Blue Bonnets Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-10


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BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART KOKTHEAl aUS FHTDAT JUNE 9 1S22 Blue Bonnets 1 mile Second day Montreal Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 7 days Weather cloudy tearperaturo 53 Steward Representing Canadian Racing Associations Francis Nelson Stewards Col Wm Uendrie H B MacDougall K T Dawes and J B CampbclL Judges David Gillies W C Hogan and E C St Pere Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 300 p in Chicago time 200 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following tho distance of each race indicate date track record ago of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 5S Mila Juno 13 1S03 595s 3 103 Purse 1000 2yearolds Haidens Special Weights Not valuo to wiener 709 socond 00 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt G2049JLILT w HZ 2 3 21 1i 1 1 A Claver H Giddlngs 11 1M 1MG20G32OAKWOOD G20G32OAKWOOD vr 115 1 1 lh 2 21 2 C Turner W A Buck 3201W 3201WG1612 G1612 PATCHWORK w 112 3 8 8 G 41 31 H Steams B Harding iaj M C193GSDIXIE DICK w 112 7 6 5 41 Sl 41 J McTagt C E Patterson 1 S 1 0 0G22713TRIPPAWA G22713TRIPPAWA w U3 6 5 61 51 S 51 J Williams A V Thomas G2191 RADIANT w 112 4 2 3l S 71 61 T Parr ton E F Whitney 4 li G2271SSTRAIGHT SHTER w 112 5 4 4 31 61 7 R Bolton II Ncustetcr 24W100 24W100C1S92 C1S92 RICHARD MURRAY vll587 7 71 8 8 H ICinc C Deibol 755100 755100Timo Timo 24 48 102 Track havy J 2 mutuels paid Lilt 430 straight 275 place 305 show Oakwood 350 place 325 show Patchwork 715 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Lilt 115 to 100 straight 37 to 100 place 52 to 100 show Oakwood 75 to 100 place 02 to 100 show Patchwork 257 to 100 show showWinner Winner IJ f by Spanish Prince IL Melody by Meddler trained by H Giddings Jr bred by Mr J K L Ross RossWent Went to post at 305 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driving LILT slipped through on the inside while rounding the far tarn and raced into a long lead to win in a canter OAKWOOD set a good early pace but was driving hard at the end to outstay PATCH ¬ WORK The latter finished gamely after beginning slowly end closing a big gap RADIANT ran out oa the far turn turnScratched Scratched G22242Eau Gallic 112 G2277sElisabeth Jewell 112 G1355 Veronica 112 G2170 Briand llu lluOverweights Overweights Richard Murray 3 pounds Trippawa 1 6S2A 2 SECOND EACE 34 Kilo Sept 4 1915 113 5 105 Purse 1000 4yearolAa S i JO and upward Claiming llaiden Jockeys Hot valua to winnar 700 second 203 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U U StrFla Jockeya Equiv Odds Strt 61544 WILD FLOWER w 5 11D 1 3 S 6 2n 1i C E Dgle A L Brigsa BrigsaWB G2245JMARGT WHITE WB 3 103 ID S 1 2l I1 21 C Hamnd G Cboos CboosB 2155100 G13 11 THE DECISION B 9 1131 3 31 1 31 3 4 P Graham A Swinko SwinkoWTJ 183100 183100ODJ100 G22 19 RELUCTANT wn 4 105 0 4 7 7 7J 41 S Fulton W K Cooper CooperVB ODJ100 ODJ10012G0100 G2039POKEY B WB VB G 110 8 11 11C2090SBAB 121 10 51 6J P Paisier G P Sherman 12G0100 C2090SBAB 3 9S 5 2 2G2092SBUFORD 5i 4 Cl 6l P G Gross E L Carroll U20100 U20100G2092SBUFORD G2092SBUFORD w 8 115 12 10 10C2274FRANC 101 9 91 7 S Turpno J Lopea t tG2274FRANC C2274FRANC TIREUR WB 5 107 7 5 4 5l 8i Sl D Fuller F Scrio 