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1 11G Miles Tnansrurnl llnndicnp Syearolcls and upward 5th RACE Oct 7 1O1G 143 5 1 FIEEBHAin ch o 4 123 123Trainer By McGee Subdue by Star Euby Trainer R Gooso Owner X livingston livingstonC21GO C21GO Churchill 1 116 l44fast 710 120 1 1 1G2078 14 1 B Kenndy 4 Lady Madcap Minto II Bonus G2078 Churchill 1 14 2OiTsslow 1G5 119 3 3 3G1873 21 24 J D Mney 4 Extmtor BlStone SofPleusure G1873 Churchill 1 18 150 fast 215 120 1 4 4G1744 4 6 3 H J Burke 9 Extermtor LadyMadcap Rleau G1744 Churchill 34 lllsfast 13 117 12 9 10 10 H J BurUelS HighCloud MnrvinMay DrClark 68401 Lexton 1 12 231 rast 115 118 1 1 1 1 16S173 14 14 M Garner 5 UnitVerde Extermator Radio 6S173 Churchl 1 18 l43fast 5 116 6 6 4 3 3ES069 1 2 B Kenndy 6 Dr Clark Rouleau MarJ Hynea ES069 Churchl 1 116 145 fast 195 118 5 4 4 3 41 4 H Lunsfd 8 MarHynes DrClark Ginger 67947 Churchl 1 18 l51Hfast 6 116 4 5 5 4 4675G3 41 4 H J Burke 7 Bit of White Rangoon Ginger 675G3 Latonia 1 18 l56V hvy 1110 115 3 2 1 1 1s 1 L Lyke G HEColeman SofPle PPnnt 57393 Latonia 1 58 246slow 6 117 5 3 2 3 41 5 B KenndylO HEColen BlkServant Rleao 66347 Latonia 1 316 l57fast 19 103 6 8 6 2 11 1 B Kenndyl2 ApUIeDear LyMadcap SofPre 66718 Latonia 1 116 l43 hvy 145 101J 3 Z 1 2 2655SO 11 11 B Kenndy S Kinbura United Verde Jouett 655SO Latonia 1 316 l56fast 45 101 5 2 1 2 2K439 61 6 G Fields 8 BeJtPnl LaRablee Kxternatoi K439 Latonia 1 116 l44 fast 15 101 5 4 4 4 S 4 E Joaiah 5 BlckScrvant AphieDcar Glnser HOUXEATT br h 5 110 110Trainer By Tracory Eoyal Coinage by Minting Trainer K Spcnce Owner Hontfort Jones JonesG213S G213S Churchill 1 l37fast 1 103 7 3 21 11 E Pool 7 Parader Dartmoor Rep 61873 Churchill 1 18 150 fast 27 107 9 6 6C1G57 34 34 E Pool 9 Bxtmtor LyMcap SofPleac C1G57 Lcxton 1 14 2OCslow 1910 111 1 5 fii SofPleacfii BlarnStcne2l 6 E Pool 7 UVerde SurfRIder BlarnStcne 61589 Lexton 1 110 l44fast 2 108 2 2 2G1441 2l 21 E Pool 5 LMadcap TdIIonneur BStone G1441 Lrxtoa 1 116 l43sood 5 112 4 3 3ES334 31 3i E Pool 7 UnitedVerde Advocate Wdtrap ES334 Lexton 1 1S lC4mud S5 110 4 3 3 4 46S232 4 43S M Garner 4 UVerde Ctllcver SofPlsure 6S232 Lexton 1 116 l45fast 45 115 4 4 4 3 36S173 3 3 k M Gamer 5 JSReardon LMdcap WPrize 6S173 t hurchl 1 1S l49fast 4 107 1 4 3 4 3l WPrize3l 3 J D Mney G DrClark Firebrand MarJHynes 5S015 Churchl 1 l37fast 1910 112 4 4 4 3 3 J D Mney 4 MarJHynes DrClark Advocate E7725 Latcnia 1 315 l5Sfast 2 113 4 4 2 1 1E7293 21 24 M Garner 8 Guy MarIIynes SecGreetinffs E7293 Latonia 1 68 246slow 5 1C8 9 5 4 4 3 3 M Garner 10 