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LATONIA |. The horses which seem best hi Fridays ] races are: Lutonia, Ky., June 22, 1?22. I— LOUIS A.. Cheer Leader. Corson. ft— Barbara Palmer, Iteneelaw, Mayor Carrel. 3 — Cautions, Wm. Glut. Br is tow. 4 — Dartmoor, Cherry Tree. Toialip. K— Neddam, Gangway, Pindar PeeL e — Bullion, lfintfiiidn. Sanda of Pleasore. 7- Uncle Yelo, Troilus, Pictor. J. L. Dcmpsey. New York IIniilL-a;t. | 1— LOUIS A., Cheer Leader, Corson, Mazola. S— Barbara Palmer, Kennmare, Mayor Car- rel Benceiaw. ? I a-itious, Was. Ofdt, Macliiavclii, Pristow. 4 — Dartmoor, "berry Tree, Toialip, Rep. I — Neddam, Gangway, Pindar Peel, ChacoleL € — Bullion, Hands of Pleasure, Adonis, Easte- , side. 1 — Pictor, Uncle Velo, Troilus, La Foudre. Ci:tv-:t;; atitl It u IV .tin II :i n«iio:t . 1 — Cheer Leader, Madge F., Viar 1rize, Louis 2 Mayor Carrel, Barbara Palmer, Kenn- mare, Itodgold. 3 liable J., Machiavelli, De Bonero, Cau tious. 4 — Partmoor. Padua, Cherry Tree. Blarney Stone. 6- PIXDAR PEML, Gangway, Chacolet, Ned-dam. C " donia, Bullion. Tody, Tomahoi. 7 — Pictor. Uncle Velo, Philistine, Balance Wheel. »h iprviTpi I! :» ixMc:: [i. 1 Louis A., Cheer leader, Madge F., Ma zola. 2 Mayor Carrel, Barbara Faimer, Rence- law, Kennmare, 3 Machiavelli, Cautious, Wm. Oldt, Plan-! j U on. I 4 DARTMOOR, Cherry Tree. Blarney Stone, Tnlalip. t • tansway, Ncddam, Tindar Peel, Chacolet. t Adonis, Bullion, Sands of Pleasure, Ted. T — Pictor, Troilos, Bertagoat, Uncle Velo. Couandt-iiKtiM of li:!in!tca|u. 1- Louis A., Cheer Leader, Madge F., Corson. 2 — Barbara Palmer, Major Carrel, Rence-law, i-Ieimniare. 3- Cautiona, Mabel G., Machiavelli, Wm. OML V DARTMOOR. Cherry Tree, Tulalip, Blaine:- Stone. f — Neddam, Pindar Peol, Gangway, Chacolet. 6— Bullion, Adonia, Bands of Pleasure, Kaste- | ! side. 7 — Pictor, Uncle Velo, Troilus, Philistine.