3rd Race [3rd Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-07

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Urile and 7O Yards Clermont Parse yearolds and upward Allowances 3Iay 24 1921 142 25 5 11G ST HEXRT ch c 3 By The Finn lady Sterling by Hanover Trainer W S Walker Owner Montfort Jones 61477 Jamaica 51 f l05 yast 3 113 5 5 21 21 E Sando 12 BcesWax JneGrass Gslantmn 58582 Pimlico 1 l44mud 7 110 7 4 3s 21 L Fator 12 Relay LyBaltimore IUridier 58507 Pimlico 1 142 sood 50 122 10 10 9 9 E Scobie 11 Morvich LcckyHour Runantell 58441 Pimlico 34 l14Jsslop 25 5 107 5 2 2571G5 21 331 L Fator 10 GdTimes Caretaker YantStar 571G5 Belmont 5Jf MC l01fast 920 20 115 1 1 15CG3S 1 1 E Sande C YankocStar Runantell KGrass 5CG3S Saratoga 51 f 107 slow 23 15 115 1 1 1IRISH 1 1 L Fator 5 Chesterbrook Castleton TJannj IRISH BRIGADIER br c 3 102 102Trainer By Light Brigade Hajie Lantsrn H by Le Sag SagD Trainer R KcKesver Owner D Barzelay gittaire 61477 Jamaica 51 f l031 fast 25 109 8 6 7 55 B Parke 12 BeesWai SUHenry JimeGrasa JimeGrasaI2f 58582 Pimlico 1 l44Vimud 52f I2f 105112 7 6 45 C Ponce 12 Relay Stllenry LyBaltimore 58475 Pimlico 34 l17ihvy 22 103 7 7 77 4SJ L McAtee 7 Oil Man Picnic Blackstone 58281 Empiro Ab 34 l10 fast 3 106 1 2 2 3 L McAteo 4 Picnic Hephaistos Chestbrook 58093 Empire Ab 34 l09 faat 10 114 4 6 6578G3 6 63 C Kummer 6 Rimantell KalSang Emotion 578G3 Jamaica 34 l12fast 13 105 6 3 2i 2 F Wilson 6 Surf Rider My Play Aknnsti 57712 Jamaica 34 l13fast 30 105 4 4 41 44 F Wilson 7 Missionary MusSeed Surfltider 57580 Jamaica 51 f l07fast 10 107 4 6 5l 5s L Fator 9 Sleiveconard Penitent Modesty 57581 Aqueduct 34 l13fast 15 115 3 6 5 6 A Johnson 8 Relay All Over Com McMeekin 57199 Aqueduct S4 lU4sood 15 1121 9 H 1 12 10 A Johnson 12 Missionary All Over My Ply 55G30 Empire 61 f 107 fast 10 0 110 9 8 7l 6 F Keogh 11 Surf Rider Yankee Maid Mo 1 55521 Aqueduct 5S 595Jfast 8 1CS 7 G 53 4 F Keogh 8 Little Chief CaLJane Violinist 55383 Aqueduct 34 O3slow 8 115 7 7 7 7 F Keogh 7 Olympus MnsfdSd WillianiA WillianiAS 55162 Aqueduct 58 l007ifast S 108 2 1 I1 I1 F Keogh 11 Bravo Broomflax Ultimo UltimoSO 55001 Belmont 68 st lXfast 20 SO 115 6 6 61 51 F Keogh 14 Broomflax KnotGrass Olympus 54229 Jamaica 58 l00fast 20 0 1101 4 5 5 5 F Keogh 5 Little Chief Zealot Jimmie B 54130 Jamaica 58 l00fast SO 0 115 12 P PJUNE Pulled upT Rowan 12 KalSang BudFislier JuueGrasa JUNE GRASS b c 3 102 102Trainer By Short Grass Comsora by The Commoner Trainer J Evans Owner G A Cochran 61477 Jamaica 51 f l05 fast 4 1C9 6 4 31 31 F