HEColen BlScrvt SolPle 67339 Latonia 1 l42ihvy 1910 110 5 6 5 2 14 1 M Garner 6 Mile Dazie Ben Valet Loula A AJ 67226 Latonia J4 l12 tfaat 6 103 3 66 J MusklKe2l 14 M Garner 8 PeterPiper Westwd MusklKe 67042 Latonia J4 l13good 28 1CS 5 54 2l 24 M Garner 5 Ginger Angon Sewell Corabi CorabiC 66786 Latonia 1 l41 ihvy 23 112 6 C 8 6 C 6 D Connlly G Klnburn Bullet Proof Jonett 65533 LatonU 14 lllfast 5 108 S S SDE 6 4 1 H King 6 High Cost Marvin May ByGolJj ByGolJjBy DE CLAHK ch g 5 117 117Trainer By Broomstick Panasine by Peter Pan Trainer M Goldblatt Owner M GoldbLitt GoldbLittG2132 G2132 Churchill 34111 fast 2 119 2 B 6 54 D Connlly 6 Distction Brdalbanc Ctimeter 61907 Churchill 71 f 130 fast 1110 113 1 a 24 D Connlly fi HighCloud MintoII Gran Ware 61793 ChJrchill Cl f l18fast 1310 118 4 1 1 I1 D Connlly 5 Ctimeter Neddam HKColemn HKColemn3l 61744 Churchill 34 lll fast 11 113 6 4 46S32 3l 3 D Connllyl3 HCloud MarvlnMay MJcmima MJcmimaI1 6S32 Havana 1 18 l51fast 75 125 1 1 1 1 I1 I1 M Garner 7 Sei Prince Llewellyn Aiken 60219 Havana 1 1S l51fast 85 127 4 1 1 1 16S618 2 3l C Robson 7 Bil Barton GenMenocal Aikcn 6S618 Havana 1 18 l52Xfast 25 129 1 1 1 1 3 2l C Robaon 3 Billy Barton Atta Boy II 69382 Havana 1 l38rast 36 129 1 1 1 1 2 1 B Kenndy 5 LoulsA Riverside TheLeopard 68173 Churchl 1 18 l49fast 75 119 2 1 1 1 2 Ik D Connlly fl Firebrand Rouleau Marjllyne 68069 Churchl 1116145 fast 2710 120 3 8 I 4 4ESOIC SI MarjllyneSI 24 Q Fields 8 MarHynes Ginger Firebrand ESOIC Churchl 1 l37Vtfast 7B 123 3 1 1 1 167E9C Ik FirebrandIk 21 Q Field 4 MarjHynea Boolean Adyocata 67E9C Latonia 4 lllfaot 12 124 t I 61 6 1 Q Flelda 9 Dlathictlon nOoat Brookbolt t l Lututua 34 113 filow 2310 128 4 14 T BrookboltT 64 O FleldJi 8 Guy Mlsj Jemhna DJ h Ooit LADY HastingsTrainer MADCAP br f 4 112 By Bick Finnell Affable by Hastings Trainer J C Milam Ownsr D Brockinridro Brockinridro021GO 021GO Churchill 1 116 l44fast 3310 115 4 3 2 2 E Scoblo 4 Firebrand Mlnto H Bonus JG1S75 BonusJG1S75 BroLovaG1873 Churchill 1116144 fast 910 113 3 3 li 14 i Gamer G MintoII MsrJHynes BroLova G1873 Churchill 1 18 150 fast EO 111 2 3 2l 24 J Howard 0 Brtermtor Rleau SofPIeasnra SofPIeasnraf1812 ONeillG1589 f1812 Churchill 78 l25slow 4 ICG 1 I 2 2 J Howard G MJemima MFalhra K ONeill G1589 BlStoneG1454 Lcxton 1 116 l44fast 24 105 3 3 11 11 J Howard 5 Rouleau TdHonneur BlStone G1454 Lexton 34 l12 = fast 95 107 1 3 1 14 J Howard 8 Minto II Jim Daisy Furbelow 5S232 Furbelow5S232 WPrlr5S172 Lexton 1 116 l45 l45fcfant faot 32 101 1 133 1335S172 S 1 J 2i 2 J Howard 5 JSReardon