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CHAGRIN FALLS FORM CHART CKAGKIK FAXXS Oho Tuesday Hay 23 1332 t oontl day Chagrin Falls Jockey Club Spring mopliiig of 10 days Weather clear clearPrcrtidinj Prcrtidinj Steward Joseph A Murphy Judge F W Jeriiany Starter Wm Snyder Kaciug Secre ¬ tary H I Munro MunroItacing Itacing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 215B B jjuuu 1 0 fj 0 SST EACE 58 Hilc Oct 9 1920 100 6 116 Pnrsa 00 3yczir olas and npvrarf Claiminjr Het valno to winner 400 second 70 third GO GOEquiv Equiv Oid3 Oid3Ind Ind lion Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight68557Rapidan 6S557 68557Rapidan Rapidan 1C7 I1 T Wayt 4331CO 4331COCS51G CS51G O Ut Ann 110 2i F Mooro 7CO100 7CO100C1719 C1719 Walter Mack 112 3 O Atwell 70100 70100GI79 GI79 Purdcy 112 4i J Groth 660100 660100CIS81 CIS81 Thrills 114 C T Ilao 20SO100 20SO10037G07 37G07 Noiseless 112 6 D Hall SSOJ100 61817 Judge Fox 114 7 W McIIaney 4GCO100 G18S7 J E Hertz 112 PupA Kroner 38M1CO 2 mntiicis paid Rapidan 10GO Etraight 520 place 240 show Oar Little Ann 520 place 20 sJtow Walter Mack 220 Ehow EhowEquivalent Equivalent booking o lds IlapWan 430 to 100 straight 160 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Our Little Ann 1GO to 100 place 25 to 100 show Walter Mack 10 to 100 show showTime Time 103 J Track fast fastWinner Winner J W Pinkhams b h 5 by Lrcke Mc Lrkc Kontarabia by Oddfellow trained by J W Piakham bred by Mr MeBniycr Moore MooreWent Went to post at 212 At t ost 1 roinnte Start irood and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched ClKnSarmount 107 G18571Marffaret N 110 G10SS Marchtonc 114 61S37 Annt Sadie 110 110Overweights Overweights Judge Foi 2 pounds filOfifi SECOHD RACE S8 Kils 0 = 1 9 vv uw 1520 100 G 11G Burse 500 3 yearold1 Clairain Net valuo to wiener 400 second 70 third 50 50Ejuv Ejuv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin JocUey Straight StraightG170G G170G Maura 109 1 E T Moore 430100 430100G0937 G0937 Kcdcwiclc 111 r O Atwell 630100 630100G18SG G18SG Farall Taps 109 3 C Kamcs 19MOO 19MOOC102G3B C102G3B by Evulyn 111 4 J Groth 2801CO 2801COUuth Uuth E 105 5 T Wayt 1500100 1500100GIP3G GIP3G Happy Girl 109 FellD Bauer 720100 720100C18SG C18SG C Lefkovits 111 FellF Mooro 2530100 2 mutuels paid Jlaura 1180 straipht 540 plnce fSCO show Kedvick 7SO place C450 shovr I ircvell Tops 310 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Maura 4SO to 100 straight 170 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Kedgwick 290 to 100 place 125 to 100 show Farewell Taps 55 to 100 show showTico Tico 105V Track fast fastWinner Winner G Stewarts ch f by Ralph Iltis by Eothen trained by II R Stewart bred by Mr George J Long LongWent Went to post at 239 At post 1 niinnte Start good and slow Woa driving second and third the same sameOverweights Overweights Baby Evelyn 2 pounds Ruth E 1 I 103 G lie Parso 500 3yoar olds and upxrard Claiming 1fet vtlue to winner 4 0 second 70 tiird 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds Ind Horre Wt Fin Jockey Straight C001S A itiddlcton 112 1 P Ball BallG G 1931 = Jill W9 21 J Povic PovicG1818Ethel G1818Ethel H 105 3s T Wayt 61833 Arrow Point 110 4 E T Moore MooreC0858 C0858 Dinty 111 6 J Grotb 57837 Mascot 112 C O Atvrell 5655C3Elkton 112 7s T Williams 1SW100 C1881 Alex Getz 112 8 T Rae 2200100 2 iniituels paid Artiiur Middlcton 740 straight 3SO place 280 show Jill 320 place 2SO show Ethel II 520 show showEquivalent Equivalent Iwoking odds Arthur Middleton 270 to 100 straight SO to ICO place 40 tv 100 show Jill CO to 100 place 25 to 100 show Ethel H 160 to ICO show showTime Time 1C4 Track fast fastWinner Winner H Davis ch g 9 by Disguise Lar della by Luckford trained by C Davis bred by Mr J C Rodgers RodgersWent Went to pest at 307 At post 1 minute Start good end slow Won handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched CISCO Obstinate 110 G18S4 Jay Life 110 5CStW Fait Accompli 110 G185GJBlanchita 110 110Overweishts Overweishts Dinty 1 pound fi UJ7U 1 Q fi 9 FOURTH RACE 54 Kilo May 3 1521 113 6 122 Parse COO 3 yeaxolds E = d upward Ciaimiaj Met valuo to winner 400 secocd 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd StraightG1811 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockev Straight G1811 610100618J1 She Devil 115 1 J