2735100 2735100G2088 G2088 GEORGE W 4 113 9 12 12fi953sBACCHANALLVN 14 13 lll 9 A Sandsm M Seifert t tfil9532BACCHANALLVN fi953sBACCHANALLVN 4 103 13 1 81 8 10 101 S Banks J Da Estrampea t tG2092MESS G2092MESS KIT WB 5 112 n 9 9 11s 12 111 G Fenjsn M E Thompson 2105r100 2105r100G2089ZRAMONA G2089ZRAMONA IL n 8 110 14 13 IS 14 13 12 13 Seguin J Simard t tG2272MEUSE G2272MEUSE WB 3 100 15 6 2l I1 3 13U Morris J R Skinker t tGIC83 GIC83 WRACK PAST w3 93 414 111 121 14 li E Broggen M Finn 193 100 100G1097 G1097 CHASTE STAR 3 93 2 15 15 15 15 13 E Rcnzetti C Doibel 7270103 7270103fMutitel fMutitel field Time 24 49 115 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Wild Flower 5005 straight 2155 place 1535 show Margaret White 3003 place 1090 show The Decision 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Wild Flower 2432 to 100 straight 1127 to 100 place GCT to 100 show Margaret White 1402U to 100 place 445 to 100 show The Decision 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br m by Mngneto Lampovcr by Lamplighter trained by M Olive bred by Mr R IL Anderson AndersonWent Went to post nt 338 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing WILD FLOWER saved ground when entering the homestretch and finishing fast won going away MARGARET WHITE set a good pace bnt tired after disposing of MEUSE at the head of the home ¬ stretch THE DECISION ran well but just lasted long enough to outstay RELUCTANT MEUSE quit in tha last quarter after racing into the lead leadScratched Scratched G2272 = Mike 112 G2145 Perigourdme 110 C20oGEl Coronel 112 C2093 Dinty Moore 112 57125 Polygamist 112 112Overweights Overweights Margaret White 5 pounds The Decision 1 JHiKD EACE Absmt 2 Miles Stoeplechass Pnno 1200 4ycarolda and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 00 second 200 third 109 Index Horses AWtPPSt 5 8 12 14 Fia Jockeys Owners EiiulT Odds Strt G194GPERKIOMEN tv4 112 2 2 3 21 2 Ill1 B Haynea R B Strussburser S51M S51MG194G G194G FAIR MAC w 12 143 4 3 1 1 11 21 S B Kleeger G W Foreman 5S3109 5S3109G224G5ALGARDI G224G5ALGARDI vs 9 144 1 1 4 4 3 3 3e e 3 F Barry J W Healy 1170100 1170100G224GBUTCHER G224GBUTCHER BOY w 7 143 3 4 6 5 4 4 4 S VeitchJr C 1C Harrison Jr 343100 62014 FLYING FROG w 5 141 5 6 2l 3 L rider H McAfco Elliott Stablo 1CG3100 62303 BELLRINGEIl 8 149 G 5 6 Foil E Wolke E K Bryson 2415100 2415100Tims Tims 4C9 Tiack heavy 2 mutuels paid Perkiomen 370 straight 315 place 245 show Fair Mac 555 place 370 show Algardl 430 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Pcrkiomen 85 to 100 straight 57 to 100 place 22 to 100 show Fair Mac 177 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Algardi 115 to 100 Bhow BhowWinner Winner Ch g by Haldemau Nancy Grater by Nasturtium trained by J T Kcrmath bred by Mr R L Gerry GerryWent Went to post at 403 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third tha same PERKIOMEN after being saved for over a mile took the lead at the twelfth jump but iras ridden out at the finish to outstay FAIR MAC The latter came agaia at the finish after appearing badly beaten when going to the thirteenth jump ALGARDI ran and jumped well all the way BUTCIIKIt BOY tired badly FLYING FROG lost his rider at the eleventh jump and BELLRINGKR fell at the fifth FOTTETH EACE 1 Mils Sopt 7 1911 1375 3 107 Pursa 1000 8yeorolda