Maple Heights Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-07-23

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MAPLE HEIGHTS FORM CHART MAPLE HEIGHTS, OHIO, SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1922. Maple Heights 1 mile. Seventh day. Ohio State Jockey Club. Summer Meeting of 13 days. Weather clear; tcmpcraturo 85. Presiding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Judges, J. S. Wallace and H. Klein. Starter, William Snyder. Racing Secretary, J. S. AVallace. Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, cge of horse and weight carried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. FIRST .RACE 5-8 Kilo. July 21, 1922 1:C0 2 119. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. I 6QTCT8 i 4 P JL Claiming. Not valuo to winner 50; second, 100; third, 0. i Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Bin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt i 63050 MARGART WARE w 107 G 5 5 41 24 li B Scheffel C A Bedencope 1100-100 ! C3G8GIIIGH TEA w 106 11 3 ! 31 U 2 M Fator C J Brockmlller 1EO-1C0 ! G2079CORTO w HI 9 2 2 1 3 3l E Scobio W J Dowllns 190-100 G1883 ARGO w 107 8 S 9 71 6 4 II S Jones A Morgan fl6S9-10O ! 63G07 VALMOND v 110 12 4 44 5 54 5 E lllleman A. Hill 7740-100 CB543 RAYMOND W. w 101 C U 6 6 7 Gl J Chalmers F Cropper S50-100 ; C2C8G ILLUSIONIST wsb 115 2 6 7l 81 84 71 T Rowan E C Bellow 1310-100 G3G59 ATHLETE wb 106 4 1 lh 21 4l 8 G Corey U V Haymaker 1850-100 j 63543 HAMBONE w 105 7 9 81 9 9 9l C Dishmon J A Carniba 7 G3402 DIXIE DICIC wb 106 1 7 111 101 10 10 N Foden C W Hall 3780-100 03007 BACK TAPS w 105 10 12 12 12 12 11 R Ball E I Shewbrldge t i C32G5MILDRED RUTH w 113 3 10 10 ll1 111 12 S McGraw C R Miller 1520-100 J tandIuluel field. Time, 1:01. Track fast. mutuels paid, Margaret Ware. 1.00 straight, .00 place, .10 show; High Tea, .20 place, . GO show; Corto. .G0 show. Equivalent booking odds Margaret Ware, 1100 to 100 straight, 250 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; High Tea, CO to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Corto, 30 to 100 show. Winner IJ. f, ly Astronomer Pin Feather, by Dalkousie trained by W. B. Flnnegan; bred by Mr. I Edward B. Cassatt. Wcut to pest at 2:12. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but RACK TAPS. Won driving; second and third the same. MARGARET WAKE gained steadily while on the outside of the leaders in the rush through the stretch and got up to win in the final strides. HIGH TIC A moved up fast after entering the stretch and showed in front at the eighth post, but tired slightly in the final drive. CORTO displayed much early speed in racing ATHLETE into defeat and taking the lend, hut tired finally. ARGO closed a big gap. There was much crowding on the far turn among those behind the first five at the half and MILDRED RUTH probably suffered most in this respect and was taken up. Overweights Argo. 1 pounds. SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. July 21, 1D22 1:05 3 110. Purse- 00. 3-7ear-O eQP7ETT 4 Uaid olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index noraes AWtPPSt 14 Sir Kin Jockeys OwncrB Equiv. Odds Strt G3661PRMISING TOM wn 4 107 8 5 I l1 1 Is E Rochm M M Shields t410-100 C3544HPPY BUXTON wb 3 96 7 4 21 2 2 2 M Fator J TIeuc GOO-100 G3542LENORA P. WB C 102 5 1 31 3 3l 3 J Chalmers H Neal 620-100 C2974 MISS KRUTER w 11 101 11 6 6" 7l 6l 41 J Carroll W N Beechwood 4940-100 G3G0G CURRENCY wc 7 114 6 8 4 4 4 5" B Scheffel O L Fostor 310-100 G3610LADY LUXURY w 7 107 12 12 C 61 61 6 N Foden E J Salt 419-100 G3544 LITTLE l INTER w 4 101 10 7 71 8s S 71 W Gourley W Maltby 4GSO-100 C3700:ZAINER ws 4 112 4 2 8 5l 71 84 J Smwood J A Brausa t G2543 BESS WELCH w 4 107 9 9 91 101 9l 9 H S Jones B F McClaln t 63403 GEN. PETAIN w 5 112 3 11 10i 9 10 10 A Romelli J Hutton 1640-100 G350G SALOME w 5 107 1 10 11 11 11 11 G Brown G Z Brown 2270-103 63G0G CHISCA w 5 110 2 3 FelL M Garrett I Gold 2850-100 fMutuel field. Timo. 1:CS. Trach fast. i mutuels paid. Promising Tom, field, 0.20 straight, .00 place. .30 show; Happy Buxton, .60 place, .20 show, Lenora P., .