Rouleau WPrlr 5S172 Churchl 24 lll lllfast fast 21 103 7 T C 51 6 J Howard 11 Centimeter Bstero JSReardon 58106 Brookholt5S043 Churchl 78 l24fast 5 103 3 4 4 45S043 4 4 4 J J Howard 7 MJemima Westwood Brookholt 5S043 Churchl 1 l37fast 145 103 5 S 3 3 2 24 J Howard 5 Brookholt BnlProof MlleD ai 57674 JSRdonJ733S Latonia 34 l121ifast 45 109 3 3 3J733S 1 11 2 = J Kederis 8 BofWhlte MMnf ns JSRdon J733S Darjeellng3S347 Latonia 34 115 hvy 1 107 4 4 S 5 2 J Howard B Adonis JSReardon Darjeellng 3S347 SdsofPlra3S3SO Latonia 1 31S l57fast II 93 3 3 I 1 2l 34 E Scobie 12 Fbrand AphleDer SdsofPlra 3S3SO Latonla 1 316 lE6V faat 10 56 4 6 3 S 4 5 J McCoy 8 BestPal LaRable ETtfrnnfc ETtfrnnfc5E525 5E525 Latoala 34 lUifast U10 107 4 3 3 U 14 J Howard G Bruuswlck MMnfflna BudKe a aPAKADER PAKADER BelhiTrainer ch e 4 104 By Whisk Broom H Pageant by Belhi Trainer J C Caha Owner T J Pendorgast RepG2010 62133 Churchill 1 l37V5fast 16 103 5 2 1 ZJ B Kenndy 7 Rouleau Dartmoor Rep G2010 Churchill 34 lllfast 37 100 3 6 6 J S McGraw 0 Brdalbane Neddam Centimeter 57673 Latonia 1 116 l45fast 5 105 6 4 4 3 31 5 541 J E Scobia S UVerde RanTraveler LouIsA 7433 Latonia 1 115 l43sgood 19 105 6 6 8 6 5 6 B Scobie 7 Rangoon BnaBuck BofWWM 57312 Latonia 1 116 149 mud 1 103 3 3 3 1 2 2 G Fields 2 H E Coleman 57237 Latonia 1 1S l51fast 8 103 9 9 4 3 3 3 i E Scobio 10 Rangoon Woodtrap AttaBoylL 57163 Latonia 1 l3S fast 7 108 6 7 3 3 24 24 N Barrett 9 Advocate UnitedVerde Loni A 6993 Latonia 1 116 152 hvy 65 112 3 3 3 4 4 4 N Barrett 5 Humphrey ColBaker BenValct 367C8 Latonia 1 116 l47sloar 85 107 4 1 3 1 14 11 E Scobie G GenlHais Furbelow UncleVeli UncleVelii 62SS Sar toga 1 hvy 156 i S3 1 1 1 1 11 1 12 Scobie 2 Devastation S185 Bar toga 1 l42xmd 10 1011 322 3223 3223NEDDAM 3 V U F Cltllcttl 4 TenLee Dartmoor Dry Moon NEDDAM b g 5 PlonudesJ 107 107Trainer By Ormondale Miss Kearney by Plonudes Trainer I Johnson Owner J Grcenbery 1G2010 62111 Churchill 1 116 l45fast 910 111 3 1 31 1 A Wilson 4 Jonett Tomahoi Wapiti G2010 Churchill 34 lllfast 10 101 3 2 Sk 21 A Wilson 6 Brdalbane Ctimeter MarMay G1793 Churchill 61 f l18fa t 11 103 1 4 l S1 A Wilson 5 DrClark Cmcter IIEColema 60533 FGnds 34 l13slow 6 111 4 3 32 J 4 4 J A Wilson 5 Centimeter AJackll ColTcna 60437 FGnds 1 116 l45fast 1 107 1 1 1 1 1 14 A Wilson 4 Gourmand Slip Elm BygDaya 60261 FGnds 1 116 l46Hgood 3 110 3 1 1 1 11 2l A Wilson 5 Gourmand BygoneDays Luaetta 60153 FGnds 34 113 fast 10 110 3 44 41 44 A Wilson 8 Elmer K Miss Jemima Valor 59S02 FGnds 1 l45hvy 165 10S 5 4 4 44 3 A Wilson 7 Manoevre