Keogh 12 BcesWar StHenry Galantman 58441 Pimlico 34 lll3lop SO 107 2 79 9 8 71 L McAteo 10 GoodTimes Caretaker StHeury 58042 Church 1 1 lSSfast 8 122 1 6 5 4 51 5J G W Car1 9 Startle Rocket John Finn 57597 Latonin 1 l39fast IS 110 9 4 3 3 31 3 G W Car1112 Startle JohnFinn Rkmlniitei 57199 Aqduct 34 l14good 85 112 1 12 2 Cl 7 C Kummerl2 Missionary All Over My Play 67067 Belmt 78 MC l25fast 185 107 1 1 1 1 4 4 Q W Car1 4 Surf Rider Galantman Modo 56710 Belmont 34 lillfaat 185 115 4 a 2 11 2k C Kummer 7 Snob IL Sedge Aknu tl 56630 Sartoga 34 l12slow 6 115 5 5 7 91 10 C Kummerl2 Morvich KaiSang WhiskaTray WhiskaTrays62S3 s62S3 Sartoga Cl I l05fast 1C5 115 3 1 1 1 I4 L Fator 14 Mercutio Snob II Bunting 66126 Sarloga 68 59fast 5 104 7 4 6 61 6 C Ponc 18 Toil Bigheart Fair Phanlwa 65314 Empire 61 f 106 fast 15 109 2 22 2 2 C Ponc 7 Runstar Ray Jay Picnic 55812 Empire Ab 34 l09fast 15 113 1 1 5l 7 L McAtea 8 Rnnstar KalSang LltUe Chlri ChlriK775 K775 Empire Ab 34 I03 fa5t 8 112 1 1 1 I1 21 J Metcalf 11 Ray Jay Snob II Lucky Hour HourHOROLOGE HOROLOGE br c 3 102 By St Amant Hour Hand by Ethelbert EthelbertTrainer Trainer W H Wallace Owner W H Wallace 58507 Pimlico 1 142 good 41f 122 9 11 11 II1 C Kummerll Morvich LuckyHonr Rnnantell 58012 Churchill 1 l3Sfast 215 123 5 5 7 T7 C Robs Robson 9 Startle Rocket John Finn 57796 Jamaica 34 114 good 3 10S 2 1 21 U A Schu1 Schu1C7551 Schugr 6 Run tell Shaffer ComMcMkln ComMcMklnC7551 C7551 Aqueduct 58 l00mud 21 115 I1 I1 C Robs RobsLEITERMAN Robson 12 CMcMkin Venizeloa Reparatn ReparatnLEITERMAN LEITERMAN ch c 3 M 85 By Superman SupermanTrainer Arietta by Robert le Diablo Trainer S P Harlan Owner Greentree Stable 61539 Jamaica 34 l12igood 25 15 10S 3 2 21 2l L Lyka Lyka5454S G Galtman Hephtoa WilliamA 5454S Belmont 58 st 57fast 41 112 13 9 10 101 12 A Collii Collins 14 Column NunryF Mustunl Seed 54478 Belmont 41 f st 52ifast 4 115 3 4 4 41 2 E Sande SandeFISH 13 Bizhcart Postlude Galantman FISH FRIEND ch c 3 107 By Friar Ro RoTrainer Rock Bold Girl by Ojdea OjdeaBorlsw Trainer F Burlew Owner F Bnrlsw 61177 Jamaica 5J f l05V fast 25 10t 11 8 91 7 T Kumi Kumi5C939 Kummcrl2 BeesWai St Henry JnneGrass 5C939 Belmont 34 MC lllfast 25 119 13 11 12 13 I C Kumi KummerJ 15untiiic Galantman D of Alluh 56781 Belmont 55f MC 1C6 fast 2 115 1 1 l li i 1 in C Kumi Kummerl2 Aknustl Pietrns Chesterbrook 56693 Belmont 51 f st l053ifast 3 115 7 3 4 41 4 4ll 1 C Kumi KummerlO Yankee Star My Play Relay 55548 Aqueduct 5S l00fast 95 5 115 1 3 31 4i A Johns Johnson 11 Surf Rider Oceanic Sedge 55385 