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1 DAOiT GS Mile 3Iaitlcn 3ycaroias and Winners of One Race AlloTT ISl tlMbt auccs Nov 7 1OS1 1O1 5 O 11 Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish MARY MAXIM b f 3 110 By Golden Maxim Mary Bodino by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer C 0 Smith Owner W M HcKinncy 60774 Mobile Ab 5S 100 goodl310 105 1 1 1 1 1 S Wida 10 MLaVeita EdPcess DSoward DSoward604S6 604S6 FGnds ImTOy l4Smud 12 102 1 1 1 1 14 2nk F Weincr 10 Grass Tree Juno Bullet BulletG0339 G0339 FGnda 51 f l07fast 8 111 6 G 4 3b 3s F Murphy 12 Immokalee Sun Time Margie Margie5SG9G 5SG9G FGnda BJ f lOSmud 15 101 9 8 10 10410 L McDott 12 BirdieG PaulMIcou DelhiMald 69636 FGnda 51 f l07fast 10 103 6 9 B Z 32J E Pool 11 DeepSinker PMicou Pluribclle 59118 Jeffson 34 l16slow 25 103 3 I e 61 711 M Harson 7 Griselda Bobbed Hair Trlco BAIT HEDRON blk g 3 M 107 By Disguise Katharine G by Dick Finnell FinnellTrainer Trainer W L Saunders Owner W L Saunders 61219 Bovio GJ f l22mud 45 115 6 2 22 3 B Parko 10 HarryMaxim Vitamin Belrnon 01122 Bowio 51 f l08fast 12H H6 8 4 61 G72 B Parko 12 Apex Hullabaloo Zorro 57355 HdeGce 61 f l07slow 40f 116 9 89 81 610 J Heupel 11 J Morrill Gondolier Trevelyan 66739 BBonts 58 l01slow 55 113 7 77 6 6 J McTagt 8 Paddle Finery Dadja 56621 Dorval 61 f lOSfast 29 114 8 7 C 6 610 J It o wan 8 Troutling Playwright Ashlln tRICO b e S H2 By Vandorgrift Handsome Girl by Handsome HandsomeTrainer Trainer G Ethington Owner J J Bulmer 60937 Mobile Ab 53 5Sfast 20 116 8 9 10 10 J Conway 10 Rubnla LLhtenhm M Stories 60398 Mobile Ab 5S 58fast 20 110 8 8 8 8 L Gray 9 MissEmG ByEvelyn MabelA MabelAW775 W775 Mobile Ab 6Jf l27good 8 103 2 8 8 8 8 814 W Bog ski 8 Mab RosecIIff Cockroach Cockroach59SC3 59SC3 FGnda 1 143 hvy 12 97 7 8 8 8 8 71 J Wallace 8 Stock Pin Grass Tree Charllne 59696 FGnda El f l03mud 12 135 4 6 7 8 8 B Bcoble 12 BirdieG PaulMIcou DelhiMald DelhiMald59E37 59E37 FGnds 1 l46hvy 10 95 2 5 4 7 d G Brenlngr 8 Petie Klrtle Lucky Girl GirlWILD WILD DEUCE ch g 3 M 107 By Fair Count Jest by Ben Brush BrushTrainer Trainer J H McDonald Owner J H McDonald 60167 FGnda 34 l15fast 30 110 6 75 4l 41 C Ponco 12 It Dare Deep Sinker E8451 Pimlico 34 119 mud 5 105 7 10 11 11 10 L Penman 11 ThcVcngcc EarBird IPrlncd 6S276 Empire 51 f l03fast 15 105 8 98 81 451 L Fator 15 Goodhart Fusee Citation 68196 Empire Bl f l03fast 8 1131 6 6 7 81 1210 B Sando 5 Canyon Grandson Bullet 58121 Empire 61 f l09fast 12 110 B CO 41 31 D Stirling 12 SplitGrass Vineyard CoGold 65911 Empire 61 f 103 fast 10 103 6 77 72 7 R Lcaster 8 Dexterous Promenade FinMaid FinMaidFAREWELL FAREWELL TAPS b f 3 110 By Pataud Kuhla by Gold Heels or Trentola TrentolaTrainer Trainer J W Fleischman Owner J W Flelschman 60503 FGnds 51 f 109 hvy 30 100 12 12 10 9J 9IS J Owens 12 Max Gold Forest Queen Dare 60311 FGnda 34 l13fast 60 94 11 11 11 11 11 A Arvln 11 Birdie G Bernice K Galeta GaletaG0167 G0167 