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Latest Work-Outs 999 SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. T., August 1. Todays training gallops over the jnain course-included the following: SARATOGA. "Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mils. aTO-nit of Wliitc.3u PUT-Locky Anto:ne.30 C97-llanker 15rown.3T 907-Monrich 35 IKJ7-Crcsta 3G 038-Kectortown ...30 U9S-KIirt 3Vi 951-nnnmath 3Sa DSS-Uaideo 3T 933-Stotkmar 37 037-Irish Brigauier3G 005-StinreiKh 37 iKJG-Kennmare 3a 937-Voodland 3G Half Mile. 0r4-Andacity 52 M7-IIcphaisto3 49 907-Anonjmous ...-IS 032-Iwaito 52 J33-llekoni 4!s J9S-I.ittIe Beauty. .r,2 OttS-ISnoctlesby 407s OOG-Miss Star 52 i !H0-Uoxwcod 51 1107-Nor Hampshire S97-Hetty Wood ..-43 COS-On Watch ...52,i j 8G4 -Certain 43 FirSietsr 4S 997-Capt. Coslisau.5075 022-Ihi!o;opher ...53i Dei-amiw.vs ...49 0J3-Kock Salt 50 952-Deep Siuker .50ts 997-Kunviso 48 997-F2as Staff ...4S Ilunetta 48 5K3-rriate 4S 097-IlancI:sc 43 S9; Finality 52 9G3-Svect Ixidv ..52 933-Jay Ircciver...iOS OSC-SoHtlin Cro33..19 S97-Ilish Speed ..43 S97-Sakali 49 0S7-lIilIboase 51 Five-Eiglithi Milo. Brad.s Tonyl:ai Nnifcakn 1:01 997-l!lack Fridayl:03Vs 977-Prco ltesent.l:03 007-llluo and Gidl:0-l 097-Icnuon 1:04! 555-IIroomster ...1:01 097-Iandowdy ...1:02 922-Cash l:01s 095-Kubke 1:01 997-Coutoi;r t:Ot 99S-Kiinr.ini 1:03 935 Klccted II. .1:03 5 997-Solisa 1:02 991- Iligh C 1:03 937-Tlie S97-Kernan 1:03 897-Sun dOr 1:03 9G-I.y i:a!timoicl:12 097-Toil 1:07 Si97-lliss S2i:th..l:03 997-Yt hiskaway .1:01 993-Xancy F. ...1:05 Three-Quarters Hile. 974- Ahp;rat!on ..1:17 997-Prcdish 1:19 995-Avnlanche ...1:1G 097-Iretty Day .1:16 992- Ho McMillan.l:25 997-Pnrity 1:20 993- U:oL-ade 1:1S 997-Tr. of Utnbrial:23 ViO .nice Tent ...1:1S Qnarrcl 1:23 UG-t Hatter Sea ..1:23 C!7-ltouIctte 1:13 im Crochet 1:20 jnC-Kontledse ...1:1S 995 Delcadia 1:18 993-St. Allan ..1:13 99S-lrosheda ...1:13 938-St. V3lentiael:14 975- Fil de Fer ..1:17 997-Shcrando ...1:10 C9S-IIenna 1:20 995-Sunferenee ..1:1G !:-95-Kindred 1:15 Transome ...1:23 W7-Knts Uridsel:23 1:10 JiOG-IilIy 1:19 Oito-Trajanus 1:19 995-Metrlc 1:15 937-Wild Ueatherl:15 Seven-Eighths llilo. 993 -Hockininlster 1:23 995-V.Tidseon 1:2S One Mile. 997-B. McLBhlinlOVi 995-Lady Madcapl:40 997-Calif:nla 1:44 997-Xorthcliff ..1:42 997-Georcie 1:40 997-Tryster 1:40 Hile and an Eighth. 997-Buntins 1:54 974-Startlc 1:53 Kilo end and Quarter. 