4th Race [4th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-23

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jiL DcPLT 1 l-IO Miles. Pi. lit! Hill Pnrse. n-year-olds and upward. Allow- nlll nMoU «ufe«. Oct. r. 1F1B — i:i:: *i-5 — :: — i-zz.y DABTMOOK. ch. c. 4 109 By Whisk Broom II.— Pankhurst, by Voter. Proper. D. B. Miller. Owner, A. B. Gordon. 6263C Latoaia 1 l:3S«-.fast 9-5 107 3 1 1» F D OonnMly 7 BillyBrush. Jim Daisy, Tomahol I «•.•!:;.; ChurchUI llU7%faM 20 MM 2 6 6l 3*1 D Conully 7 Bouleau. larader, Rep 61909 1 hurchill 11:39 fast 10 112 3 « 2» 2:i A Johnson 8 Hold Me, Wapiti, Tomahol 61814 Churchill 1 1-16 1:47*4f!ow 17-10 115 2 3 2« B* A Johnson 0 EulchF., DcrnierSou, Chas. Henry r tOfiSS F.Gads 3-4 l:13Sislow 21 100 2 6 6 5 6»J C Lang 5 Centimeter, A.JacklL, Ccl.Tenn 1 I M4M F.Gnds 3-4 112 fast 4 106 4 4 4 3i 2l A WiUon 6 E.Bb.icher. Hadrian, St. AUan B I1IW Cbairrbl S-4 l:13%faM 7 IM 4 7 1 81 9*1 C Buel 15 Judge Pryor, Tharon, Bemiont EM11 Cbarcbl 3-4 l:l2-s,fast 11 110 1 10 8 8l 8" C Buel 11 JnS.Reardon. Cahalan, LastOSM e 67528 Latonia 3-4 112 fast 13 10612 7 7 71 7» C Buel 8 BngnBuck, Easteside. Wickford i 67368 Latonia 1 lUBISfaM 7 104 1 2 2 1 2» 4»1 A Collins 4 Bettlna, Easteside, White Star 57270 Lator.ia 1 l:39Vifast 21-10 lOf.i 3 11 1 S» 3« C Buel 4 BPkieDaw, T.Sahib. BrorlyLove * E7206 lAto.nia 1 1 :42*!imud H 112 2 2 3 3 2» 2* 0 Buel 4 Tryster, Knobbie, Frigate 66S7.4 Belmont 1 l:38".5fast 1-3 97 3 1 3 I 4 4* L Penman 5 B.McLgblln, Debdou, C.Swpei 1 66777 Belmont 1 1:27 fast • 100S1112»2|L Penman 6 T.Featbers, J.P.Joues, Polythls 1 PADTIA, br. m. S 100 By Predicandteux — Padoue EC., by Ajax. Trainer. J. T. Mcoy. Owner, E. E. Mooar. sjtJM Latoaia 1 1-1 2 OG-ifast 4 110 6 3 FUG Fields 7 The Wit, Alex Jr., MarineCorps a 62482 Iator.ia 1 1-4 2:07 f?st 17-10 105 1 1 F 1* ■ Martin 8 Countess, Dr.Rae, Wads.s Last t 62328 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :46=if ast 7 108 8 1 61 5iN Barrett 8 MakeUp, Cantilever, Marse John n C»13I Chun hill 11-16 1:46 fast 63-10 113 6 1 21 r N Barreu 6 Talalip, Clndeiella, Escarpolette e C»080 Chan hill 1 1-8 1 :7,2«4siow 41-10 100 2 S 6 6»1 E Pool 5 Mys.Girl. Aclerate. Honolu.Boy y 61910 Churchill 1 1 16 1 :46%fast 17 103 T T F 4» C Studer 8 J.S.Reardon, WaltHall. U.Velo 0 60485 FGnds 1 1-16 l:49%mud 15 100 3 2 3 5 5 4*1 J Wallace 5 Biff Bang, Tantalus, G.deCsusa « 60431 FGnds lm70y l:427sfast 10 17 4 4 4 S S 61* G Brenlng 5 Tbau dHeur, Wwood, B.Love e 60342 F Gnds 1 1-16 1:47 fast S 104 6 4 1 1 4» 2*1 R Ranelll 7 Bro-Love, G. Gables, Joaqalna 60190 F Gnds 1 1-2 2:33Hast 12 M4S3 3 1,»2»L McDott 5 Blar.Stone, Gourmd, Wad.sLast it C fi I C ft j it •; p, I | " 3 la 5 | 5 .