FGnda 84 l15fast 20 102J10 11 11 S2 S1S A Wilson 12 It Dare Deep Sinker SinkerCC013 CC013 FGnda 34 l18uvy 30 851 9 11 10 92 8 T Finn 12 CobtLass Betsinda Sacajawea Sacajawea59SSO 59SSO FGnda 34 l18hvy 8 971 3 2 2 31 410 C Lang 12 Cacambo Golden Autumn Car Car5SG37 5SG37 FGnda 34 l14fast 60 103 9 11 H 11 ll W Delaneyll MatMary GGurton VCoUeen VCoUeenHAY HAY HARTMAIT b f 3 M 105 By Ralph Mescal by Electioneer 60021 Havana 34 l14fast 30 93 3 3 7 8 824 T Brothrs 8 Whispering Acosta MoonWinka MoonWinka5S5S1 5S5S1 Havana 51 f l09good 20 103 3 12 101 11 G Fields 11 Fictile Last Girl Acosta AcostaDS321 DS321 Havana 51 f lllslow 8 109 2 1 2 10 1021 B KenndylO Diversity Fictile Lustre LustreE7777 E7777 Kworth El f l12slop 41 107 5 13 7n S28 S Boyle 9 NLcmon Playwright Bnthona 66957 Dufrin Ab 58 104 fast 195 107 61S N Foden 8 Aunt Agnes Jacquerie Plaudel PlaudelEG694 EG694 Dshlre B8 101 fast 40 109 2 1 1 4 71 B Hoi way 8 Foy John Morrill Modna ModnaCOL COL TEX blk g 3 112 By Luke McLuke La Vanganza by Abercorn AbercornTrainer Trainer 0 L Foster Owner 0 L Foster FosterG0510 G0510 Havana 34 U9Hhy 12 112 6 87 7s 712 H ClmentslO Flycast Coscorron Mrs Grundy 60220 Havana 34 l15fast 30 111 8 10 10 9 8 F Moore 10 Tatting Thistleblm Wrecklcss 50708 Havana ImSOy l44fast 25 85 4 6 7 8 8 8 C Frost 8 Elias O Rockport Alt Vezlna 59581 Havana 51 f l09V good 12 11111 11 9 Sl 8 D Prible 11 Fictile Last Girl Acosta 59424 Havana 1 l41fast 15 1C9 2 7 7 7 7 7 B Kcnndy 7 FAhead WhoCanTell Caimlto 59273 Havana 51 f lllslow 6 U1J 1 4 4 32 I W Kelsay 8 Naomi K Happy Girl Tag Day DayGIPSY GIPSY JOE b f 3 M 105 By Malamoat Edith C by Knight of the Thistle ThistleTrainer Trainer E W Moore Owner E W Moore 61558 MHeishts Gl f lOS7tslow 14 SC 3 J Wallace 10 MCrtwood L Patsy Athgven 60917 Mobile Ab 58 6Sfast 95 102 5 6 62 67 M Andson 8 Ilcliocross Crest Wireless 60841 Mobile Ab 58 1 0fast 8 110 2 2 3 3 44 J W MphylO BnDick Alvcrlda Mid Stories StoriesG077C G077C Mobile Ab 58 lCOgood 20 111 3 333 Sl J W Mphy 7 LPatsy BrnDick MissCrtwd MissCrtwd59T5S 59T5S FGndg 34 l10mud 30 111 7 10 10 10 10 D ConnllylO OurUctsy JoslILcvy Max Gold Gold5S563 5S563 Pimlico 34 115 mud 121 S7 10 H 11 12 12l E Harbnel2 Bersagliere FlyCloud Fgibbon FgibbonKING KING PAUL ch c 3 M 107 By Delhi Reality by Rcnssolaer RcnssolaerTrainer Trainer P W Davis Owner P W Davis Davis65SG7 65SG7 Latonla 51 f l0ofast 137 112 9 10 10 9s 9 L McAtee 10 B Brown Sir Hugh SandBoots 55027 Latonia 58101 fast 29 11510 U 11 ll ll E Pool 12BetMosie JBBrown BillyStar 54810 Latonia 41 f 5Shvy 21f 115 9 10 102 10 F Smith 12 Ycshimi Lcochares II Dad DadKITTY KITTY MAUDE ch f 2 K 110 110Trainer By Hessian or Tho Finn Collino by Hanover Trainer Mullen St Bean 5064S ColFalr 58 l03fast 105 2 D Connlly 4 Nig Nancy Lane Baby Evelyn 0541 ColFalr 12 60hvy 112 2 D Connliy 4 Nig Nancy Lane Daniel Boone LORD HARRY b o 3 M 117 117Owner By Prince Harry Hariteuo by Symington Owner G W Undercoffer First start