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0.-. DA PIT »-s *•!• . a-jear-ohlK. SellinK. July B, lOlO 57 4-5 2 | I 61U nALL us. CHILE, b. e. 2 Ml 103 By Dick FLnnell— 8 tar land, by Star Shoot. Trainer, S. C. Kildreth. Owner. Kancocas SUM©. f-M!."»7 AQUedact 1 4 I MHtmM 11-5 Ml 8 2 31 3J I, Fator 10 Daniel. Indy Inez, Raffles aSSIS Belmont S-S at aa%fast :". Itt i € 6 6" L Fator IS Martingale, Piavaa, Aut. Bells 1 1 Betawoat :-s at M f".st M Ml 6 8 10 98i . Futor 14 Nt-wmket. St.Vartine, Margale CORK ELM. blk. c, £ M 108 By Atheling IL— Schwalbe. by Sain. Trainer, P. K. Burch. Owner, Nevada Stock Farm!. 62741 AqaedOCt 5 8 .imu.i f. K:S 1 | :» 21B Paihe 12 Raff leu. Ijdy Inez. Air Bnbble « 2C.*7 Aqueduct S-9 ;.•.■ „!ast ■ M 5 10 lu W B Parka 10 DaaieL Lady Inez, Chile 61395 H.deGce 1-3 t?%t*mt 71 116 C 2 2 2a B l arke 10 Catapult. Oaage, Baeado 4.1157 Bowie 1-3 4.faandt 165 116 2 2 10 10 • H Iarke 10 B.l.u.k. Wdland. CmenPtages BEN WOOD. ch. g, 2 M 108 By Eoneyv.ood — Jeanne d"Arc, by Ben Stroiue. Trainer, J. Wilson. Owner. Marroie Stable. j *.t«3.s! Belmont S-9 at ■•! faat 1-6 US i C 4 2s P. Park. M Soldier IL, Soviet, n. Warren! CttCt Belaiont C] fat B%cood M 115 11 12 l2212rG Dyaoa 14 Tae Kiss, Vigil. Sunference C2:o.*» Belaiont a. r: B2%faat 20 315 2 8 8s 45 B Parke » BTaMoakey, ParkHOL Maaakaat I ROSEATE II. . ch. c. 2 M 10S By Sea Sick— Rosotta, by Maintcnon. Trainer, C. A. applaaite, Owner. C. A. Aaatagate. 6:-2!;. Belmont 5-8 at . ..rinl K 112 6 8 8 ■• C Ponce 8 N.IIan ir. BrilUaace, incnyms attCt Belmont U f at E2%sood M 115 13 8 8 1*1 C Ponce 14 Ti.e KMa, Vigil. Sunference i23!." Beuaont 14 at K%faat 60 i2 13 15 13 IV* C I«mg 13 McKie. Cherry liu, Canaijue !-:!•;. Jamaica t-S l:M%faat 3. 115 S 3 3 X-l C Ponce B Certain, Praraa, ape Clear 618-8 Jamaica 5-8 3:01 mud 40 315 6 3 3 Zi J 7 Bad Lirni r. Certain. Clinkcrina .loll Jaaaaiea M l:"l_fasi 30 115 1 3 Z- 4«; B Parka 4 Aladdin. HighChief, W. Wailing -1511 Jamaica l-« 14t%a;ood 60 115 2 4 5 5:3 l Lyke :. li UcMila. AU4dia. W .Waiting ; 6i48i Jamaica 14 1*1 faat 5- 115 6 and r* !•» G rat. in a Wbirld, B.Seiac QeauTaateker MOM re, ;;:s 14 :•■■. fast 0 1 »11 1 •- j * C Ponce 12 PriaceK . -■■ tallamptea, Dearie B! ::j r.Gnda I I M alow 25 115 7 M 10« C Powoe in Prince K.. Deiaaire, Old Top PRINCE Or TJMEP.IA. b. c. 2 117 Ey Browa Pr.ncc IL— Umbria, by Superman. Trainer. H. T. Btiffla. Owner. J. B. Smith. 1 62391 Belmont 5-8 st M faat M IM 14 b 11* M" C Ponce 14 Nc wrr.ket. BCVaTttaa, Margale j «2007 Chur 1 I 41 f 1 fast I US 4 1 l| l2 A Johnson 12 RaaUeatar, tiienlivet. Proceeds I 01791 Churchill tj f M.fa.-t 7 Ho 2 4 42 43 J D Maej 7 JakieHay, B.Graaaaa, Old Top MM P.Gi 1 1-3 .-.1m 15 HI 8 7 7" J»» J 3J Ifney • Prince K.. Lady r.os , Itork Mill F.Gnda I I i ifaa 15 US S 7! |*f W HeinchI2 Bark, Breraart, The Ulster MMP.Gada 3-8 57 hy 5-j M 6 7 71 B MarieUl 7 Daater. Prince K.. Peter BrowD DANIEL, ch. c. 2 120 By Back View — Mar.e Eraaces, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, A. B. Gcrtlon. Owner, H. C. Eisher. 