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Promising Tom, field. 410 to 100 straight. 150 to 100 place, 05 to 100 show; Happy ISuxlon. 130 to 100 place. CO to 100 show; I-enora P., 75 to 100 show. Winuer 15. g. by Golden Maxim Little Nell, by Cedcrstrome trained by M. M. Shields; bred by Mr. Thomas M. Murphy. Went to post at 2:13. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PROMISING TOM set a fast pace and shook HAPPY BUXTON off when approaching the stretch turn and drew a way into an easy lead in the last eighth. HAPPY BUXTON was a close contender for the first half mile, but tired finally. LENOUA P. run well and had no mishaps. MISS KUUTER closed up much ground and flushed fast. CURRENCY tired. LADY LUXURY was away slowly and raced on the outside throughout, losing much ground. ZAINER and SALOME were forced to pull up when CHISCA fell on the far turn. Scratched G3013 Milda. 105; G3542 Cock o the Main, 110; C313S No Wonder, 108; 63702Dr. Campbell. 100. Overweights Happy Buxton, 2 pounds; Ress Welch, 2. "and THIRD RACE 3-4 Mila. July 17, 1322 1:12 5 113. Pursa 00. 4-year-olds and 0L 6 c50 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt G3GG1 MARMITE wa G lit 7 7 14 1 1 1 C Garner F Davitt 570-100 63345 BOBBY ALLEN w 5 112 3 3 2l 24 2 2 J Hunmer L T Whltehill 910-100 GSCIOOLD SINNER wb 5 116 5 1 4 4 31 3i N Foden S Miodow 310-100 C3188 C REATION w 4 105 6 2 6 5l 41 4 M Fator R H Clark 720-100 G3GG1 SQUIRE WIGGINS w 4 110 1 8 8 8 61 5 J Chalmers F Cropper 4310-100 55570 BASIL w 8 112 8 6 6 6 5l G E Scobio W F Poison 740-100 03CG1 EEDMON wb 7 U6 4 4 Zl 31 71 7s T Rowan E J Salt 180-100 G3CG3 FLORENTINE w 4 105 3 5 T 7s 8 8 W Gourley W Maltby 5480-100 Time, 1:12 new track record. Track fast. mutuels paid. Mannite, 3.40 straight, .00 place. .10 show; Bobby Allen, .00 place. .20 show; Old Sinner. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Marmitc. 570 to 100 straight, 250 to 100 place, 105 to 100 show; Bobby Allen. 350 to 100 place, ICO to 100 show; Old Sinner. 50 to 100 show. Wiuner R. m, by Sweep Uenpcck, by Delhi trained by A. J. Flack; bred by Mr. Gillord A. Cochran. Went to post at 3:17. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MARMITE sprinted into an easy lead in the first quarter and, making the pace fast, easily held the others safe for the remainder of the way. BOBBY "ALLEN raced in closest pursuit of the wiuner throughout and finished resolutely. OLD SINNER ran well and outstayed CREATION in the final drive. SQUIRE WIGGINS finished with a belated rush. REDMON quit in the last quarter. Scratched G3CG3 Earnest, 112; 03 601 The Nephew, 116. Overweights Mannite, 3 pounds. FOURTH RACE 3-4 llile. July 22, 1922 1:12 G 114. Purse 00, 3-year-olds. eFftZA d 8 5 "it Claiming. Ket value, to winnar 00; second, 25; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt U li Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt G3GG1 WDING THRUGH v. 112 5 1 l1 1 1 lk S McGraw F Hawkins 320-100 63G90THEO wb 110 6 2 2 2 2 24 M Fator A Alexandra 100-100 G3CG25BLOXSOM HOUSE w 1C0 1 G 8 5 3 3s J Chalmers W M Brennan 500-100 G3GG2 FOY w 103 2 8 7l 6 5 41 R Romelli Foraythe and Bussey 300-100 G3GG2 SPODS wr. 103 7 7 4 4l 4 G C Dishmou W Feuchter 3400-100 G3G61 COL CHILE w 115 4 3 3 31 6J 6 F Mooro O L Foster 1030-100 57091 NANCY LANE w 95 3 G 7l 7 7 7 A Arvin F Cropper 2900-100 G3700 THE CIGARETTE wb 103 8 4 6l 8 S 8 J Allen H T Palmer 2210-10C Time, 1:13. Trach fast. mutuels paid, Winding Through, .40 straight, .20 place, .50 show; Theo, .70 place, .20 show; Blossom House, S2.C0 show. Equivalent booking odds Winding Through, 320 to 100 straight, GO to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Theo. 35 to 100 place, 10 to 100 thow; Blossom nouse, 30 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Vandergrift Little Slam, by Goldcrest trained by W. M. Reed; bred by Mr. F. H. Hawkins. Went to post at 3:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the Brne. WINDING THROUGH took the lead at once and. setting a fast pace throughout, outfiniahed THEO after forcing her wide all through the stretch. THEO moved np to the leader after rounding the far turn and made a game finish through the stretch. BLOSSOM HODSK was crowded back after the start, then closed a big gap and was overhauling the leaders at the end. FOY suffered from early interference. COL CHILE raced well to the stretch, where he bolted to the extreme outside. Overweights The Cigarette. 