DnkeJohn BlarStont 55719 FGnds 34 l13hvy 85 113 1 3 23 2333G39 3 2 14 A Wilson 6 Mercury TdHonneur StAllaa 33G39 FGndg 34 l12fast 21 110 1 34 21 21 C Lang 8 ElmerK Mercury BriphtLJghti 59176 FGnds ll41mud 7 108 2 3 2 3 3 34 C Ponce 5 ByDays BBnck KsChampa 5S416 FGnds Im70y l42fast 95 103 3 3 3 2 2 21 C Ponce 4 Thimble PastSwain WarZona 55375 FGnds 1 116 145 fast 31 113 4 2 3 3 74 8 J Butwell 11 Guy SofPure TlppityWitciet 5SOS4 Jeff son 1 116 147 cood Ji10 D TlppityWitcietD 103 3 2 3 1 1 1 C Ponce 0 War Zone Incog Veto MINTO II b E 110 By Sundridgo Miss Eonald by Bay Eonald Eonaldr Trainer V Perkins Owne r W V Thraves C21GO Churchill 1 116 l44fast 4 115 3 4 3k 3 W W Tlor 4 Firebrand Lady Badcap Boana C1975 Churchill 1115144 fast 3 11J 2 4 24 21 E Pool G LyMadcap MarJHynes BrLov BrLovIS 61907 Churchill 75 f 130 fast IS 115 3 3 3 3s E Pool 5 HighCloud DrClark Gran Ware 61744 Churchill 34 lll ifast 19 111 11 11 31 91 Et Pool 13 IligliCloud MarvinMay DrClark C1454 Lexton 34 l12fast 75 10G 2 1 2 24 T Murray 8 LyMadcap JimDaisy Furbelort 51424 Churchill 2 330fast 1310 124 4 1 11 3 H Lunafd G PifJr Sands ofPleasure Legal 51341 Churchill 1 18 l53fcfast 95 126 4 4 21 II Lunsfd G Clmore Wdtrap SofPleasnre 5125G Latonia 2 14 349Xfast 135 120 1 2 2 21 H Lunsfd 5 Pif Jr Donnacona Under Firo CHERRY TEEE b c 3 100 100Trainer By Broomstick Cerise by Voter Trainer M Goldblatt Owner H P PG2077 Whit noy G2077 Churchill 78 l2C isloar 4 96 6 6G1972 4 31 li B Scheffel G Hasteside JnSReardon AdonU G1972 Churchill 34 lllfast 31 103 10 3 4 4 B Scheffel 10 Deadlock Dolores ColonelBaker 61052 Havana 1 1S l54fast 8S 112 1 1G0810 3 61 44 L Penman 9 Rebuke Lady Astor Quesada G0810 Havana 34 l12fast 1 119 6 6G0713 5 3 1 M Garner 6 Rebuke LBlackSheep ColChila G0713 Havana 51 f lOSfast 66 112 3 4 2k 14 M Karner 8 ColChile Leghorn CubaEncanto G0197 Havana 34 l13fast 710 118 2 4 2ii 2l L Penman B 0 Encanto Leghorn Hutchison G0065 Havana 34 l12Hfast 2 US S 6 61 2 L Penman 9 Leghorn LadyAstor CEncanto 59G02 Havana 34 l13 fast 710 120 6 4 3J 381 C Robson 8 Llewellyn CubaEncanto DPcpt 59423 Havana 51 f l06fast 45 115 3 3 3 I1 L Penman 8 Lknow LBSIieep Hutchison 58978 Havana 34 l13fast 1 97 2 3 3 21 L Penman 4 The Boy FitzBoodle Louis A 58897 Havana 1 l47hvy 710 105 4 2 2 24 B Kenndy 4 Cydonia Sailllng Lad Legliora 58540 Pimlico 34 l12fast 36 112 13 13 121 12 = L Penman 13 Good Times Relay Plcnir 58393 Laurel 1 l41fast 910 108 8 8581GG 9 8l 81 J Mooney 10 Missionary AllFair SpanMaiza 581GG Laurel 34 l14V5good 75 105 3 3 3 24 F Cltiletti 5 AlexH SpanishMaize