fast through the stretch meed into a long lead to win as his rider pleased ALVERIDA ran across the others on the first turn and secured an advantage which she held and finished fast and resolutely STONEWALL raced well but tired in the stretch WM OLDT set a fast pace but was done after going threequarters in the lead BILLY STAR had no mishaps EVELYN WHITE was taken back soou after the start and was always far back backScratched Scratched 5S332 Dad 111 58332 Hinkle 104 104Overweights Overweights Alverida Ii pounds Stonewall 4 d3 i EZ4 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Slay 8 1917 111 6 115 Winchester Purse Purse O JLTrOTt 1300 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPStU Str Hn Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 58292 = LADY MADCAP w 4 107 3 1 31 3 = I51 1i J Howard D Breckinridge 185100 185100514243MINTO 514243MINTO II w 8 105 5 2 I1 I1 23 25 T Murray W V Thraves 140100 58400 = JIM DAISY w 4 108 6 4 21 2ak 3 3 F Wilson R L A Baker 510100 60964 FURBELOW WB 5 103 2 7 5s 5ak 41 4 W Jarrell Shafer Conway 1570100 I 61437 WAR PRIZE WB 6 106 S 5 41 4 5l 51 B Kenndy F Peyton 4GSO100 58268 MARINE CORPS WB 4 108 7 G 7J Gl 6 6 = C Van Dn W C Goodloe 5335100 60233 COMMR McMKIN w 3 104 4 3 6 7 = 1 1 J Zoeller Marshall Bros 5943100 59431006070G 6070G = PROCLAMAT1ON WB 3 97 1 8 8 S 8 8 B Scheffel E A Kibler 9905103 9905103Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 rautuels paid Lady Madcap 570 straight 290 place 240 show Minto IL 280 place 260 show Jim Daisy 290 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lady Madcap 185 to 100 straight 45 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Minto II 40 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Jim Daisy 45 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br f by Dick Fiuncll Affable by Hastings trained by S Chenault bred by Mr Thomas C McDowell McDowellWent Went to post at 348 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing LADY MADCAP was saved under restraint for the first half and moving up with a rush when straightened out in the stretch passed MINTO II in the last sixteenth MIXTO II showed the most speed and set a fast pace for fiveeighths before tiring and will improve JIM DAISY raced well but tired in the stretch FURBELOW was gaining at the end WAR PRIZE ran well wellScratched Scratched G02SS Ashland 95 54080 Isosceles 95 95Overweights Overweights Marine Corps 2 pounds AKK FIFTH RACE 1 Mile May 11 1911 137 5 108 Mt Sterling Purso 1500 55 JL Sc 3 1 Added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net valua to winner 1150 second 25950 third 148 Horses AWtPPStU V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 300100J 604313BRHERLY LOVE w 5 1U6 2 4 51 a5 5 3U I1 B Kenndy J McPherson 300100 2GO100t 57308 SIR TH KEAN WSB 4 10S 4 2 Il I1 1 1 11 2h T Murray W Perkins 2GO100 58402 YOSHIMl w 3 9S G G 4 45 2h 21 3 F Wilson T C Bradley 300100 551369 BELGIN QUEEN w 5 101 3 3 21 2 3J 4i 4 W Jarrell Shafer Conway 2020100 60237 MYSTERUS GIRL w 5 106 5 5 Z 31 4 5 5 J D Mney G Drumheller 1740100 60591 GOURMAND ws 6 10S 1 1 6 6 G 6 6 J Owens Cunniffe Phillips 4GO100 Tims 23 47 113 138 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Brotherly Love 800 straight 380 place 280 show Sir Thomas Kean 410 place 270 show Yoshimi 280 sliow sliowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Brotherly Love 300 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Sir Thomas Keau 105 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Yosuimi 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Helmet Santa Anna II by Martagou trained by J McPherson bred by Mr Ed ward R Bradley BradleyWent Went to post at 420 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ing BROTHERLY LOVE was far back to the last quarter then came with a great rush into the lead and was going away through the last seventy yards SIR THOMAS KEAN set a fast pace to tha last eighth but tired and just lasted to save tecond place YOSIIIMI raced gamely and finished fast BEL GIAN QUEEN showed speed and had no mishaps MYSTERIOUS GIRL tired GOURMAND was badly outrun all the way Scratched 01437 Ginger 115 Overweights Brotherly Love 3 pounds Belgian Queen 3 STJ A E 5 SIXTH RACE 12 Mile April 25 1S2 1 47 2 114 4 Purso 1300 2yearolds JL G 3 