-, z 5 | I 6 ♦; 1 IS ■ t e * f. t S i C M ; : 5 ; I li 5 5 5 5 i | ] 1 1 I f j I Is j ; U 1 1 i I I . : [ CITERBT TREE. b. c. 3 99 By Broomstick— Cerise, by Voter. Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, H. P. Whitney. C2063 Latonia I 1-16 1:44 fast 48 96 T 10 H »*• C Ralls 19 nistinrtion. rirebrand. Ronleaa BS4MJ Latonia 1 1-4 latMECaM 8 111 6 S 6 3*1 B Kenndy 6 Deadlock PreeusLula. Tomahol G?300 Latoaia 1 1-16 l:44«sf ast IS 100 7 7 «» • J Owen 7 Lady Madcap, Parader, Minto II. f.?077 Churthill 7-8 1 MHsAssi 4 96 4 31 l fc B Scbeffel 6 Easteside JnS.Reardon. Adonis 11972 Chunhill 3-4 1 aifast 31 103 10 1 4* 4» B Scbeffel 10 Deadlock, Dolores, ColonelBaker lllil Havana 1 x"8 1 Wast 8-6 112 1 3 BJ 4*1 L Penmaa 8 Rebnke, Lady Aslor. Quesada -.0810 Havana 3-4 1 :12"i. fast 1 119 6 6 3« 1» M Garner 6 Rebuke. LBlackSheep, ColChile iillr !!avan* 51fl:C6Vaat 6-5 112 3 4 F ll M Karner 8 ColChile. Leghorn, CubaEucuute G0197 Havana 3-4 1 :U~t*st 7-10 118 2 4 2»» 2« L Penman 5 C. Eneanto, Leghorn, Hutchison COOP.. Havana 3-4 l:12?ifast 2 IU 1 1 61 2« L Penman 8 Leghorn, LsdyAstor, C. Eneanto SFBBI Havana 3-4 l:13%faM 7-10 120 1 4 3* 3*1 C Robson 8 Llewellyn, CubaEncanto, D.Pepa o.. 123 Havana 51 f 1 :OG«i fast 4-5 115 3 3 S1 ll L Penman 8 Lknow, LB. Sheep. Hutchison 8978 Havana 3-4 l:12Vast 1 97 2 3 3* 21 L Penman 4 The Boy, Fitz-Boodle. Louis A. -8897 Havana 1 l:47**hvy 7-10 105 4 3 2« 21 B Kenndy 4 Cydonia, Smiling Lad. Leghorn 8.-.40 Pimlico 3-4 ld3%faM 38 112 13 13 12 12* L Penman IS Good Times. Belay, Picnic -.8293 Laarsl 1 lrll-.fast 9-10 106 8 9 81 8»1 J Moouey 10 Missionary, Alli-air, Span.Malse 58166 Laurel 3-4 l:14-f.good 7-5 105 3 3 3* «JF Cltilettl 5 AlexIL, SpnnishMaii". FltimaU SB4MS Churchill 1 l:2.sf.-,9t 43-10 122 3 3 41 4J F Cltilettl 9 Startle, Rocket. John Finn 57799 Laurel 3-4 14%alOfl 12-5 109 I 7 6* 5»1 F Cltilettl 8 Belay. Yankee Star, All Fair 56856 Belmont 6»f MC 1:2». fast 7-10 108 3 1 1» 1« L Penman 2 Pavia 3G761 Belmont bit MC LOCXtast 20 104 4 4 S« 3*1 L Penman 4 Harridan. Yank. Star. Bib Grass BLAP.KEY STONE, b. g, 4 105 By BerriUdon— Top Eock, by Eockton. Trainer, J. Hanover. Owner, Reiser Bros.. 72GP9 I-itonla 1 1-15 l:45"f.f ast 15 107 3 5 3» 21 G Fields C Sr Th. K an. Tulalip, Tomahol C2C04 Iatonia lm70y l:43%fast 29 MB 6 5 41 and5J G Fields 7 .louctt, S. of Pleasure, Tulalip ♦12411 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :4..sf apt 15 111 « 8 6» 5j C Ralls 8 Jouett. S. of Piej-ur-, Bro. Lore 2078 Churchill 1 1-4 2 Onslow 17 93 2 3 3« 3"i J Owens 4 Extmtor, Fbran.l. S.oflleasure 6304KI r-hurthlll 1 1-16 1:45 fast 17 111 3 4 61 3 -l II J Burke 8 B.ulio, Hold Me, Jim Daisy ;f:I87.