Ultimata 58042 Churchill 1 l38fast 4310 122 2 3 41 43 F Cltiletti 9 Startle Rocket John Finn 57799 Laurel 34 l14vslop 125 109 8 85G856 7 SK 5 1 F Cltiletti 8 Relay Yankee Star All Fair 5G856 Belmont 6Jf MC 12 fast 710 10S 2 25G7G1 1 1 1 L Penman 2 Pavia 5G7G1 Belmont Elf MC l05fast a 104 4 4MARJOHIE 4 3 31 L Penman 4 Harridan YankStar Rib Grass GrassBy MARJOHIE ETNES ch m 5 105 105Trainer By Dick Finnell Alice Baird by Woolithorpe Trainer L Jones Owner Harned Bros BrosG2132 Jones G2132 Churchill 34 111 fast 2310 106 5 4 4 44 B Kenndy G Distction Brdalbane Ctimeter 61975 Churchill 1 11G 141 fast 4330 110 1 1 31 34 A Johnson G LyMadeap MintoII BrothLoa 61873 Churchill 1 1S 150 fast 19 110 6 7 74 5C3 E Barnes 9 Extermtor LadyMadcap Rlsau 61 833 Churchill 1 lS9 mud 3310 111 3 4 411 47i M Garner 5 Blanche Mac Kinburn Bonus 61744 Churchill 34 lllfaat 66 111 4 46S173 6 71 7 J D MneylS HigliClcud MarvinMay DrClark 6S173 Churchl 1 18 l49fast 6 114 4 2 2 2 4 4T E Barnes G Dr Clark Firebrand Rouleau 68069 Churchl 1 116 145 fast 195 110 1 2 2 2ES015 2 Ik 14 E Barnes 8 Dr Clark Ginger Firebrand ES015 Churchl 1 l37Vifast 95 106 1 3 3 2 24 1 E Barnes 4 Dr Clark Rouleau Advocate 57917 Churchl 1 18 l51fast 10 107 3 4 4 6 5 6 J Kederis 7 Bit of White Rangoon Ginctr 57726 Latonia 1 315 l58isfast 225 109 1 1 1 15KJ47 2 3 3 J Kederis 8 Guy Rouleau Secret Greeting 5KJ47 Latonia 1 318 l57fast 22 112 3 2 2 2567S6 5 6 6 J J Kederis 12 Fbrand AphleDear LyMndcaj 567S6 Latonia 1 l41hvy 41 114 2 1 3 35C7S5 3 41 6 J Kederis 6 Kinburn Bullet Proof Joustt 5C7S5 Latonia 34 l124slow 13 113 3 6 8 71 5 J Kederla 10 Cho Cho Rangoon Anson ADVOCATE ch e 4 4Trainer 105H 105 By Ballot Inspiration by Fugleman Trainer J L Smith Ownor E H Hewitt 61 8 73 Churchill 1 18 150 fast 84 111 6 1 61 97j D Connlly 9 Kstcrmtor LadyMadcap Rlsaa G1S12 Churchill 78 l25 slow 2110 110 3 5 6 6 D Connlly G MJemima LMadcap MFallon MFallonI1 61494 Lcxton 1 116 143 mud 12 103 2 1 I1 1s D Connelly 4 TabdHonr BStone SofPlur G1441 Lexton 1 115 l43sood 21 108 2 1 11 2 t D Connlly 7 UnitedVerde Rouleau Woodtra 58015 Churchl 1 l37fast 10 3234 4 4 E Scobie 4 Marj llynes Dr Clark Rouleau 57333 Latonia 1 5S 2467islow 28 102 6 4 S 9 8 8 G Fields 10 HEColen BlkServant Rlcau 57163 Latonia 1 l3S ifast 12 105 105567C5 3111 14 14 G Fields 9 Parader United Verde LouiaA 567C5 Latonia 1 l41slow 14 110 1105W51 6335 5 5 D Connlly G Blanche Mac Westwood Legal 5W51 Latonia 1 l37fast 9 113 2111 2 2 D Connlly 4 Clio Cho H E Coleman Runzaf 5238 Latonia 1 14 208hvy 7 104 4223 3 34 J Francis 5 Firebrand Our Flag