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MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL Qne Saturday May 6 1522 Maisonneure Park First day London Joctey Club Spring meeting of 7 days Weather clear clearStewards Stewards E St Pere and W W Lyles Judges C C Campean and S S Bender Starter Ed Tribe Racing Secretary C C Campcau Campcaufi fi 1 R FLRST RACE About 58 Milo Purs UJUUU 4KK syearolds and upward Claim ing Net value to winner 325 second 50 third 25 25Eqnir Eqnir Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight58424sLhing 58424sLhing E H 110 1 J Dawson 3021100 58111 Waac 103 2 C Gross 435100 60878 Juanita III 115 3 W W Taylor 1125100 613873Lavaga llff 4 C Frost 1075100 58112 Muzzey 105 54 H Gibson 1075100 58718 Adelia S 105 6 N Burger 1725100 61024 Rigodon 10S 7 F Hunt 10SO100 61009 Molly Puff 108 8 E Atkinson 235100 235100J J mutnels paid Laughing Eyes II 803 straight 423 place 3 70 show Waac 545 place 390 show Juanita III 610 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Laughing Eyes IT 30255 to 100 straight 112 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Waae 172 to 100 place 95 to 100 show Juanita III 203 to 100 show showTime Time 103 Track slow slowWinner Winner W R Padgetts br m 6 by Irish Lad La Ribaude by Rabelais trained by W R Padgett bred in France by Mr Herman B Duryea DuryeaWent Went to post at 241 At post 1 minute Start good and Blow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched C0077 Navisco 100 C0990 Two Eyes 103 C0843 Our Kate 108 108Overweights Overweights Muzzey 5 pounds Adelia S C Molly Puff 2 Waac 4 ft1 iftfi SECOND RACE About 58 Mile Purso UJc VU QQ 4yearolds and upward Claim ins Net value to winner 325 second 50 third 25 25Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 61050 Count Boris 111 11 F Hunt 370100 60 75Silex II Ill 2 C Frost 25100 61038 Bacchanalian 111 3 B Atkinson 145100 60851 Rey Ennis 111 4l J Dawson 1070100 57900 Homam Ul 5 F Bultman 2690100 2690100G09223Dr G09223Dr Hall 111 61 W Taylor 610100 60994 Mary Erb 111 7 T Burger 990100 2 mutuels paid Count Boris 940 straight 450 place 290 show Silex II 023 place 295 show Bacchanalian 245 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Count Boris 370 to 100 straight 123 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Silex IL 212 to 100 place 47 to 100 show Bacchanalian 22Vito 100 show showTime Time 109 Track slow slowWinner Winner Indiana Stables b s 7 by Ivan the Terrible Psalms by Himyar trained by H H Davics bred by Mr E S Gardner GardnerWent Went to post at 311 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same R 1 R 7 THIRD RACE About 58 Mile Purco U J o u l Claim 500 4yearolds and upward ¬ ing Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 58077 Kathleen K 108 1i F Bullman 1607J100 58572 S Stalwart 111 21 E Atkinson 700100 60990 Pittsburg 116 31 C Gross 520100 61379 Lewis B 116 4J F Hunt 1230100 58115 M Holland 105 5 C Whitfr 335100 33510060770SU 60770SU Gentry 111 6 J Dawson 265100 60878 Frenchy 107 T3 R Pauley 3SO100 3SO1006101S 6101S Black Pat Ul 8 N Burger 24TO100 2 mutnels paid Kathleen K 3415 straight 1330 place 745 show Semper Stalwart 900 place 5JO stow Pittsbarg 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Kathleen K ICQT1 to 100 straight 553 to 100 place 272 to ICO show Semper Stalwart 350 to 100 place 155 to 100 show Pittsburg 170 to 100 show showTime Time 102 Track slow slowWinner Winner Montreal Stables ch f 4 by Martinet MartinetIncitation Incitation by Hilarious trained by M J Sim ¬ mons bred by Messrs Williams Bros BrosWent Went to post at 341 At post 1 minute Start good and alow Won easily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Kathleen K 2 pounds Frcnehy 1 f1 fR9 rOTJRTH RACE About 58 Mile Purso O J U O O 4QOi 3yearolds and upward Claim ¬ ing Foaled in Canada Net value to winner 325 second 50 third 25 25EqniT EqniT Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 60399 Lady Betty 109 lt N Burger 5721100 60952 War Tax 114 2 II Gibson 400100 58074 Dependence 1C3 35 F Bullman 325100 58074sLast Chance U4 4 J Dawson E20100 E20100G0941 G0941 Banyan 113 5s R Pauley 240100 57315 MouseEar 