Groth 610100 618J1 Peg Eaton 116 2i O Atwoll 1520100 1520100GlG90s GlG90s Nes 115 3 G Williams 1CO100 C1859McLane 115 4 T Wayt G1384 July Fly 118 C T Rae 58377 Blminston 115 E T Moore 4100100 01885 J W Klein 115 BdnW McHncy 63CO100 2 mutuels paid She Devil 14SO straight 320 place 390 show Peggy Eaton 1020 place 430 bhow Neg 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds She Devil C40 to ICO Ftraight 310 to 100 place 95 to 100 show Peggy Baton 410 to 100 place 115 to 100 show Neg 40 to 100 show showTi Ti = e 120 Track fast fastWinner Winner I M lcuters ch in G by Peep oDay Mefidiesome She by Meddler trained by P Reutcr bred by Messrs Ott Barbce BarbceVeut Veut to post at 333 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Woa handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched G1SS7 Propaganda 112 618CO Cock rouh 117 G1S40 Hopeful 115 GlS3S Lucky Pearl 113 G1929 Goldie S 113 uituo f O R q iLLTH HACE About 5S Hile Oct 9 120 1CO C 11C Hill Top Parso Purse 5 CCO 3yeuroldc end upward Allowances Ket value to winner 4 Q second 103 third 50 50Equiv Equiv 0lus 0lusInd StraightCISCO Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight CISCO Huron II 110 1 G Williams 2TO100 f 399rOplan Klngl07 2J O Atwell 1230100 1230100GISSSFt GISSSFt Chclull 113 31 J Groth 373100 373100C1CG3 C1CG3 Murphy 113 41 R Ball 2CO100 2CO100Gl886Fest Gl886Fest Queen D5 5 J Pevic 660100 43020 Charles Jr 107 CJ A McVarish 1020100 G17 8 Skooter 106 7 C Jackson 1550100 2 mutuels paid Iluroa II 8 GO straight 380 place 280 sliow Olympian King 720 place 470 show Fort Cfccrchill 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking oilds Huron II 230 to 100 straight CO to ICO place 40 to 100 nhoT Olympian King 2CO to ICO place 135 to 100 show Fort Churchill 35 to 100 Mow MowTico Tico 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner J A Parsons b g 6 by Sweeper 7rca by Hamburg trained by J A Parson bred in France by Mr Herman B Doryea DoryeaWent Went to post at 409 At post 1 minute Start fair acd slow V oa easily second and third Oriv ius iusOverweights Overweights Skooter 3 pounds R UJ 1 0 ft U 4 t SIXTH EACE Atout 58 Kilo Oct 0 1320 100 C 116 Purse CO 3yoarolds and upward Claimlns Ket valuo to winner 4CO second 7C third SO SOEqniv Eqniv OdJs Ind IIorFe Wt Fin Jockey Straiglit GISaOSistcr Susie 115 G Williams GI800 Hoover 117 2J E T Moore 51C80Sweep E Morrison 2W100 G0939 San Diego 113 41 T Wayt C183G Virge 105 5J O Atwell C1929 Treadwell 111 C J Groth 2 iDUtuehi paid Sister Susie 3CO straight 280 place 230 show Hoover 500 plsce 310 show Sweep Up II 260 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sister Susie SO to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Hoover 150 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Sweep Up 11 30 to ICO show showTime Time 104 Track fast fastWinner Winner J A Parsons b m 9 by Galveston Sweet Lavender by Goldfinch trained by J A Parson bred by Mr James B llaggin llagginWent Went to post at 43S At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched CS55S Woodpile 106 C1749 Elga 100 61929Vansylvia 111 fi UJ 1 O fi UU Fv SEVENTH RACE 1 11G Kilcs May 3j 1921 153 9 103 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nat valuo to winner 403 second 70 third 20 20Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Vt Fin Jockey Straiglit StraiglitC18903Shcrt C18903Shcrt Stop 110 1 G Williams 10J1QO 10J1QOG18S2s G18S2s Capt Burns 110 2s E T Moore CM100 CM100G18893Jonn G18893Jonn Arbor 110 33 T Wayt 780103 780103G1880 G1880 Cruces 113 4 T Williams 202000 61755 Kalllpolis 113 6 O Atwell 1SO100 I 1SO100I G1840Jackstraw 115 6 J Groth 200100 200100G1S40 G1S40 Harry Smarr 112 PupD Hall 5300100 5300100CIS CIS JO Sea Urchin 112 PupR Ball 7330103 2 mutucl3 paid Short Stop 520 straight 320 place 270 show Captain Burns 440 place 300 show John Arbor 3SO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Short Stop 160 to 100 straight CO to 100 place 35 to 100 show Captain Hums 120 to 100 place 50 to 100 how John Arbor 90 to ICO show showTime Time 159 Track fast fastWinner Winner J A Parsons b g 7 by Carry Herr ¬ mann Little Nell by Cederstromc trained by J A Parson bred by Mr J Howard Lewis LewisWent Went to post at 503 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched C1920 llanet Land 115 G1801 Captain Tom 107