Jamaica Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-24


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JAMAICA FORM CHART SEW YOHK N Y TTJESDAY KAY 23 1S22 Jamaica 1 mile Eighteenth day Metropolitan Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 19 days Weather clear loaiperaturo CO Stewards J K Cowdin W G Street and W S Vosburgh Judges E C Smith arid C Coraehlsca Btarler Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary W C Edwards Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 1SO p m W Indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate date track record age of horse aud weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance ± FIRST EACE 58 Kile Hay 19 1317 9 2 103 Perse 110095 2rearolds V Jtt Fillies Allowances Ket vslaa to winner 80095 sccocd 00 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O V G18G3CMEN PNTAGES w 11D 1 1 I1 1 1 13 L Fator G Cnoos S5 96 85 S5 out outGieilMVATCHFL GieilMVATCHFL WAITG w 111 28 S 3 J Sa E Sando J E Madden 2 21 171012 out G1G4CELIZTH BEAN w 114 3 J 21 S 2 S C KummerB Harding 2 3J lS5710out lS5710outCONTACT CONTACT w 153 5 4 4 4 4 4 L Penman Oak Ridge StableSO SO M 8 4 4C18G8 C18G8 DICKS DAUGHTRwB 139 4 E E Pull up C Ponce C A Applejjate 15 iO 20 S 2 2Time Time 24 47 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner 11 f by Sandy Hook Eluina by Iantee trained by P J Stevens bred In France by Mr K R Hitchcock HitchcockWent Went to post at 232 At post 3 minutes Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the eame CARMEN PANTAGES took the lead at oee and steadily increased her advantage but tired in the last eighth and was doing her best at the finish WATCHFUL WAITING was crowded buck in the first few strides and was saved until en the stretch turn from where she moved up menacingly and outstayed ELIZABETH BEAN in the final drive ELIZABETH BEAN tras prominent all the way and finished gamely CONTACT showed excellent speed between calls DICKS DAUGHTER mu practically left at the post postOverweights Overweights Watchful Waiting 3 pounds Dicks Daughter 1 SECOND RACE 34 Mils Key 3 1323 111 4 425 Purso 110005 olds and upward Claiming1 Ket vaJno to winner E0005 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFIn Jockeys CS345 CANYON w 3 100 6 3 P 1 1 1 J McCoy W It Coo T 7 T 3 3J1 61425 VINNECONNE WB 5 102 E 6 6WB J1 2i J 2 E Martz G Peterson 15 20 20 S C18G3 VICTOR S WB 5 115 S S 71 41 3 S L Lyhe W S Kouso 3 31 3J C5 G1803 TINGALING WB 9 110 2 2 2w 4 6 = 41 4 I McAtee W C Clancy 12 15 15 6 C8CCO CARMENC1TA w 2 100 1 1 1WB 5 61 BJ C Lans M Li Mahler 6 12 12 6 C1803 ACE OF ACES WB 5 107 10 J JWB 10 10 C 6 G Babin C A Applegate 60 60 50 10 61803 BECKNA WB 9 115 3 4 4vrn 61 81 71 7i T Nolan A M Fraylins S S S 3 3Sl C1823MONASTEUT vrn 4 115 7 T Twu Sl 31 J 8 at Boxton R Flrneno 2 21 llW5 llW5S1 17G1 DARE wu 3 100 9 E EW6 S1 71 SI 9 H ShellickF K Hopklna 13 15 12 G GS 61542LIEERTY GIRL W6 110 4 Ifl S Si 10 10 B MarinelCI Welz I S 3 Time 24 47 J 112J Track fast Winner Cli c by Hannonleon Welsh Maid by Ltunswm trained by W H Karrick bred by Mr Mrw w n coc cocWent Went to post at 257 At post 2 minutes Sbirt pood and slow Won driving second and third the same CANYON took the lead at once and sliowinff the moat speed held on tenaciously for the entire race WINNECONNE always the closest contender finished Raiucly but could not quite cct up to win VICTOR S srradually worked his way up in the first quarter and ran a cood race TIXCA UNG was unable to