and upward Allowances Net vaina to winner 700 second 09 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Strlln Jockeys Owners Etjniv Odds Strt ANET wn 4 11G 2 1 4 4 3l 3 I1 J McTagt T J Conway 3 30201G3MERCUTIO 0201G3MERCUTIO w 3 101 3 3 1 1 = I1 21 A Claver J 1C L Rosa 1051 X G1499 RUBIDIUM w 5 101 1 2 31 3k 4 4 3l J Wallace J W Bean 323100 323100G2248SPSLVN G2248SPSLVN DIAMOND w 5 105 4 4 2J 21 2 2 4 P Walla Seagram Stable 520100 520100Time Time 25 50 115 142 Track hsavy 2 mutuels paid Planet 845 straight 325 place Mcrcutio 250 place no show mutnels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent placeWinner booking odds Planet 322 to 100 straight 02 to 100 place Mcreutio 25 to 100 place Winner Blk c by Zeus Black Silk by Ornament trained by J J Duggan bred by Mr L Crist CristWent Went to post at 439 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second und third driv ¬ ing PLANKT close up from the start responded with a rush when called on in the homestretch and passing MERCUT1O in the last sixteenth won going away Tha latter set the pace under restraint for threequarters but tired after racing PARISIAN DIAMOND into defeat RUBIDIUM was coins fast t the finish PARISIAN DIAMOND tired badly badlyOverweights Overweights Mercutio 1 pound FIFTH HACE 7S Hilo Sept 17 1910 121 6 111 Wost Koaat Handicap 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada Not value to winner 1055 socond 300 third 150 fourth 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFln Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Strt G228 NOMIS w 4 9S 4 5 5 5 41 2 1i J Wallaco Brookdalo Stabla 4CO100 62248 YOWELL w 7 120 1 G G1 G G EJ 2s J Williams A V Thomas 310100 G2273 AFFECTATION w 3 107 7 1 1 I1 I2 1J 3i A Claver 175100 C1955ZBENGORE w G 114 5 2 2 4l 51 C 4l D Stlrllnz O B Akera 1570100 1570100G2273JKELTIE G2273JKELTIE w 6 111 3 3 S 3 3 4 51 J Rowan A Rogers 1315100 1315100G21G7 G21G7 SUDOR WB 4 113 2 4 4 2t 2 = t 3 G C Turner J K L Rosa t G2220 MICKEY w 3 ICO G 7 7 7 7 7 7 M And son E Glassco 21630100 21630100tCoupled tCoupled in betting as J K L Ross entry entryTime Time 23 49 114 129 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Nomis 1100 straight 715 place 220 show Yowell 580 place 215 show J K L Ross entry 205 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Nomis 450 to 100 straight 257 to 109 place 10 to 100 show Yowell 190 to 100 place 7 to 100 show J K L Rosa entry 2V to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Tippecauoc or Red Fox II Elfain by Sain trained by G Walker bred by Messrs S A K Dyment DymentWent Went to post at 509 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing NOMIS moved up rapidly when called on and easily passing AFFECTATION in the stretch won going away YOWELL was saved to the stretch turn where he saved ground and made a challenge in the last eighth but could never get to the winner AFFECTATION showed the most speed to the last eighth then tired and quit quitOverweights Overweights Mickey 5 pounds SIXTH RACE 1 Kile Sspt 7 1911 137 3 107 Pnrso 1030 3yoarolds and upward Clainiinj Not value to winner 700 socond 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt C2058ROYAL DUCK WB 5 113 2 3 6 6 ah 5 C Turner C N Freeman 62249 NATURAL w 4 102 1 1 21 3ak 2 1 21 2 L Gregory J Lyon Lyonw 62081STAR REALM w G 110 4 2 2J S 