6th Race [6th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-27

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6th RACE RACECOETO 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Claiming UTay 21 1921 53 S S 2 110 COETO b f 2 Theo Cook By Largo by Sempronina Trainer K Sconce Own r Montfort Jones 61943 Churchill 45 t B4raat 146 111 7 S 61 41 E Scoblo 12 Pavlowa Antonla Panna C1771 Churchill 43 54faat 115 102 2 2 4 34 E Scobio 9 Poppyc Yalta Finday G15S8 Lexton 4J f 64fast 6 U3 5 3 21 44 B Scobie G FairAgnes Victoire MMinerrm MMinerrmI1 52S40 FGnda 33 37hvy 105 107 1 I1 1 E Scobie 7 Daniel Prince K Hughie 59716 FGnds 38 36 hvy 3 103 I 64 6 E Scobie 9 Prince 1C Nowata Daniel 59553 FGnds 38 35 slow 21 114 U 31 2 E Scobie 11 Duster Kewple S Illusionist HUGHES GRAHAM b ff 2 M 108 108Trainer By Kont dOr H Theodorita by Dick Welles WellesS1 Trainer V Perkins Owner G F Baker 62011 Churchill 41 t 54fast 7S 114 7 4 S1 24 E Pool 7 Jakie Hay Wida Old Top G1908 Churchill 4J f 54fast 145 107 3 2 3 3t E Pool 8 Fnll Spoon Anna Tod JakleHay C1794 Churchill 41 t 54fast 1710 109 1 1 14 2l H Pool 7 JakleHay OldTop PofUmbrU G1456 Lexton 12 43 fast 2310 107 1 2U 44 T Murray 11 Old Top Poppye Ailsie Verncr rOPPYE b f 2 107 By Theo Cook Maggia Quince by Petor Quince Trainer V Buford Owner Hal Prico Eeadley 51908 Churchill 41 f 54 fast 31M 0 104 1 4 54 54 G Breung 8 Full Spoon An Tod H Graham 61771 ChurchlU 4i 51 faat 3710 0 100 4 3 3G1G58 21 I1 G Breung 9 Yalta Corto Fluday G1G58 Lexton 41 55 mud 2110 0 105 3 3 3G1555 21 2 E Martin 8 AilsieVernor MissClaire JIIsy G1555 Lexton 41 f 56hvy 275 5 110 3 3 3G1495 1 1 J H Burkel2 AilsieVernor LitSiillie MCIalra G1495 Lexton 41 57mud 9 91115 111 5 4 2 2 JH Burkeia Anna Tod Palladiuui Spartina 61450 Lexton 12 43 faat 17 7 112 5 6 6BESS G 2l W W Tlorll OldTop AHsieVerror HGarhaia BESS L b f 2 108 108Trainer By Sir John Johnson Bath Miller by Hiller Hillereidemann Trainer G Lasd Owner C Weidemann WeidemannGI943 GI943 Churchill 41 54 fast 8 115 2 8 61 5s J Zoeller 12 Pavlowa Antonla Panna 61810 Churchill 13 OJislow 8 112 3 2 2G1054 21 1 D Connllyll Kent K Athlete Taylor Hay G1054 Lexton 41 56 slow 8 109 11 Ifl 12 12 M Garner 12 Full o Fun Valoise Deliiilva 61580 Le toa 41 55j rast 10 0 112 2 1 14 24 D Connllyl2 Hopeless Stone Age Gall Ford 61493 Lexton 41 57mud 13f If FordIf 103 6 2 2G1438 51 5J D Connllyl2 Anna Tod Poppye Palladium G1438 Lexton 12 4S4good 23 115 9 12 111 11 M Garner 12 Avisack Fightcook PaaaTak PaaaTakLESLIE LESLIE ch o 2 109 Ey Kont dOr or Peter Quince Siyo by Goldcrest Trainer GoldcrestTrainer J H Goode Owner J II Goode GoodeC1495 C1495 Lexton 41 57mud 7 112 10 10 13 12 S McGraw 12 Anna Tod Poppye Palladium G01S7 FGnda 3S C5fast 7 116 S 71 67J E Pool 12 Daniel Peter Brown Ilugliie S0037 FGnds 33 37 hvy 10 135 3 51 4si E Pool 7 Duster Prince 1C Peter Brown 53SS9 Brown53SS9 FGnds 38 SS SSsbvy sbvy 1310 US 2 24 1 E Pool 9 BGibson Koellia BilVhisSera 59593 FGnda 33 35 fast 6 111 8 84 8T H J Burkel K Williams Prince K Daniel 59506 TMsklaau1KENT FGnda 38 37hvy 15 118 3 41 4 S McGraw 12 Hughle IJetLuck TMsklaau1 KENT L ch g 2 M 103 By Sens Eorla by Henry of liavarre Kelley6190S Trainer liavarreTrainer T F Bornman Owner H Kelley 6190S GrahamC1870 Churchill 41 54fast 22 112 S S C S7 A Johnson 8 Full Sj oon An Tod H Graham C1870 Churchill 41 54fast 3 115 11 11 11 9 J J Zoeller 11 Belzonia Metric TrueAmcrican G1810 TrueAmcricanG1810 ChurchlU 12 49 3low 11 115 6 5 41 2 A Johnson 11 Bess L Athlete Taylor Hay G1G58 HayG1G58 Lexton 41 56 mud 42 101 8 3 C4 53 E Roehtn 8 AtlVcrnor Poppye Miss Clulrs G153G Lexton 5 115 11 10 10410 H King 12 Hopeless Bess L Stone Age M533 Lexton 41 f 57 thvy 13 110 6 6 G G1 H Gray 9 Shamrock Prince 1C Mt Rosa G1491 Lexton 41 56mud 31 115 5 5 41 31 H Gray 9 Larchtat Meulo Shower ofGolil BELLE AiHE b f 2 M 110 Ey Von Tromp Suth W by Kings Counsel PandTakeEIAY 61438 Loxton 12 434good 17 115 12 9 91 9 E Pool 12 Avisack FighlgCk PandTake EIAY BTJDDY ch c 2 K 110 By Eosturtiura Bird Cage by Wirein Trainer WireinTrainer J UcPherson Ownor 2273 Lako Farm FarmG1774 G1774 Churchill 12 47fast 66 115 6 6 G 611 B Kenndy 11 EterBells Jk Bauer ShofGoId CJ230 FGnda 38 35faat 15 118 4 S1 7 F Smith 12 Allle Ochs Dearie Kewnle S

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922052701/drf1922052701_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1922052701_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800