1st Race [1st Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-07

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1st RACE i 111 Mile 15 Claiming May 8 1917 Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishDE DE CAEMEN ch g 10 101 By Boanerges Lady Knighthood by Knight cf cfTrainer Trainer W Perkins Owner W Perkins Ellerslie EllerslieC1532 C1532 Lexton 34 118 hvy 1110 112 3 2 2 2J T Murray 8 Ragazza Nth Shore Greenland 61451 Lexton 34 114 fast 135 113 2 4 3 51 T Murray 11 Grayson A Alexander Louis A 65737 Windsor 34 l16slop 95 112 1 33 3J 3 E Pool 11 Carmandale SomcUaby SmGuy 65656 Windsor 34 l12 fast 7 115 10 9 8 Ss 5s E Pool 11 Fort Bliss Iraa Frank KingJohu B5463 Latonia 34 lllfast 6 o 112 6 E 66 5 41 3 L Lyke 12 Cltonville GeoStarr GruGrasa E5234 Latonia 34 llCVihvy S5 114 1 43 11 1 E Pool 7 SweetLiberty PortLight Ruby E5093 Latonia 34 l14slow 32 113 7 6 S 2 Il E Pool 12 Green Grass Lancelot Melrin 64SOD Latonia 34 118 livy 2110 117 7 53 2 2 E Josiah 0 Ruby Lancelot Mary Fonso E44S3 Church 1 1 l3Sgood 1 113 1 1 1 1 2 ° 2 E Pollard 8 MissFtaine TNephew LkBoy C42S7 Churchl 34 lllfast 95 1101 8 88 31 3 L Lyke 0 BluePdise MarMay JPbaket ARCHIE ALEXANDER tNDER ch c 6 111 111Trainer By Harrison Anytime by Yankee Trainer J Randolph Owner J Randolph C1451 Lcxton 34 114 fast 9u 112 7 8 8C0416 4 2 J Owens 11 Grayson Louis A Col Taylor C0 C0416 6 FGnda iUnaa 34 ji l12fast iuiasi 165 ioa 110 jiu t 6 o 55 o 31 sj 2J j A A Wilson wnson 7 7 ApJackll Monastery ColTenn 60314 FGnda 34 l13good 31 109 5 C 4 21 IB A Wilson 0 ApJackll Monastery Ris Rock 60232 FGnda El f lGufast 8 105 7 7 7 4 4s A Wilson 11 Bl Paradise ColTaylor R Rock 00123 FGnda 34 l14 low 10 103 2 44 4l 53 A Wilson C Mercury Tabdllonnr TauSon E930S TauSonE930S Jeff son 34 l12fast 7 103 5 4 4 4 4 C Lang C Irish Dream Vnlor RisiugRock E92C3 RisiugRockE92C3 Jeffson 34 lMVifast 6 100 S 3 1 Il I1 A Gantner 7 Tody Mavonrneen Cormoran 69233 Jeffson 34 l13fast 7 108 1 1 1 I1 1 A Gantner 7 Abadane Eternity St Isidore E91S5 IsidoreE91S5 Jeffson 34 l14good 31 104 3 81 1 1 C Lang 8 Cormoran Ace of Aces Fluzey ES025 Jeffson 61 f l10hvy E 106 4 544 4 1 A Gantner 0 Malvolio A ticipate Plain B1L GROUNDSWELL ch m 6 111 By Whisk Broom n Rockwater by Laureate or Trainer E UcGarvey Owner R McGarvey Clifford Clifford6C416 6C416 FGnda 34 l12fast 185 103 3 6 C C 63 J Owens 7 AJackll AAlexder Monasfy 60232 FGnds El f lOGfast 5 112 9 85 6 9 F Weiner 11 BlParadise ColTaylor RRock E9575 RRockE9575 FGnds 51 f 107 good 7 103 8 63 31 1 F Weiner 11 Runquoi Redmon Rising Itock BS453 ItockBS453 FGnda 34 114 slow 6 110 2 2 1 2 21 H J Burke 8 HidJewcl Sagamore Monastj E9394 MonastjE9394 FGnda 34 l13Vifast 7 108 3 S 4 C1 31 G BreniuglO Orlova SmartGuy Col Taylor ES074 TaylorES074 Jeffson 34 l14V fast 4 109 6 4 S 21 I1 C Ponce 7 CotheRoost JaUmma Murraj ESS17 MurrajESS17 Jeffson 84 114 fast 41 103 3 31 11 I1 F Weiner 5 Arapahoe Panaman Kuklnx ESC97 KuklnxESC97 Jeffson J4 l13fast B 104 7 i 4 E 41 L McDott 8 Arrowhead ColTaylor Graysoj EAGAZZA br m 5 110 By Eis Majesty Henpcck by Delhi DelhiTrainer Trainer J H Baker Owner Bradfield Klnncy KlnncyG1532 G1532 Lexton 34 11S livy 10 100 2 1 1J 151 D Connlly 8 DrCarmen NthShore Grnland C0900 GrnlandC0900 Mobile Ab 53 ESfast 13 121 3 5 6 G J W Mphy 7 Murphy San Diego Sandy H 60813 Mobile Ab B8 D9fast 15 111 3 3 31 3s M Andson 7 Jago Sandy II Manmte 60778 Mobile Ab 58 100 good 12 111 G 4 4 5l 6 M Andson 8 Murphy Cacambo Helen Atkin G07GJ Mobile Ab GJf l2Gslow S 1161 Left at the post H Shilling 7 FRoostcr HelenAtkin Grayson C05S3 GraysonC05S3 FGnds 34 l16hvy 8 103 7 11 11 9 R Romellil2 Vansylvia Turnabout Twopair 600S3 Twopair600S3 FGnds 1 116 200hvy 6 112 4 8 S 3 3 4 M Garner 5 Verity Natural Kscarpolette E9915 FGnds 34 l197smud 31 106 4 3 1 2 ID L Coney 8 HelenAtkin Ace of Aces Satan 2IORTH SHOEE b f 4 04 By Hartinet Galinda by Galvcston GalvcstonTrainer Trainer J Phillips Owner 3 Phillips C1532 Lexton 34 118 hvy 102 G 7 3 371 W Pool S Ragazza Dr Carmen Greenland 60901 Mobile Ab 1 18 154 fast 4 103 2 2 6s G A Fricshon 8 BMtain Oaknllelle OFthful 6084C OFthful6084C Mobile Ab 61 f l2Gsfast 21 105 1 1 I1 I1 A Frieshon 8 Fleer Assume Charles A Byrne C0794 ByrneC0794 Mobile Ab 58 103 hvy 4 115 6 644 4l ° M AndsonlO Crest Corkey W Fleer Fleer607G2 607G2 Mobile Ab 58 l02fast 10 115 3 2 2 2 2 M AndsonlO Granny Lee Nolawn Assume Assume603S9 603S9 FGnds 34 l16V4hvy S S8 4 7 7 8 6 C Lang 12 Vansylvia Turnabout Twopair C0503 TwopairC0503 FGnds El f l094hvy 4 107 8 8 8 61 7 1 C Lang 12 Ras Turnabout Granny Lee LeeICON ICON b f 4 100 By Judge Wright Tres Joli by Inspector B BTrainer Trainer C T Worthington Onrner C T Worthington 67373 Thcliffe 34 113 fast 26 7 2 H Jones 12 TNepbew FlagSplrlt Assptlos EG696 Dshiro 34 llSfast 7 102 1 4 4 4 41 J Htamer 11 Tubby A Merrimac Sister Flo E6594 Dshiro 34 l13good 5 105 1 1 2 IB 1 J Htamer 12 Miss Dora Humpy Coca Cola E6079 Dshiro 34 l16slow U 105 1 1 1 1 li C Dlshmonl2 Shoot Away C Theiscn BBabj 4S336 BBabj4S336 Hamtn 68 l01fast 13B 111 8 33 21 31 C Dishmon 11 Greybourne Beljcy Heath Bel X074 BBonnets B8 l0ifast 53 100 8 t 4 4 5 C Dishmon 8 HyJiminy BabyGrand LastUn HELEN ATKIN ch m 7 90 By Jack Atkin Helene by Hermis HermisTrainer Trainer J S Whatley Owner J T Buckley 61490 Lexton 34 l15mud 11 102 5 8 65 C83 B Scheffel S AtieMay ChHenry RapStride RapStride6077S 6077S Mobile Ab 58 100 good 41 111 5 2 2 21 341 J Conway 8 Murphy Cacambo Sandy U G0764 Mobile Ab Glf l2Gslow 5 107 2 1111 Jfl J Conway 7 Finan Rooster Grayson Serbian 60532 FGnds 34 I15Vfcslow 10 104 1 2 3 21 C5 J Owens 12 Betsinda Trantula Eternity E9974 EternityE9974 FGnda 34 l2Hthvy 2 104 3 1 1 1 1 J Owena 8 Serbian Car Rolo 69913 FGnda 34 l19mud 6 103 1 2 2 11 2n E Scoblo 8 Ragnzza Ace of Aces Satana 69S91 FGnda 1 116 l5Shvy 8 103 2 1 1 2 Sl E J E Scoblo 7 MadeF Wdthrush HPardner HPardnerE6S20 E6S20 FGnda 34 118 hvy 7 105 12 7 6 E 33 H Scoblo 12 Rustler Bees Wing Ragaxxa B9SOO RagaxxaB9SOO FGnda 14 l17hvy 115 102 4 S 5 9 9 ° A Wilson 11 The Decision Jago Rolo RoloE9717 E9717 FGnda 34 l16hvy 183 1CS 10 11 9 E1 21 E Scoble 12 Anticipate Ettahe Actress ES314 FGnds 34 l17imud 8 1C3 4 3 3 I1 2 E Scoulo 11 Burgoyne BsWinc TDeclsloc SVTEET LIBERTY b m 5 06 By Plaudit