Aqueduct 68 l01slow 5 112 6 5 61 4 1 C Kumi Kummer 9 Morvicli Fly Ball Occident 05230 Aqueduct 5S 69fast 10 112 12 13 13 13 J Metes MetesPIRATE Metcalf 15 Broomster Toll Olympus PIRATE GOLD br c 3 H 95 By Bock Vioi Gold by Golden Garter GarterTrainer Trainer S P Harlan Owner Greeatree Stable 61318 Jamaica 34 lUi mud 45 115 2 3 S 2 L Lyke 8 Dan Boiling Olynthus Buxom BuxomROSE ROSE HILL ch f 3 S9 By Berrilldon Belle Clein by Contestor ContestorTrainer Trainer J Xoftns Owner Oak idge Stable 61521 Jamaica 1 116 l4Smud 2J 1 M 2 3 35S243 3 3 L Fator 4 Wynncvrood ScaCove HenryG HenryGS 5S243 Empire Ab 34 l10J fast 1310 107 1 S 34 34578S7 4 S l 1 L Fator 0 Nose Dive Chewink Timbrel 578S7 Jamaica 34 l13fast 41 105 1 8 87 7 61 2 L Fator 10 Reparation Nose Dive IJellatrlr 57517 Aqduct 34 fast 7 107 1 1E7322 6 6 L McAtee 0 Emotion Dolores PQuiKoule E7322 Aqduct 34 l14mud 185 99 7 7 76 765CG90 6 6 6TJ T Finn 7 Mwrcoron CMcMkin Doghnut 5CG90 Belmont 6Jf at I04j3fast 20 107 8 7 75G463 6i 41 L Fator 11 NancyF MPatricia Prodiclou 5G463 Sartoga 68 lOGfcfast 95 115 5 4 4 2 L Fator 9 Avispa Oolong Bellatrir 56341 Sartoga Cl f 107 fast 6 115 2 4 44 44S61S7 4 Sz 21 E Ambree 8 Citation StoryTeller Dolorei S61S7 Sartoga 58 l01Hmnd iO 109 10 10 10 10tDisqualifid 101 8 1 E Ambraell Nedna Roulette Caretaker tDisqualifid DAVID HARUK b g 5 118 118I By Star Shoot Pantomime by Pater Pan PanCl I Karrick Owner W R Coe 1 138 fast 20 113 7 8 7 7 Cl 5 C Fbther 8 Ralco Valor Ballet Dancer IL 54311 Jamaica Im70y l44sood 115 107 2 2 2 2 2 2 C Buel 2 Debadon 54146 Jamaica Im70y l45fast 10 115 6 5 5 6 6 519 C Buel 7 Lunetta Ailliro Bcbadou 47905 Belmont 1 lS9fast 5 US 1 3 3 2 2 2 C Fbtlier 4 Donnacona Aversary Hast Oa 47071 Belmont 1 l35fast 30 118 2 3 3 3 3 3 C Fbther 3 Man o War Wildair 47117 Churchl 1 14 209 slow 35 126 11 11 9 14 141 14s C FbtherVT Paul Jones Upset On Watch NORMAL b s 4 117 By Plaudit The Nurse by Yankee Trainer E D Springer Owner F Houseman 61520 Jamaica 34 l13mud S 105 S 6t 4 = 1 L McAtee 7 EastView Tangerine EdAlPo 61343 HdeGce 34 llSfast 26 106 3 41 3 B Marielli S Rubien Lion dOr Mainmast 49955 Belmont 51 f st l07fast 15 111 7 61 Cl C Fbther S Grey Lag Quecrcek Star Voter 19856 Belmont 34 st l10fast 7 112 9 949G37 7l 10 J McTagtli Ilildur SmokeScreen Oriole 49G37 Saratoga 51 f l05iast 3 115 2 3s 3 L Fator 10 Brmspun GyLag PTBarnum

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922050701/drf1922050701_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1922050701_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800