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NAME MONTREAL OFFICIALS OFFICIALSMONTREAL MONTREAL Que May 1 At a meeting of the Quebec Breeders and Racing Associa ¬ tion held Thursday afternoon racing officials were appointed for the opening of the local season The first meeting under the auspices of the Quebec Breeders Association will open on Saturday May 6 at Maisonneuve Park The second meeting will be held at Mount Royal Park starting on May 20 after which there will be a layoff until after the meetings at Blue Bonnets Dorval and Ottawa The Quebec Breeders and Racing Association meeting will be resumed at Delorimier Park on June 26 26Applications Applications for stabling room have been received from a number of horsemen who raced at the Bowie and Havre de Grace meetings The first consignment of these horses will arrive in Montreal on Monday MondayThe The following officials were appointed Presiding steward representing the Quebec Breeders and Racing Association W J Mor ¬ rison stewards W W Lyles and E C St Pierre placing judge Charles Campeau clerk of the scales S Bender racing secre ¬ tary Charles Campeau paddock judge Dr F W Ashe starter Edward Tribe timers H Lavigne and A Laberge