improve his position CAR51ENOITA displayed early speed BECKNA could never secure n clear course MONASTERY ran out on the stretch turn turnScratched Scratched 617G3AIrrsarft White 05 GOGSOTlsistliblooni 03 C1S23 Election 107 G1845 Tilcoli 97 0182t Mandalay 110 G17G3 Valentine dOr 95 t17S7sUaniel A 97 G17G1 Jug 97 C1S45 Wclcwno Stranser 97 G1G45 Volcanic 97 97Overweights Overweights Carincncita 5 pounds SUED EACE 5 12 Furlongs May 13 1SO 105 4 122 Dakota Handicap 130055 Added 3ycarolds and upward Net value to winner 105555 second 5200 third 1CO Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S w 6 126 4 4 21 2s U 1 E Sande S C Hildrcth 75 8i 75 13 out outC1702ROCKET C1702ROCKET w 3 107 2 2 14 1 2 L Penman II P Whitney 2 11511C5 out outC187JMUSIGVI C187JMUSIGVI LONGE wn 4 100 1 1 3 S1 S 310 C Lang If C Fisher 2 1152 12 out C343SWAR MASK wn 6 110 5 3 4 4 4s 4s E KummcrJ Dundee BO GO CO 15 6 65S20G 5S20G CHAT THIERRY wn I 111 3 5 5 5 5 5 L Lyke Sford S Fm StblS 23 25 G 2 Tiino 23 = 4G14 jQi 105 eqtialj trsick record Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch h by Celt Workmiiid by Fatherless trained by S C UildreUi bred by Mr Arthur B Hancock HancockWent Went to post at 321 At post 2 minutes Start pcoil and slow Won ridden out second and third driving DUNBOYNE oft fcrwardly followed UOCKKT closely in the early running and under a vigorous hand ride outfinishcd him in the final drive KOCKET set a great pace but through the stretch was in close quartern and his rider was unable to do him justice MUSKAUjONGE was crowded and had to ba pulled up in the first eighth and could never improve his position after but ran a capital race WAR MASK and CHATEAU THIERRY were always outpaced outpacedScratched Scratched C1S67 Reprisal 114 61398 Alex II 95 FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles May 13 192 144 6 115 Focrteanth Running SOUTHAMPTON HANDICAP 500 Added 3yearolds Net valns to winner 6 00 sacond 700 third tOO Index Horses AWtPPSt U Sir Fin Jockeys o n c P s C1711REIAY TTSIS 115 2 2 11 I 1 2 1 = C Ponce Qulncy Stable 2 21 125710out 125710outG182G G182G MODO w 112 3 1 21 2 21 11 23i I McAtee ilodo Stable 2 1152 35 out 61745 LETTERMAN w 117 B 5 41 41 3 3 3 L Lyko Grecntreo Stablet2i 2i 12535 out outC1723 C1723 FIFTYFIFTY WB 1021 4 4 3J 3 4 4 41 L Penman J J Hertz 6 12 12 3 G 5 61737 OIL MAN WB 117 6 6 6 6 61 5l 6 L Morris Pelican Stablo 10 12 12 4 75 75G182GstGALANTMAN G182GstGALANTMAN w 118 1 S 51 51 6 G G H ThomasGreentree Stablet21 21 12535 out outjCoupled jCoupled in betting no separate place or show betting Added starter starterTime Time 24 49 114 138 144 equals track record Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by Assagai War Doll by Sir Geoffrey trained by J FHzsiniinons bred by Mr Willis Sharpe Kilmer KilmerWent Went to post at 350 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second snd third the same RELAY took the lead while rounding the first turn and saving ground on all the tuni out gamed MODO In a great finish Tlie latter raced in closest pursuit and took the lead briefly whin called ou in the stretch but tired slightly and was unable to withstand RELAYS challenge IETTEHMAN under hard riding outfinished the others but was hold safe by the two leaders FIFTYFIFTY raced well Oil MAN and 3AIANTMAN wore always beaten beatenOverweights Overweights FiftyFifty 2J pounds QO = FITTH EACE C4 Kilo Kay 3 1922 111 4 1S5 Purso 110095 SyearoIds 6f H C Q and upward Maidens and Wieners of Oce Race