93S-Sweep 2:09 Northcliff worked under restraint. Betty Wood showed improvement. Sunference ran well. Sweep By worked creditably. St. Valentine was rot fully extended. High Speed and Certain showed good speea on even terms. Runviso and Runetta ran well together. Solisa and Pandowdy worked head and head. Kindred and Metric both worked well. Billy McLaughlin did a good gallop. Frigate appears fresh and good. Flag Staff and Picketer worked from the barrier. Buntings fine work indicates his splendid condition. Tryster went with Bunting the first mile. Lady Madcap was not extended in her fine work-out. Whiskaway and Broomster showed a good speed test. Startle seems in form; she did her work in good fashion. OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; track fast Tbrce-Eizhths Mile. 897-Allie Ochs 38 971-Sportiboy 3S Half Hile. 99G-Corse Teyton .52 Lumlnist 53 950-Care Free 53 U3G-D. E. 0Slivan53 COl-Pastoral 5S 9IS-Knot 56 99C-Vanderborg ...50 Five-Eighths Uile. G9-Pony Expressl:0S OSl-Papillon ....1:09 Three-Quarters Mils. p! 997-Bud Turner .1:21 971-Pasiciroaria .1:21 9SS-Costlgan 1:19 998-1olly Ann ..1:18 9 903-Mustard Seedl:20 990- Violinist 1:19 I One Mile. I 0S7-nridesman ..1:43 995-Supercargo ..1:55 No work of consequence was recorded on I this course this morning. 0 HAMILTON, Ont., August 2. Todays training gallops here included the following C HAMILTON. Weather clear; track heavy; "dogs up" Three-Eighths Mile. 1 991-Arrow Point ..39 Little Billy ...43 937-Curwnt Evcnts41 995-Her Gaipty ...40 9C3-llerroa 42 975-Some Baby ...12 Half Mils. 1 097-D. of t. Valley. 52 S97-Lunetta 5S 0S5-Iiadema 52 99r-Bes:jrf 55 975-Kicx Trojan ..57 997-Sir Clrecce ..53 90S-Uot Coal 53 f Fiv-Eshths Mile. ? 997-Anuatic 1:10 9S0-Procyon 1:12 940-Ciceroaian ..1:12 9ei-llerormer ...1:07 . i 993-Uoctor Jim ..1:07 9SS-St. Germain. .1:07 i S S83-Fanatic 1:12 913-Salton 1:03 ? 997-Flame 1:03 9S4-Uptown 1:03 I 930-Rallipot 1:07 897- Veronica ...1:09 J 997-JoicpU Brant.l:ll ! 3 Tlirco-Quarters Mile. j i 9S8-Affectat:on .1:22 997-Kcltie 1:19 j S 974-Itue JeaU3 .1:24 985-1,. Goolhcart.l:24 !g 951-Elcr.nor S. ..1:20 978-Ixidy Zeus ..1:20 1 950-EsploMvc ...1:25 997-Ient 1:24 il 99ri-F.inaie e:in.l:22 997-Tip. Witchot.l:20 f j SS2-Uildur 1:17 9Sl-Volcanic 1:22 ; One Mile. A 993-Ajom 1:50 993-Kick. VSicksyl:5t 1$ 9S5-I!2Ktille 1:55 9.SC-Mi!ttikin3 ...1:49 jai 93S-Ioranao 1:52 732-Planct 1:51 930-Fincry 1:49 9S5-Snilinc; II. ..1:52 and 955-Frane Tireur.l:58 98-1-Tipsy Dance. 1:54 i -J 9SC-Great IIawU.l:53 0S5-War Mask ..1:50 Rex Gaiety worked from the barrier under restraint. Lunetta showed good speed with plenty ; in reserve. J Dream of the Aralley only cantered; his training form was never better. Reformer ran well. Flame showed a fast five-eighths. j St. Germain is getting good again. 3 Uptown showed some speed. 1 Salton galloped vell all the way. i Hildur was only going easily and seems to E be in good form. . Tippity Witchet is in fine form. 3. Muttikins and Finery ran well together. g