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Latest Work-Outs 938 b YONKERS, N. Y., July 22. The following are the training gallops at Empire City to- ,i day: E31PIRE CITY. Weather clear; track fast Thrce-Eirhths Mil. 0S5-Atta Boy II 2S 984-High C 37 9S5-Allie Oclis 33 9S2-Nev Hainpobire3S8 - 978- Bayonno 37and OSl-Trcvclyan 37 955- Blanc Seine ..35 Vnnderbilt 3G1s 0 97G-Drcam Days . .30i 9S1-West rittston .30 Half Mile. C i C 956- A1 Boyd 511 9S5-Lady Inez 52 933-Black Monkey. fit 9S2-Lucidus 51 980- Curio 61 985-Moonlit Way ..50 955- Chllc 49 933-Northclifr 4J J 8S6-Dough Girl 50 0S5-Fensivo 50 983-Eicusc Me 50 BS4-Polytha 54 , 979- Kast View 43 9S0-Pat Casey 50 l 954- Hephaistos 50i 9SU-kokes Drift ..50 J SS5-Jnno 51 Temptress 50 : 956- Kippio 50 9SG-Wrang!er 50 Fivo-Eighths Kile. 983- Birdshot 1:04 9SG-OM Virginia. .1:04ft : 976-B. of B. Rgcl:02 9S7-Paddys Lass. 1:04 955- Blsck Fox ...1:C3 DandVPuntn Gorda.l:03y5 i 9S3-Baby Boy ..1:00ft 980-Pi;tston 1:03 970-Rlazed Trail. 1:03 9SG-Peor Puss ...1:05 9S3-Cork Elm ..1:07 OSG-Stclla Maris .1:05 9S2-Contact 1:0 977-Husiana 1:0V5 98G-Driftwood ...1:05 9S4-Stony Point .1:02 aSG-Forest lore. .1:01 OOS-Screuader ...1:03 956- Uot Muffin .1:05 9S0-Tan II 1:01 : 957- Layol 1:03ft 9SG-Wilkes-Barre 1:03ft SSS-Mnicure Maidl:03ft 9S3-Yankeedom .1:03 Three -Quarters Kil. 952- Ararat 1:17 0S2-Paislcy 1:19 S7-Bright Ligbtsl:21 983-Petcr Brown. 1:17 9S5-Dr. Clark ...1:17 BSG-Reparation ..1:21 834-Frlgate 1:14 SSG-Rigodon 1:19 OSG-Finality 1:21 985-Itcsting Thncl:22 0S4-Gladbrook ...1:19 97S-St. Allan ...l:lSft I 9S5-Hullabaloo ..1:17 SS-Wbick 1:10 984- LKffare 1:19 OSG-Wellfindcr ..1:15 J 955- Lcchorn l:M1fc 9S6-Vcnizelos 1:19 956- On Watch ...1:15 Seven-Eighths Hile. 935- Armistiee ...1:31 andS5-Slciveconard .1:28 9S6-Llberty Girl .1:31 One Kile. 936- B. MeLgblin 1:12ft SSG-Peorgic W. .1:22 971Chat. Thieiryl:45 971-Halu 1:45 OSC-Clarksen 1:47 9S5-Irisli Confettil:44ft S6-CroinweIl 1:4S S83-Nancy ShanUsl:41 9SG-Cro-sIess 1:42 9S1-Ramkjn 1:44ft i 930-Corse Payton. 1:48 9S7-ltoyal Jestcr.l:44 987-Chcrry Tree.. 1:4-1 9SC-Shaffer 1:44 , 953- Drummond ...1:4C 9S7-Thlmble 1:40 981- Firm friend. .1:44 983-Wiae Dove ..1:50 Gunsight ....1:45 WINDSOR, Ont, July 22. Todays training operations at Kenilworth Park included the following: kejSilayohth. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 972-Aaracl 39 955-IJoyd George 39 and35-Boml 37 9S5-Max Gold 3C SSS-C. J. CraiKmlIe30 9S4-Taii Son 38 951- Oolando 37 0SO-THsuia 38 607-Gath 33 9S1 -Trickster II. .30 9SS-Uills2ale 35 8S6-Witch Flower 38 Half Mils. S73-Blaaes 53 950-Sans Pcnr II. 54 49G-Ir. Shafer ..52 94S-Staunch 50 OSG-GalUT-ant 49 985-Thorny Way ..49 917-Hindoostan ...50 S07-Trieks 50 rire-Eichths 705-Ossood 1:04 SS2-lush Pin ...1:05 853-Pretender ...1:03 Three.Quandrtera Mile. 952- Adonis 1:34 910-Jadjues 1:17 943-Brilliant Wayl:18 958-Pietrns 1:17 92S-Bunga Buck 1:17 9t53-Turnabout ..1:15 937- Fusee 1:18 98-Witch Flowcrl:18 Grcybourne .1:10 957-Waukeas ...1:18 One Hile. 02S-Belario 1:47 985-Our Birthdayl:48 Dan 1:49 9S7-Stanley 1:44 933-IIany Maiiml:44 929-St. Geraaia .1:45 930-Lunetta 1:41 912-Stamp 1:45 Gath showed some speed ; appears to be ! good. Charles J. Craigmile and Max Go!d ; ! ran well togetlier. Hillsdale showed some of I j ! his old-time speed ; is getting good. Thorny Way was doing her best. Gallivant showed more speed than usual ; is in his best form. Adonis was under restraint all the Avay and finished under restraint. Graybourne was ; doing about all she could.