Home Bred Stake Entries: First Running of Breeder Owner Race at Pimlico November 6, Daily Racing Form, 1922-11-03

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HOME-BRED STAKE ENTRIES First Running of Breeder-Owner Race at Pimlico November 6. Only Horses Owned by Urccder Which nave Been Ills Absolute Property Since Time of Foaling Eligible, t PIMLICO, Md., November 2. The Pimlico Home-Bred Stakes, a racing innovation of the Maryland Jockey Club which will feature the Pimlico card November 6, has been arranged to develop interest in breeding. Only horses owned by the breeder which have been his absolute property since the time of foaling will face the barrier. The contest is for two-year-olds, at three-quarters of a mile, and has an added value of 12,500 for the initial running, in addition to which the breeder of the winner will receive a piece of plate. Ninety three nominations from thirty-one sportsman breeders have been received. The conditions and nominations for the race are as follows: riMLICO HOME-BRED For two-year-olds. Starters to pay 0 each to the winner, with S2.500 added, of which 00 to the second, 00 to the third and 00 to the fourth. "Weight. 120 pounds. Winners of ,000 to carry three pounds additional; winners of ,o00 to carry even pounds additional; winners ot 0,000 to carry ten pouuds additional. Non-winners of ,000 allowed three pounds; non-winners of ,000 allowed five pounds; non-winners of ,000 allowed seven pounds. Starters .to be owned by the breeder and to have been hig absolute property since time of foaling. The breeder of the winner to receive a piece of plate. 3-4 Mile. Barklie. Archibald Majority, b. c, by Ballot Cintrella. Barklie, Archibald Miss Belle, ch. f, by Ballot Inverbelle. Belalr Stud Skirmish, b. f, by Celt Battle. Belair Stud Violet Blue, br. f, by Rock View-Votes. Belalr Stud Fil-de-Fer, b. f, by Wrack Filante. Belmont, August Osprey, ch. c, by Fair Play Olympia. Belmont, August Diagram, b. c, by Fair Play Dragnet. Belmont, August High Hand, b. or br. c, by Fair Play Haute Roche. Belmont, August Metal, br. or blk. c, by Hourless lloneta III. Belmont, August Bock Bottom, b. c, by Bistouri Rock of Gold. Belmont, August How Fair, b. f, by Fair Play Hour Hand. Belmont, August Felside, ch. f, by Fair Play Felicity. Belmont, August Lustrous, b. f, by Fair Play Luck Stone. Belmont, August Mirabelle, ch. f, by Fair Flay Mahubah. Belmont, August Beatitude, b. f, by Hourless Belvale. Belmont, August Amusement, b. f, by Hourless Amlcitia. Bissell, J. W. J. St. Lawrence, br. c, by Rapid Water Mettie Bcreaud.. Bissell, :. AV. J. Miss Miami, b. f, by Rapid Water Alberta H. Bissell. G. W. J. Ontario, br. c, by Rapid Water Icarla. Camden, J. X. Chalmctte, ch. f, by Light Brigade Satin. Carman, R. F. The Girl, b. f, by Meridian Azyiade. Clyde, Thomas Catapult, ch. c, by Dalhousie Dance Spirit. Clyde,- Thomas Windigo, br. f, by Dalhousie Fancy Diess. Coe, W. It. Plcntycoos, ch. c, by Polymelian Farimoud. Coe, W. R. Pow Wow, b. f, by Polymelian Ratify. Cb. W. R. Wigwam, b. f, by Polymelian Garner. Coe, W. It. AVawona, ch. 1, by Harmonicon AVelsh Maid. Coe, W. R. Chiffon, ch. f, by Harmonicon Lace-work. Cosden, J. S. Brilliance, ch. f, by Xorth Star III. Bayberry Candle. Farrar, Mrs. F. AArangle, ch. c, by Seth Meddling Hannah. Glen Riddle Farm Demijohn, b. c, by Sweep Flirtatious. Greentrce Stable Cherry Tie, b. g, by Chicle Cherry Malotte. Greentrce Stable Solisa, ch. f, by Spanish Prince II. Fresnay. Greentrce Stable Sunday Best, eh. f. by Whisk Broom II. Sunfish. Greentrce Stable Untidy, b. f, by Sweep Cafe- au-Lait. Griffith, J. K. St. ATalentine, b. c, by Theo. Cook Katriona. Criffith, .1. K. Druid Hill, ch. c, by Glencairn Aena Fair. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Betty Beall, ch. f, by Xorth Star III. Macaroon. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Blossom Time, b. f, by Xorth Star III. Aaila. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Bright Tomorrow, ch. c, by Xorth Star III. Sweet Alice. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Body Guard, b. c, by Golden Maxim Moltsandc. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable-r-Boys Believe Me, ch. c, by Xorth Star III. Believe Me Boys. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Blue Xose, b. c, by Black Toney Benanet. Jeffords, AValter M. Prince Regent, ch. c, by Spanish Prince II. Understudy. Kentmere Farm Prudential, b. c, by Bard of Hope Gibraltar. Kentmere Farm Grey Bonnet, br. f. by Madman Salvation Xell. Kilmer, AV. S. Sallys Alley, b. f, by Allumeur Sal Aolatile. Kilmer, AV. S. Sun Thistle, b. f, by Sunstar Sweet Briar. Kilmer, AV. S. Sun Mist, ch. f, by Sun Briar Misty Law. Kilmer, AV. S. Sun Quest, ch. f, by Sun Briar Royal Quest. Kilmer, AV. S. Sun Fey, blk. f, by Sun Briar St. Fey. Kilmer, AV. S. Sun Doll, b. f, by Sun Briar AVar Doll. McDowell, Thomas C. Away, b. f, by The Manager Caution. McDowell, Thomas C. Alluring, b. f, by Manager Waitt Little Daughter. McLean, K. P.. Coniixa, br. f, by Colin The Minx II. McLean, K. B. Codina, ch. f, by Colin Dinah Do. Morris, A. H. Jolly, br. c, by Transvaal Tickle. Morris, A. II. Merry Land, br. f, by Transvaal Merriment II. Nevada Stock Farm General Thatcher, br. c, by Swcei Polistena. Nevada Stock Farm King Charming, ch. c, by Atheling II. Island Queen. Nevada Stock Farm Humboldt, b. c, by Atheling II. Celesta. Nevada Stock Farm Ambler, br. g, by Atheling II. Ida. Nevada Stock Farm Blue Hawk, br. c, by Atheling II. Chocolate Lady. Nevada Stock Farm Sea Tag, blk. f, by Atheling II. -Suavita Oncck Stable Hobgoblin, br. c, by Luke MeLukc Sprite. Oneck Stable The Gaff, b. or br. c, by Jim Gaff- ney Kaskaskia. Rancoeas Stable Curtis, b. c, by Dick Finncll Glenn. Rancoeas Stable Rigel, ch. c, by Ballot Pictons Pride. Rancoeas Stable Hourbel, br. f, by Hourless Belgravia. Rancoeas Stable Suweep, b. f, by Sweep Sue Smith. Rancoeas Stable Mazeppa, b. f, by Spanish Prince II. Wainamoinea. Rbss. J. K. L. Lilt, b. f, by Spanish Prince II. Melody. Ross, J. K. L. Flag of Truce, br. c, by Jim Gaff-ney Maltha. Ross, J. K. L. Canmorc, b. c, hy Marathon Canice. Ross, Samuel Toucana, ch. f, by Ultimus Toucan. Ross, Samuel Felicitous,, ch. c, by Ultimatum Felicitation. Ross. Samuel Insulate, br. f, by Black Jester Electric Fuse. Ross, Samuel Pretext, ch. c, by Ultimus Cloak. Ross, Samcel Soul Mate. b. f, by Argos Affinity. Salmon, AAalter J. Papillon, b. f, by Wrack Butterflies 11. Salubria Stable Mintstick, gr. c, by Broomstick Calatnint. Salubria Stable Rock Pocket, b. f, by Ogden Sand Pocket. Salubria Stable Tuxedo, b. c, by Sunstar Togs. Sanford Stud Farms Atherstone, ch. c, by Marathon Silica. Sanford Stud Farms Segovia, ch. f, by Uncle Con-suelo 11. Sanford Stud Farms Lacerta, b. or br. f, by Sunstar Orange. Lady. Strassburger, R. B. Ilemnanaut, b. f, by Aeronaut Turn Turtle. AAhitney, Edward F. Rhinegold, br. c, by Rock Aicw Rhine Maidtn. AVilson, R. T. Tall Timber, b. c, by Campf ire-Pixy. AVilson, R. T. AAilderness, ch. c, by Canipfiro Genesta. AVilson-, R. T. Forest Lore, ch. c, by Campfire Ma AVce Dear. AVilson, R. T. Setting Sun, ch. g, by Olambala Sunburst. AVilson, R. T. Carpathian, ch. c. -by Olambala Carpaneto.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922110301/drf1922110301_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1922110301_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800