4 pounds; Foy, 3. ET FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Oct, 29, 19211:538108. Cleveland Day Handicap. eFET O e Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Not valuo to winner ,050; second, 50; third, 25; fourth, 5, Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt G3G09SCROUPIER w 4 105 113 3 Sl 31 V J Majestic H C Keisel 630-100 G35085LOUIS A. wn 5 108 1 7 5 6 41 4 21 E Scobie G Arvin 90-100 G3G88CAP ROCK w 3 105 3 2 l1 11 Is 21 3 J Chalmera J B Sweeney 1010-100 G3G09 MURRAY wb 5 106 5 3 21 2l 21 l" 4l R Holway R F Coppaca 900-100 G3G88 WAR PRIZE w 6 101 7 6 65 51 6 5 51 C Dishmon F Peyton 1510-100 63G88 FLYNG PRINCE wn 3 100 2 4 7 7 C S1 6 S McGraw Dortch Bros 1040-100 G3G09 CANTILEVER wb G 112 6 a 4i 41 7 7 7 T Wliams F Teyton t tCoupled in betting 33 F. Peyton entry. Timo, 1:51 new track record. Track fast. mutuels paid, Croupier, 1.60 straight, .40 place, .20 show; Louis A., .60 place, .50 show; Cap Rock, 3.70 show. Equivalent booking odds Croupier, 630 to 100 straight, 120 to 100 place, GO to 100 show; Louis A., 40 to 100 place. 25 to ICO show; Cap Rock, 85 to 100 show. Winner Blk. g, by Colinet Marie Hyde, by Handcuff trained by C. 0. Reed; bred by Mr. J. W. Fuller. tut to post at 4:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. CROUPIER raced within striking distance of the leaders to the stretch, then responded quickly when called on and held LOUIS A. safe at the end. LOUIS A. was forced wide on the far turn and had to work his way up on the outside, but made a fast and game finish. CAP ROCK was much used in pacemaking and close racing with MURRAY to the stretch and tired in the final drive. MURRAY ran a good race. FLYING PRINCE was crowded out and forced to pull up while going to the first turn. CANTILEVER was eased up in the last half. OfyCr SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Hay 15, 1922 1:43 7 108. Purso 00. slJ 4 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 00; second, 25; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 li Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt C3G91 SERBIAN w G Ul 2 2 6 6 4 11 1 R Bolton H Neastcter 390-100 G3304 CACAMBO wb 6 UG 1 1 31 Gl G1 41 2and M Fator A Alexandra 320-100 f.3691 MADGE F. wb 6 106 4 6 7l 7l 71 51 3l T Rae W D Millard 760-190 G3714JDR. HALL wn 5 107 7 4 ll ll ll 2 41 N Foden L M Reuter 1493-100 C3G12JHANDFULL w 9 107 5 7 8 8 8 7 5 G Corey R V Haymaker 400-100 G3G11CAPTN BURNS wo 11 109 3 5 5 3 3l 31 6s C Dishmon P Martin 2340-100 G36G4 SATANA wn 5 109 8 3 2 2 61 7 T Brooke C J Brockmillor 1450-100 G3G11 AMANDA wn 5 104 6 8 41 41 51 8 8 E Scobie J R Alexander 420-100 Time, 1:44. Tract fast, mutuels paid, Serbian, .80 straight, .00 place, . CO show; Cacambo, .20 place, .40 show; Madge F., .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Serbian, 390 to 100 straight, 150 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Cacambo, 110 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Madge F., 140 to 100 show. Winner Ch. g, by Ivan the Terrible Arline, by The Commoner trained by H. Neusteter; bred by Mr. C. C. Patrick. Went to post at 4:53. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. 