Claiming Net valuo to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt i Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 5yS40OLD TOP 101 11 4 4POPPYE 2i I1 I1 I16l E Scobie Montfort Jones 500100 500100W POPPYE 112 10 5 6l C 2 W W Tlor Hal Price Headley 1670100 AILSIE VERNOR 103 8 G GHUGHES 5l 51 31 H 1670100H E Jones C T Worthington 1115100 HUGHES GRAHAM 107 1 1 1C0587 41 2 4l T 1115100T Murray G F Baker 225100 C0587 MARJOUIE WOOD 104 G 7 S 225100S McGraw J M Goode 615100 61442 DEARIE 1C9 7 3 3TEN B 615100B Kenndy AV Woodard 705100 TEN SIXTY 105 4 2 J 705100J Howard II P Gardner tl370MO 61 134 BETTY MAE 104 2 8 8ROCKERY 8s 81 8s A tl370MOA Wilson Heniua Earl f ROCKERY w 107 3 11 11C1438 10 S 91 9 D fD Connelly J H Louchheim 930100 C1438 MISS BRITAIN w 99 510 510RAYMOND 9l 10 10 G 930100G Brenlng A B Lowo 2063100 RAYMOND W w 107 9 9 11 11 U J 2063100J Kederia B E Walls 6425100 I Continued on seventh page JEXIWGTOV FORM CHART COXTIXUED FRO3I THIRD PAGE tMutucl field Time 34 49 Track fast 2 rnutuels paid Old Top 1200 straight GSO place 530 show Poppyc 1480 place 890 show Ailsie Vernor 5870 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds OM Top 500 to 100 straight 240 to 100 place 1C5 to 100 show Poppye 640 to 100 place 345 to 100 show Ailsie Vemor 335 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Theo Cook Oseetah by Ornament trained by K Spencc bred by Mr Hal Price Headley HeadleyWent Went to post at 438 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same OLD TOP raced into close contention with a rush toon after the start and finishing gamely out ¬ stayed POPPYE The latter had to race wide on the turns and closing a gap finished with a rash AILSIE VERXOR stood a hard drive resolutely HUGHES GRAHAM had no mishaps and tired after racing into second place MARJORIE WOOD set a fast early pace but dropped back iu the last six ¬ teenth DEARIE tired badly badlyScratched Scratched G143S Belle Ainie 109 00553 BoogaBoo 105 G03S7 Prince of Umbria 112 G143S Kenn mare 105 Miss Leighton 104 Tokihime 107 Anna Tod 109 109Overweights Overweights Poppye 1 pound SEVENTH RACE 1 1 3 Miles April 20 1021 142 J 3 103 Purse 1SOO 4year olds and upward Cl uing Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third S100 Index Horses AWtPPSt i 34 Sir Fiu Jockeys Owners Eqmv Odds Strt 58331 UNCLE VELO ws 4 110 6 4 2 2 1 I1 1 G Brening M C Moore MooreG0432 G0432 WALNUT HALL WB S 110 10 5 4 1J 2J 3s 2J J Owens R T Watts WattsG0920SMARSE G0920SMARSE JOHN w 6 110 4 1 IJ 3 3 2 31 E Scobie Cain Sanford 60593 2THE WIT w 5 110 9 9 7J 6 4i 4 = 4 AV Pool R L Rogers Rogers57531VIRGO 57531VIRGO w 5 110 7 3 31 51 51 5i 5t F Sharpe E C Walker WalkerG1054JTONV G1054JTONV BEAU w 4 110 3 S SJ Si 71 6l 61 B Scheffel S T Baxter G0433BIT OF GREEN w 4 110 210 9s 3 9 E Barnes Idle Hour Stock Farm 7S3100 58364COUNTESS WB 4 110 S 6 51 7X Si Sl S D Connelly W O Bruce 780100 58293 MISS PROSPERPTYw 4 112 1 2 61 4J C 9 9 = F Paul W Grater 9340100 50921 BUBBLING LDER w 7 115 5 7 10 10 10 10 10 W Meehan W P Scully 7S31CO 7S31COTime Time 23J 47 113 140 146 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Uncle Velo 470 straight 350 place 290 show Walnut Hall 770 place 480 show Marse John 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Uncle Velo 135 to 100 straight 75 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Walnut Hall 2S5 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Marse John 115 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Uncle Velocity by Henry of Navarre trained by M C Moore bred by Mr Hal Price Headley Went HeadleyWent to post at 529 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing UNCLE VELO was reserved until reaching the stretch where he raced into a good lead and won going away WALNUT HALL raced well from the start and after holding the lead briefly made a game finish MARSE JOHN showed the most early speed and stood the final drive well THE WIT closed a gap from a slow beginning COUNTESS retired in the last quarter BIT OF GREEN began slowly and was far back all the way wayScratched Scratched G031G Pictor 110 60507 Richelieu 110 551fiS Eyes of Youth 110 G1439 Link Boy 110 G1439 Merchant 115 COS49 Hemlock 110 G1439 Black Watch II 115 G14395Pirate McGee 110 110Overweights Overweights Miss Prosperity 2 pounds