°. Chunhill 11-8 1:50 fast 64 9: 1 3 » 9 S7i G Breung 9 B.Mermtor. Lii.lyMadcap, Kleaa .1853 Churchill 1 1-15 1 : 17 i.hvy 31-10 I08 5 4 21 2s G Gnning 7 Uep, Frank W., Tbaraa J1G57 Li ton 1 1-1 SBfEMa W 21 98 5 4 3* 3» L McDott 7 U.Verde, Surf Eider. Gourmand r.1.7.89 Lextaa 1 1-16 l:44 ifast 21 108 4 4 4« 4*1 J Zoeller B L.Malcap, Kouleuil. T.dilonnur [61191 I oxton 11-16 1:49 mud 5 99 4 4 3l V F Wilson 4 Advocate. T.dHonnr, S-ofPIure MSM F.Gnds ll-4 2CT-„hvy 7 104 Lost rider. F Weiner 8 Bun. Buck. I. Verde. S.ofltsuro 6tr07 F .Gnds 1 1-16 LiJhvy 7 108 5 4 4 4 21 1» J D Mney I Wy.newd. Pan. Swain, G Sable* 50421 F.Gnds lm70y 1:42 ..fast 10 104 1 3 3 4 4l i* E Barnes 5 T.dllonneur, Wnewood. B.I»»e SIR TH02IAS KEAN, b. c, 4 107 By Golden Maxim— Guion. by Dr. Rice. Trainer, W. Perkins. Owrer, W. Perkins, 12G09 Uitonia 1 1-16 l:«%faM 3 lu6 6 1 BJ 11 W Pool 6 Bl.irneyStone. Tuh.lip. TomabM G2fiiil Latonia S-4 lU2%faM 10 IU 7 6 5» S*| D Connelly 7 Gangway, NtyMsr-a, I I.uckr ,11831 Churchill 1 1-1C 1 :4s;,mud 1 113 3 3 5 6* T Murray I Gl tag way. T.dHonneur, Tul.me S14S3 Lea ton ll:2S„fast 13-5 106 3 1 11 2!i T Murray C Broth. Love, TosblSBl, BelcnQua 7,7308 latonia 3-4 1:15-. .mud 16 110 5 S 5 6» 7"* T Murray B At* HIsli, Mis Petite, Tfansal MMB Latonia 3-4 1 :12-6fast 90 112 7 17 7 7" W W T lor 8 Clio Cho, Adonis, Col. Baker aSMl Latoaia 1 1-M fast 10 109 7 6 7 7 6 S1T T Murray 7 B.Mac, Bottion, Bat r-iGrtiufS 15079 Latonia 1 1-16 lHB%f ast 6 106 2 4 1 4 6* 6» T Murray 7 Pastoureau. Mint Cat. Inquiry E4M3 Lutoula 3-4 l:17rihvy 2 112 S 5 6 41 F] W W Tlor 7 P.rotherBatch. OluCiiap. Guynor 54713 latonia 1 1-16 l:44*%faM 6 107 « 4 4 6 31 4»i T Murray 6 Bangoon. Phinet, Uncle Yelo 54267 Churchl 1 1:37. if ast 4 110 2 6 4 3 3» 3J T Murray G Coyne, Darjeeiing. Advocate EtSM Churchl 1 l:38Vsfast 13 108 5 3 3 2 F 1" T Murray 6 Coyne, Baa Valet, Baaga Buck 53890 Lextoa 3-4 1:13 good 7-6 113 3 3 3 3» F T Muiray 8 Darjeeling, Aceliih. BotUUoa RE?, b. c, 4 105 By Picton— Enchantress EC, by Collar. Trc.ir.er, E. F. Marshall. Owner. Marshall Bros.. f 2398 latonia 1 1-16 1:4*1 if ast 5 115 2 2 5:1 6»l J Zoeller 8 I/btBaaa, Tomahol. B.Winsfield B21BB Churchill I 1:2, Vast 9 106 4 4 41 41 J Zoeller 7 llf.ui.au, Parader, Darissaac C18;i3 Churchill 1 1-16 1 :17-0hvy 9-6 109 3 1 1 1» J Zoeller I BlameyStoae, Frank W., Tiiaroa C1773 Churchill 11-8 12 fast 33-10 112 1 1 1» 1» J Zoeller B Unci. Velo. ParhMaid. 