4 6 3H J McTagt G W Foreman ForemanWB 0224 ROYALLIEU WB G 109 7 6 4at 4 3 4 4 D Stirling W D Earnhardt C2219 MURRAY wn 5 112 G 5 5s 51 G 3 5 = k H Ericksn R F Coppago Coppagown G2245REDMON wn 7 110 3 4 1s 1 1 1 6 A Claver E J Salt Saltwa G2194JOAQU1NA wa 4 110 5 Left at the post J Rowan T II Wilson Time 23 48 115 142 Track heavy 2 mntnel paid Royal Duck 1L55 straight 535 place 350 show Natural 705 place 303 hhow Star Realm 295 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Royal Duck 527 to 100 straight 217 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Natural 2S2 2S2j j to 100 place 52 to 100 show Star Realm 47 to 100 show showWinner Winner Bi g by Royal Realm Duckshot by Jalliuule trained by 0 N Freeman bred by Mr George D WlC sncr sncrWent Went to port at 545 At post 1 minute Start good acd slow for all but JOAQUINA Won driving second and third the same ROYAL DUCIC was outrun early but came with a rash through tha homestretch and got up to win in the final stride NATURAL took tho lead when REDMON quit but hi rider was not of much help at the finish ROYALLIEU ran well REUJ1ON sprinted into a long lead in the eighthScratched first half mile but quit after leading to the last eighth Scratched 2091sChasscur 113 C21G15 Bromelia 107 GlOoOThc Enquirer 103 G2281 John Hoshor 110 62207 Sun Lrao 103 Continued on tenth page BLUE EONPiETS FOR2I CKAItT CONTTTfUED FHOSI THUIM PACK e eilt ilt SEVENTH RACE 1 316 Hiles Sopt 13 1910 159 4 111 Purse 1000 3year a clds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 700 cocorul DCO third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv Odds Strt G2175 HENDRIE WB 9 109 3 4 Gi 5h 6 3l I1 J Wallace F Farrar 13071100 G2094JDOLLY C V3 4 103 1 5 7 GI 41 5J 2 = N Swart E Saundcrson 1630100 G2025JPEGGY UIA ES WB 4 103 4 7 3i 31 2J 31 A Claver M Spraguo 1380100 622 70 WAUKEAG wa 8 IIO 7 3 2s 1 I1 I1 4 C Turner C N Freeman 440150 440150G201S G201S = AUSTUAI WB 7 110 2 2 5 4 3 41 5 H Gregory A Swlnke 1251CO 62282 62282SEXPLOSIVE SEXPLOSIVE v4103 6 1 11 2 51 610 6 P Walls E P Summerfield 2G31D 2G31QOC2015 C2015 MOLL CPUKSE vr 4 100 5 G 4 7 7 7 7 M Andson Mrs L A Livingston 6100100 6100100Time Time 24 50 115 143 204 Track heavy 2 mntucls paid Hendrie 2315 straight 1050 place 7C5 show Dolly C 1275 place 065 show Peggy Rives 705 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking oddj Hendric 1307 to 100 straight 425 to ICO place 232 to ICO show Dolly C 537 to 100 place 232 to 100 show Peggy Kivcs 2521A to 100 sliov sliovWinner Winner Ch h by Star Shoot Orange and Blue by Bridgewatcr tniincd by W Smith bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at G21 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same IIENDRIE was saved in the early running and came through on the insitle on the stretch turn and finishing fast raced into the lead and won going away DOLLY C closed a bis KP and finished fast PEGGY RIVES ran well but was tiring at the cad WAUKEAG raced into a good lead but tired in the stretch AUSTRAL did not respond when called on EXPLOSIVE quit quitScratched Scratched G21G9 Sailor 103 G2S002Spcctncular Girl 101 G19D1 Pretender 10G G2307JRomco 110 G202G Zoie 101 G2274Harry M Stevens 100 100Overweights Overweights Moll Cutpurse 2 pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1922061001_3_1
Library of Congress Record: