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Latest Work-Outs 87 LATONIA, Ky., November 2. Todays training gallops here Avere as follows: LATOIA. Weather cloudy; track fast Throe-Eighths Mile. 75-B. From IlomeSSIf, 70 -Isosceles 36 C. A. Comisl;pyi5Ti; 85-Post hide 35 and 81- Klmer K 37 76-Royal Palm ...36 75- Foul Weather .3G 82-War Idol 30 Half Mile. 72-Ar. Alexander 51 S4-Marvin May ..AOa Carrue 49 S4-Post Haste ."0 79-Coyne 43 81 - Prince Tii Tii 48 S4-Fighting Cook 49 S3-Taylor Ilav ...4S 84-Lcslie r,0 Five -Eighths Kilo. 84- Argo 1:03 74-OrIov.-. 1:06 3l-Escarpolctte .l:0tVf. 83-Proinisg Tmil:03 85- Loct Leaves 1:03 S4-Ril Gr.iss . ..1:02; Three -Quarters Mile. 82- Beg Pardon .1:15 Si-Fair Ihantoml :15Vs 85-Blanche Mac 1:14 80-Manoevre ...1:15 Sl-Buster 1:10 Seven-Eighths Mile. 70-Marie Maximl:34 One Mile. 54- British Liner 1:51 85-Miss Petite .1:42 66-Cherry Tree 1:54 73-Smuts 1:44 83- MalIowmot ..1:41 Oze Mile aad Five-Eighths. 8-Blarney Stone2:55 j Postlude shoAved extra speed. ManoeAre did a good Avork. Beg Pardon ran Avell. Blanche Macs Avork Avas good. Miss Petite galloped impressively. Blarney Stone Avas under restraint all the ! way. BALTIMORE, Md., November 2. Todays training gallops here included the following: PIMLICO. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Si-Anna Gallup ..38 84-LEffare 35 76- Dan Boiling ..37 7-Muttikins 40 82- Dcughnut 37 902-Pickwick 37 70-Fayeile 33 85-Sttting Sun 36 85-IIidden Jewel.. 3S 05-W. Take All 39 55- Lady Myra 37 Half Mile. 730-Ace High 52 59-King Sol.s Seal52 7S-Buddugie 49 S4-K. of the Uer 49 85-Betty Beall ..50 81-Littlc Ed 50 79- Bridesman 50 83-Mint Stick 48 75- Brilliance 49 73-0:1 Man 52 ! 56- Brocklesby 50 80-1at Casey 4S 51-Devastation ...52 80-Pauia Shay 48 80- Duke John 51 80-Romp. Home ..49 j 70-Duster 49 65-Solisa 49 50- Fair Virginia. . .51 83-Titania 53 85-Fannie Bean ..51 79-Fntidv 49 83- Felicitons 48 950-Zoo:ia 48 79 - Forest Lore ...51 , Five -Eighths Mile. j 51- Boys Bve Me 1:03 S3-Insulatn 1:06 j 85-B. Tomorw 1:01 83-Prctext 1:00 84- Evel. Ruth G.l:04 S3 -Well finder ..1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 70-Ainan. Hoey 1:17 ..1:17 SO-Ege 1:18 S2-Lunetta 1:17 85- Exodus 1:17 S4-Pow Wow ..1:16 85-Fifty-Fifty .1:16 85-Sailing Alongl:15 85-Galantman ..1:17 70-Serapis 1:23 84-Grace Fosterl:17 972-Triliune 1:16 83- Hoy 1:17 62-Vorkist 1:23 84- Jolly 1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. 81- Balustrade ..1:31 05-Poo 1:30 82- Frank G. ...1:2S One Mile. 85- Antilles 1:45 S5-IIoudini 1:4S 85-Bal. Wheel.. 1:45 S3-Keltie 1:49 S5-Capt. Alcock 1:44 55 -Lady Zeus ..1:44 76- Cirrus 1:4S bt-Moomnker ..1:40 83- Dark Hill ..1:50 79-Picketer 1:40 SO-D. of Allah 1:44 SO-PVe James.. 1:40 85- Dresden 1:46 76-Shamrock ...1:46 86- D. and Drakesl:44 S5-Star Court ..1:44 80- Duncecap ...1:47 85-The A"geancel :47 78-Goaler 1:41 77-Vigil 1:43 Mile and an Eighth. 84- Thimble 1:58 Setting Sun showed speed. i LEffare ran Avell. j Untidy and Solisa AAorked together under restraint. j Felicitous galloped evenly all the Avay. I Pat Casey and Paula Shay showed speed. Mint Stick and Zoona had plenty of speed. ! Poav Woav ran Avell. I Sailing Along is shoAving good form. j Frank Alcock was doing his best. Prince James shoAved brilliant speed and i finished Avith something in reserA-e. I Moonraker and Picketer ran together Avith j some speed in reserve. i " i