Allowances Net value to vinner 0095 second 5 00 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys CHOPS G178J MANY SMILES w 3 110 10 5 I1 I1 li I1 J CallahanW R Coe 75 S5 32 12 out Q w 3 110 5 1 4 4 4 23 L Kator Oak RJdse Stable85 95 85 12 out outG178S3EXCHLSiS G178S3EXCHLSiS w 3 110 G 3 3 31 21 3 E Sande Johnson 12 2 12 5 21 21ei573CATHNE ei573CATHNE MONE w 3 110 11 6 21 2 3 = 4s II Moore Marroae Stable 20 25 25 10 5 G17C2 LECI AIR we 4 118 8 7 71 ai 5 5s V Kclsay J Kahn 10 15 15 0 3 61827 JOSEPH BRANT w 3 115 2 S 8 71 6 Gl 1 Penman H P Gardner 50 0 30 12 G ICINGS FANCY w 3 103 3 9 91 0s S 7 H ThomasGreentreo Stablo 10 13 12 5 21 G130G CONFUSION w 3 107 4 2 5 C1 9 S G Babin Vulcain Stable 20 20 20 8 4 4C1SI8 C1SI8 MARY AGNES S w 3 103 110 C1 8 7 O5 B Marincllill S Bowri 50 60 GO 0 10 10GI GI 830 CARE FREE wn 4 US 711 11 10 10 10 G W CrollJ A Harper 10 12 S 3 S5 S5G1827 G1827 MAilBI w 4 113 9 4 10IS11 11 11 J Metcalf P J Mallcry 50 60 60 20 10 10Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast fastAVinncr AVinncr Ch f by Harmonicon Laughaway by Cicero trained by W H Karrick bred by Mr W H Coe CoeWent Went to post at 410 At post 2 minutes Start poor and slow Won handily second and third driving MANY SMILES set a fast pace from soon after the start and made a game finish SUEUANDO off forwardly lacked early spued but gained steadily through the stretch and was slowly wearing the leader down at the end EXCELSIS raced prominently throughout but tired slightly in the stittch drive CATHERINE MARRONE quit in the last eighth The last four horsej at the start had no chance chanceOverweights Overweights Escelsis 2 pounds Confusion 4 SIXTH RACE 34 Kile Hay 3 1622 1114 4 125 Purse 11COS5 3yearolds and upward Maidens and Winners of One Rftco Allowances Net value to winner SOO 95 second 00 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S G1G45IRISH SEA w 4 118 2 2 1J 1s 1 1 Lyke Greentree Stable 6E131CG5 25 15 15G1787SMASTER G1787SMASTER HAND w 3 115 44 21 41 2 2 J CallahanW R Coe 68621 68621G176GSOLYNTHUS G176GSOLYNTHUS WB 3 115 3 3 F 5 5 3 L McAtee W Daniel 21 31 1G545 25 25G17CG G17CG DAN BOLLING WB 3 115 66 6l 31 4 41 E Sande Oak Ridge StableS 12 12 5 2 G1788 MYSTIC WB 3 IDS 7 8 8 8s 6s 51 C Ponce Quincy Stablo 30 50 SO 20 10 10KELLERMAN KELLERMAN w 3 103 S 9 9 3 71 6 B MarinelliW AVenrick 30 ICO 100 40 20 61251 ST DONARD WB 4 118 55 3 2 Si 7s T Nolan T J OBrien S 10 10 4 2 25S223JFLUFF 5S223JFLUFF WB 4 114 1 1 4 6 S 8 J Metcalf H S Taylor 50 100 100 40 L 0 061S04 61S04 SHAFFER w 3 115 9 7 75 7 9 9 M Buxton J EhauEhnessy 10 10 S 3 75 75Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Celt Sand Dune by Rock Sacd trained by V Powers bred by Mr Arthur B Hancock HancockWent Went to post at 445 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing IRISH SEA took the lead quickly and making the pace fast held sway throughout and won in a canter MASTER HAND raved ground on the stretch turn and under hard riding outstayed OLYNTUUS in the final drive The latter met with interference in the early running and finished gamely when ar DAN BOLLING raced gamely but tired in the last eighth KEUJ2UMAN closed an immense tap ST DONARD showed speed for a half mile mileScratched Scratched G1S45 Jocose 10S 10SOverweights Overweights Fluff 1 ponad

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922052401/drf1922052401_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1922052401_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800