Petrarch 55095 Latonia 34 113 slow 5 114 3 33 4 4 W Lilley 0 Cho Clio Fallacy BalanceWheel 54732 Latonia 34 l15mud 125 111 111 1 1 W Lilley 8 DLoriutte SergYork U Wheel 64443 Churchl 1 l40imud 3 107 3314 3 3 M Garner 8 IIECman BKean Bothatlon 54267 Churchl 1 l37Vifast 10 108 3234 4 44 F Smith G Coyne Darjeeling SirTlibsKenB 54133 Charchl 78 l2Shvy 65 113 1411 1 1 D Connllylo WilTree Humphrey TVginlaa TVginlaaBy FKANX W b h 5 102 102Trainer By Marathon Maid of Fortune by Prince of Monaco Trainer M Goldblatt Owner M Goldblatt 62012 Churchill 1 116 145 fast 17 109 6 G 6 J D Connlly 7 Jouett Clintonville TippoSahib 61853 Churchill 1 116 l47hvy 6 110 2 2 2G1051 31 3 A Wilson 7 Rep Blarney Stone Tharon TharonS G1051 Havana 1 116 l43fast 31 111 1 2 2G0955 S 3 L Penman 4 EleanoiS TRollCall BBarton G0955 Havana 1 116 l46fast 31 114 3 1 11 31 M Garner 5 Ilerron Eleanor S Sea Prince 60598 Havana 1 l43 hvy 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 L Penman G MayorUoiise Hutchison Tlcacjy 50514 Havana 1 18 153 hvy 21 109 1 1 1 1 1S0453 1 14 L Penman 7 GMcal SPrlnce GJMGomea S0453 Havana ImoOy 14S slow 75 101 5 5 5 5 55S564 6 6 L Penman 8 MayHouse EleanorS BHkU 5S564 Havana 1 116 l33slow 1 111 3 1 1 1 1 1 L Penman 7 Melviu Inquiry Hutchison 59497 Havana 1 116 143 fast 21 109 1 4 3 3 33D443 6 6 B Kenndy 7 Riverside AttaBoylL LouiiA LouiiAI4 3D443 Havana 1 116 l46V6fast 85 109 4 2 3 1 I4 14 L Penman G Bermont Harlock The Leopard 59317 Havana 1 116 l4G fast 2 109 E 1 1 1 I1 21 L Penman G Sealrince Inquiry Fair Orient 55256 Havana ImGOy 143 good 2 107 4 7 E 6 6 A Pickens S GenJ MGomez Cromwl Aikea KINBURN ch h 5 102 By Duval Royal Captive by Golden Maxim Trainer MaximTrainer J C Gallaher Owner Gallaher Bros C1975 Churchill 1 116 144 fast 58 1041 5 6 6 6 E Scobie G Ly Madcap Minto II MHynes 61833 Churchill 1 l33mud 65 103 4 4C1553 1 2k 2 k B Kenndy 5 RlanoheMac Bonn MarJHyne C1553 Lexton 1 116 4Shvy 195 103 3 3 3J 3 E Noble 5 Woodtrap Gourmand Ashland 61441 Lexton 1 116 l43Sood 26 110 5 55S100 6 7 7 E Noble 7 UnitedVerde Advocate Rouleau 5S100 Lexton 34 l12fast 50 105 6 6 65S10S 6 6 6 F Weiner G Centimeter JimDaisy AmAce 5S10S Churchl 78 l24 fast 64 109 7 7 7 7 7 7 H J Burke 7 MJemima Westwood Brookholt 57623 Latonia 1 116 l49hvy 45 103 1 1 1 1 1 1 E Scobie 4 Adouls S Greetings P Ieunant 7461 Latonia 1 116 l43 hvy 2310 112 4 4 4 6 6 6 E Pool 5 BlcheMac GenIIaig PPennant 57237 Latonia 1 18 l51fast 23 114 4 7 I S1 S24 II J BurkelO Rangoon Woodtrap Pannier 1 l41hvy 1110 103 1 3 1 1 14 I4 H J Burke 6 Bullet Proof Jouett AttaBoylL