Looking Glass by Clear tho Way Trainer WayTrainer L Johnson Owner G Knetelkamp 61451 Lcxton 34 114 fast 22 IOC 1 3 7 9 B Scheffelll Grayson A Alesandcr Louis A AE9281 E9281 Jeffson 34 l13 fast 3 107 5 4 4 4 4 1 A Wilson 10 Satana Sandy H Hcroisme 69071 Jeffson 34 l14fast 1 104 J 3 4 6 El A Wilson 7 GdSwell OotRst JsUrnma JsUrnma6S79I 6S79I Jeffson 34 l14fast 7 1C6 1 1 1 1 21 A Wilson 12 Arrowhead FtChurchill Lively 68038 Churchl 34 l12fast 63 1141 8 8 9 9 9 W Helnch 9 Rapid Day Redmon St Michael 67770 Latonia 34 l13fast 8 110 3 25 10l 10 A Wilson 12 Diana Sam Reh Fluzey FluzeyE7491 E7491 Latonia 34 lHiBood 6 112 3 1 1 U lh A Wilson 11 GrSwell UBurgoyne GQnecn rEILANDEEER ch g 4 By His Majesty Pretty Maiden C1530 Lexton 34 l16hvy 31 107 7 7 7 7 E Scoblo 7 Napoo Anticipate Col Taylor Taylor614G5 614G5 Lexton 34 l14i6fast 21 109 1 2 41 4 E Scobie 12 May Bodine Marimba Settle Settle6P5SS 6P5SS FGnds 34 l16J hvy 20 105 1 1111 11 F Smith 11 The Decision Rolo Fluzey FluzeyEOM3 EOM3 FGnda 61 f l09hvy 10 108 3 4 41 4 1 A Wilson 12 Ras Turnabout Granny Lee 60340 FGnda S4 l13Xfast 8 103 1 7 61 24 A Wlson 11 Bcngore Wlnconne Mlilavelll MlilavelllC02S6 C02S6 FGnda 84 l1714hvy 115 102 2 2 31 3 A Wilson G Kirab Sandal wood Herald 60120 FGnda 34 l14 4slow 1S6 103 4 3 21 2 A Wilson 10 Sandy H Actress Horeb HorebESJOl ESJOl FGnda J4 l17hvy 12 1021 5 78 8 A Wilson 11 PromToni LyLuxury MlTooro MlTooroJ3717 J3717 FGnda 84 l16hvy 10 IOC 4 S 41 6 A Wilson 12 Anticipate Helen Atkin Ettahe 63554 FGnda 84 IdlHfaat S 104 2 1 1 1 2 A Wilson 0 AceofAccs Titania Olllo Wood 0554 FGnda B4 l15alow S 108 6 8 3 2J 2 A WUson 9 Bond Nordeck Flyinjr Orb GEACE imTAED br f 4 99 99Trainer By Frontenao Roses by Wagner Wagner71S Trainer C Mitchell Owner Vf C Goodloe C1532 Lexton 34 118 hvy 7 107 1 71S 7 E Martin 8 Ragazza DrCarmen NtiShoro ES358 Lexton 34 115 slow 82 1C8 12 8 61 7i4 J Kederia 12 Meliora Doric Port Light 6S262 Lcxton 84 l13fast SO 105 4 4 81 83 E Barnes 12 GdSwcll GipsyQuccn Mcllorai 670C2 BGrass 61 f 109 mud 1 106 106B8 11 C VanDun 4 Gallant Lad Rog DorotbyHlnc EG970 BGrasa B8 l00fast B 110 110B8 21 C VanDun 5 Peasant MadByng CrdeFeu EG914 BGrasa B8 l02mud 1910 110 110B8 2 C VanDun 4 MmByng ViolaPark MissMhikj ECS71 BGrass B8 l01mud 107 107B8 41 C VanDun 5 LouieLou PcggyMrtin Peasant 5G5GO ColFair B8 l02 ast 115 1 C VanDun 3 Virgo MaysTille 56352 ColFair B8 l00fast 103 103TOMirYWAAC 3 G Fields 5 Maysville Loyalist MadamByng MadamByngBy TOMirYWAAC b m 6 101 101Trainer By Burgomaster Bello of Troy by Fonso FonsoE Trainer P Dunne Owner P Dunno 61490 Lcxton 34 l15mucl 63 112 1 7 732f E 8 S Wida 8 AtieMay ChHenry RapStrido C14C5 Lexton 32f 110 4 7 7 8 S Wida 12 May Bodine Marimba Settle 45220 Jefferson El f l03fast 10 99 9 7 71 711 C Ponco 13 ArchPIotter SherraanA Onico 45213 Jefferson 34 l13faat 5 101 4 2 4 3 C Ponce 11 P Ward EMcBride MkGarner 45025 Jefferson 51 f l07faat 7 3311 7 71 SSJ C Ponco 15 Scarpiall LInfimiier Cobalt

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922050701/drf1922050701_4_3
Local Identifier: drf1922050701_4_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800