8ERBIAN began slowly, but closed up rapidly while rounding the turn for home and, passing DR. HALL, held CACAMBO safe at the end. CACAMBO was shullled back on the far turn and came again, but was driving hard at the end to outfinish MADGE F. The latter was outpaced until in the last quarter, but came fast and gamely through the stretch. DR. HALL set a good pace and raced SATANA into defeat, but tired in the final eighth. nANDFCLL suffered from serious interference on the first turn and was going fast at the end. CAPTAIN BURNS ran well until midway of the stretch. Scratched C3714 Colonel Matt, 100; G3G89 Silence, 111. Overweights Madge F., 2 pounds; Dr. Hall, 2; Satana, 2. FYtZF? SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. May 15, 1922 1:43 7 108. Bursa 00. DO a O 4 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; sooond, 25; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Vx Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqul v. Odds Strt 63691 TOE THE MARK w C 103 5 G 41 4 2l 1 l1 E Roebm N J Hernandez 140-100 63573FRK SHANNON wn 6 103 2 4 61 SI 3 3 21 M Fator F C Marmot G20-100 CSGfl LAURA MILLER w 7 93 6 5 2 ll 1 2l Sl J Chalmers J N McFadden 1010-109 I i i ! ! ; j i J I 63704 1 SENTIMENTAL w 6 114 7 2 1 2 6 O 4 C Watson Barnett and Brown 220-100 63GG3RED wn 6 104 4 3 34 3i 41 5" 5 G Marino T Cheek 1120-100 G8GG3 PEGGY EATON w 4 108 3 7 7 G 51 61 G T Brooke A Hill 2900-100 G3119 OLD BROOM wb 10 105 1 1 Gl 7 7 7 7 N Foden A Gainanl 2210-100 Time, 1:45. Track fast. mutuels paid. Toe the Mark, .80 straight, .20 place, .00 show; Frank Shannon, .40 place, .00 show; Laura Miller, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Toe the Mark. 140 to 100 straight, 60 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Frank Shannon, 120 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Laura Miller, 80 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Oxford Tippetoes, by Long Island trained by A. 0. Porretto; bred by Mr. William McLaughlin. Went to post at 5:30. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. TOE TnE MARK closed up steadily after rounding the far turn and, passing LAURA MILLER in the stretch, held FRANK SHANNON safe at the end. FRANK SHANNON was cut oil when he attempted to come through on the inside when approaching the stretch turn, then came to the outside and finished gamely. LAURA MILLER had no mishaps and, after racing into the lead, tired in the final eighth. SENTIMENTAL dropped back on the far turn and came again. RED ran well for three-quarters. PEGGZ KATON and OLD BROOM suffered from interference. Scratched 63713 Slippery Silver, 93; 63509 Supermaid. 110. Overweights Toe the Mark, 3 pounds; Peggy Eaton, 4. cTaeFyEQ EIGHTH RACE 1 3-16 Kiles. May 17, 1922 2:02 5-rlOL Purse . 3-ycar-hj?Q 6 e30 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 50; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 63G12NORTH WALES wb 3 99 1 3 5 6 5l Si 1 J Chalmers W E Martin 730-100 G3713NASHOTAH w 5 100 3 4 3l 4 31 21 24 M Fator S HC3seltlne 300-100 G35452ZACK TERRELL w 3 103 8 2 2 24 I U 3 E Scobie J P. Alexander 430-100 GSGllFRED KINNEY wn 3 103 7 5 44 3 41 51 4 E Rochm W A Baumgartner 5H0-100 G3G89FIZER wn 8 110 10 9 81 8 7 7s 61 J Hunmer J Sand 810-100 63G90 SPECLAJl GIRL wb 5 105 5 6 6s 6 6s G 6l N Foden C W Hall 1740-100 03G64 BANCE WHEEL w 4 U4 4 S 7 7 8 S 7 R Romollt L A Scregnl 710-100 G3714MUSlTO w G 105 2 1 ll ll 24 4! 8 A Pecarro M J Hernandez 1030-100 G3512 PETE FOY wb 3 104 G 10 10 9 9 01" 9" S McGraw C L Pickering 4930-100 G3718 BALAROSA wb 6 U0 9 7 9s 10 10 10 10 E Hileman D B Freeman 4W0-1O0 Time, 1:5SJ new track record. Track fast. mutuels paid, North Wales, 6.00 straight. .40 place, .30 show; Nashotah, . SO place, .20 show; Zack Terrell, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds North Wales. 730 to 100 straight. 320 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Nashotah. 00 to 100 place, CO to 100 show; Zack Terrell, 110 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Bachelors Hope Grecian Bend, by Blues trained by H. S. Wallace; bred by Mr. Ralph B. Strassburger. Went to post at 6:02. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. NORTn WALES gained steadily on the outside when coming through the stretch and got up to win in the closing strides. NASHOTAH raced in a contending position to the turn for home and made a fast and game finish. ZACK TERRELL had no mishaps and tired after racing into the lead. FIZER closed up much ground. MUS1TO set a fast pace, but tired in the stretch and fouad the route too long. Scratched 03G645 Secretary, 110. Overweights Fred Kinney, 3 pounds; Zack Terrell, 3.

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