1/yIJUisa G1713 Churchill 1 !Ut%faM 6 109 8 2 21 21 J Zoeller 8 Hold Me, Jouett, Tharon G1T91 Lexton i l:39.fast 17-6 107 6 4 4s 3l J Zoeller B Clint. .nville. T.-uy. WIckBsri 61.752 Lexton 3-4 IdSfakvy 12 113 7 7 51 2» J /.otilr B BaMlfC, J.S.Itc.irdon. Ch. Henry 61143 Lexton 11-16 1:47 good 9 113 6 1 2» 21 J Zoeller 10 Am. Boy. Escarpolette. Hoa.Boy 60.83 F.Gnds I l:42Uhvy 8 104 3 4 4 4 3* 3i J I ■ . iier 4 Bfaasesia, Slip. Elm, Barracuda S0 1 17 F.Gnds 1 1-16 1 :47,-ifast 12 106 5 5 4 3 ! 1 J Eoellar fi PinUIca, Willow Tree, Joaiiaina 502S8 F.Gnds lnruOy l:4FAhvy 4 102 5 S 4 3 3" 3*1 A Wil.-on 6 Biff Bans;. Servitor. Ashlaiid EMM F.Gnds 1 1-16 l:4FACaM 10 105 6 4 S 1 81 9" J Zoeller IB Pad**, Baasaf, Claymore 64XS2 F.Gnds lm70y l:5-3ihvy 12 105 6 1 1 6 6 6 « J Zoeiler OUnit.VcrJe. Blar.Stone, Cimars EMM F.Gi.ds 3-4 l:2u..hvy 10 106 1 2 2 21 21 J Zoeller 7 Malefbar. Servitor, Serculs TULALIP, ch. f, 3 92 By Ballot— Enterprise, by Bathampton, Trainer, D. F, Car.con, Owcer, G. Divrnhalier. 62C99 latonia 1 1-M 1 . :5ifa.st 12-10 C-7 1 2 4» 31 C Palls B BIlT.Keaa, BUrJBteae, Touiaho* j 2C 04 Latonia lm7j 1:43* fast 3 100 1 2 21 3i C Ralls 7 Jouett. B.ofPIsore, BratbXsva .2°.!9 Latonia 1 lUSicfaat 12 102 4 4 3"! l»* G Fields 7 Joaett, B,oPleasare, Saamook 62131 hurchill ll-16l:4G fast 7-10 97 2 3 I1 1« W Pool 6 Padaa, CbMereUa, sbiearpsMtla 61587 Lexton 1 1-16 IM1 fist 11-10 107 2 2 l1 ll J lio-vard B Br. White, st.nev.ill, Qpaleat 01 ICG Lexton 1 1-M l:31*..mud 6 96 2 3 2l 3J W Pool 8 Baecrpotette, Bertha B„ Megan CS259 Lexton FC 102%aIo« 7-5 109 3 3 3 21 1 I J Hosrard 12 M.Crestwd, MdrTbgb. Image 58194 Church! 6 f lU*%faat 22-5 110 4 11 10 8 8l 8*1 J Howard 14 C.dAinuur. Opulent. Reliability EMM Latoaia S-4 1:15 slew 29 109 1 3 4 8l 77i J Howard IS Carpenter, iaaka, TosaUarcJc. 572Cs Latonia 61 f 1 :07 fast 41 113 4 11 1* 1* J Howard 12 BtTrssb. Salamander, i.irtered 57074 Latonia HUM fast 41 109 10 17 81 7*1 J Howard 12 L.Polly, T.ColIsLady. Bkgliam EMM Latonia 61 f l:t7%faat 11 108 1 1 5 61 4«1 W Morseypj HoldMe. Lit Polly, LUllsaMaaB, 57.295 Latonia 51 f 1 07 «if ast 27-10 109 6 S 4 31 4* J Howard 9 P.rightTrash. LyMofher, K.indel 56119 Latonia 6-8 IMHUBM 14-6 108 S 11 li 11 J Howard 10 Commander Colin. Nig, Bauds!

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922062301/drf1922062301_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1922062301_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800