62G5 7 A.raeduut 5-8 I :vl. fast 7 113 1 1 1 1J B Hand- 10 Iady Inez. Chile. Rafflos tiil J H.deGce 4J f M%faat is ],:• c 4 6 c C Kammer 7 Woodland. TraePtier. TaBTlakbei i:7 1 H.deGce 1-2 47 fast M IM 10 8 f I»* C l-:-.ns 10 BWehantntent, Hoik, True Flier C!:».«i:5 iT.dc-Gce 1-2 4? good 9v i!G 1 2 2 S; C Lang B Trae filer, Weedlaad, Osage C1124 Bowie 1-2 «B*4faat 7-5 11G 6 3 SJ 3*1 C Kommef B Bark, Lady Baaa, Bacaae 6018" P.Gada 3-S 3S%faat 5 116 4 * 1* p ClUletUU P.Brawa, iiag; ie. The H skinner MM P.Gnda 3-8 37 hvy 3 2 110 4 6s 1*4 ■ Ambr*aa 7 Luster. Prince K.. Piter Brown MBM P.Gnda 3-S 27-.hvy 3J 116 3 2» P P Citilettl 7 Carta, 1riuce K.. Uugiiie 6.7:c P.Gada 3 s M hvy 7-5 118 2 3" :« F Cltiietti B PttaccK., Nowata, Hughie f?5S:; P.Gnda 3-S 35 fast 8 118 1 31 35 F CltiletUU K.Williams, PriuceK., Hughie MSB P.Gada 3-8 4-6 Hi 1 li 1" F Cliili-ttilJ Better I.tick. Hughie, Old Top CORMAC. b. c. 2 117 By Star Sheet— Gertrude Marie, by McGee. TnJ er. M. J. Sfarphj. Owner. H. Cohc. CiC89 Aqueduct 6-8 1 :0 •- good 9 -T. 112 2 2 2J 2i II Thomaa S Thaaaalj, Rirk Ijady, Ghost fiS28 Aqueduct 5-8 1 :00= .fast * 152 « 6 6" 65i 11 Thomas B Aladdin. Crochet, Blue Hawk •Ult Belmont B-S a 1 12 US 6 6 41 6 H Thomas 7 Peter Browa, True Flier, Duster C200i Belmont 4? f fat Mlktaat H-IO 107 2 2 2 3" C Lang :". Hughie, Tea Notch, Prudential ERILLIANCE. ch. f. 2 li 105 By North Star in. — Bayberry Candle, by Cunaxd. Trainer, v.r. Bartk. Owner. J. S. Oaaaan. f-247". Belmont 4J f st 5* fast M-S 3:." 2 5 2 6*1 C Lajag 20 kfhndhnlth, PayDear, Nantokah Bttwt Belmont 5-8 st M*ftmwd 7 MS 1 1 21 fl C I.ang 8 NJtaaapc, Anjraous, B. Monkey I BttS3J Belmont 5 s tt r8.....d 4-5 3H iO 11 11 1 « C Lane 11 Create, Itaaiaartiil. su-sa 82154 Belmont 4i f st 7-5 ll ■ 3 2 :" 2 C Kntaaaar 1 Trae Plier, Kirk Lady, Haidee C2i : Belmont 4i at 52_fait 15 no 14 4* Al c Kuxmaer S Certain, ria»ai. Daacaoracaa PAISIEY. ch. g. 2 M 108 By Hone vwood— Busy Bee. by First Tenor. Trainer. W. T. Anderson. M. L. ABcc. M771 Tijuana 3-8 M fast M US I 4* 4*J C Studer 7 Melaclrino, Joelia J.. Fuber LITTLE E0PE. br. f. 2 M 105 By Bard of Hope — ranchette, by Alvescot. 1 1 Trainer. W. L. S. Martin. Owner. W. L. S. Mertir.L 614H 1-2 47. fart S-3 3T7 5 9 8" 7» J Callahanll Tall Timber. Windigo. Frank G. j RECOMMENDATION, br. c. 2 LI 305 By B thai lag. II. — Compose, by Honeywood. Trainer. P. M. Burch. Owner. Nevada Stock Farm Stable. ! C22C9 Belmont H t at 19 good 15 ;."• 1 i:. 13 i:v- H Parke 14 The Kiss. Vigil. Sunference 6220.5 Belmont 4J f st H*jfaat 20 U5 3 2 41 5" G Dyson 9 BIkMcnkey, larkliill, Noonhour POOR SPORT b. g. 2 CM 108 By Delhi— Play Fair, by Fair Play. Trainer, J. Fitzssimmons. Owner, Qnincy Stable. First start.