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12 Mile Uj 1st RACE 114 Index Course Dist Tims Tck Odds Wt St i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SOUL MATE b f 2 110 110Trainer By Argos Affinity by Orby Trainer M Smart Owner S Boss 61355 HdeGco 12 48fast G 113 C 4 4C1S10 21 Il F Keogh 12 Soviet Gold Mount Zoona Zoona8s C1S10 HdeGce 12 4Sgood 32f 111 2 7 8s ST1 F Kcogli 12 Adventuress K Brice K leah KOSIE H b f 2 105 105Trainer By Astronomer Ellen M by Trap Hock Trainer W A Burttschell Owner G L Go cdacre 01340 HdeGce 12 43 fast 05 107 323 3s C Lang 7 Cartnist BlancSeing TheUlster G12G3 Bowie 12 0 mud 1 309 2 1 I1 I1 C Lang 7 LadyBoss KewpiiS BLeightoa G1142 Bowie 12 4S fast 710 110 2 1 1 1 1 C Lang 7 JphineC HeTman StAngelitia StAngelitia2i G0451 FGnda 38 S3 fast 41 110 1 2i I1 C Lang 9 Hushie Jphhie C AUamptun G02S4 FGnda 3S S5hvy 185 107 3 2 i 1 A Wilson 12 Ilugliic LilacTime Anitallpton AnitallptonI1 G9636 FGnda 33 SSVsfast C 105 4 I1 I1 A Wlson 12 AIlton Mar Wood Patrolman C9333 FGnda 38 SCiihvy E 107 3 21 21 R Romellil2 Nownta MarWood LyBretlim FAITH SsmprcnluaTrainer 1ST b f 2 M 107 By Theo Cook Bertie V by Ssmprcnlua Trainer H A Smith Owner Sunayland Stab Is 61310 ILdeCce 12 4Sgood 11 114 7 5 5 6 L Morris 12 Adventuress E Brice K Bean G1157 Bowio 12 43 fast 70 112 3 5 31 4 L Morris 10 BLuck Wdland CmenPtages ISISH PAT b B S M 110 110Trainer By Berrilldon Mollie Kean by Bobbie Kean Trainer L W Garth Owner W Stockton StocktonC1371 C1371 HdeGce 12 17 fast 12C 111 3 9 9 9G1303 1 3 C KummorlO Enchantment Rork True Flier G1303 ILdeGco 12 49 good 111 110 2 S 8 S E Ambrso 8 True Flier Woodland Daniel DanielBy TOPANGO br g 2 M 110 By Atheling II Carico by Key del Siarras SiarrasTrainer Trainer H C Keliey Owner B Harding G1120 Bowie 12 4Sirast S2 112 3 4 6 8 J Williams S Rork Lady Boss Daniel DanielFirst First start for the followiug COJIIXA SportTrainer br f 2 M 107 By Colin The Minx II by Great Sport Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean INSULATE br f 2 M 102 By Black Jester Electric Fuse by Henry the First FirstTrainer Trainer M Smart Owner S Boss BOWSPRIT OgdenTrainer ch c 2 M 110 By Bcrrilldon Beaupre by Ogden Trainer W Garth Owner J S Cosdea