Montfort Jones Day: Oui Oui Wins Rich Queen City Handicap for Him, Daily Racing Form, 1922-10-15


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; , 1 1 - MONTFORT JONES DAY Qui Oui Wins Rich Queen City Handicap for Him. Then Eesting Time and Cash Complete Triple Success for the Oklahoma Oil Magnate. LATONIA, Ky., October 14. Montfort Jones Oui Oui, heretofore not held in high regard, broke into the racing limelight this afternoon when she triumphed over some of the best youngsters that could be mustered in these parts, augmented by the eastern pair, Rialto and Cherry Pie. and scored decisively in the. much coveted and rich Queen City Handicap, at one mile. Following her came the vastly improved Prince K., followed by In Memoriam, with Donges and Great Luck next in order. There were seventeen starters, making the race worth 6,375 to the winner. Second money amounted to ,500, third money and the fourth saved starting and entrance fees. An element of luck, played part in Oui. Ouis victory, but it was a meritorious one at that, for she was always prominent throughout the running and she showed gameness when urged hard and steadily wore the leaders down to ultimately triumph by a length and a half. The start and finish was at the sixteenth post, a new departure here and due to an effort to give all an equal chance and avoid interference at the first turn. They began in perfect alignment, but the. track was not wide enough for the big band, and some were unable to find their racing legs quickly. The outer brigade particularly were at a disadvantage by being forced to make a wide Bicep at the first turn, this included the asterncrs Cherry Pie and Rialto, and they became eliminated at this stage. Indian Trail settled quickly in his stride and, accompanied by Prince K. and In Memoriam, he showed the way for three-quarters, where he began giving way and In Memo-: riam flashed briefly into the lead, but his tenure there was short lived, for. Prince K. headed him and he looked the winner until headed by Oui Oui. BRADLEY PAIR DISArPOINT-MENTS. The E. R. Bradley pair, Betty Beall and Bright Tomorrow, which figured so promi-l j nently in the Fort Thomas Handicap last Saturday, when they landed first and second. were never seriously formidable today and were through after going three-quarters. In- dian Trail likewise showed a disappointing performance. Donges and Great Luck ran well. One of the largest crowds that has witnessed the racing at Latonia this season, was present this afternoon. Conditions for the sport could not have been made to order in more suitable style. The weather was perfect and the track likewise. The Montfort Jones stable figured prominently during the afternoon, for in addition 5 to the feature race the stable scored in the succeeding dash, which brought out some 2 prominent youngsters, when Resting Time, a r heretofore disappointment, showed sudden staying ability and outgarried Triumph, in 1 spite of interference that J. Heupel, astride t Triumph, subjected her to the last eighth. " j Heupel later claimed foul, but the stewards u turned deaf ears to his appeal. Heupel " seemed the agressor and many expected that c the stewards would fine him for making a frivolous complaint. e Montfort Jones third winner was Cash, n which scored in a runaway style in the second race, in which some ordinary young-s sters met. At no time did Cash leave the I result in doubt and he won as his rider r pleased. of ,f I1HAEAL11AE HARD PRESSED. !" Fair Phantom, another Montfort Jones n owned one, landed in second place and forced Braedalbane to exert himself to his utmost to land the purse in the three-quarters mile :. handicap, which served as the secondary if l, feature. Some of the best sprinters in these :i a parts started in the race. Centimeter landing . in third place. The other Montfort Jones IC representative to figure was John S. Rear-don in the introductory dash. He was beaten a scant margin by Auntie May after a hard lc. drive. . Jockey L. McDermott was suspended for r five days by the starter ror misbehavior at the post in the stake race. l General Manager Winn has plans drawn to place the stewards stand in the field next n year. A tunnel under the race track also S- will be constructed near the sixteenth post. the 10 The present stewards stand will be torn down, as it obstructs the view of hundreds e in the grandstand. The top of the proposed s- tunnel will be five feet beneath the surface -e of the track. n" The application of Albert Gantner for a id 1 . Continued on eleventh page. MONTFORT JONES DAY Continued from first page. jockeys license was approved by the stewards. The application of S. P. Harlan for a .trainers license -was also approved, j Jockey Connelly was suspended five days jfor rough riding in the stretch in the second race. He interf erred with E. Pool on C. A. j Reinhart. Frank J. Bruen, general manager of the Cuba-American Jockey and Auto Club, will conclude his present visit to Latonia on Mon-day morning when he will depart for Laurel jand New York. He plans to return to La jtonia about November 1 to attend final ar-i rangements regarding the dispatch of the I Havana Special, scheduled to leave here No-; vember 7. According to his estimate fuliy 200 horses now racing at Latonia will he available for the meeting at the Cuban track. Lawrence Watcrbury, accompanied by F. K. Sheeley, were arrivals today from New York to witness the running of the Queen City Handicap. They left tonight for French Lick Springs. ! Trainers S. P. Harlan and James Ttowe, Jr., departed tonight for New York, accom-jpanied by jockeys Keogh and Lyke. Rialto and Cherry Pie were transferred to New also this evening. JYork

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Local Identifier: drf1922101501_1_6
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