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OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear ; track good Threo-Eighthi Mile. G-Mormaw 37 G-Valentia 37 Half Mile. 9-Brumado 50 2-Gladiator 50 987-Best Love 50 7-Noon Glide ...53 8-Caveat Emptor.42 2-Rebuke 52 4-Cheapside 50 8-Win. Take A1K53 990-Etlinea 52 9S9-Waterfeather .50 Five-Eighths Mile. 2-Kulala 1:00 S-Paisley 1:09 4-Heremon ...1:00 2-Polly Ann ...1:05 974-Mawrcoron ..1:05 9-Playfellow ..1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 2- Coeur de Lionl:18 1-Mark Twain. 1:18 8-Careful 1:23 3-Mustard Seedl:2l 1-Hot Muffin .1:21 8-Scotsh Chief.l:21 8-Jocose 1:23 7-Ting-a-Ling 1:21 8-Knobbie 1:21 993-Zed 1:24 8-Kirkington .1:18 One Mile. 7- Bridesman ..1:47 993-Tangerine ..1:57 8- Duncecap ...1:57 998-Vendor 1:55 3- Pilgrim 1:50 8-Yankee Star. 1:53 Cheapside and Best Love cantered. Caveat Emptor is training well. Mawrcoron was under restraint. Playfellow was under restraint all the way. Kirklevington and Mark Twain worked fast on even terms. Couer de Lion seems fresh and good. Knobbie was under restraint.