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LATONIA The horses which seem best in Saturdays Latonla Ky June 9 1323 1 Naughty Nisba Janku Ben Bolt 2 Cherokee Lavinia Grass Maid Z Paris Maid Legal Alex Jr JrANNA ANNA M HUMPHREY Hewitt entry entrySweetheart Sweetheart B Precious Lula Deadlock John Finn 6 Distinction Braedalbane Centimeter 7 Jouett Sands of Pleasure Brotherly Love J L Demosey DemoseyWeiv Weiv York IXmiflicnp 1 ClintonvUle High Cost Janku Naughty NaughtyNisba Nisba 3 Grass Maid Lavinia Rencelaw La Orb 3 Legal Paris Maid Balance Wheel Alex AlexJr Jr 4 Sweetheart Anna M Humphrey Miss MissMinerva Minerva Kindred C JOHN FINN Deadlock Precious Lula LulaTornahoi Tornahoi 6 Distinction Braedalbane Centimeter CentimeterNeddam Neddam 7 Jouett Sands of Pleasure Brotherly Love LoveBrother Brother Batch BatchChicago Chicago niicl Tlnffalo Handicap 1 Naughty Nisba High Cost John S Rear don Clintonville 2 Rustem Grass Maid Rencelaw La Orb S Legal Paris Maid Alex Jr Balance BalanceWheel Wheel 4 ANNA M HUMPHREY Kindred Punta PuntaGorda Gorda Miss Minerva B Deadlock John Finn Cherry Tree TreePrecious Precious Lula 6 Distinction Centimeter Marvin May MayBraedalbane Braedalbane 7 Sands of Pleasure Jouett Brotherly Love LoveAmerican American Boy BoyObservers Observers Handicap 1 High Cost Naughty Nisba Clintonville ClintonvilleJanku Janku 2 Grass Maid Lavinia Rustem Cherokee 3 Legal Alex Jr Paris Maid Tulsa 4 ANNA M HUMPHREY Punta Gorda GordaSympathy Sympathy Kindred E John Finn Deadlock Precious Lula LulaCherry Cherry Tree 6 Distinction Braedalbane Centimeter CentimeterMarvin Marvin May 7 Sands of Pleasure Brotherly Love Jouett JouettBlarney Blarney Stone StoneCoitscuNus CoitscuNus of IlniiillcRpi 1 Naughty Nisba Clintonville High Cost CostJanku Janku 2 Grass Maid Cherokee Rustem Lavinia 3 Legal Paris Maid Alex Jr Balance BalanceWheel Wheel 4 Anna LI Humphrey Sweetheart Kindred KindredMiss Miss Minerva E John Finn Precious Lula Deadlock DeadlockCherry Cherry Tree 6 DISTINCTION Braedalbane Centimeter CentimeterMarvin Marvin Hay 7 Jouett Sands of Pleasure Brotherly BrotherlyLove Love Blarney Stone