109 6 C White 2T05100 57282 Player US 7 A Banks 2710100 2 mutnels paid Lady Betty 1345 straight 5CO place 415 show War Fox 490 place 320 show Dependence 305 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lady Betty 572 to 100 straight ISO to 100 place 107 to ICO show War For 145 to 100 place GO to 10O show De ¬ pendence 52 to 100 show showTime Time 103 Track slow slowWinner Winner G Nibbs b m 8 by Yorkshire Lad Lapcnza by Lofraseo trained by G Nibbs bred by Mr Charles E Wilkinson WilkinsonWent Went to post at 41T At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameOverweights Overweights Banyan 4 pounds Player 4 400 4yearolds and upward Claim Claiming ing Net value to winner 325 second 50 third 25 25Equir Equir Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 61062 Salgeorge 121 1 C Gross 2571100 60991 Tom Goose 125 2 W Taylor 190100 61309 My J BakCrll4 3s H Gibson 380100 61385 Jack Ledi 119 4l C Frost ltOG100 60957 George W 119 51 F Hunt E5100 60990 Parol 121 6 J Dawson 1630100 2 mutuels paid Salgeorge 715 straight 365 Continued on twelfth page MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART Continued from eleventh page place 200 show Tom Goose 340 place 25j show Mary Jane Paker 2GO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Salffeorge 257 to 100 straight S2 to 100 place SO to 100 show Tom Goose 70 to 100 place 271j to 100 show Mary Jane Baker SO lo 100 sliow sliowTime Time 131 Track slaw slawWinner Winner B Suhrs b c C by Salvation Georgia Girl by Solitaire II trained by B Suhr bred by Mr Adolph li Spreckels SpreckelsWent Went to post at 440 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingOTerweights OTerweights Torn Goose 4 pounds H1 PiVn SIXTH RACE About 58 Mile Purse U J U I u and Claim 400 syearolds upward ¬ ing Net value to winner 325 second 50 third 25 25Eqniv Eqniv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight48111JPaBamnl Straight4SllliPaBaninl 48111JPaBamnl 116 1 C White 1172i100 1172i100C1020 C1020 Starkader 116 21 E Atkinson 1S51CO C0922 Sky ilan 113 3 ° C Gross 1145100 61034 Ely 122 4l C Kindla 1975100 60877 JIary Mallon 111 5l B SIcCann 1975100 C10195Naomt K 101 C C Frost 310100 07283 Skirt Dance 113 7li A Banks 7400100 74001005712G 5712G Impress 111 8 H Gibson 1515100 151510060916Blordel 60916Blordel 116 PupR Pauley 500100 2 mutuels paid Paganiui 2345 straight 710 place 3SO show Starkader 320 place 283 show Sky Man 405 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Paganani 1172Vi to 100 straight 233 to 100 place 190 to 100 show Stark ¬ ader CO to 100 place 42Ki to 100 show Sky ilan 132 to 100 show showTime Time 111 Track slow slowWinner Winner H Gallaliers br g 7 by Plaudit American Girl by Cesarion trained by II GalJa her bred by Mr John E Madden Went to post at 520 At post 1 minute Start good and Blow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched COOSO Carrie Baker 101 101Overweights Overweights Sky Man 2 pounds Ely C Skirt Dance 4 1 K71 SEVENTH RACE About 34 Mile Purse u J ti l J 100 3yCarHid3 and upward Claim ing Net value to winner 325 second 50 third 25 25Eqniv Eqniv Odds OddsInd Ind Hore Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight60t 60t 42 Bombast 113 1J C Grosa 400100 61401 Mnins Face 113 2i N Burger 240100 240100G1043 G1043 Jck Hculcy 113 S1 C White 100100 60770 Streamer 113 4 = t E Atkinson 750100 7501005385G 5385G Suds 113 C H Gibson 1130100 60911 Roscfield 112 C B McCann 1025100 2 mutuela paid Bombast 1000 straight 470 place 300 show Morning Face 3 S3 place 243 show Jnck Ilealey 255 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bombast 400 to 100 straight 133 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Morning Face 92li to 100 place 22Ks to 100 show Jack Healey 27J to 100 show showTime Time 132 Track slow slowWinner Winner II S Conners br g 7 by Broomstick Xela by Meddler trained by J M Bryde bred by Mr Harry Payne AVliitney AVliitneyWent Went to post at 55S At post 1 minute Start fair and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched 61414 Drifting 105 59347 Top Rung 113 C0771 High Olynipiu 113 C0092 Sol Gilsey 113 113Overweights Overweights Uosefield 4 pounds